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The Devil Inside
1 00:00:23,033 -> 00:00:26,433 O Vaticano não autoriza a gravação do exorsismos. 2 00:00:29,034 -> 00:00:34,202 O Vaticano não aprovou o filme e ajudou seu desempenho. 3 00:00:39,875 -> 00:00:42,077 30 de outubro de 1989 4 00:00:43,045 -> 00:00:45,180 911, qual é a sua emergência? 5 00:00:46,248 -> 00:00:47,516 Três ... 6 00:00:48,717 -> 00:00:49,985 Três pessoas ... 7 00:00:50,452 -> 00:00:53,188 Três pessoas. Minha senhora, qual é o problema? Você se machucou? 8 00:00:53,622 -> 00:00:57,659 Três pessoas ... três pessoas são mortas. 9 00:00:58,961 -> 00:01:00,162 Que você disse está morto? 10 00:01:00,596 -> 00:01:03,465 Eu ... o ... Eu a matei. 11 00:01:04,400 -> 00:01:07,503 - Feito para a polícia. - Senhora, desculpe-me Quem o matou? 12 00:01:09,838 -> 00:01:11,273 Eu matei todos eles. 13 00:01:12,941 -> 00:01:15,678 Senhora? Senhora? 14 00:01:26,255 -> 00:01:28,891 Estamos entrando no que parece ser o quarto. 15 00:01:30,726 -> 00:01:35,064 Você pode dizer que é uma bagunça. 16 00:01:35,531 -> 00:01:36,765 Olhe onde passo. 17 00:01:40,002 -> 00:01:42,338 A cozinha está uma bagunça. 18 00:01:42,805 -> 00:01:45,607 Nos aproximamos da escada, onde encontraram a primeira vítima. 19 00:01:46,442 -> 00:01:48,344 Existe um instrumento no chão. 20 00:01:53,449 -> 00:01:54,950 A vítima # 1. 21 00:01:55,784 -> 00:01:57,252 É para o norte. 22 00:01:58,420 -> 00:02:01,623 Homem, cerca de 73 kg. 23 00:02:02,391 -> 00:02:04,927 Com feridos na têmpora esquerda. 24 00:02:08,697 -> 00:02:11,400 Na cave vítimas foram encontradas 2 e 3. 25 00:02:19,408 -> 00:02:21,810 Nós estamos no porão da casa. 26 00:02:24,613 -> 00:02:26,515 É o número vítima 2. 27 00:02:27,049 -> 00:02:30,486 Mulheres de aproximadamente 54 kg. 28 00:02:31,186 -> 00:02:35,724 Direcção oeste. Na mão direita tem um artigo religioso. 29 00:02:37,259 -> 00:02:40,029 Aparentemente, um rosário. 30 00:02:41,363 -> 00:02:43,032 sul para ser realizado ". 31 00:02:44,566 -> 00:02:47,336 nenhum outro instrumento no chão. 32 00:02:53,642 -> 00:02:55,644 Encontramos o número de vítimas 3. 33 00:02:56,645 -> 00:02:59,348 Homem, de cerca de 95 kg. 34 00:03:01,583 -> 00:03:04,019 Com um golpe na cabeça. 35 00:03:05,120 -> 00:03:10,125 Estrangulamento aparente com uma corda, que está quebrado. 36 00:03:12,895 -> 00:03:16,165 Há manchas de sangue na porta. 37 00:03:21,503 -> 00:03:23,872 No centro da sala temos uma cadeira. 38 00:03:25,174 -> 00:03:28,043 Com o braço direito quebrado. 39 00:03:28,844 -> 00:03:32,381 Com marcas de uma luta. 40 00:03:32,981 -> 00:03:36,185 Algumas tiras ligado a ele. 41 00:03:58,307 -> 00:03:59,875 WLBP -. notícias 42 00:04:00,242 -> 00:04:02,778 A pacata comunidade de "South Hartford", foi atingida por uma tragédia 43 00:04:03,145 -> 00:04:05,314 encontrar mortos três membros do clero. 44 00:04:05,647 -> 00:04:07,883 Em 11:47 pm no domingo 20, 45 00:04:08,283 -> 00:04:11,020 recebeu uma chamada de emergência 911 46 00:04:11,453 -> 00:04:13,789
Pelo menos três corpos foram retirados da casa. i> 47 00:04:14,223 -> 00:04:15,924
dois padres locais e uma freira. i> 48 00:04:16,358 -> 00:04:19,161 Nenhuma das vítimas eram da família. 49 00:04:19,495 -> 00:04:22,598
Aparentemente, Mary Rossi teve uma reunião do grupo em sua igreja. i> 50 00:04:22,931 -> 00:04:26,001 Os detetives de homicídio estão no comando da investigação. 51 00:04:26,435 -> 00:04:29,471
Sra. Rossi foi encontrada pela polícia em um estado alterado. I> 52 00:04:29,772 -> 00:04:32,541 Não podemos especucar sobre a razão ou causa, 53 00:04:32,908 -> 00:04:35,110 não descartar qualquer possibilidade. 54 00:04:35,811 -> 00:04:36,945 Mas, por agora 55 00:04:37,413 -> 00:04:39,948 não podemos especular sobre o que poderia ter acontecido. 56 00:04:45,054 -> 00:04:46,955 Meu nome é Isabella Rossi. 57 00:04:48,290 -> 00:04:49,892 E que é minha mãe. 58 00:04:51,093 -> 00:04:55,864 Eu não entendo é que ela tinha um coração enorme. 59 00:04:57,266 -> 00:04:59,802 29 de outubro de 1989. 60 00:05:03,972 -> 00:05:05,641 Y. .. aqui estamos nós. 61 00:05:06,475 -> 00:05:09,311 Foi na minha cum ... Você pode ver? 62 00:05:10,713 -> 00:05:13,115 Foi a minha primeira festa de aniversário. 63 00:05:14,049 -> 00:05:19,455 E não foi até que eu tinha 6 anos eu comecei a notar 64 00:05:19,855 -> 00:05:22,057 Que era diferente, mudanças de humor frequentemente. 65 00:05:22,391 -> 00:05:25,661 Incomodado um tempo e depois disse que era melhor, mas ... 66 00:05:27,529 -> 00:05:30,899 Ele não era, não entendeu o que aconteceu. 67 00:05:31,333 -> 00:05:32,801 Ninguém tinha respostas. 68 00:05:33,202 -> 00:05:34,903 Por que você está fazendo neste filme? 69 00:05:36,038 -> 00:05:39,908 Porque eu realmente preciso ... compreender 70 00:05:41,710 -> 00:05:43,379 "O que aconteceu? 71 00:05:48,817 -> 00:05:52,454 O que Maria Rossi fez com sua vida 72 00:05:52,788 -> 00:05:54,757 foi incrivelmente trágica e obscura. 73 00:05:55,124 -> 00:05:56,625 E por tudo isso era sua filha 74 00:05:56,992 -> 00:06:00,162 lidar com as circunstâncias dessa tragédia. 75 00:06:00,662 -> 00:06:02,765 Bella, é olhando para a câmera. 76 00:06:03,499 -> 00:06:05,934 Se alguém tivesse me perguntado 77 00:06:06,502 -> 00:06:09,938 Como é possível que a Sra. Rossi tinha feito o que fez? 78 00:06:10,873 -> 00:06:14,777 ista tinha mencionado uma das coisas que causam agressão humana. 79 00:06:15,210 -> 00:06:20,115 Como depressão ou esquizofrenia ou transtornos de identidade. 80 00:06:21,150 -> 00:06:24,887 Tenho entendido que seu diagnóstico psiquiátrico atual foi DLD. 81 00:06:26,155 -> 00:06:30,526 mas esta é a sétima diagnóstico, diferente, desde 1987. 82 00:06:30,959 -> 00:06:33,896 Eu comecei a me perguntar se o que eu tinha em meus genes. 83 00:06:35,431 -> 00:06:38,100  ¿Algum dia enlouquecer? 84 00:06:38,867 -> 00:06:40,469 Era uma questão de tempo? 85 00:06:42,338 -> 00:06:44,740 Embora três pessoas brutalmente assassinado em sua casa, 86 00:06:45,174 -> 00:06:47,876 o júri do "South Hartford" Maria Rossi considerado inocente 87 00:06:48,243 -> 00:06:49,978 alegando insanidade. 88 00:06:50,379 -> 00:06:52,915 Rossi foi enviado para o Estado de asilo "South Hartford." 89 00:06:53,282 -> 00:06:54,650 Então, em setembro do mesmo ano 90 00:06:55,084 -> 00:06:57,419 minha mãe foi transferida para o Instituto Psiquiátrico Centrino 91 00:06:57,720 -> 00:06:59,755 em Roma, ltália. 92 00:07:00,189 -> 00:07:03,192 E eu realmente se perguntou por que ltália. 93 00:07:03,659 -> 00:07:05,994 E quando seu pai lhe disse o que realmente aconteceu? 94 00:07:09,498 -> 00:07:11,400 Em 23 de maio de 2009. 95 00:07:11,767 -> 00:07:13,702 Ele tinha 25 anos. 96 00:07:15,070 -> 00:07:16,505 E ele disse ... 97 00:07:16,972 -> 00:07:21,243 "Sua mãe atacou as pessoas durante um exorcismo." 98 00:07:22,644 -> 00:07:24,680 Um exorcismo que eles estavam praticando. 99 00:07:25,280 -> 00:07:26,582 É o trabalho da ciência para tentar 100 00:07:26,915 -> 00:07:29,952 determinar uma explicação possível e razoável. 101 00:07:30,285 -> 00:07:31,854 A ciência não pode explicar tudo. 102 00:07:32,421 -> 00:07:35,657 Como uma pessoa levitar durante o exorcismo. 103 00:07:37,593 -> 00:07:40,796 Perguntei ao meu pai se ele achava que ela estava possuída. 104 00:07:42,131 -> 00:07:43,465 Ele disse que não sabia. 105 00:07:44,166 -> 00:07:47,936 Ele já se foi, não importa. Não mais. 106 00:07:51,740 -> 00:07:53,308 Ele morreu três anos mais tarde. 107 00:07:57,980 -> 00:08:01,717 Liguei para a igreja onde estavam os padres e não quero falar sobre isso 108 00:08:02,117 -> 00:08:04,787 disse que nunca fez qualquer exorcismo. 109 00:08:05,621 -> 00:08:09,458 Portanto, estamos no caminho certo para visitar a escola de exorcismo do Vaticano 110 00:08:10,259 -> 00:08:11,827 e ver minha mãe. 111 00:08:13,328 -> 00:08:16,999 - Você está nervoso. - Sim, eu sou. 112 00:08:17,833 -> 00:08:19,068 20 anos é muito tempo né? 113 00:08:21,270 -> 00:08:23,572 Em seguida, fui contactado pela diocese de Roma. 114 00:08:24,273 -> 00:08:26,975 Eles disseram que nunca autorizou o exorcismo da minha mãe. 115 00:08:28,110 -> 00:08:30,412 Foi quando eu soube que eu tinha que ir para ltália. 116 00:08:35,284 -> 00:08:37,186 26 de novembro de 2009 117 00:08:40,456 -> 00:08:42,858 Gostaria de saber se vamos ver a escola de exorcismo. 118 00:08:43,225 -> 00:08:44,460 Você sabe. 119 00:08:46,161 -> 00:08:48,230 Espero que não seja uma piada. 120 00:08:56,238 -> 00:08:57,506 Wow. 121 00:09:01,176 -> 00:09:04,146 Lá está ele, a Basílica de São Pedro. 122 00:09:09,418 -> 00:09:11,020 Ou algo assim. 123 00:09:15,257 -> 00:09:17,159 Academia Apostólica em Roma, Cidade do Vaticano. 124 00:09:17,493 -> 00:09:20,362 Esta escola atraiu a atenção de todo o mundo. 125 00:09:22,331 -> 00:09:25,768 Talvez me ajudar a entender um pouco melhor a situação da minha mãe. 126 00:09:30,639 -> 00:09:32,808 E não apenas para a vítima. 127 00:09:33,776 -> 00:09:36,178 Também para os membros da família. 128 00:09:36,645 -> 00:09:39,882 Para quem está próximo, especialmente o sacerdote. 129 00:09:41,316 -> 00:09:44,453 Às vezes uma pessoa ... pode ser ... 130 00:09:45,354 -> 00:09:47,523 mais atormentado por um demônio. 131 00:09:47,923 -> 00:09:50,359 Que chamamos de possessão demoníaca múltiplas. 132 00:09:51,493 -> 00:09:54,329 Estes casos são extremamente volátil e perigoso. 133 00:09:55,397 -> 00:09:59,668 E às vezes levam à transferência. 134 00:10:00,002 -> 00:10:03,806 Isto significa que o diabo salta de uma pessoa para outra. 135 00:10:06,608 -> 00:10:09,678 O Papa dá cursos para educar os sacerdotes 136 00:10:10,145 -> 00:10:13,315 e, claro, as pessoas a vê-lo na presença do diabo 137 00:10:14,116 -> 00:10:15,718 na sociedade moderna. 138 00:10:16,051 -> 00:10:19,021 Por exemplo, só em Itália há mais de 800 seitas satânicas. 139 00:10:19,621 -> 00:10:22,257 Tivemos um problema. Precisávamos de mais exorcistas. 140 00:10:22,558 -> 00:10:26,528 Se a posse, então temos que descartar a doença mental, 141 00:10:26,995 -> 00:10:28,897 esquizofrenia, transtorno bipolar ... 142 00:10:29,365 -> 00:10:32,201 O curso é projetado para explorar todas essas condições. 143 00:10:39,742 -> 00:10:41,110 mãe, me ajude. 144 00:10:41,443 -> 00:10:45,080 - Há alguém com você, Rosa. - Ajude-me, mãe 145 00:10:59,895 -> 00:11:01,830 Quem é? Será que o diabo? 146 00:11:02,197 -> 00:11:04,500 Eu disse que isso semear é meu. 147 00:11:10,172 -> 00:11:12,408 Bem o que qualquer preocupação? 148 00:11:13,308 -> 00:11:15,644 Eu acho que o assunto foi claramente possuído 149 00:11:15,944 -> 00:11:18,013 - Falando em vários idiomas Vamos lá! " 150 00:11:18,480 -> 00:11:21,784 Mais idiomas â € <â € <... talvez. 151 00:11:22,151 -> 00:11:25,320 Mas é balbuciar incoerente de um mentalmente perturbado, 152 00:11:26,055 -> 00:11:27,790 na verdade, eu sou pai arrependido. 153 00:11:28,290 -> 00:11:31,393 O tema mostrou força anormal quando aspergido com água benta 154 00:11:31,727 -> 00:11:33,095 e foi fortemente sedado. 155 00:11:33,395 -> 00:11:35,698 A mente iludida de um esquizofrênico paranóico 156 00:11:36,065 -> 00:11:37,833 pode reagir com a água santa 157 00:11:38,000 -> 00:11:41,370 como ... Eu não sei, ácido, urina ... 158 00:11:42,237 -> 00:11:44,506 Desculpe, eu discordo. 159 00:11:45,240 -> 00:11:47,609 A menina quebrou o fêmur própria. 160 00:11:48,010 -> 00:11:51,580 Sua força pode ter sido incomum, mas não impossível. 161 00:11:51,980 -> 00:11:55,017 É sabido que alguns epilépticos 162 00:11:55,417 -> 00:11:57,886 ossos quebrados durante os ataques. 163 00:11:58,454 -> 00:11:59,788 É um fato. 164 00:12:00,122 -> 00:12:03,125 Como eu disse, temos de assegurar antes de descartar a doença mental. 165 00:12:03,525 -> 00:12:07,363 No final do caso não foi provado que era um caso de possessão. 166 00:12:08,197 -> 00:12:10,265 A diversidade da classe era reconfortante. 167 00:12:10,733 -> 00:12:13,435 Eles não eram sacerdotes e freiras só, mas também pessoas normais. 168 00:12:14,236 -> 00:12:16,538 Pessoas que estavam enfrentando o que eu, 169 00:12:17,072 -> 00:12:19,308 pessoas como eu, olhando para ajudar alguém. 170 00:12:21,043 -> 00:12:22,578 Por que você está aqui? 171 00:12:23,812 -> 00:12:26,081 Todo este conhecimento e concorda, 172 00:12:26,448 -> 00:12:29,585 este conhecimento é inestimável para nós. 173 00:12:29,885 -> 00:12:34,323 David, o que você acha trouxe a esta escola de exorcismo em particular? 174 00:12:35,858 -> 00:12:39,461 A combinação de ciência e religião. 175 00:12:40,295 -> 00:12:44,633 Eu acho que com o meu conhecimento médico que eu possa adquirir um sentido mais objetivo. 176 00:12:45,000 -> 00:12:48,303 Ok, todo mundo fala sobre isso em última instância, Deus eo Diabo 177 00:12:48,671 -> 00:12:53,175 mas nós concordamos que não há fatos 178 00:12:53,575 -> 00:12:56,679 Não há nenhuma evidência. Deus nunca me ajudou. 179 00:12:57,680 -> 00:12:59,014 O que você acha? 180 00:13:02,017 -> 00:13:03,952 Com certeza. Sim. 181 00:13:04,353 -> 00:13:08,123 Quando você presenciou um exorcismo na sala de aula? 182 00:13:08,524 -> 00:13:10,659 Essas classes são apenas teoria. 183 00:13:11,026 -> 00:13:12,861 Pro é uma escola de exorcismo, não é? 184 00:13:13,462 -> 00:13:15,230 Não é a realidade. 185 00:13:17,266 -> 00:13:19,635 Olhe para a fita que vimos hoje. 186 00:13:20,302 -> 00:13:23,205 Essa menina mostrou todos os critérios de posse 187 00:13:23,539 -> 00:13:26,575 - Só que ele não estava possuída. - É um distúrbio mental. 188 00:13:26,909 -> 00:13:30,946 Quando você vê alguém possuído saber a diferença. 189 00:13:31,447 -> 00:13:36,318 Ele diz isso como se tivesse visto. Você já viu um exorcismo real, Pai? 190 00:13:37,753 -> 00:13:42,057 Sim. Ele viu o Coelhinho da Páscoa ... 191 00:13:44,059 -> 00:13:45,961 - Posso perguntar-lhe, Isabella? "Claro! 192 00:13:46,428 -> 00:13:49,631 Eu tenho curiosidade. Por que você está fazendo este documentário? 193 00:13:53,235 -> 00:13:55,404 Honestamente, para a minha mãe. 194 00:13:57,239 -> 00:13:59,808 Quando eu tinha uns 8 anos, ela ... 195 00:14:01,243 -> 00:14:04,880 Assassino ... pessoas, membros de sua igreja. 196 00:14:06,682 -> 00:14:10,819 Descobrir quem cometeu os assassinatos durante um exorcismo 197 00:14:11,453 -> 00:14:14,189 que estava fazendo. 198 00:14:16,125 -> 00:14:17,626 Vê-lo 199 00:14:19,294 -> 00:14:21,030 Suponho que sua mãe está à direita Centrino? 200 00:14:21,363 -> 00:14:23,399 -Si. - Você já viu. Manhã 201 00:14:24,166 -> 00:14:28,003 Bem, a classe ... não lhe dará as respostas que precisa. 202 00:14:28,737 -> 00:14:30,272 Você tem que ver um de verdade. 203 00:14:31,507 -> 00:14:34,410 - Como você sabe quando é real? - Eu sei. 204 00:14:35,244 -> 00:14:37,813 Boa sorte! obrigado! 205 00:14:43,819 -> 00:14:45,287 É interessante. 206 00:14:47,022 -> 00:14:48,791 01 de dezembro de 2009. 207 00:14:51,193 -> 00:14:53,362 Olá., O que você está olhando? 208 00:14:53,796 -> 00:14:56,498 A construção do hospital da minha mãe. 209 00:14:57,366 -> 00:14:59,768 Olha que coisa é enorme. 210 00:15:01,570 -> 00:15:04,473 Então ... câmera 1, 2 e 3. 211 00:15:05,641 -> 00:15:06,709 Que devo procurar? 212 00:15:07,042 -> 00:15:08,177 Não há necessidade de olhar diretamente para a câmera. 213 00:15:08,510 -> 00:15:09,878 Com certeza. Eu sabia. 214 00:15:10,279 -> 00:15:12,181 Além disso, deixar alguns no carro. 215 00:15:12,748 -> 00:15:13,882 Vamos 216 00:15:14,350 -> 00:15:17,453 Você sabe? Meu pai recebeu cartas de Roma. 217 00:15:18,354 -> 00:15:20,155 Acho que é porque os sacerdotes estavam envolvidos, 218 00:15:20,489 -> 00:15:22,291 a igreja também está envolvido 219 00:15:22,758 -> 00:15:24,993 e disseram que queriam tratar a minha mãe no Centrino. 220 00:15:25,561 -> 00:15:29,098 Chamaram-no ... um sinal de perdão. 221 00:15:29,531 -> 00:15:33,268 E eu lembro de ter pensado que isto significava que Deus havia perdoado a minha mãe. 222 00:15:36,038 -> 00:15:37,639 Eu era jovem. 223 00:15:59,094 -> 00:16:01,363 -Nenhuma câmera. - Mostrar o passe. 224 00:16:17,546 -> 00:16:19,481 Hospital psiquiátrico Centrino Roma, ltália. 225 00:16:30,025 -> 00:16:32,428 Parecia uma prisão, uma antiga prisão. 226 00:16:34,763 -> 00:16:37,366 Mas o Dr. Costa parecia preocupado assim ... 227 00:16:38,100 -> 00:16:40,869 - ... que era bom. - Segue-me. 228 00:16:46,608 -> 00:16:47,976 Eu mostro só porque sua mãe 229 00:16:48,310 -> 00:16:51,113 não teve qualquer explosões de violência ao longo de 7 anos. 230 00:17:03,292 -> 00:17:06,528 É extremamente anti-religioso. 231 00:17:06,895 -> 00:17:07,896 Evitamos os artigos e discussões religiosas. 232 00:17:07,930 -> 00:17:10,199 Eu rena emos ou artigos sobre você e discussões religiosas. 233 00:17:10,566 -> 00:17:12,735 O hostis vez. 234 00:17:31,553 -> 00:17:33,455 Basta. 235 00:17:33,822 -> 00:17:36,325 Não tenho certeza se você sabe que este médico, mas minha mãe estava em um exorcismo 236 00:17:36,592 -> 00:17:39,061 quando cometeu os assassinatos. Você sabia? 237 00:17:39,661 -> 00:17:42,664 Isabella, para sua mãe, mas é único, 238 00:17:43,399 -> 00:17:45,934 não é uma questão de possessão demoníaca. 239 00:17:46,035 -> 00:17:48,937 É uma questão de como o cérebro. 240 00:17:49,304 -> 00:17:51,940 Então, por que ele acredita que os Estados Unidos transferida de Roma? 241 00:17:52,941 -> 00:17:56,378 Não sei. Foi antes de eu vir aqui. 242 00:18:03,719 -> 00:18:06,522 Infelizmente continuamos fortemente sedado. 243 00:18:07,356 -> 00:18:10,526 Quantidades excessivas de medicamentos, para ser honesto. 244 00:18:11,560 -> 00:18:15,998 Antipsicóticos, sedativos, ansiolíticos ... 245 00:18:16,765 -> 00:18:20,903 Em constante mutação. É um paciente muito complicado. 246 00:18:42,791 -> 00:18:44,727 Desculpe, seguir em frente. 247 00:18:45,260 -> 00:18:46,929 Hoje é um dia bom. 248 00:18:47,529 -> 00:18:48,530 Mas há reg auin também. Não fale sobre fé ou Deus. 249 00:18:48,564 -> 00:18:50,833 ut mesmo assim como ay reg. Não fale sobre fé ou Deus. 250 00:18:51,467 -> 00:18:54,570 Ficar passiva. Hostilidade e agressão ... 251 00:18:54,970 -> 00:18:57,539 Bem, começa gatilho. 252 00:19:02,678 -> 00:19:05,247 Eles são apenas precauções. Tudo vai ficar bem. 253 00:19:05,681 -> 00:19:08,484 Na verdade, as chances são boas que nem mesmo reconhecê-lo. 254 00:19:15,424 -> 00:19:16,825 Você tem um visitante. 255 00:20:01,203 -> 00:20:02,471 Oi, mãe. 256 00:20:08,644 -> 00:20:10,079 Eu gosto de seus desenhos. 257 00:20:14,750 -> 00:20:18,354 Mary, eu gostaria de falar com você se eu puder, por favor. 258 00:20:21,357 -> 00:20:22,958 Meu nome é Isabella. 259 00:20:24,226 -> 00:20:25,828 Isabella Rossi. 260 00:20:31,700 -> 00:20:33,002 Eu sou sua filha. 261 00:20:42,077 -> 00:20:44,279 Tempo sem ver. 262 00:21:15,444 -> 00:21:17,112 Você reconhece isso? 263 00:21:24,019 -> 00:21:25,954 Eu não sei o que dizer. 264 00:21:33,662 -> 00:21:35,097 Did you get it yourself? 265 00:21:44,506 -> 00:21:47,109 Maria, eu vim aqui para te ver. 266 00:21:48,777 -> 00:21:53,949 - Quer ver minhas pinturas? - Se, como eu. 267 00:21:54,316 -> 00:21:56,118 "Come. - Eu adoraria. 268 00:22:05,494 -> 00:22:09,031 Sim, sim. Maria, ele era seu marido. 269 00:22:09,365 -> 00:22:12,668 Você o amava muito. Você se lembra? 270 00:22:15,704 -> 00:22:20,109 Quem é você? - Eu sou Isabella, sou sua filha. 271 00:22:21,510 -> 00:22:23,512 - Eu não tenho filha. - Sim, sim. 272 00:22:23,979 -> 00:22:25,948 Mas não tinha visto em muito tempo. 273 00:22:26,382 -> 00:22:28,350 Eu não tenho filha. 274 00:22:31,353 -> 00:22:32,721 E se? 275 00:22:36,492 -> 00:22:38,160 Por quê? Por quê? 276 00:22:39,628 -> 00:22:41,497 Por que não? 277 00:22:43,065 -> 00:22:47,169 Bem, obrigado por terem vindo. Por favor dizer Olá à sua família. 278 00:22:47,569 -> 00:22:50,372 Tenha um bom dia. Obrigado por vir. 279 00:22:50,773 -> 00:22:52,174 Eu tenho que ir, eu tenho que ir. 280 00:22:53,308 -> 00:22:54,943 Eu tenho que ficar pronto. Eu tenho que ficar pronto. 281 00:22:57,680 -> 00:23:00,716 Eu tenho que ficar pronto. 282 00:23:10,559 -> 00:23:11,960 O que você disse? 283 00:23:13,062 -> 00:23:15,931 Mary, por favor. Eu não tenho muito tempo. Por favor me diga alguma coisa. 284 00:23:21,103 -> 00:23:24,006 Você nunca deve ter matado seu filho. 285 00:23:33,349 -> 00:23:35,050 Mas ... 286 00:23:52,401 -> 00:23:54,970 É contra a vontade de Deus. 287 00:24:00,743 -> 00:24:01,844 Ajuda ...!! 288 00:24:08,384 -> 00:24:10,085 Fora, fora. 289 00:24:12,788 -> 00:24:17,693 Que coisas boas. Você está bem? 290 00:24:51,226 -> 00:24:53,228 Como foi a perda de seus dois pais? 291 00:24:56,131 -> 00:24:59,034 Ela se sente ... vazio. 292 00:25:00,936 -> 00:25:04,406 Eu nunca tive que apoiar. 293 00:25:04,740 -> 00:25:06,342 Força-o a ser forte. 294 00:25:06,742 -> 00:25:09,678 A posse e exorcismos ter dado minha vida. 295 00:25:10,379 -> 00:25:12,848 Ele pegou minha mãe e quase matou o meu pai. 296 00:25:13,782 -> 00:25:17,419 Agora eu definir. Então, aqui estou eu. 297 00:25:19,421 -> 00:25:24,259 Em todo o mundo para ver algo que nunca pensei ver. 298 00:25:25,661 -> 00:25:27,396 Eu odeio que me define. 299 00:25:28,697 -> 00:25:31,333 Contato com o pai Ben e David Rawlings Keane 300 00:25:32,234 -> 00:25:36,205 para rever a gravação de minha mãe. 301 00:25:36,805 -> 00:25:39,608 Havia um monte. 302 00:25:52,988 -> 00:25:54,456 Um hall. 303 00:25:58,460 -> 00:26:01,663 É difícil dizer porque eu queria ser padre. 304 00:26:04,566 -> 00:26:06,301 Talvez tentando ajudar as pessoas. 305 00:26:06,835 -> 00:26:09,071 Acho que a dualidade existe dentro de todos nós. 306 00:26:09,505 -> 00:26:14,276 e, ocasionalmente toma forma e da ciência pode ajudar. 307 00:26:14,977 -> 00:26:17,546 E a religião tem que assumir. 308 00:26:17,946 -> 00:26:20,549 Que é muito difícil para as pessoas entenderem. 309 00:26:21,050 -> 00:26:22,518 Olá., Olá., 310 00:26:23,152 -> 00:26:26,088 - Você quer uma xícara de chá? "Claro! 311 00:26:26,522 -> 00:26:28,924 Desculpe, esqueci seu nome. 312 00:26:29,291 -> 00:26:30,325 Michael. 313 00:26:31,326 -> 00:26:34,897 Minha família sempre foi muito religiosa. 314 00:26:35,531 -> 00:26:37,366 Minha mãe e meu pai eram professores 315 00:26:37,866 -> 00:26:40,602 mas eu estava mais próximo de meu tio, ele era um sacerdote. 316 00:26:41,503 -> 00:26:45,207 E quando eu fiz 13 anos eu disse que era um exorcista. 317 00:26:46,342 -> 00:26:50,379 Bem ... você pode imaginar ... 318 00:26:52,381 -> 00:26:54,316 Eu acho que é como ... 319 00:26:54,616 -> 00:26:57,619 Você sabe, eles dizem que Superman de seu pai. 320 00:26:58,754 -> 00:27:01,423 que foi o que eu sentia, que foi diretamente ... 321 00:27:03,092 -> 00:27:05,494 você sabe, trabalhando com o diabo. 322 00:27:08,397 -> 00:27:10,833 Y. .. Eu não sei, fiquei impressionado. 323 00:27:11,867 -> 00:27:16,739 Então ... Keane me levou com ele e quando fiz 18 anos 324 00:27:17,072 -> 00:27:19,441 4 exorcismos tinha visto e até ajudou um. 325 00:27:20,142 -> 00:27:22,444 Y. .. apenas muda você. 326 00:27:23,479 -> 00:27:25,881 Meu tio, infelizmente, faleceu um par de anos. 327 00:27:26,515 -> 00:27:30,052 De qualquer forma, quando eu fiz 23, me tornei um padre. 328 00:27:31,120 -> 00:27:34,423 e quando me virei 27, e foi ordenado um exorcista. 329 00:27:37,526 -> 00:27:38,694 Digo isto. 330 00:27:40,329 -> 00:27:42,998 Todos os anos eu estive na igreja, 331 00:27:43,399 -> 00:27:45,434 Eu vi o diabo mais do que tenho visto Deus. 332 00:27:46,568 -> 00:27:49,471 É suposto ser assim. 333 00:27:51,573 -> 00:27:53,575 Esperar o que ele disse lá? 334 00:27:55,344 -> 00:27:57,846 Se no final começou a lembrar das coisas. 335 00:27:58,213 -> 00:27:59,381 Coisas específicas y. .. 336 00:27:59,815 -> 00:28:02,985 ... Eu disse alguma coisa, mas não tenho certeza se ele disse ... 337 00:28:03,452 -> 00:28:04,787 O quê? O que foi? 338 00:28:07,589 -> 00:28:10,059 Cortei minha gravidez quatro anos atrás. 339 00:28:10,392 -> 00:28:12,361 O médico disse que não poderia levar a termo tão ... 340 00:28:13,128 -> 00:28:15,230 De qualquer forma, ela sabia-o e disse ... 341 00:28:16,565 -> 00:28:20,102 Algo sobre ser contra a vontade de Deus ou algo assim ... 342 00:28:21,970 -> 00:28:23,505 Aqui está. 343 00:28:24,073 -> 00:28:27,810 - S contra um esfregaço e vo ios  ¿sa é. - Isso significa algo certo? 344 00:28:28,377 -> 00:28:29,578 Possivelmente. 345 00:28:29,945 -> 00:28:31,013 Qualquer outra coisa? - Sim. 346 00:28:32,114 -> 00:28:33,582 Olha, quem são estes? 347 00:28:34,283 -> 00:28:38,053 - Ela cortou. - São as cruzes de cabeça para baixo? 348 00:28:39,355 -> 00:28:42,791  ¿Cruces? para fora. Não iria cruzar se estivesse possuído, não? 349 00:28:43,125 -> 00:28:44,259 Não, não. Mira. 350 00:28:44,626 -> 00:28:47,963 A maneira como ele as vê, são invertidos, são invertidos cruzes. 351 00:28:48,530 -> 00:28:51,166 Normalmente utilizados em rituais satânicos. 352 00:28:51,867 -> 00:28:54,737 - Eu não tenho filha. - Você já conversou com vários sotaques? 353 00:28:55,037 -> 00:28:56,638 Se ele fez por quê? 354 00:28:57,006 -> 00:28:58,741 A média de sotaques diferentes em diferentes áreas. 355 00:28:59,074 -> 00:29:00,909 Gravidez ... Você contou a ele sobre isso? 356 00:29:02,277 -> 00:29:05,714 Você está absolutamente certo não há nenhuma maneira que você aprendeu? 357 00:29:06,415 -> 00:29:08,217 De jeito nenhum. 358 00:29:08,851 -> 00:29:11,820 Você vê, basicamente existem 4 fatores 359 00:29:12,354 -> 00:29:15,524 para determinar a possessão demoníaca. 360 00:29:16,392 -> 00:29:18,761 Um deles é a força natural. 361 00:29:19,628 -> 00:29:21,630 Atirar objetos. 362 00:29:21,997 -> 00:29:24,466 Minhas páginas ou eventos que não podia saber 363 00:29:24,967 -> 00:29:26,301 e ações no presente, os movimentos 364 00:29:26,669 -> 00:29:30,873 o que seria, objetos em movimento ao redor da sala. 365 00:29:31,974 -> 00:29:33,976 Então ...  ¿Força? Não. 366 00:29:34,476 -> 00:29:35,811 Minhas páginas, não. 367 00:29:36,812 -> 00:29:38,480 De tirar o fôlego movimentos naturais, sem 368 00:29:38,781 -> 00:29:40,249 Ela não faz nada com os objetos ... 369 00:29:40,582 -> 00:29:42,284 Sim, mas os acentos e também sabia que a informação ... 370 00:29:42,651 -> 00:29:44,186 Sim, isso me interessa. 371 00:29:48,424 -> 00:29:50,159 Temos que mostrar uma coisa. 372 00:29:53,128 -> 00:29:54,630 Bem, eu posso tomar a câmera? 373 00:29:58,667 -> 00:30:00,369 -Seguro. Muito bom. 374 00:30:03,372 -> 00:30:05,374 Aqui. - Sim, claro, acontece. 375 00:30:06,475 -> 00:30:08,344 Eu estou bem, estou bem atrás de você. 376 00:30:14,450 -> 00:30:15,818 O que é isso? 377 00:30:16,218 -> 00:30:17,920 Quem são essas pessoas? 378 00:30:18,287 -> 00:30:20,456 Estas são as pessoas que rejeitaram a igreja para realizar exorcismos. 379 00:30:20,856 -> 00:30:23,659  ¿Y. .. são todos de propriedade? 380 00:30:24,393 -> 00:30:26,528 Acreditamos que sim. - Estes dois casos são resolvidos. 381 00:30:27,329 -> 00:30:29,965 Estes estão abertas e estamos quase terminando com ele. 382 00:30:30,666 -> 00:30:32,301 Essa é a Rosa menina não é? 383 00:30:32,701 -> 00:30:34,370 Da classe. 384 00:30:34,770 -> 00:30:37,339 -Ambos estão confiantes de que este possuía. - É. 385 00:30:37,873 -> 00:30:39,808 Acreditamos que a Igreja cometeu um erro. 386 00:30:40,743 -> 00:30:43,879 Então ... Me corrija se eu estiver errado, mas ... 387 00:30:45,481 -> 00:30:47,649 Vocês estão fazendo exorcismos ... 388 00:30:50,352 -> 00:30:54,156 - Sem a permissão da igreja? - Sim, nós temos que 389 00:30:54,523 -> 00:30:56,325 caso contrário, essas pessoas continuam a sofrer. 390 00:30:59,528 -> 00:31:01,897 - O que é isso? - Nós monitoramos tudo. 391 00:31:02,264 -> 00:31:03,298 Batimentos cardíacos, pressão arterial ... 392 00:31:03,665 -> 00:31:07,403 Sim, a seguir, é uma câmera que usamos para determinar a dilatação das pupilas. 393 00:31:07,770 -> 00:31:09,872 O que é muito importante nos casos de possessão. 394 00:31:10,472 -> 00:31:12,808 9 mm ou maior é que as pupilas dilatam normalmente. 395 00:31:13,175 -> 00:31:14,977 Talvez 10 ou 01 de janeiro com determinadas substâncias 396 00:31:15,344 -> 00:31:17,413 como a cocaína, metanfetamina ... 397 00:31:17,846 -> 00:31:20,616 Qualquer coisa acima de 11 é considerado natural. 398 00:31:20,949 -> 00:31:22,651 Por que não ajudar a igreja a essas pessoas? 399 00:31:23,018 -> 00:31:26,689 Porquel a igreja não está no negócio de curar pessoas. 400 00:31:27,256 -> 00:31:29,458 - A burocracia não. - Nossas mãos estão atadas. 401 00:31:29,825 -> 00:31:34,163 Em 1999, a Igreja mudou os ritos de exorcismo, pela primeira vez em quase 400 anos 402 00:31:34,630 -> 00:31:37,599 Agora, um sacerdote deve estar completamente certo de que há uma presença maligna 403 00:31:38,033 -> 00:31:39,735 até mesmo para tentar fazer um exorcismo. 404 00:31:40,102 -> 00:31:41,904 Sim, é uma tarefa quase impossível, porque na maioria das vezes 405 00:31:42,671 -> 00:31:45,441 Exorcismo é necessária para que o diabo é exibida. 406 00:31:46,175 -> 00:31:48,977 O problema que distrai a igreja é a hipocrisia 407 00:31:49,345 -> 00:31:50,979 mas vamos continuar a se preocupar com essas pessoas. 408 00:31:51,347 -> 00:31:52,514 Então isso significa que a minha mãe ... 409 00:31:52,848 -> 00:31:56,218 Não, Isabella, nunca iria frequentar a igreja se sua mãe 410 00:31:56,785 -> 00:31:58,854 porque alguém da última vez que as pessoas morreram. 411 00:31:59,421 -> 00:32:00,622 O que é sugerido? 412 00:32:01,156 -> 00:32:04,259 Se você realmente quer ajudar sua mãe, você tem que compreender melhor os exorcismos. 413 00:32:04,827 -> 00:32:06,895 Realmente entendê-lo. 414 00:32:08,030 -> 00:32:11,767 Então eu ter mais aulas e, talvez, mostrar-lhes a fita ...? 415 00:32:12,134 -> 00:32:16,939 Isabell, aprender mais em 5 minutos, em um exorcismo 416 00:32:17,973 -> 00:32:20,242 de 3 meses em uma sala de aula. 417 00:32:20,909 -> 00:32:22,177 Além disso, atender 418 00:32:22,478 -> 00:32:24,413 a real diferença entre posse e transtorno mental. 419 00:32:29,284 -> 00:32:31,620 Então ... testemunhar um exorcismo real. 420 00:32:33,722 -> 00:32:36,825 - Com você. - Se você quiser. 421 00:32:42,297 -> 00:32:43,732 03 de dezembro de 2009 422 00:32:44,299 -> 00:32:46,568 Então, quando ls ritos de exorcismo foram atualizados 423 00:32:48,270 -> 00:32:49,672 O que mudou exatamente? 424 00:32:50,472 -> 00:32:53,308 Bem, para começar já não ter recursos de cobertura. 425 00:32:54,043 -> 00:32:55,811 De qualquer forma, não muito o registrado. 426 00:32:56,345 -> 00:32:58,781 Exorcismo pode demorar alguns minutos ou anos. 427 00:32:59,148 -> 00:33:00,549 Nenhum são iguais. 428 00:33:02,051 -> 00:33:05,054 É o que estamos fazendo é legal pelo menos? 429 00:33:05,954 -> 00:33:07,890 Não, não exatamente. 430 00:33:11,727 -> 00:33:13,929 Você nunca sabe o que vai acontecer. 431 00:33:30,346 -> 00:33:31,714 São eles o. nervoso ..? 432 00:33:35,584 -> 00:33:37,119 Deus. 433 00:33:38,287 -> 00:33:40,356 Demônios têm uma ordem. 434 00:33:40,656 -> 00:33:42,157 Basicamente uma hierarquia. 435 00:33:42,725 -> 00:33:45,594 É imperativo que você conseguir mostrar que o diabo 436 00:33:45,861 -> 00:33:47,863 assim que você pode deduzir a sua classificação na hierarquia. 437 00:33:48,597 -> 00:33:51,767 Na nossa última sessão, foram capazes de averiguar a identidade do nosso demônio. 438 00:33:52,167 -> 00:33:53,335 Seu nome é Beruth. 439 00:33:53,736 -> 00:33:55,337 Olha, eu sei que nós conversamos sobre isso 440 00:33:55,771 -> 00:33:57,306 mas mantenha distância entre você e ela certo? 441 00:33:57,606 -> 00:33:59,341 Eu não estou brincando. que está ok! 442 00:34:09,885 -> 00:34:11,353 Olá. Como você está? 443 00:34:14,623 -> 00:34:16,759 Peor. É pior. 444 00:34:17,126 -> 00:34:19,194 Pior? Bem, deixe-me vê-lo. 445 00:34:21,163 -> 00:34:24,033 Esperar. Eu tive que levar para baixo, 446 00:34:24,433 -> 00:34:27,169 - No porão. - Será que a cave? 447 00:34:31,073 -> 00:34:32,307 Este é o tempo. 448 00:34:33,142 -> 00:34:36,045 Vamos ver uma pessoa que supostamente está possuído. 449 00:34:37,513 -> 00:34:39,214 Eu acho que agora vamos ver se é uma mentira ou não. 450 00:34:49,725 -> 00:34:52,728 Ficar aqui. LRE a olhar para ele. 451 00:34:54,396 -> 00:34:56,198 lnclinen cabeça. 452 00:34:58,701 -> 00:35:00,469 Caro Senhor, manter-nos e proteger-nos. 453 00:35:00,803 -> 00:35:03,105 Nos ajudar e nos dar a paz. 454 00:35:05,541 -> 00:35:08,210 Amen. Amen. 455 00:35:47,783 -> 00:35:49,685 Isto não é lugar para ela, Senhor Surya. 456 00:35:50,419 -> 00:35:51,920 Desculpe, desculpe. 457 00:35:52,254 -> 00:35:53,922 Por favor, todos serão bem. 458 00:36:15,344 -> 00:36:17,012 Deus ouviu suas preces. 459 00:36:17,513 -> 00:36:19,014 Agora você deve deja ¡rnosla nós. 460 00:36:20,049 -> 00:36:21,817 - Você concorda? - Sim, pai. 461 00:36:22,217 -> 00:36:24,586 Esta versão é para ajudar seus membros. Os restos a calma. 462 00:36:24,953 -> 00:36:26,755 É muito semelhante a um relaxante muscular. 463 00:37:14,570 -> 00:37:15,904 Vamos preparar tudo. 464 00:37:17,272 -> 00:37:19,441 Não há necessidade de sofrer, Senhor. 465 00:37:45,100 -> 00:37:47,936 Coloque um pouco para a direita. 466 00:37:56,512 -> 00:37:59,648 É quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro, 2009. 467 00:38:01,150 -> 00:38:05,220 Última sessão 13 de novembro de 2009. 468 00:38:05,354 -> 00:38:08,957 Sua aparência se agravou, ea cor e peso. 469 00:38:09,091 -> 00:38:11,760 A temperatura permanece estável. 470 00:38:11,894 -> 00:38:15,531 Os sinais vitais são um pouco alto, mas normal. 471 00:38:16,131 -> 00:38:20,636 Pupilas estão dilatadas cerca de nove milímetros. 472 00:38:25,507 -> 00:38:26,809 Vamos começar. 473 00:38:33,849 -> 00:38:36,251 Alunos normais. 474 00:38:36,452 -> 00:38:38,821  ¿Rosa, você pode me ouvir? 475 00:38:38,987 -> 00:38:41,757 Eu sei como você se sente hoje, Rosa. 476 00:38:42,091 -> 00:38:45,394 Ela não pode ouvi-lo, cura. 477 00:38:47,129 -> 00:38:50,899 Memórias que uma vez que eram fortes Rosa passado, me contou sobre. 478 00:38:51,533 -> 00:38:56,739 Eu ouço você, cura. Ela está em agonia. 479 00:38:56,905 -> 00:39:00,209 Não, ela é forte. Está ficando mais forte. 480 00:39:00,342 -> 00:39:02,444 Estes ferrado. 481 00:39:02,578 -> 00:39:05,547 'Eu não o amor se foi. 'Não é bom para você. 482 00:39:05,647 -> 00:39:09,451 Qual é o seu nome, meu filho? 483 00:39:10,486 -> 00:39:12,187 Isabella  ¿? 484 00:39:12,388 -> 00:39:15,824 Ele disse meu nome, como você sabe? - Não dê ouvidos. 485 00:39:15,991 -> 00:39:18,560 Você se importaria, cura? 486 00:39:18,727 -> 00:39:22,297 Ela me prometeu que eu obter o seu pau. 487 00:39:23,465 -> 00:39:26,535 Eu quero sair dela. 488 00:39:26,735 -> 00:39:29,438 Eu sei quem você é, demônio. 489 00:39:30,739 -> 00:39:32,941 Que longe de mim. 490 00:39:33,342 -> 00:39:37,146 Senhor, tem piedade. Cristo tem piedade. 491 00:39:38,280 -> 00:39:44,953 Por Deus, nosso Pai e Senhor, Jesus Cristo chama-vos a ajudar-me. 492 00:39:45,154 -> 00:39:48,624 Para Ben, eu estou bem. 493 00:39:49,091 -> 00:39:51,627 Você fez, nós vencemos. 494 00:39:51,960 -> 00:39:55,431 Não é isso que importa para você? 495 00:39:55,597 -> 00:40:00,969 Pela tua graça serve este espírito deste corpo. 496 00:40:01,003 -> 00:40:06,508 Trazer esta presença profana desse corpo. 497 00:40:08,010 -> 00:40:10,612 Ajuda-me a espera. 498 00:40:10,813 -> 00:40:13,682 Portanto, sua mãe era como gritos. 499 00:40:14,049 -> 00:40:16,251 Fugir. 500 00:40:16,518 -> 00:40:18,921 Eu sei que ela gostou. 501 00:40:19,121 -> 00:40:20,989 E que o sangue? 502 00:40:21,190 -> 00:40:23,992 Arrependei-vos para o Senhor 503 00:40:38,741 -> 00:40:42,411 A pressão é a 170 - 100. 504 00:40:42,611 -> 00:40:44,213 Calma, rosa. 505 00:40:44,413 -> 00:40:47,016 Deixe-me chupar o pau dele, David. 506 00:40:47,216 -> 00:40:49,485 Eu sei que você sonhar com isso. 507 00:40:49,685 -> 00:40:52,021 Eu amaldiçôo seus antepassados. 508 00:40:52,354 -> 00:40:54,790 A pressão é acionado. 509 00:40:54,957 -> 00:40:57,159 Agora termina 510 00:40:57,326 -> 00:40:59,528 Porque Deus ordenou-lhe ... 511 00:40:59,962 -> 00:41:02,097 Agua ¡ntala. 512 00:41:02,331 -> 00:41:05,067 A apodrecer no inferno. 513 00:41:05,334 -> 00:41:07,469 Aqui vamos nós. 514 00:41:08,837 -> 00:41:10,572 Deus! 515 00:41:10,739 -> 00:41:12,107 David! 516 00:41:12,274 -> 00:41:14,076 Eu preciso de luz. 517 00:41:17,346 -> 00:41:19,448 Fazer alguma coisa! 518 00:41:20,115 -> 00:41:22,785 Agua ¡ntala e colocar a cama! 519 00:41:23,352 -> 00:41:25,621 Ben! Tire suas pernas! 520 00:41:33,262 -> 00:41:36,465 Que o Senhor está comigo. 521 00:41:40,102 -> 00:41:43,672 Diga seu nome, eu vos mando. 522 00:41:44,039 -> 00:41:47,343 Pelo nome do Senhor eu vos mando. 523 00:41:47,743 -> 00:41:50,879 Besta traiçoeira. 524 00:41:53,415 -> 00:41:57,586 Você tem a bênção em qualquer de suas palavras. 525 00:41:59,621 -> 00:42:01,423 Arrependa-se diante de Deus! 526 00:42:09,665 -> 00:42:11,633 Mantenha as pernas. 527 00:42:14,837 -> 00:42:17,172 Está se estabilizando. 528 00:42:17,339 -> 00:42:19,274 Está se estabilizando. 529 00:42:45,200 -> 00:42:47,102 Eu não sei o que dizer. 530 00:42:48,804 -> 00:42:51,373 4 de dezembro de 2009. 531 00:42:52,207 -> 00:42:55,844 Veja como seus alunos voltam ao normal? Isso indica que ele está limpo. 532 00:42:55,978 -> 00:42:59,481 Agora que você pode dizer que a igreja que salva. 533 00:42:59,648 -> 00:43:02,484 Funcionou, mas não significa que a Igreja apóia. 534 00:43:02,651 -> 00:43:04,987 Isso não faz sentido por que não? 535 00:43:05,154 -> 00:43:06,889 Porque ... 536 00:43:07,189 -> 00:43:11,694 O que não é feita sob a aprovação da igreja é errado. 537 00:43:18,867 -> 00:43:22,471 Sua aparência é bastante normal. 538 00:43:22,638 -> 00:43:24,940 Olá. É o alto-falante. 539 00:43:27,543 -> 00:43:29,611 - Quem é? - Eu não sei. 540 00:43:39,722 -> 00:43:41,056 Muito obrigado. 541 00:43:44,393 -> 00:43:45,828 Corresponder ... 542 00:43:45,961 -> 00:43:48,330 Foi a arquidiocese. 543 00:43:48,497 -> 00:43:50,199 Perguntei para uma avaliação da minha mãe. 544 00:43:50,366 -> 00:43:51,900 O que eles disseram? 545 00:43:52,067 -> 00:43:54,436 Eles me agradeceu minha preocupação e disse ... 546 00:43:54,603 -> 00:43:58,407 ... Qualquer integerencia colocaria em risco seu bem-estar. 547 00:43:58,540 -> 00:44:02,177 E esse cara estaria assistindo o tempo todo. 548 00:44:02,344 -> 00:44:03,979 Você está bem? 549 00:44:05,914 -> 00:44:07,549 Também. 550 00:44:08,884 -> 00:44:11,020 Eu não posso acreditar Truque rejeitá-la. 551 00:44:11,186 -> 00:44:14,590 - Isso não digo. - Meu próprio médico. 552 00:44:16,325 -> 00:44:19,294 O hospital é ... 553 00:44:20,229 -> 00:44:22,598 O que você está falando? 554 00:44:26,068 -> 00:44:27,670 Precisamos conversar. 555 00:44:27,836 -> 00:44:28,971 Está tudo bem! 556 00:44:29,171 -> 00:44:30,939 David, o sal. 557 00:44:31,840 -> 00:44:34,309 Nós não sabemos o que acontece com a mãe de Isabella. 558 00:44:34,443 -> 00:44:37,780 Ninguém sabe porque eles tiveram durante quase 50 anos. 559 00:44:37,946 -> 00:44:40,049 Ela merece uma segunda opinião. 560 00:44:40,282 -> 00:44:41,917 Uma segunda opinião. 561 00:44:42,084 -> 00:44:45,721 -Dá-nos tempo para determinar o seu estatuto. -Você quer exorcizar. 562 00:44:45,888 -> 00:44:48,991 Precisamos de tempo para saber se ele está possuído ou não. 563 00:44:49,124 -> 00:44:51,293 Assim que começar os cuidados bem. 564 00:44:51,493 -> 00:44:54,263 Ele não funciona isso. Estamos documentando não estar envolvido. 565 00:44:54,430 -> 00:44:56,165 - Ilegíveis "Claro que não!" 566 00:44:56,365 -> 00:44:58,567 Sim. é antes a igreja. 567 00:44:58,867 -> 00:45:01,837 É que o que você tem servido, David? 568 00:45:01,970 -> 00:45:04,640 E se ele funciona, e se descobrirmos o que acontece? 569 00:45:04,773 -> 00:45:06,675 Acho que isso poderia funcionar. 570 00:45:06,809 -> 00:45:10,379 Eu sei que você faz. Provoca-me com o seu filme, não me prender. 571 00:45:12,247 -> 00:45:15,117 Como ele funciona? 572 00:45:15,250 -> 00:45:17,986 Assim que descobrimos o que fazemos perto. 573 00:45:19,988 -> 00:45:22,825 Teremos o direito à privacidade. 574 00:45:32,568 -> 00:45:34,670 David, apenas ... 575 00:45:35,537 -> 00:45:38,073 E se a sua mãe? 576 00:45:40,009 -> 00:45:42,945 07 dezembro de 2009. 577 00:45:44,246 -> 00:45:45,948 Estou muito nervoso. 578 00:45:46,081 -> 00:45:49,151 Eu sou um sacerdote no activo e de acordo com os regulamentos. 579 00:45:49,351 -> 00:45:52,588 independentemente do resultado ea igreja vai saber que isso vai ameaçar o meu trabalho. 580 00:45:55,991 -> 00:45:59,395 E, embora existam problemas dentro da instituição ... 581 00:45:59,561 -> 00:46:01,697 ... Coisas que eu discordo. 582 00:46:01,864 -> 00:46:05,734 E se Maria Rossi e eu acho que devemos pensar sobre se ou não o tormento. 583 00:46:09,605 -> 00:46:11,040 Acho que sim. 584 00:46:12,408 -> 00:46:15,911 Qual é a posição da Igreja sobre Maria Rossi? 585 00:46:16,178 -> 00:46:20,315 Ela não faz mais parte do sistema. Você pode estar drogado e esquecido. 586 00:46:20,349 -> 00:46:25,254 - Existem alguns botões nas paredes. - Sim, nós os vimos. 587 00:46:27,256 -> 00:46:31,427 O importante aqui é que algo horrível aconteceu em 1999. 588 00:46:31,660 -> 00:46:34,229 E não foi por causa de Maria Rossi. 589 00:46:39,902 -> 00:46:42,805 Eu acho que a igreja deve mudar. 590 00:46:43,038 -> 00:46:48,644 Eles estão tão ansiosos e esconder as coisas debaixo do tapete como se existisse. 591 00:46:48,811 -> 00:46:51,747 Eu não concordo com as práticas da igreja ... 592 00:46:51,914 -> 00:46:54,483 ... Eu tenho que agir de acordo com minhas crenças. 593 00:46:58,921 -> 00:47:02,257 Eu sei que é perigoso e pode não funcionar. 594 00:47:02,458 -> 00:47:04,760 Mas eu não posso sentar e não fazer nada. 595 00:47:12,101 -> 00:47:14,737 Temos outros problemas. 596 00:47:17,906 -> 00:47:22,077 São 08:32 segunda-feira, 7 dezembro, 2009. 597 00:47:22,978 -> 00:47:25,481 Assunto, Maria Rossi. 598 00:47:27,683 -> 00:47:30,219 O assunto parece manso. 599 00:47:30,386 -> 00:47:32,254 Muito medicado. 600 00:47:34,423 -> 00:47:38,894 Os alunos estão dilatados apenas com medicação. 601 00:47:39,328 -> 00:47:40,929 DespertÃmosla. 602 00:47:41,830 -> 00:47:45,367 Quando você acorda ver que ele tem dentro. 603 00:47:47,503 -> 00:47:51,640 Aministrando medicação deve agir dentro de 20 seg. 604 00:47:57,446 -> 00:47:58,947 10 seg. 605 00:48:01,617 -> 00:48:03,218 5 seg. 606 00:48:03,419 -> 00:48:07,189 4, 3, 2 e. 607 00:48:10,292 -> 00:48:11,460 Maria. 608 00:48:14,763 -> 00:48:16,799 Será que Mary, você sabe o que é isso? 609 00:48:20,469 -> 00:48:23,172 Mary fez, há alguém dentro de você? 610 00:48:23,972 -> 00:48:25,641 Eu não sei. 611 00:48:25,841 -> 00:48:27,643 "Definitivamente!. 612 00:48:28,410 -> 00:48:31,280 Quem está aí? Nós podemos ajudar. 613 00:48:31,613 -> 00:48:34,149 Podemos libertá-lo. 614 00:48:35,484 -> 00:48:37,453 Não fique com raiva. 615 00:48:48,530 -> 00:48:50,499 Ela está bem. 616 00:48:53,335 -> 00:48:54,837 -O que é isso? 617 00:48:55,004 -> 00:48:56,805 Temos alguma coisa. 618 00:48:59,241 -> 00:49:01,577 Os alunos são normais. 619 00:49:09,852 -> 00:49:11,353 Ela está bem? 620 00:49:11,553 -> 00:49:13,155 Sim. 621 00:49:15,224 -> 00:49:17,126 Ele está dormindo? 622 00:49:17,493 -> 00:49:20,963 Esta é a primeira vez que vejo uma pessoa 623 00:49:21,096 -> 00:49:24,299 possuía dormindo quando confrontado por um sacerdote. 624 00:49:25,367 -> 00:49:27,770 O que significa isso? 625 00:49:28,370 -> 00:49:30,739 Não sei, acho que ... 626 00:49:32,041 -> 00:49:34,910 ... Estamos perdendo tempo. 627 00:49:35,077 -> 00:49:38,280 Você disse que iria ajudar. 628 00:49:38,480 -> 00:49:41,016 Isso não é consistente com qualquer forma de posse que já vi. 629 00:49:41,116 -> 00:49:42,518 Sinto muito, Elizabeth. 630 00:49:48,290 -> 00:49:50,859 Os alunos estão totalmente dilatadas. 631 00:49:51,060 -> 00:49:53,829 Jesus tem misericórdia, Deus tem misericórdia. 632 00:49:54,530 -> 00:49:56,398 Precisamos de ajuda. 633 00:49:56,565 -> 00:49:58,834 Ben, este não é o tempo. 634 00:49:59,034 -> 00:50:01,437 - Deus tenha piedade. - Cristo tem piedade. 635 00:50:01,603 -> 00:50:03,706 - Deus nos ouvir. - Cristo ouvi-nos. 636 00:50:03,906 -> 00:50:05,841 Deus o pai ... 637 00:50:06,008 -> 00:50:09,478 Eu sei que você. Eu sei menina. 638 00:50:09,645 -> 00:50:13,382 Deus, nosso Pai no céu. Nosso Senhor misericordioso. 639 00:50:13,515 -> 00:50:15,918 Deus, Jesus, para o seu santo nome. 640 00:50:16,085 -> 00:50:18,053 Eu sei que você. 641 00:50:22,958 -> 00:50:27,329 Deslizamento da agulha no olho, queer. 642 00:50:29,765 -> 00:50:31,867 Eu sei que você. 643 00:50:32,067 -> 00:50:34,203 Snake. 644 00:50:34,536 -> 00:50:37,039 Para o seu criador. 645 00:50:42,911 -> 00:50:47,049 Pela graça do Santo Padre eu te ordeno para o revelar. 646 00:50:48,217 -> 00:50:49,985 David. 647 00:50:54,823 -> 00:51:00,729 Você não pode trazer a graça do Santo Padre. Não depois do que você fez. 648 00:51:06,402 -> 00:51:08,237 O que ele faz. 649 00:51:08,671 -> 00:51:10,205 Ben. 650 00:51:13,442 -> 00:51:15,110 Fugir. 651 00:51:16,045 -> 00:51:18,213 Eu quero ajudar. 652 00:51:23,719 -> 00:51:26,121 Dav d, pegue seus braços. 653 00:51:27,723 -> 00:51:29,758 Fechou a porta. 654 00:51:35,597 -> 00:51:38,133 Diga-me seu nome, covarde. 655 00:51:40,269 -> 00:51:47,276 Retornar a maldição de uma vez usar a sua língua para esculpir o assassino de crianças. 656 00:51:49,845 -> 00:51:54,783 A aranha veio balançando por ... 657 00:52:02,858 -> 00:52:06,028 Isabella não. Não é sua mãe. 658 00:52:06,328 -> 00:52:08,497 Elizabeth, não sua mãe. 659 00:52:08,664 -> 00:52:10,432 Você sabe as palavras. 660 00:52:10,566 -> 00:52:12,368 Isabella, sair daqui! 661 00:52:14,003 -> 00:52:17,573 O seu deus quer o que não pode. 662 00:52:17,740 -> 00:52:22,011 Você é culpado por nosso Senhor, Jesus Cristo. Para que queimou na cruz. 663 00:52:28,017 -> 00:52:31,120 Você não é como os outros demônios você pode me ouvir, ferindo? 664 00:52:31,253 -> 00:52:32,755 Sedutor. 665 00:52:32,888 -> 00:52:35,391 Tudo que você faz é falar. 666 00:52:39,828 -> 00:52:43,332 Tem muito de alta pressão está entrando em choque. 667 00:52:53,509 -> 00:52:56,078 O matar! Basta! 668 00:53:07,022 -> 00:53:10,059 Deixe de lado a minha mãe. 669 00:53:12,628 -> 00:53:15,064 Você vai queimar. 670 00:53:15,664 -> 00:53:18,267 Eternamente. 671 00:53:19,468 -> 00:53:21,970 Pobre moça. 672 00:53:33,349 -> 00:53:37,753 - Maria, você pode nos ouvir? - É recuperar a consciência. 673 00:53:37,953 -> 00:53:40,856 Os sinais estão voltando ao normal. 674 00:53:45,961 -> 00:53:47,363 Foi concluída. 675 00:53:47,629 -> 00:53:49,932 10 de dezembro de 2009. 676 00:53:50,733 -> 00:53:52,968 Diga-me o seu nome covarde. 677 00:53:59,008 -> 00:54:03,012 Este tinha visto antes, mas nunca tinha gravado. 678 00:54:03,178 -> 00:54:04,813 O que significa? 679 00:54:05,147 -> 00:54:08,584 Nós temos tudo que precisamos aqui. 680 00:54:08,784 -> 00:54:11,253 Este é você, Isabella. 681 00:54:11,920 -> 00:54:13,889 Colocá-la novamente. 682 00:54:14,089 -> 00:54:16,325 Você sabe como isso é importante? 683 00:54:16,492 -> 00:54:22,297 Podemos ir aa pressionar este e milhares momentos que fiquei lá. 684 00:54:24,266 -> 00:54:27,636 Nossa prioridade é trazê-la de volta para os Estados Unidos. 685 00:54:28,003 -> 00:54:32,174 Dr. Custer avaliação é crucial, mas depois que viu os resultados ... 686 00:54:32,341 -> 00:54:34,309 ... Não concordo. 687 00:54:34,510 -> 00:54:36,845 Dr. Custer não acredita que ela está possuída. 688 00:54:36,979 -> 00:54:40,049 Ele diz que foi um exercício que desativou seus sistemas. 689 00:54:40,249 -> 00:54:44,219 E não importa o que ele pensa, porque esse material vai levá-la de volta à América. 690 00:54:50,025 -> 00:54:51,994 O que você está fazendo? 691 00:54:56,932 -> 00:55:00,169 Analisar o que Maria disse. 692 00:55:01,270 -> 00:55:04,173 Tente entender tudo. 693 00:55:10,879 -> 00:55:12,648 Você ouve? 694 00:55:15,050 -> 00:55:17,186 Falando bobagem. 695 00:55:17,353 -> 00:55:21,657 Existe uma oração que diz em duas vozes. 696 00:55:24,326 -> 00:55:26,128 Tentar isolá-lo. 697 00:55:29,264 -> 00:55:32,801 Você queria morrer certo? 698 00:55:35,871 -> 00:55:38,040 É Ben, que você fala? 699 00:55:39,975 -> 00:55:43,012 Ela fala sobre seu tio? 700 00:55:48,751 -> 00:55:51,520 Encontrei 4 vozes na gravação. 701 00:55:52,187 -> 00:55:54,690 - Você encontrou 4? - O que significa? 702 00:55:54,823 -> 00:55:57,259 Você estava certo. 703 00:55:57,426 -> 00:56:01,063 O que sua mãe é o que chamamos de possessão demoníaca múltiplas. 704 00:56:03,432 -> 00:56:06,669 É uma besta poderosa. 705 00:56:06,802 -> 00:56:09,104 Sim, é uma besta. 706 00:56:10,506 -> 00:56:12,341 Como somos sortudos. 707 00:56:13,142 -> 00:56:16,812 Podemos entregar todas as nossas descobertas ... 708 00:56:16,945 -> 00:56:18,981 ... Na Santa Sé nesta sexta-feira. 709 00:56:19,148 -> 00:56:21,183 Não tem direito a vê-lo. 710 00:56:21,350 -> 00:56:23,285 Você diz que a imprensa não é? 711 00:56:23,419 -> 00:56:25,954 Não podemos esperar pelos resultados da minha mãe? 712 00:56:26,155 -> 00:56:29,758 Só porque você queria o que você espera ...? 713 00:56:30,626 -> 00:56:32,961 Michael para. 714 00:56:33,762 -> 00:56:37,366 Nós ajudamos mais pessoas, não apenas a sua mãe. 715 00:56:37,800 -> 00:56:40,169 Você já chamou o Galow pai? 716 00:56:41,103 -> 00:56:43,472 - Não. E você? - Duas vezes. 717 00:56:46,709 -> 00:56:48,310 O que dizer? 718 00:56:48,477 -> 00:56:50,779 Arnos quer ajudar a tomar a decisão certa. 719 00:56:50,946 -> 00:56:53,148 Ele está preocupado com nós. Ele está preocupado comigo. 720 00:56:53,282 -> 00:56:55,451 Por que não? - Para o meu trabalho. 721 00:56:57,886 -> 00:57:00,622 O que você está fazendo com os papéis, David você está bem? 722 00:57:00,789 -> 00:57:03,125 A conversa me deu uma dor de cabeça. 723 00:57:03,425 -> 00:57:06,362 David só quer assustá-lo. 724 00:57:09,798 -> 00:57:12,634 David você está bem? 725 00:57:12,835 -> 00:57:13,936 Sim. 726 00:57:14,069 -> 00:57:16,005 Você está bem? - Sim, eu sinto muito. 727 00:57:25,481 -> 00:57:30,552 Desculpe. Eu estou estressado. É um trabalho difícil para uma sexta-feira. 728 00:57:31,453 -> 00:57:33,055 Sim. 729 00:57:37,326 -> 00:57:38,594 Você está bem? 730 00:57:38,761 -> 00:57:41,497 14 de dezembro de 2009. 731 00:57:45,334 -> 00:57:47,603 "Eu não quero alistar. - Por que não? 732 00:57:47,736 -> 00:57:49,538 Eu não sei, digo eu. 733 00:57:49,738 -> 00:57:52,508 Eles podem porque eles pensam que são melhores. 734 00:57:58,213 -> 00:58:00,115 Onde estão minhas chaves? 735 00:58:00,282 -> 00:58:02,051 Eu não sei. 736 00:58:02,251 -> 00:58:04,653 Onde estão as minhas chaves maldita? 737 00:58:12,161 -> 00:58:15,864 É possível que a igreja não vê isso. 738 00:58:16,031 -> 00:58:19,468 Eu posso ver nos olhos deles e dizer-lhes que ele estava certo. 739 00:58:33,115 -> 00:58:36,285 Este é dedicado. Esconder as coisas, ignorá-los. 740 00:58:36,452 -> 00:58:39,888 Independentemente de quin destruído. Mas desta vez é diferente. 741 00:58:40,622 -> 00:58:46,028 Ele supunha que isso seria para minha mãe. Não ego de Ben ou qualquer coisa assim. 742 00:58:46,161 -> 00:58:48,030 Ou o trabalho de David. 743 00:58:48,163 -> 00:58:50,833 Eu sinto que excomungar. 744 00:58:53,502 -> 00:58:55,337 Eu não sei o que fazer. 745 00:58:57,373 -> 00:59:02,411 Ben e David. Talvez eles estejam Llos errado, mas Isabel ... 746 00:59:03,445 -> 00:59:05,180 Nós começamos isso juntos. 747 00:59:05,347 -> 00:59:07,783 Michael tem que parar. 748 00:59:07,950 -> 00:59:09,485 Ele quer ... 749 00:59:09,618 -> 00:59:14,690 Somos um trio e eu sou o urso da câmera. 750 00:59:25,200 -> 00:59:27,803 Que diabos você está fazendo, David? 751 00:59:29,304 -> 00:59:36,311 Se não fosse por mim, ninguém sabe nada sobre o que eles fazem em suas igrejas. Ou seus porões. 752 00:59:38,147 -> 00:59:40,916 Precisamos conversar. 753 00:59:59,568 -> 01:00:01,370 O que acontece com a câmera? 754 01:00:01,537 -> 01:00:03,005 Eu não sei. 755 01:00:03,172 -> 01:00:05,274 Antes que isso acontecesse não. 756 01:00:05,407 -> 01:00:06,942 Será que Michael viu algo? 757 01:00:07,076 -> 01:00:08,610 "Não. Nada. 758 01:00:08,744 -> 01:00:10,312 Tente e outro. 759 01:00:10,446 -> 01:00:12,614 Sim, mas é o momento certo. 760 01:00:12,648 -> 01:00:17,286 Deve ter havido algum da bateria. 761 01:00:17,453 -> 01:00:19,755 São todas as câmeras? Deve haver algo mais. 762 01:00:19,855 -> 01:00:21,957 - Estamos gravando. "Sinto muito. 763 01:00:22,091 -> 01:00:24,193 -David tem que fazer isso. - Tenho que ir. 764 01:00:24,326 -> 01:00:27,463 'Nós estamos filmando. - Eu sei. Eu tenho que ir. 765 01:00:27,496 -> 01:00:29,198 "O que aconteceu? 766 01:00:30,165 -> 01:00:31,767 Eu parei. 767 01:00:31,900 -> 01:00:33,936 Por que não? 768 01:00:37,639 -> 01:00:39,975 O incidente está sob investigação. 769 01:00:40,175 -> 01:00:42,177 David. 770 01:00:44,346 -> 01:00:45,881 Tudo vai ficar bem. 771 01:00:47,750 -> 01:00:49,051 Espero que sim. 772 01:00:49,218 -> 01:00:51,954 David, eu esperava que você. Você se lembra o batismo? 773 01:00:52,087 -> 01:00:53,889 Vamos 774 01:00:55,090 -> 01:00:56,992 Quanto tempo vai? 775 01:00:57,126 -> 01:00:59,194 -Só um segundo. - Será que precisamos disso? 776 01:00:59,395 -> 01:01:02,097 -Si. Você está bem com essa David? - Eu estou bem. 777 01:01:02,231 -> 01:01:04,166 Você está pronto?? 778 01:01:04,333 -> 01:01:06,101 Batismo. 779 01:01:06,802 -> 01:01:12,875 O batismo é a inclinação dos nossos pecados original e pessoal. 780 01:01:14,610 -> 01:01:19,782 Por exemplo, se um bebê morre depois de ser batizado ... 781 01:01:20,115 -> 01:01:21,984 ... Ir para o céu. 782 01:01:22,551 -> 01:01:24,420 E se é antes ... 783 01:01:25,154 -> 01:01:27,156 ... Vá para o inferno. 784 01:01:30,426 -> 01:01:33,295 Em nome do Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, amém. 785 01:01:33,495 -> 01:01:35,030 Amen. 786 01:01:54,516 -> 01:02:00,122 John Thomas, em nome de Cristo, nosso Senhor você limpa de todo pecado. 787 01:02:19,908 -> 01:02:23,445 John Thomas, eu te batizo ... 788 01:02:24,079 -> 01:02:25,914 ... Em nome do pai ... 789 01:02:26,648 -> 01:02:28,117 ... O filho ... 790 01:02:28,884 -> 01:02:30,552 ... E o espírito santo. 791 01:02:35,024 -> 01:02:37,359 Deus! O que você faz? 792 01:02:38,193 -> 01:02:39,695 David! 793 01:02:40,796 -> 01:02:42,197 {0} {0} Para: {/ 0} {/ 0} 794 01:02:42,398 -> 01:02:44,133 Parar a cura! 795 01:02:44,299 -> 01:02:45,901 David, pare! 796 01:02:48,570 -> 01:02:51,540 Eles não podem salvá-lo! 797 01:02:55,611 -> 01:02:58,013 Você sabe que eu gostaria de fazer? 798 01:03:00,349 -> 01:03:03,018 Levar a câmera maldita. 799 01:03:03,952 -> 01:03:06,789 para virar e enfiar o rosto de Michael. 800 01:03:09,191 -> 01:03:12,628 Gostaria de pedir-lhe Michael se sente? 801 01:03:14,697 -> 01:03:20,202 Como você se sente quando sua mãe está dormindo com o melhor amigo de seu pai? 802 01:03:32,348 -> 01:03:33,549 David! 803 01:03:40,889 -> 01:03:43,459 David era algo acontece. 804 01:03:47,763 -> 01:03:49,398 "O que aconteceu? 805 01:03:58,574 -> 01:04:00,509 A criança quase morreu. 806 01:04:00,676 -> 01:04:01,910 O quê? 807 01:04:03,012 -> 01:04:05,447 O que aconteceu? O que você disse? 808 01:04:06,982 -> 01:04:10,052 David batizado o bebê quase se afogou. 809 01:04:11,954 -> 01:04:13,756 O que ele faz. 810 01:04:13,956 -> 01:04:15,958 - O que destruiu. - Não espere. 811 01:04:16,091 -> 01:04:17,793 É o bebê está bem? 812 01:04:18,360 -> 01:04:19,862 Acho que sim. 813 01:04:20,029 -> 01:04:22,131 Você viu? Você estava lá ou não? 814 01:04:22,297 -> 01:04:23,899 Sim, isso vai ficar bem. 815 01:04:24,033 -> 01:04:26,101 Davi está em apuros? 816 01:04:26,301 -> 01:04:28,170 Eu não sei, eles chamaram a polícia. 817 01:04:28,337 -> 01:04:29,571 David! 818 01:04:32,007 -> 01:04:36,178 Foi agindo de forma estranha o dia todo Você viu o que ele fez? 819 01:04:36,412 -> 01:04:38,380 Vendo  ? Eu atirei. 820 01:04:38,580 -> 01:04:40,916 É como se tivesse ido. 821 01:04:41,116 -> 01:04:45,487 Ele tem estado sob pressão recentemente, talvez que contribuíram para esse ... 822 01:04:45,854 -> 01:04:49,291 Eles deveriam ter este ou ali, era como se eu estivesse louco. 823 01:04:49,725 -> 01:04:51,860 Algo como isso já aconteceu antes? 824 01:04:52,027 -> 01:04:53,829 Não, claro que não. 825 01:04:54,063 -> 01:04:55,698 - David! - David? 826 01:04:55,831 -> 01:04:58,100 - Mas que diabos? - Obtenha a luz precisa da câmera. 827 01:04:58,300 -> 01:05:00,069 - É isso? - Sim. 828 01:05:01,070 -> 01:05:02,838 David? 829 01:05:06,208 -> 01:05:07,509 David? 830 01:05:24,326 -> 01:05:25,494 Cuidado! 831 01:05:34,269 -> 01:05:36,338 Que diabos é isso? 832 01:05:39,808 -> 01:05:42,177 David. 833 01:05:42,311 -> 01:05:44,146 Meu Deus. 834 01:05:44,279 -> 01:05:45,848 Upload. 835 01:05:48,117 -> 01:05:51,253 O que ele faz. 836 01:05:54,857 -> 01:05:56,658 Eu não sei. 837 01:05:56,825 -> 01:05:58,994 Como você não sabe? 838 01:06:08,804 -> 01:06:11,440 Agachamento. 839 01:06:12,675 -> 01:06:14,910 Não desça as escadas. 840 01:06:15,044 -> 01:06:16,478 Ficar lá. 841 01:06:16,745 -> 01:06:18,547 Michael fez, vi seus olhos? 842 01:06:19,181 -> 01:06:20,549 Droga! 843 01:06:20,749 -> 01:06:22,484 Eu vejo, eu vejo! 844 01:06:25,721 -> 01:06:28,323 Ele está muito doente. 845 01:06:28,791 -> 01:06:30,559 Acender a luz. 846 01:06:30,726 -> 01:06:32,594 Esta é a única luz que temos. 847 01:06:35,698 -> 01:06:39,101 Não, não, ele é para cima, mas é perigoso para escalar. Ficar aqui. 848 01:06:42,671 -> 01:06:44,039 Será que eles precisam de luz? 849 01:07:05,060 -> 01:07:07,429 - Ele pegou sua arma? - Sim. 850 01:07:07,563 -> 01:07:09,665 Temos que ir tudo para fora agora. 851 01:07:10,599 -> 01:07:12,301 David. 852 01:07:14,303 -> 01:07:16,171 Ele é meu amigo. 853 01:07:23,412 -> 01:07:26,248 Ouça, David. 854 01:07:28,751 -> 01:07:30,352 Não, não! 855 01:07:30,552 -> 01:07:32,554 Cale-se. 856 01:07:34,390 -> 01:07:36,658 Esta não é você. 857 01:07:38,794 -> 01:07:41,130 I, o seu amigo Ben. 858 01:07:41,797 -> 01:07:43,499 Esta não é você. 859 01:07:43,932 -> 01:07:46,869 Outra coisa é controlar você, você sabe. 860 01:07:47,736 -> 01:07:49,838 Você sabe disso. 861 01:07:51,240 -> 01:07:53,042 Concentre-se na minha voz. 862 01:07:53,208 -> 01:07:55,210 Confie em mim David, não é? 863 01:07:55,644 -> 01:07:57,246 calmo. 864 01:07:58,480 -> 01:08:00,949 Eu não posso parar. 865 01:08:01,183 -> 01:08:03,719 Eu não posso parar. 866 01:08:03,886 -> 01:08:06,088 Combatê-la. 867 01:08:06,288 -> 01:08:08,290 Fazê-lo, David. 868 01:08:08,424 -> 01:08:10,025 Eu não posso. 869 01:08:10,159 -> 01:08:11,794 Olha o que eu fiz. 870 01:08:11,960 -> 01:08:14,563 Eu não posso voltar para trás. 871 01:08:23,172 -> 01:08:26,175 - Eu esqueci. - É isso. Dá-me a arma. 872 01:08:26,342 -> 01:08:28,544 Eu esqueci. Ele não me agradeceu. 873 01:08:33,682 -> 01:08:37,052 Querida, venha aqui. 874 01:08:48,564 -> 01:08:51,934 Isabella desmaiou o que aconteceu? 875 01:08:56,839 -> 01:08:58,741 Vista o seu olho direito? 876 01:09:00,376 -> 01:09:03,012 - Ben! - E se eu vi seus olhos? 877 01:09:04,580 -> 01:09:09,218 Talvez haja alguma transferência. 878 01:09:10,352 -> 01:09:14,390 Esqueça essa bobagem Michael. 879 01:09:15,424 -> 01:09:18,660 Michael, por favor, o suficiente. 880 01:09:19,395 -> 01:09:23,866 Você gasta todo seu tempo chato, nunca me escuta. 881 01:09:25,601 -> 01:09:27,269 Céu. 882 01:09:30,272 -> 01:09:33,409 Não, não aqui, por favor. Sair. 883 01:09:58,634 -> 01:10:01,770 Isabella Rossi é chamado Já podemos ver? 884 01:10:48,350 -> 01:10:51,286 Vou levá-lo logo que você é. 885 01:10:58,861 -> 01:11:02,498 Sua amiga é muito melhor. 886 01:11:02,965 -> 01:11:05,234 Este estável e descansando. 887 01:11:07,169 -> 01:11:09,104 Ele vai ficar aqui a noite. 888 01:11:09,238 -> 01:11:10,973 Que não é possível. 889 01:11:11,140 -> 01:11:12,641 Por que não? 890 01:11:12,808 -> 01:11:15,144 Algo está errado, não é seguro aqui. 891 01:11:15,544 -> 01:11:17,746 Não, aqui é muito seguro. 892 01:11:18,347 -> 01:11:21,450 Algo acontece. Temos que tirá-lo agora. 893 01:11:21,750 -> 01:11:23,919 Galow pai enviou-nos. 894 01:11:24,653 -> 01:11:26,722 Fale com o seu pai ... 895 01:11:29,692 -> 01:11:31,694 Elizabeth! 896 01:11:34,797 -> 01:11:36,198 Não! 897 01:12:04,827 -> 01:12:06,628 Michael! 898 01:12:06,895 -> 01:12:08,964 Este nele! 899 01:12:10,699 -> 01:12:12,568 Você tem que controlá-lo! 900 01:12:14,503 -> 01:12:17,740 Ajuda-me, por favor. 901 01:12:17,906 -> 01:12:20,642 Eu sei. É possuído. 902 01:12:22,111 -> 01:12:26,048 Fora dela, porra. 903 01:12:36,191 -> 01:12:39,828 Estou curado, eu posso ajudar por favor. 904 01:12:43,232 -> 01:12:45,434 Vamos 905 01:12:48,737 -> 01:12:50,873 Vamos lá! " - Ele matou aquela mulher. 906 01:12:52,975 -> 01:12:54,743 Tire suas pernas. 907 01:12:54,810 -> 01:12:58,347 - Que havemos de fazer? - chamar o dr galow.. 908 01:13:01,917 -> 01:13:04,019 Abrir a porta. 909 01:13:04,653 -> 01:13:07,122 Você acha que ele vai nos ajudar? 910 01:13:07,856 -> 01:13:10,759 Eu tenho que corrigi-lo. 911 01:13:13,062 -> 01:13:15,297 É despertar. 912 01:13:16,031 -> 01:13:18,000 Não há muito tempo deixou. 913 01:13:18,600 -> 01:13:20,202 Fique comigo. 914 01:13:22,738 -> 01:13:25,274 Eu sei que cura. 915 01:13:26,342 -> 01:13:29,445 Suas técnicas não funcionam comigo. 916 01:13:31,747 -> 01:13:33,315 Bela? 917 01:13:33,782 -> 01:13:35,451 "Você queria morrer, certo?" 918 01:13:35,617 -> 01:13:37,486 O que ele faz. 919 01:13:37,753 -> 01:13:39,588 Agradecer-lhe. 920 01:13:39,888 -> 01:13:41,490 Quem é você? 921 01:13:41,623 -> 01:13:43,158 Eu sei. 922 01:13:43,325 -> 01:13:44,893 Todo mundo me conhece. 923 01:13:45,060 -> 01:13:46,929 Deus tenha misericórdia! 924 01:13:47,696 -> 01:13:50,632 Pela graça do Senhor, venha de fora. 925 01:14:07,816 -> 01:14:10,919 Em nome do Senhor, você exorcizar. 926 01:14:11,820 -> 01:14:15,357 Em nome do Senhor, você exorcizar. 927 01:14:15,557 -> 01:14:17,826 Será que isso funciona? 928 01:14:18,027 -> 01:14:20,829 Eu não sei, você tem que se apressar. 929 01:14:25,134 -> 01:14:27,870 Tudo vai ficar bem. 930 01:14:38,480 -> 01:14:39,448 Cuidado!
Baris 3 - Kolom 2
Baris 3 - Kolom 2
The Raven
1 00:00:22,235 --> 00:00:23,668 -Attention all units in the facility. 2 00:00:23,778 --> 00:00:27,706 We have a possible suspect ID at the Sunshine apartment complex at peak on Boulevard. 3 00:00:39,415 --> 00:00:40,893 All available units in the area. 4 00:00:40,842 --> 00:00:42,546 We have a positive ID on the suspect. 5 00:00:42,752 --> 00:00:45,814 Last name: Black First name: Chris A.K.A Raven. 6 00:00:45,849 --> 00:00:48,779 Response at Sunshine apartment complex apartment 2A. 7 00:00:49,446 --> 00:00:53,006 Suspect is considered armed and extremely dangerous. Proceed with caution. 8 00:01:03,127 --> 00:01:05,403 -Stop or I will open fire. 9 00:01:12,976 --> 00:01:18,714 Citizen, this is the Los Angeles Police Force. Step out with your hands on your head. 10 00:01:18,841 --> 00:01:21,905 I repeat, step out with your hands on your head. 11 00:01:27,119 --> 00:01:29,711 Citizen, put your hands on your head. 12 00:01:30,648 --> 00:01:33,735 Any available units, unit 75 is now with suspect. 13 00:01:34,069 --> 00:01:36,248 South West alley in Main Street and 7. 14 00:01:37,034 --> 00:01:41,093 -Suspect is considered armed and extremely dangerous. Proceed with caution. 15 00:01:41,906 --> 00:01:43,495 -Thank you for your co-operation. 16 00:01:46,171 --> 00:01:47,071 Have a wonderful day. 17 00:01:51,513 --> 00:01:54,065 -All units, suspect is heading north on Secora. 18 00:01:54,705 --> 00:01:58,036 All units til latitude. 33 north, longitude 119 west. 19 00:01:58,339 --> 00:02:00,123 Use of deadly force has been approached. 20 00:02:28,451 --> 00:02:29,120 -What the hell? 21 00:02:30,405 --> 00:02:31,486 Yo man what's up man? 22 00:02:32,676 --> 00:02:33,778 Scratching up my ride man. 23 00:02:36,218 --> 00:02:39,311 Yo man you're lucky I'm on parole man or I'd have to beat you down man. 24 00:02:41,333 --> 00:02:42,053 Yo what's up èse? 25 00:02:42,919 --> 00:02:44,074 Yo, what I got a flat? 26 00:02:44,461 --> 00:02:46,591 -Stop or I will open fire. 27 00:02:49,365 --> 00:02:51,574 Citizen, put your hands on your head. 28 00:02:54,221 --> 00:02:55,731 This is your final warning. 29 00:03:09,648 --> 00:03:13,414 -Attention units, units 55, 75 have been singled by suspect. 30 00:03:14,070 --> 00:03:17,604 -Officers operating units, prepare to block all cities exits. 31 00:03:17,473 --> 00:03:22,580 Do not let suspect exit the city, repeat do not let suspect exit the city. 32 00:03:31,661 --> 00:03:32,880 -Move you big trashcan. 33 00:03:33,698 --> 00:03:34,535 Get out of my alley. 34 00:03:38,802 --> 00:03:39,386 -Fuck. 35 00:03:39,531 --> 00:03:46,152 -Suspect, this is the Los Angeles Police Force. Come out with your fingers interlaced on top of your head. 36 00:03:50,853 --> 00:03:51,990 -Why? 37 00:03:54,954 --> 00:03:59,950 -Suspect, step out with your fingers interlaced on top of your head. 38 00:04:00,326 --> 00:04:03,094 This is your final warning. 39 00:04:12,536 --> 00:04:15,644 Suspect, put your hands on top of your head. 40 00:04:16,554 --> 00:04:20,073 I repeat, put your hands on top of your head. 41 00:04:22,657 --> 00:04:24,723 -Be adviced, all units response code 3. 42 00:05:09,892 --> 00:05:13,579 Translated by Thomas "Supermix1337" Nilsen.
Baris 3 - Kolom 2
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
1 00:00:44,639 --> 00:00:48,413 Okay, wind her up boys. It's Monte Carlo or bust! 2 00:00:49,087 --> 00:00:50,061 - Struts. - Check. 3 00:00:50,061 --> 00:00:51,411 - Flaps. - Check. 4 00:00:51,561 --> 00:00:53,470 - Diamonds and gold. - Check. 5 00:00:54,211 --> 00:00:56,919 We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple of weeks... 6 00:00:56,939 --> 00:00:59,790 - Bye. - ... or whenever the gold runs out. 7 00:00:59,790 --> 00:01:01,090 Bye bye... goodbye... 8 00:01:00,799 --> 00:01:06,113 - I'll write... we'll be waiting for ya! - Just kidding, we're never coming back... 9 00:01:06,305 --> 00:01:07,455 Sorry, what was that? 10 00:01:07,580 --> 00:01:08,879 Initiate warp drive. 11 00:01:13,354 --> 00:01:15,178 Did they just say they were never coming back? 12 00:01:16,678 --> 00:01:17,578 Guys? 13 00:01:22,075 --> 00:01:25,136 - Marty? - Oh goody, you're here.. 14 00:01:26,024 --> 00:01:30,048 Why don't you chew on this, I was hungy. Yum, yum, yum, yum... 15 00:01:32,972 --> 00:01:35,546 - Oww.. - I'm just messing with ya. 16 00:01:36,171 --> 00:01:40,044 I lost all feeling in this thing years ago. He, he, he, he, he... 17 00:01:40,643 --> 00:01:42,243 Melman, why do you look like that? 18 00:01:43,667 --> 00:01:47,966 - Look who's talking. - Gloria? Why are you guys so... elderly. 19 00:01:48,041 --> 00:01:51,223 Now when was the last time you looked in the mirror? 20 00:01:51,223 --> 00:01:51,832 What? 21 00:01:53,856 --> 00:01:54,656 Noooo... 22 00:01:55,038 --> 00:01:56,737 Wake up, wake up, wake up... 23 00:01:56,737 --> 00:01:59,736 Marty. Oh, Marty it was horrible. 24 00:01:59,537 --> 00:02:00,735 That same nightmare again, huh? 25 00:02:00,935 --> 00:02:03,660 We were stuck here in Africa and we were all super old and wrinkly and... 26 00:02:03,661 --> 00:02:06,459 ...well I aged well but the rest of you looked terrible. 27 00:02:06,459 --> 00:02:09,748 Relax Alex 'cause I got a surprise for you. 28 00:02:09,783 --> 00:02:12,682 Is it the penguins? Have they come to take us home? 29 00:02:12,758 --> 00:02:17,755 - Nope, but it's the next best thing. - Another day bites the dust. 30 00:02:17,805 --> 00:02:22,029 Come on now... Watch it, watch your step, watch yourself, sorry a little this side, 31 00:02:22,030 --> 00:02:29,326 back, up the hill, low hanging branch, and just over this bluff there was... 32 00:02:33,049 --> 00:02:34,449 Happy birthday pal! 33 00:02:41,146 --> 00:02:44,720 Wow... New York city. 34 00:02:44,950 --> 00:02:45,950 Surprise. 35 00:02:47,419 --> 00:02:49,718 Gloria, you took the Statue of Liberty. 36 00:02:49,818 --> 00:02:51,717 Bring me your cuddled masses baby. 37 00:02:51,917 --> 00:02:55,917 - And Melman, you're the Brooklyn Bridge. - Actually, I'm the Triborough Bridge. 38 00:02:55,942 --> 00:02:58,678 Wow. You guys made this? 39 00:02:58,678 --> 00:03:03,028 Yep, from memory, from crazy obsessive memory. 40 00:03:04,437 --> 00:03:09,387 Hey, Fifth Avenue with no traffic. There's Times Square with it's 41 00:03:09,388 --> 00:03:14,635 modern-day corporate lack of character. Nine Dwayne Reeds on the same street 42 00:03:17,134 --> 00:03:23,131 And the zoo. Wow, our home. Look there's a little me, 43 00:03:23,132 --> 00:03:25,311 and little all of us's. 44 00:03:36,306 --> 00:03:38,400 Roar.... 45 00:04:02,793 --> 00:04:05,992 You guys, you've both made and ruined my day. 46 00:04:07,541 --> 00:04:08,715 Make a wish sweetheart. 47 00:04:12,889 --> 00:04:18,911 - Your wish has come true. - Oh yeah... my tummy is speaking to me. 48 00:04:21,486 --> 00:04:23,685 I wouldn't eat that side of the cake if I was you. 49 00:04:25,084 --> 00:04:26,683 Alex, what was your wish? 50 00:04:26,783 --> 00:04:29,882 I wished we could go home. I mean, don't get me wrong, 51 00:04:29,892 --> 00:04:32,081 I love this but it's not the real thing. 52 00:04:32,091 --> 00:04:35,261 Well thats because it's a mud-model Alex. 53 00:04:35,261 --> 00:04:37,941 It's not actually New York. I thought that was clear. 54 00:04:37,976 --> 00:04:39,026 What are you doing? 55 00:04:39,026 --> 00:04:42,828 Here we are relying on the penguins to come back for us but... 56 00:04:42,863 --> 00:04:45,801 we should just go to Monte Carlo and get them. 57 00:04:45,802 --> 00:04:50,574 How do a lion, zebra, giraffe and a hippo walk into a casino in Monte Carlo? 58 00:04:50,574 --> 00:04:53,157 I don't know, ask the Rabbi. 59 00:04:53,157 --> 00:04:54,096 Hey, I'm serious. 60 00:04:54,274 --> 00:04:57,236 Come on, we can do it. We can do anything. It's us. 61 00:04:57,236 --> 00:04:57,964 We're us! 62 00:04:57,999 --> 00:05:00,547 Yeah, that's right. we got half way 'round the world... 63 00:05:00,548 --> 00:05:05,009 ...compared with that Monte Carlo is just a hop, skip and a swim away. 64 00:05:05,009 --> 00:05:05,628 Yeah. 65 00:05:06,444 --> 00:05:07,094 To home. 66 00:05:07,099 --> 00:05:09,969 - Home... Home. - Home... Cheeseburger! 67 00:05:10,469 --> 00:05:12,567 Tell you what bet those penguins will be glad to see us. 68 00:05:12,568 --> 00:05:15,767 Yeah, they probably bored outta their minds. 69 00:05:28,762 --> 00:05:32,761 oh, argh, you pillow fight like a bunch of little girls. 70 00:05:34,360 --> 00:05:38,832 Chimi changa, these pillows are filled with baby birds... 71 00:05:40,931 --> 00:05:47,612 MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE'S MOST WANTED 72 00:06:05,606 --> 00:06:08,613 There it is, the Casino. 73 00:06:08,613 --> 00:06:10,613 - What? - There it is, the Casino. 74 00:06:10,616 --> 00:06:13,595 Perfect, thats where we'll find the penguins. 75 00:06:13,605 --> 00:06:14,170 What? 76 00:06:14,195 --> 00:06:16,968 I said perfect, thats where we'll will find the penguins. 77 00:06:18,767 --> 00:06:19,767 What? 78 00:06:22,567 --> 00:06:25,865 Sssshh... come on guys Operation Penguin Extraction does not include levity... 79 00:06:25,866 --> 00:06:29,714 we can't draw attention to ourselves, we're invisible... 80 00:06:29,739 --> 00:06:32,963 I'm talking really, really quiet. 81 00:06:47,931 --> 00:06:50,681 Ok, phase one... we break into the Casino, grab the penguins... 82 00:06:50,691 --> 00:06:54,124 and get them to take us back to New York in the monkey-powered super-plane. 83 00:06:54,124 --> 00:06:54,892 Check. 84 00:06:55,391 --> 00:06:58,991 Phase two... we chew out the penguins for abandoning us in Africa. 85 00:06:58,991 --> 00:06:59,563 Check. 86 00:06:59,728 --> 00:07:04,521 Phase three... we apologise to the penguins for overly harsh chewing outing 87 00:07:04,526 --> 00:07:06,525 but... we've gotten our point across. 88 00:07:07,325 --> 00:07:09,624 Phase four, back to New York city. 89 00:07:09,719 --> 00:07:10,624 - I like it. - Yes. 90 00:07:12,623 --> 00:07:16,622 Alright, we take these ventilation ducts to the crawl space above the casino where we 91 00:07:16,632 --> 00:07:20,730 find the penguins. We just need to figure out which duct each of us should take. 92 00:07:49,311 --> 00:07:50,011 Oh oh... 93 00:07:56,008 --> 00:07:57,007 Whoa...hi honey. 94 00:07:59,007 --> 00:08:02,005 Ok, I gotcha... I got ya honey. 95 00:08:08,003 --> 00:08:11,810 Now, they're not going to let animals onto the casino floor 96 00:08:11,810 --> 00:08:13,923 so expect some type of disguise. 97 00:08:15,201 --> 00:08:21,599 whoa, look at that. That is one ugly mcdougly lady... that is roach-killing ugly. 98 00:08:21,599 --> 00:08:24,197 That's not a lady, that's the King of Versailles, 99 00:08:24,197 --> 00:08:27,042 and that's not the King of Versailles... thats the chimps... 100 00:08:27,077 --> 00:08:30,405 and the chimps are like smoke... and where there's smoke there's fire... 101 00:08:30,415 --> 00:08:32,413 and by fire I mean the penguins. 102 00:08:33,413 --> 00:08:35,412 I say we let it ride. 103 00:08:35,422 --> 00:08:40,512 Then we'll pick up the hippies and fly back to New York in style. 104 00:08:40,522 --> 00:08:43,421 - Can we buy an Airbus A380? - Solid gold baby. 105 00:08:43,426 --> 00:08:46,225 Sir, a solid gold plane wouldn't be able to fly. 106 00:08:46,235 --> 00:08:50,533 Kowalski, we'll be rich, the rules of physics don't apply to us... Let it ride. 107 00:08:50,638 --> 00:08:51,532 Righto. 108 00:08:54,036 --> 00:08:58,430 Ok, in exactly two minutes and seventeen seconds the lemurs will cut the power. 109 00:08:58,530 --> 00:08:59,085 - Now? - No. 110 00:08:59,185 --> 00:09:00,329 - Ok? - No. 111 00:09:00,444 --> 00:09:01,359 - Now? - No. 112 00:09:01,609 --> 00:09:04,907 I drop down grab, the penguins, you crank me up and we are out of here. 113 00:09:04,912 --> 00:09:07,111 Oh, oh, oh you let me be the one to drop down I'll grab the penguins. 114 00:09:07,141 --> 00:09:08,331 You don't have fingers Marty. 115 00:09:08,821 --> 00:09:09,920 - Now? - No. 116 00:09:10,040 --> 00:09:10,855 - Do it? - No. 117 00:09:11,005 --> 00:09:12,395 These are things a leader has to think of. 118 00:09:12,395 --> 00:09:14,311 Why should you be the leader... why, why not me? 119 00:09:14,346 --> 00:09:15,379 Because I'm the Phase Tracker. 120 00:09:15,679 --> 00:09:18,678 Ze King is letting it ride... 121 00:09:19,102 --> 00:09:20,576 How did I get phased out? 122 00:09:20,626 --> 00:09:23,775 You're part of a phase... a phase isn't something you own, it's something your in... 123 00:09:23,975 --> 00:09:24,625 That's it. 124 00:09:24,925 --> 00:09:28,392 Who voted you Grand Phase Master anyway? 125 00:09:28,392 --> 00:09:29,974 Me, I voted me because I'm the leader. 126 00:09:30,223 --> 00:09:31,423 Thats it baby. 127 00:09:31,473 --> 00:09:32,572 - Now? - No. 128 00:09:32,872 --> 00:09:34,797 The King of Versailles wins!! 129 00:09:35,870 --> 00:09:37,871 - Maybe I should be in charge. - Melman... 130 00:09:38,071 --> 00:09:38,870 I am a Doctor. 131 00:09:38,871 --> 00:09:39,670 - No? - No. 132 00:09:39,670 --> 00:09:42,569 - Why can't we all be leaders? - Enough, I'm gonna lead. 133 00:09:52,865 --> 00:09:53,865 Huh...huh... 134 00:10:00,442 --> 00:10:02,461 - Aha... - What's new pussycat? 135 00:10:02,562 --> 00:10:03,862 Whoa, whoa, whoa... 136 00:10:04,061 --> 00:10:07,459 - Marty, what phase are we at? - Ah... phase three, apologise. 137 00:10:08,259 --> 00:10:09,552 Right, oh man we are so sorry. 138 00:10:09,552 --> 00:10:12,610 Well... apology accepted. Lets roll. 139 00:10:13,258 --> 00:10:15,819 Marty, we skipped phase two we didn't chew them out. 140 00:10:15,819 --> 00:10:18,170 Don't look at me I'm just following the leader. 141 00:10:18,555 --> 00:10:20,979 - Now? - I'm a bit busy right now. 142 00:10:21,980 --> 00:10:25,503 - Just pull the switch. - Ok... fine. 143 00:10:32,151 --> 00:10:33,700 What the heck is going on with the lights? 144 00:10:38,949 --> 00:10:41,698 What are you doing... Come on! 145 00:10:48,040 --> 00:10:52,168 Initiate lockdown and get me Capitan Dubois from Animal Control... 146 00:10:59,116 --> 00:11:08,742 Speak. Oui... a zebra... a hippo... a giraffe... a lion? 147 00:11:09,752 --> 00:11:12,310 When I was seven I strangled my first parrot, 148 00:11:12,311 --> 00:11:17,211 squashed my first goldfish, panched my first snake... 149 00:11:17,212 --> 00:11:21,532 now I have finally reached ze moment I have been preparing for my entire life. 150 00:11:21,640 --> 00:11:27,730 Ze pinnacle of my career... to hunt ze king of ze beasts. 151 00:11:32,135 --> 00:11:32,955 Baah.. 152 00:11:42,277 --> 00:11:43,875 - Oh no.... - Lockdown, hey. 153 00:11:43,975 --> 00:11:44,724 What do we do? 154 00:11:44,824 --> 00:11:48,297 Alright everybody standback, I got this. 155 00:11:52,821 --> 00:11:53,921 Nevermind. 156 00:11:53,921 --> 00:11:56,520 Well you only get one chance at a first impression. 157 00:12:04,117 --> 00:12:06,417 - What just happened? - Where are we, what is this? 158 00:12:06,437 --> 00:12:09,771 We call it the luxury assault recreational vehicle. 159 00:12:09,771 --> 00:12:11,748 The car goes brum brum. 160 00:12:11,839 --> 00:12:12,734 Step on it boys. 161 00:12:50,800 --> 00:12:54,319 Capitan Dubois, I am so happy to see you. You will not believe... 162 00:12:54,320 --> 00:12:58,235 You plastic fool... your stink cologne is obscuring the animal musk. 163 00:12:58,235 --> 00:12:59,005 Oh my face. 164 00:13:17,312 --> 00:13:20,485 Poor poor animals you should never have left ze forest... 165 00:13:21,311 --> 00:13:22,484 you deal with me. 166 00:13:25,913 --> 00:13:28,711 Kowalski, signal the chimps to meet us at the rendezvous point 167 00:13:28,712 --> 00:13:31,711 with the super-plane, Hotel Ambassador... lets move it. 168 00:13:38,304 --> 00:13:40,704 Voila, giraffe at twelve o'clock. 169 00:13:42,142 --> 00:13:43,329 Guys, we've got a tail. 170 00:13:43,329 --> 00:13:44,640 Paparazzi... 171 00:13:44,755 --> 00:13:46,455 Pedal to the metal Private. 172 00:13:46,855 --> 00:13:52,283 Don't take any photo's... please. Hi, here I am. 173 00:13:58,051 --> 00:13:58,680 Medic... 174 00:14:06,477 --> 00:14:08,428 ETA to rendezvos point? 175 00:14:08,428 --> 00:14:10,214 Two minutes thirty seven seconds, sir. 176 00:14:10,486 --> 00:14:11,386 Man your battle stations. 177 00:14:11,586 --> 00:14:16,584 Hey, wait nobody's at the wheel. Get back there! 178 00:14:16,589 --> 00:14:19,583 Somebody's got to be the driver, there's no driver. 179 00:14:19,588 --> 00:14:22,143 Nobody's driving... we're all going to die. 180 00:14:22,582 --> 00:14:25,082 Don't just sit there fancy-pants grab the wheel. 181 00:14:25,087 --> 00:14:27,481 Are you kidding I don't drive... I'm a New Yorker. 182 00:14:27,486 --> 00:14:28,685 Move over Miss Daisey 183 00:14:28,690 --> 00:14:32,483 What are you doing Zebras' can't drive... only penguins and people can drive. 184 00:14:32,663 --> 00:14:33,893 What do all these buttons do? 185 00:14:37,482 --> 00:14:38,685 Nice one stripes. 186 00:14:46,678 --> 00:14:48,107 Crazy woman gaining. 187 00:14:48,127 --> 00:14:52,156 Our Omega 3 slick will take them down, Private... activate. 188 00:15:05,021 --> 00:15:08,320 She's good... Kowalski, intel. 189 00:15:08,780 --> 00:15:10,878 Sir, we have a serious problem. 190 00:15:10,883 --> 00:15:14,098 Capitan Chantelle Dubois, Monaco Animal Control... 191 00:15:14,098 --> 00:15:16,047 perfect case record. 192 00:15:21,676 --> 00:15:23,137 You're going the wrong way Marty. 193 00:15:23,137 --> 00:15:25,352 Just call me Marty O. Andretti. 194 00:15:25,385 --> 00:15:27,718 - No, you're suckio Andretti. - Stop back-seat driving. 195 00:15:27,753 --> 00:15:29,547 I'm passenger seat driving and I want the whe... 196 00:15:29,552 --> 00:15:30,367 give me the wheel. 197 00:15:30,557 --> 00:15:31,868 It's not a wheel it's my baby...! 198 00:15:32,178 --> 00:15:35,465 - Hoofs arn't meant to be on the wheel! - Hey, hey, hey, too late for you to drive. 199 00:15:35,715 --> 00:15:38,345 Don't look at me, don't look at me when we argue... look at the road. 200 00:15:38,350 --> 00:15:41,344 Be cool, be cool. Hi officer, is there a problem? 201 00:15:41,843 --> 00:15:42,613 Hi. 202 00:15:52,310 --> 00:15:53,430 We need more power... 203 00:15:53,430 --> 00:15:57,497 time to fire up Kowalski's nuclear reactor. 204 00:15:57,944 --> 00:15:59,807 - That's a nuclear reactor? - Nuclear. 205 00:16:00,707 --> 00:16:01,855 She's on the roof. 206 00:16:01,860 --> 00:16:04,404 But sir, it's not ready, the control rods will have to be calibrated 207 00:16:04,405 --> 00:16:07,204 and don't even ask me about the uranium 238 blanket... 208 00:16:07,229 --> 00:16:07,819 Ok. 209 00:16:14,716 --> 00:16:18,215 Ok Marty you lost her, maybe you can slow down now. 210 00:16:18,225 --> 00:16:19,515 I can't there's no brakes. 211 00:16:19,615 --> 00:16:22,814 No brakes... the way to commit soldier. 212 00:16:46,144 --> 00:16:47,444 Let's get out of here... 213 00:16:50,143 --> 00:16:51,463 Hey, where's everybody going? 214 00:17:03,834 --> 00:17:09,537 I'm flying... I'm flying... I'm the first flying monkey. 215 00:17:11,351 --> 00:17:12,944 Oy vay. 216 00:17:12,979 --> 00:17:14,335 That's our ticket outta here. 217 00:17:15,535 --> 00:17:16,835 Yeah, baby. 218 00:17:42,624 --> 00:17:44,619 Everybody on the monkey chain... 219 00:17:46,722 --> 00:17:47,727 Deploy banana gun. 220 00:18:02,777 --> 00:18:05,676 Grab the little guy, toss him up... lets go. 221 00:18:05,681 --> 00:18:08,675 - Go, go, go, go... - Faster, faster, faster... 222 00:18:15,972 --> 00:18:19,711 - Come on Melman. - Ooh yeah... 223 00:18:19,721 --> 00:18:20,811 Melman! 224 00:18:23,720 --> 00:18:24,409 My neck. 225 00:18:28,608 --> 00:18:31,506 Put your backs into it, some of it at overtime. 226 00:18:40,104 --> 00:18:41,673 Serpentine... serpentine. 227 00:19:05,939 --> 00:19:08,764 Hey this lady's really starting to freak me out. 228 00:19:09,862 --> 00:19:10,787 Fix it Rod... 229 00:19:17,161 --> 00:19:18,310 Hold this. 230 00:19:19,659 --> 00:19:22,085 Alex be careful she's crazy. 231 00:19:22,085 --> 00:19:23,525 You think... Marty? 232 00:19:34,104 --> 00:19:36,578 That's right... home free baby. 233 00:19:37,423 --> 00:19:39,677 - We're free. - Au revoir Dubois... 234 00:19:42,575 --> 00:19:46,574 Well played lion... Game on. 235 00:19:58,070 --> 00:19:59,970 Kowalski, status report. 236 00:20:00,069 --> 00:20:03,169 The good news is... this song is almost over. 237 00:20:03,169 --> 00:20:06,367 Well that's music to my ears... and the bad news? 238 00:20:06,392 --> 00:20:08,568 The gear assembly is badly damaged sir... 239 00:20:11,469 --> 00:20:13,365's only a matter of time before... 240 00:20:21,162 --> 00:20:24,462 Why can't we ever just make a... a normal landing? 241 00:20:25,362 --> 00:20:26,461 Oh man... 242 00:20:26,761 --> 00:20:29,359 Hold on Melman ok, I'll get you down sweety. 243 00:20:31,608 --> 00:20:35,657 Where is he? Must find... King Julian... King Julian. 244 00:20:44,017 --> 00:20:45,777 Skipper, what about the plane? 245 00:20:46,377 --> 00:20:47,926 The Private chimps will work through the night, 246 00:20:47,926 --> 00:20:50,068 no breaks, no safety restrictions... 247 00:20:50,377 --> 00:20:55,224 ... Hey whe're you going? Get back here we have a contract. 248 00:20:55,229 --> 00:20:58,374 Yes, well I'm afraid labour laws are slightly more lenient in France. 249 00:20:58,375 --> 00:21:01,372 You see, they only have to work two weeks a year. 250 00:21:01,373 --> 00:21:03,772 Well, someone else has the Canadian work ethic. 251 00:21:03,772 --> 00:21:06,472 But you penguins you can still fix it, right... right? 252 00:21:06,476 --> 00:21:09,470 Yeah, yeah... your little crackerjack can-do team. 253 00:21:09,520 --> 00:21:11,218 You want me to give it to you straight? 254 00:21:11,228 --> 00:21:15,228 Yes, yes... No! Bend it a little. 255 00:21:15,238 --> 00:21:20,435 Well the plane's totalled, kaput, kerblamo busted... never to fly again. 256 00:21:20,455 --> 00:21:23,454 So that's it, that's it then we're never gonna get home? 257 00:21:23,459 --> 00:21:29,202 No, we gotta get home. We can fix it. We'll fix it... Yeah guys c'mon we'll fix it. 258 00:21:29,212 --> 00:21:33,208 We just start from the outside pieces and you work your way in and yeh, perfect. 259 00:21:33,640 --> 00:21:37,354 C'mon don't just stand there guys, Marty drag that thingi over here... 260 00:21:37,419 --> 00:21:39,418 -...and we'll just attach it to this little dealy-bob over here...- No!! 261 00:21:40,118 --> 00:21:41,117 and... 262 00:21:44,217 --> 00:21:46,331 ...we're not going home... 263 00:21:48,316 --> 00:21:50,730 We're never going home. 264 00:21:55,346 --> 00:21:56,703 It's the fuzz! 265 00:22:03,043 --> 00:22:05,241 What're we gonna do... we can't hide forever. 266 00:22:05,243 --> 00:22:08,238 And we just can't blend... You know what they say in Africa... 267 00:22:08,248 --> 00:22:10,623 Oh, what's the point. 268 00:22:10,722 --> 00:22:13,342 Tell me one conceivable way that extra large animals like us 269 00:22:13,343 --> 00:22:17,440 are gonna be able to move through Europe without attracting unwanted attention? 270 00:22:21,092 --> 00:22:21,692 Hey... 271 00:22:23,392 --> 00:22:26,132 Where are you coming from? 272 00:22:26,242 --> 00:22:29,360 Please, you gotta hide us, just until the heat dies down. 273 00:22:29,380 --> 00:22:33,378 Absolute no outsiders so wipe that swirn off your face and pop off. 274 00:22:33,388 --> 00:22:37,155 Oh, c'mon man you gotta do one cat a solid cat to cat, 275 00:22:37,155 --> 00:22:39,136 do us a solid here buddy... C'mon. 276 00:22:40,686 --> 00:22:41,185 Still here... 277 00:22:41,187 --> 00:22:44,306 Nyet, this train is for circus animals only. 278 00:22:45,505 --> 00:22:49,303 Stefano... we do not invite trouble into our circus... 279 00:22:49,308 --> 00:22:53,743 I don't trust lion, hair too big and glossy... 280 00:22:53,743 --> 00:22:55,627 Oh c'mon Vitaly you being a'mean. 281 00:22:55,662 --> 00:22:59,305 He not lion... he lioness without feline. 282 00:22:59,355 --> 00:23:02,303 This is awkward, we can hear everything they're saying. 283 00:23:03,303 --> 00:23:07,802 - Is not our problem... - No, no, no, wait, wait, wait... 284 00:23:08,401 --> 00:23:14,299 Just a giva us a'minute, he's a on the phone'a and can't getta him off. 285 00:23:14,300 --> 00:23:17,597 - We cannot a leave them there. - Only circus animals on this train. 286 00:23:17,602 --> 00:23:21,296 Wait, listen we are circus animals you gotta let us in. 287 00:23:23,696 --> 00:23:25,846 You are really circus? 288 00:23:25,846 --> 00:23:28,952 - I think they're close. - Yes. 289 00:23:29,198 --> 00:23:30,293 - Absolutely. - All circus 290 00:23:30,298 --> 00:23:32,592 - My momma was circus... - Totally circus - My daddy was circus... 291 00:23:32,597 --> 00:23:33,691 Gia, shut the door. 292 00:23:34,692 --> 00:23:35,492 Please... 293 00:23:38,926 --> 00:23:41,456 They're circus... circus stick together. 294 00:23:41,456 --> 00:23:42,282 Bah. 295 00:24:12,927 --> 00:24:17,521 Wow, Circus Americano, you must all be a'very famous. 296 00:24:18,680 --> 00:24:20,175 - Yeah, we a... - Absolutely... 297 00:24:20,176 --> 00:24:24,375 - We're a relatively well known... in all the... - But, but Alex is really the star... 298 00:24:24,359 --> 00:24:26,384 Well, well I wouldn't say star, I would say more... 299 00:24:26,390 --> 00:24:28,055 more like, more like... well, star... 300 00:24:28,055 --> 00:24:29,603 What is your act'a Ales? 301 00:24:29,638 --> 00:24:33,292 Well, I basically... I jump up on my rock... 302 00:24:33,292 --> 00:24:34,055 Growl? 303 00:24:34,155 --> 00:24:37,154 - Yeah, it's a very high rock. - A really high rock. 304 00:24:37,154 --> 00:24:40,353 - And then... - And then I, well I roar like real, 305 00:24:40,363 --> 00:24:43,153 - like a serious like RRROARRR... - And then... 306 00:24:43,253 --> 00:24:46,151 - Then I jump off the rock... - And then... 307 00:24:48,170 --> 00:24:50,169 - Into a pool... - Full of water... 308 00:24:50,179 --> 00:24:50,865 Full of cobras... 309 00:24:50,869 --> 00:24:52,638 It actually... it appears like I'm jumping into a pool... 310 00:24:52,648 --> 00:24:53,547 With cobras... 311 00:24:53,642 --> 00:24:57,246 Aquatic cobras for effect but actually pull up at the last second... 312 00:24:57,256 --> 00:24:58,356 - Pull up? - Yeah... 313 00:24:58,361 --> 00:25:00,340 - how do you do that? - Wire harness. 314 00:25:00,341 --> 00:25:01,360 - Balloons. - Jetpack... 315 00:25:01,375 --> 00:25:10,166 Well... I flip off the wire harness, ignite my jetpack and then toss balloons 316 00:25:10,169 --> 00:25:12,169 to the children of the world... kids love it. 317 00:25:12,173 --> 00:25:13,472 Kids always love that. 318 00:25:15,030 --> 00:25:19,138 - Is this lika the trapeze? - Yes... trapeze. Exactly. 319 00:25:19,138 --> 00:25:22,379 Wow, Trapezeum Americano... 320 00:25:22,143 --> 00:25:24,144 Hey, I have a great idea... 321 00:25:24,394 --> 00:25:26,395 ... maybe you a come'a with us to Roma. 322 00:25:28,098 --> 00:25:29,489 Hey Vitaly and he just loves to'a play around. 323 00:25:29,999 --> 00:25:31,250 He's a good, no... 324 00:25:31,500 --> 00:25:33,301 Yeah, thanks, thanks but you know we're going to get off... 325 00:25:33,306 --> 00:25:35,309 the next stop so that we can get back to America. 326 00:25:35,329 --> 00:25:39,332 That is such a coincidence because we're going... 327 00:25:39,337 --> 00:25:41,138 ...going to A... let me finish! 328 00:25:42,143 --> 00:25:44,246 We're going to America as a' well... 329 00:25:44,346 --> 00:25:46,152 - What! - America! 330 00:25:46,157 --> 00:25:46,988 - No way! - America! 331 00:25:46,993 --> 00:25:48,114 - What! - Si...! 332 00:25:48,119 --> 00:25:49,177 Wow... when...? 333 00:25:49,177 --> 00:25:53,446 After Roma we go to London and then a bigatime... 334 00:25:53,481 --> 00:25:55,428 ...promoter will see us and then send us to New Yorka... 335 00:25:55,428 --> 00:25:58,129 - Oooh... - We're going to New York 336 00:25:58,136 --> 00:26:00,138 - Well, only if he likes what he sees. - New York. 337 00:26:00,143 --> 00:26:02,847 Seriously, that's our home, that's where we live. 338 00:26:02,847 --> 00:26:03,822 Isn't that fun? 339 00:26:04,151 --> 00:26:07,148 - Can we go with you. - Sure, you can bunk with Vitaly... 340 00:26:10,052 --> 00:26:10,552 Whoa... 341 00:26:10,557 --> 00:26:11,438 ... or not. 342 00:26:11,651 --> 00:26:12,977 Nyet! 343 00:26:13,564 --> 00:26:14,724 Oh no... 344 00:26:14,724 --> 00:26:18,241 I don'ta think Vitaly lika that idea... 345 00:26:18,267 --> 00:26:20,548 What's he agonna' do? 346 00:26:20,548 --> 00:26:23,832 Which one of you is leader? 347 00:26:27,576 --> 00:26:32,279 Tell your comrades there is one rule we do not break... 348 00:26:32,284 --> 00:26:36,073 Thou shalt say it and not spray it?? 349 00:26:36,073 --> 00:26:41,731 Nyet... Circus owner no allow stowaways. 350 00:26:46,294 --> 00:26:52,300 I hear you Russki although the Circus owner may allow stowaways if the... 351 00:26:52,301 --> 00:26:56,303 stowaways just happen to be the owners... 352 00:26:56,307 --> 00:26:57,208 ...riddle me that. 353 00:26:58,609 --> 00:27:01,712 What is sharply dressed little birdy talking about? 354 00:27:01,972 --> 00:27:03,003 Show him boys... 355 00:27:13,912 --> 00:27:16,013 You have a deal mi migo... 356 00:27:18,885 --> 00:27:22,389 I am sure this Circus will bring you great success... 357 00:27:24,890 --> 00:27:29,194 I guess this is'a goodbye and goodluck. 358 00:27:38,101 --> 00:27:40,003 What do we know about owning a Circus? 359 00:27:40,102 --> 00:27:42,405 Nothing...but it's our only shot at getting home. 360 00:27:42,420 --> 00:27:46,332 Well you better know what you're doing your risking Privates' Community College Fund. 361 00:27:47,733 --> 00:27:48,834 I'll never be President. 362 00:28:11,754 --> 00:28:14,465 Hey, this is not First Class... 363 00:28:16,757 --> 00:28:18,468 Definitely Coach... 364 00:28:29,743 --> 00:28:33,780 - La, la, la, la, la... - Mort, stop it. 365 00:28:33,791 --> 00:28:35,392 Hehehehee... 366 00:29:31,166 --> 00:29:36,270 Hey, gorgeous has anyone ever told you that you look like a supermodel... 367 00:29:36,271 --> 00:29:40,375 ...albeit a fat hairy one who smells? 368 00:29:44,178 --> 00:29:44,778 Whoa.... 369 00:29:50,482 --> 00:29:54,786 You have a very hairy back... I like that in a woman. 370 00:30:00,290 --> 00:30:04,792 - Zat's it, I'm going in... - Don't do it... don't be a hero 371 00:30:12,601 --> 00:30:24,809 Lion... 12 hours old... 250kg... glossy mane... too much conditioner.... 372 00:30:25,564 --> 00:30:26,912 ...stupid bozo's. 373 00:30:37,519 --> 00:30:39,520 Hello kitty... 374 00:30:41,523 --> 00:30:45,448 you ran away with ze Circus... what a cliche. 375 00:31:10,867 --> 00:31:16,573 What a dump. If they want to attract a decent sports team 376 00:31:16,575 --> 00:31:18,675 they should bulldoze this rat-trap and invest in a new arena. 377 00:31:25,256 --> 00:31:27,834 The Colosseum Marty... the original theatre in the round. 378 00:31:28,598 --> 00:31:31,031 You know my ancestors used to perform here. 379 00:31:30,531 --> 00:31:31,496 No kiddin'. 380 00:31:31,531 --> 00:31:34,166 Yeah, every show had a captive audience... apparently they killed... 381 00:31:34,411 --> 00:31:35,766 Sounds like a great gig. 382 00:31:39,033 --> 00:31:40,132 This is so exciting. 383 00:31:40,552 --> 00:31:43,428 Remember we just lay low, stay out of the way, let them do their thing. 384 00:31:43,438 --> 00:31:47,535 Aww, would you look at this. You gotta go back to yo' momma's belly... 385 00:31:47,545 --> 00:31:50,541 ...'cause you too cute to be out here in the real world. 386 00:31:50,641 --> 00:31:51,640 - Hey, back you donkey... - Want a fight? 387 00:31:51,645 --> 00:31:53,640 - Whoa, what the...? - Marty, they're professionals, come on. 388 00:31:53,650 --> 00:31:55,638 Whoa, you look gorgeous. 389 00:31:56,317 --> 00:31:58,754 Alright animals, we may be your new owners 390 00:31:58,754 --> 00:32:00,801 but we don't want to reinvent the Circus wheel... 391 00:32:00,801 --> 00:32:02,817 so just go out and do what you do. 392 00:32:02,817 --> 00:32:05,477 Just use this as a fun warm-up for that promoter in London. 393 00:32:05,512 --> 00:32:07,707 Right Marty. Mart... Marty? 394 00:32:07,917 --> 00:32:10,716 - I want to be a Circus horse. - We could swing you right... 395 00:32:10,721 --> 00:32:12,717 - Then... then you'd be... - Awesome... 396 00:32:12,737 --> 00:32:14,537 Not laying very low are we Marty. 397 00:32:15,649 --> 00:32:18,098 - Sonia, where's the bear? - Sonia, we're about'a to start. 398 00:32:18,128 --> 00:32:22,722 Hey, Vitaly... got your game face on. 399 00:32:23,668 --> 00:32:25,920 Good game face... what is that cats' problem? 400 00:32:25,920 --> 00:32:29,487 Look at me... Russian cat... diss a knife at anybody. 401 00:32:29,502 --> 00:32:32,890 - Honey look, look, I'm doing it. - Guys, stop fooling around. 402 00:32:33,089 --> 00:32:35,688 - We're just having a little fun. - Just let these animals do their show. 403 00:32:46,571 --> 00:32:47,471 Really? 404 00:32:47,476 --> 00:32:49,769 Sonia, where's Sonia the bear? 405 00:33:32,081 --> 00:33:37,726 I want to kiss every inch of your huge head... it may take me a number of weeks. 406 00:33:46,818 --> 00:33:48,141 That was heaven... 407 00:33:51,913 --> 00:33:55,911 Don't cry, stop crying, that makes me cry to see you cry my darling... 408 00:33:55,916 --> 00:33:57,908 ...I will get you something even better. 409 00:34:03,703 --> 00:34:06,599 Well done my love. Hey not so fast... 410 00:34:16,491 --> 00:34:22,485 Ladies and gentlemen... presenting Agia... the trapeze... the flying, the wire, 411 00:34:22,550 --> 00:34:30,479 ...and there she goes... the triple-flip roll is a doubly perf-nificant... 412 00:34:31,477 --> 00:34:34,400 - What are you doing? - That's just paper. 413 00:34:36,572 --> 00:34:38,371 Were you spying on me? 414 00:34:38,471 --> 00:34:40,570 No, no, no. I just came to say that I don't want you... 415 00:34:42,767 --> 00:34:45,864 I don't want you to think of me as some sort of authority figure... 416 00:34:47,864 --> 00:34:49,677 Don't worry, I don't. 417 00:34:49,677 --> 00:34:51,440 - You don't... oh. - Not at all. 418 00:34:51,596 --> 00:34:53,982 Well, the other circus animals might find me a bit intimidating. 419 00:34:53,992 --> 00:34:56,591 No, no nobody is intimidated at all by you. 420 00:34:56,596 --> 00:34:59,222 Oh, good stuff... good, good news. 421 00:34:59,222 --> 00:35:01,769 In fact, I do not think they are giving you 422 00:35:01,804 --> 00:35:02,814 a second thought since you showed up. 423 00:35:02,814 --> 00:35:03,605 That's good to hear. 424 00:35:03,654 --> 00:35:06,565 If anything, they are starting to feel sorry for you. 425 00:35:06,565 --> 00:35:07,774 Ok, I get it. 426 00:35:08,844 --> 00:35:09,844 Is there more? 427 00:35:10,942 --> 00:35:13,839 I just wanted to thankyou for letting us get on the train back there. 428 00:35:13,844 --> 00:35:18,540 I know the big guy wid de agcent wasn't so excited about us getting... 429 00:35:18,805 --> 00:35:24,539 Look lion guy, this Circus means everything to us and if you do anything 430 00:35:24,540 --> 00:35:30,755 that threatens this Circus you will have to answer to me... capice? 431 00:35:31,952 --> 00:35:34,571 I capice... cool. Trust me, we're cool. 432 00:35:44,188 --> 00:35:45,585 You call this laying low? 433 00:36:04,704 --> 00:36:08,615 Where's ze Circus, zere's lion. 434 00:36:10,164 --> 00:36:11,763 And when in Rome... 435 00:36:12,562 --> 00:36:14,359 la France. 436 00:36:19,900 --> 00:36:20,679 Halt! 437 00:36:25,250 --> 00:36:27,148 Come on my hairy queen... 438 00:36:27,149 --> 00:36:28,746 we'll do donuts in the Patheon. 439 00:36:37,239 --> 00:36:38,738 You're in'a big trouble. 440 00:36:39,337 --> 00:36:41,852 Now you're really in'a big trouble. 441 00:36:41,887 --> 00:36:44,283 And now your really, really in'a big trou... 442 00:36:45,183 --> 00:36:46,481 I don'ta know... 443 00:36:49,155 --> 00:36:52,830 - Ok, strike up'a the band. - Ya have a band? 444 00:36:56,123 --> 00:36:58,880 - Prepare to be blown away. - Blow me away. 445 00:36:59,245 --> 00:37:00,094 Here I go... 446 00:37:00,518 --> 00:37:00,988 Ha, ha. 447 00:37:03,767 --> 00:37:07,761 Look a this... wow, hey... it's nice'a to be ho... 448 00:37:09,201 --> 00:37:10,265 - Yeh... - Woo... - Ha... 449 00:37:13,158 --> 00:37:13,658 Hey...! 450 00:37:17,253 --> 00:37:18,552 Whoa, how do dancer do'a that? 451 00:37:18,652 --> 00:37:19,972 Get on with it...! 452 00:37:23,274 --> 00:37:24,252 Stupido...! 453 00:37:25,521 --> 00:37:26,121 Oh Oh... 454 00:37:28,269 --> 00:37:29,862 - Booo...! - Booo...! 455 00:37:42,132 --> 00:37:44,055 Well, that was worth the price of admission. 456 00:37:50,645 --> 00:37:51,398 Watch it mate... 457 00:37:52,621 --> 00:37:53,746 Who's from'a Cincinatti? 458 00:37:54,696 --> 00:37:57,343 Stephano, you know blown-away means good, right. 459 00:37:57,443 --> 00:37:59,321 Don'ta worry, the big finale is'a coming up. 460 00:37:59,491 --> 00:38:01,929 Give me a dum beat... look a this... 461 00:38:04,337 --> 00:38:10,581 - Oh no... no, this is not happening. - You have a deal mi migo. 462 00:38:12,278 --> 00:38:14,478 Yes, go out and getta food and come back. 463 00:38:22,170 --> 00:38:25,267 Deep breath, it'll happen... its all good. 464 00:38:25,277 --> 00:38:28,164 There's an angry mob outside and their demanding their money back. 465 00:38:29,074 --> 00:38:31,272 I think we all know the right thing to do... 466 00:38:36,268 --> 00:38:38,746 C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon. 467 00:38:38,766 --> 00:38:41,763 C'mon, c'mon, hurry up... get on the train. 468 00:38:48,247 --> 00:38:49,107 C'mon guys... 469 00:38:50,115 --> 00:38:50,946 Momma mia... 470 00:38:54,212 --> 00:38:55,440 ...Gratzi Ales. 471 00:38:59,013 --> 00:39:00,335 Just throw us the money. 472 00:39:11,027 --> 00:39:14,423 Capitan Chantelle Dubois, get up... we're going to have to 473 00:39:14,433 --> 00:39:17,620 send'a you back to Monaco... under maximum security. 474 00:39:22,117 --> 00:39:26,312 - What... - It's just a pillow. 475 00:39:26,322 --> 00:39:29,287 Eh, that'sa the oldest trick in the book Capitante, 476 00:39:29,287 --> 00:39:31,700 every bambino in Italy knows'a that one. 477 00:39:31,707 --> 00:39:35,925 Maybe, but do they know about the old escape'a hole 478 00:39:35,925 --> 00:39:38,270 behind the innocent a'looking poster? 479 00:39:41,599 --> 00:39:45,295 Or the really old one'a to hide up on the ceiling a'trick? 480 00:39:52,864 --> 00:39:56,386 Of course... the secret'a tunnel under the bed... get this thing out'a the way. 481 00:40:00,182 --> 00:40:00,682 Lets'a go... 482 00:40:03,678 --> 00:40:05,478 ...This'a secret tunnel is'a dead end!! 483 00:40:05,678 --> 00:40:09,373 There is'a nothing but bed springs and'a mattress a'stuffings down here. 484 00:40:11,072 --> 00:40:13,270 Was that the sound of a cell door closing? 485 00:40:23,063 --> 00:40:24,461 Voila... 486 00:40:26,659 --> 00:40:29,657 Was that'a the sound of my h'a p printer printing? 487 00:40:39,647 --> 00:40:41,122 This is a disaster... 488 00:40:41,127 --> 00:40:44,767 We blew all our money on a bad Circus and we're not any closer to New York. 489 00:40:44,867 --> 00:40:47,242 If anything, we're further away. 490 00:40:47,341 --> 00:40:50,638 We could've least bought a Circus that new how to Circ... 491 00:40:50,736 --> 00:40:54,209 I don't even know why we bought a Circus in the first place 492 00:40:54,219 --> 00:40:55,433 we had enough dough for a plane... 493 00:40:55,643 --> 00:40:57,120 Are you kidding me? 494 00:40:57,120 --> 00:40:59,063 You must have some money leftover... 495 00:40:59,098 --> 00:41:03,225 I used it to buy teeth... then had them capped in gold... now I can eat apples. 496 00:41:04,649 --> 00:41:08,556 ...Sadly, I discovered I... I don't like apples. 497 00:41:09,120 --> 00:41:13,317 No promoter's sending this show to America, it's ta laugh... 498 00:41:13,417 --> 00:41:16,312 Now it all makes sense... no one wanted a circus... so happy... 499 00:41:16,412 --> 00:41:20,311 He's happy alright... happy about ripping us off... 500 00:41:24,507 --> 00:41:26,405 - Where did Alex go? - I don't know... 501 00:41:36,796 --> 00:41:38,568 C'mon, this'a way'a... 502 00:41:38,568 --> 00:41:40,914 No, no, no you come this way... 503 00:41:41,592 --> 00:41:42,990 Hey, Ales'a watcha your head... 504 00:41:57,441 --> 00:41:58,276 Ales'a... 505 00:42:05,369 --> 00:42:06,468 Ales'a... 506 00:42:07,967 --> 00:42:11,387 - I'm fine. - Fantastic... 507 00:42:12,963 --> 00:42:16,261 ...was that Trapeza Americano? 508 00:42:16,281 --> 00:42:18,259 - Ah, yeah, sort of... - Incredible... 509 00:42:18,357 --> 00:42:20,127 I hope that this is important. 510 00:42:20,127 --> 00:42:21,637 Come'a this way Ales'a. 511 00:42:26,850 --> 00:42:30,547 I know... New York Nisss... it's not a'hard. 512 00:42:31,547 --> 00:42:32,646 Whoa... 513 00:42:42,810 --> 00:42:44,135 What is this place? 514 00:42:44,435 --> 00:42:49,630 I know you think we are a stinky-poopy Circus but there is something you musta know. 515 00:42:56,134 --> 00:43:03,243 numero uno in all'a da Europe... and Vitaly, he was the biggest star of us all. 516 00:43:04,028 --> 00:43:10,237 He was a'fearless, taking a'risks always a'new jump'a through the hoop like'a he could fly. 517 00:43:24,124 --> 00:43:28,321 - Vlasinov, make the hoop smaller... - Like'a this'a? 518 00:43:28,331 --> 00:43:31,257 - Smaller. - Like'a this? 519 00:43:31,842 --> 00:43:32,342 Good! 520 00:43:47,382 --> 00:43:52,099 It had never been done'a before because it was physically impossible. 521 00:43:52,748 --> 00:43:56,345 And the people, they loved it... 522 00:43:56,874 --> 00:43:58,094 Smaller... 523 00:44:10,083 --> 00:44:14,155 And the hoop, she got'a smaller like the ring on the finger 524 00:44:14,160 --> 00:44:17,363 of the tiniest lady with the slimmest a'fingers. 525 00:44:23,451 --> 00:44:30,165 He would not stop'a push and one'a fateful day... he push'a too far. 526 00:44:30,964 --> 00:44:33,463 Light the hoop on fire... 527 00:44:53,944 --> 00:44:59,216 He flied too close'a to the sun and he got'a burned... literally. 528 00:44:59,251 --> 00:45:05,140 The extra-virgin olive oil is extra-flammable and he lost'a everything. 529 00:45:05,938 --> 00:45:09,035 His a'wife she a'run-off with the muscian, 530 00:45:09,040 --> 00:45:15,424 he lost his a'dignity... his fame... his passion and his fur. 531 00:45:16,332 --> 00:45:21,329 and when it grow a'back it'a was not'a less'a soft... more like a prickly beard. 532 00:45:21,928 --> 00:45:24,926 - Escuzzi Vitaly... - What...! 533 00:45:24,931 --> 00:45:25,930 Nothing... 534 00:45:26,930 --> 00:45:30,026 His only passion now is the borscht. 535 00:45:32,923 --> 00:45:34,023 Whoa... 536 00:45:34,053 --> 00:45:37,180 He was our inspiration so when'a he lost his passion... 537 00:45:37,250 --> 00:45:41,002 well'a as the talent goes so goes the Circus. 538 00:45:41,161 --> 00:45:45,042 - This is why we need your help. - What sort of help? 539 00:45:45,172 --> 00:45:49,039 You can teach us to do new Circus... Americano syle. 540 00:45:49,044 --> 00:45:51,991 We find'a new passion, make a'new show and 541 00:45:51,996 --> 00:45:55,088 we go all the way to U... S... and'a A.. 542 00:46:00,364 --> 00:46:01,499 ...A. 543 00:46:04,630 --> 00:46:08,927 I know, it is stupido idea... we are a lost'a cause. 544 00:46:11,743 --> 00:46:14,022 No, no, no, this isn't stupido... this could work. 545 00:46:15,870 --> 00:46:17,409 - What? - What you just said... 546 00:46:17,867 --> 00:46:18,642 What...? 547 00:46:18,966 --> 00:46:21,030 Me agi, what you just said two seconds ago. 548 00:46:21,040 --> 00:46:22,638 - What? - Your stupido idea. 549 00:46:22,814 --> 00:46:25,360 - Is'a good? - Stefano... you're a genius. 550 00:46:25,785 --> 00:46:28,982 No, no, no, I am a'merely average intelligence'a... 551 00:46:29,002 --> 00:46:32,031 some say I am even slightly below. 552 00:46:32,980 --> 00:46:36,901 We are going to rethink everything everybody's ever known about Circus. 553 00:46:36,902 --> 00:46:42,794 I call it Phase 4-7b wherein... in order to get home we will come up with something fresh, 554 00:46:42,799 --> 00:46:46,796 something amazing, something brand new fresh never before seen... 555 00:46:46,806 --> 00:46:51,637 off the chain, something that'll blow that Circus promoter away... 556 00:46:53,601 --> 00:46:54,470 I missed. 557 00:46:54,905 --> 00:46:56,904 - Are you kidding? - I'll gonna chew his leg off... 558 00:46:57,702 --> 00:47:01,898 Circus has been same for generations. We make good classic family entertainment. 559 00:47:01,903 --> 00:47:07,898 Aha, but last few a'generations family's not so entertained. 560 00:47:11,895 --> 00:47:14,897 That's right, families not so entertained because you're just 561 00:47:14,902 --> 00:47:18,293 going through the motions out there... it's missing passion. 562 00:47:18,888 --> 00:47:21,886 How want to have passion for stool poked in face? 563 00:47:21,896 --> 00:47:25,881 Exactly... and by stool you mean chair, right? 564 00:47:26,882 --> 00:47:31,347 Fact is you guys... you got stuck in a rut. You stopped pushing. You stopped taking risks 565 00:47:31,352 --> 00:47:37,270 but those days are over because now we are going to completely change the show. 566 00:47:37,285 --> 00:47:39,180 Then it wouldn't be a Circus... would it! 567 00:47:39,779 --> 00:47:45,074 Circus is not about the acts you do, Circus is in here... 568 00:47:45,094 --> 00:47:47,892 How comes Freddy get's all the Circus. 569 00:47:48,671 --> 00:47:52,869 Circus is about following your passions wherever they take you. 570 00:47:52,879 --> 00:47:57,674 Tuh, you cannot change Circus there is long tradition. 571 00:47:57,774 --> 00:48:01,769 That's what everybody thought Vitaly until those French Canadians came along, 572 00:48:01,774 --> 00:48:05,272 drunk off their maple syrup and cheap pharmaceuticals 573 00:48:05,302 --> 00:48:07,819 and completely flipped the paradigm. 574 00:48:07,824 --> 00:48:12,869 Now they play 'Vegas, 50 shows a day in 52 separate venues... 575 00:48:12,874 --> 00:48:14,868 and one of them completely in the nude. 576 00:48:15,457 --> 00:48:18,165 - Yeah, that's right and you know how they did it? - Take off'a de clothes? 577 00:48:19,873 --> 00:48:23,870 - No... they got rid of the animals. - Say it ain't so... 578 00:48:23,872 --> 00:48:25,669 No way... what are we gonna do? 579 00:48:27,525 --> 00:48:32,028 Well, you know what I say to that... I say they can take the animals out of the Circus but, 580 00:48:32,033 --> 00:48:40,823 they cannot take the animals out of the Circus... I mean they cannot, ahem... 581 00:48:40,940 --> 00:48:45,105 - I think you understand what I am saying. - Yeah, yeah, yeah... 582 00:48:45,210 --> 00:48:46,210 Er... no. 583 00:48:46,344 --> 00:48:51,839 We don't need humans because we've got passion. What does a human say when he's passionate... 584 00:48:51,844 --> 00:48:54,043 I'm an animal. Well we are animals!! 585 00:48:57,240 --> 00:48:59,557 ...We'll make an all-animal Circus 586 00:48:59,557 --> 00:49:02,954 because if we follow our passion we can go anywhere. 587 00:49:02,954 --> 00:49:03,838 Anywhere. 588 00:49:03,859 --> 00:49:05,717 - We can do anything... - Anything. 589 00:49:05,917 --> 00:49:09,014 - If we do it... together. - All of us. 590 00:49:14,809 --> 00:49:15,907 - We're in... - We'll have some of that. 591 00:49:16,107 --> 00:49:18,906 - Let me hear you say 'fur power'. - Fur power... 592 00:49:20,803 --> 00:49:22,801 Do it together... that's right... 593 00:49:22,886 --> 00:49:23,801 - You and me baby... - What? 594 00:49:23,811 --> 00:49:25,810 - An act together. - I love it. 595 00:49:25,810 --> 00:49:28,906 - We could do that funky groove dance thing. - Ah, dance? 596 00:49:28,916 --> 00:49:30,814 This thing right here, look... 597 00:49:30,819 --> 00:49:35,800 - Me and you... - But I, I, I, I, I can't dance. 598 00:49:35,801 --> 00:49:41,535 Power, power, power, Circus power ... circus power, power 599 00:49:41,796 --> 00:49:43,795 Bah, I do not trust this lion. 600 00:49:44,408 --> 00:49:51,876 Vitaly, I may not trust him either but I am tired of sitting and standing and rolling over. 601 00:49:51,976 --> 00:49:55,782 There is great tradition in sitting, standing... rolling over. 602 00:49:55,871 --> 00:49:58,437 You know our Circus is in trouble, 603 00:49:58,437 --> 00:50:03,487 this could be our last chance but we will not do this without you. 604 00:50:04,415 --> 00:50:05,973 Circus always stay a'together. 605 00:50:13,467 --> 00:50:20,861 - Argh, ok... I do one hoop. - I want'a hug you too. 606 00:50:39,684 --> 00:50:44,079 Attenzionne... I have found our lion, he is hiding with ze Circus. 607 00:52:08,053 --> 00:52:09,701 No, no Mr. racehorse I really want'a to fly. 608 00:52:09,832 --> 00:52:12,698 Are you really going to shoot yourself out of that thing? 609 00:52:13,698 --> 00:52:17,754 I've always dreamed of doing this from a'time I was a little pup 610 00:52:17,756 --> 00:52:24,572 to be a human cannon ball'a... except you know, a sea lion cannon ball. 611 00:52:24,587 --> 00:52:25,906 Is it dangerous? 612 00:52:25,911 --> 00:52:29,704 Is it dangerous... Yes of course its a'dangerous. 613 00:52:29,714 --> 00:52:31,712 - Now, are you sure about this? - I'm a'sure. 614 00:52:31,722 --> 00:52:34,611 Because if blowed up is your thing then you is in the right place. 615 00:52:34,621 --> 00:52:36,808 Si... that means a' yes. 616 00:52:37,008 --> 00:52:40,005 - Ready for launch? - Ready for launch. 617 00:52:43,027 --> 00:52:44,121 Fire in the hole. 618 00:52:46,368 --> 00:52:47,009 Wait... 619 00:52:59,358 --> 00:53:02,679 Mamma mia... help'a me'a... 620 00:53:03,478 --> 00:53:05,962 Rico, get the cannon ready... same charge. 621 00:53:08,999 --> 00:53:09,847 Fire in the hole. 622 00:53:25,360 --> 00:53:26,109 I like... 623 00:53:45,840 --> 00:53:48,763 Marty, I'm a'so glad you're a'here. 624 00:53:49,938 --> 00:53:52,634 Whoa, I was flyin'. I was F'n.L.Y.N.... 625 00:53:53,508 --> 00:53:58,404 I am proud of you but... I don't think'a I can hold on much longer. 626 00:53:58,464 --> 00:54:02,750 Oh yeah, right. Sorry about my enthusiasm. Here, wrap this around ya... 627 00:54:09,419 --> 00:54:11,292 Alright I gotch... I gotcha... 628 00:54:19,535 --> 00:54:23,532 Hahaha... forget about being part of the herd I'm gonna be part of the flock... 629 00:54:23,731 --> 00:54:25,531 I'm gonna fly... baby. 630 00:54:25,556 --> 00:54:28,528 Oh yes! What a triumph'a. 631 00:54:28,927 --> 00:54:30,385 - Oi, watch what your doing. - Wait... what's he trying? 632 00:54:30,386 --> 00:54:31,525 - Let me go... - I'll have your guts for garters. 633 00:54:31,535 --> 00:54:34,532 Hey, hey, hey, put your weapons down. C'mon guys, chill out. 634 00:54:34,537 --> 00:54:36,538 Cute and cuddly is obviously not your thing. 635 00:54:36,538 --> 00:54:37,002 What...? 636 00:54:37,037 --> 00:54:39,628 - Oh, he's got us pegged. - I've got a better idea... show'em Rico. 637 00:54:42,464 --> 00:54:46,521 Arrrgh... that was great. 638 00:54:48,817 --> 00:54:49,518 I want a bit of that. 639 00:54:49,519 --> 00:54:53,316 - Rocket shoes... - Yeah... Jonesy... Jonesy... 640 00:54:54,514 --> 00:54:57,512 - Hey, hi. - I admire how you have inspired these animals. 641 00:54:57,517 --> 00:54:58,990 Oh, thanks. 642 00:54:58,990 --> 00:55:02,651 And what you said about the passion it was like poetry... 643 00:55:02,686 --> 00:55:04,374 I love passion and poetry they go together... 644 00:55:04,374 --> 00:55:06,066 really. I mean I know they don't rhyme... 645 00:55:06,101 --> 00:55:06,908 Zen there is my passion. 646 00:55:07,412 --> 00:55:10,510 - Terrific, I look forward to seeing you up there. - You can teach me... 647 00:55:10,515 --> 00:55:11,663 - What? - Teach me. 648 00:55:11,763 --> 00:55:15,510 Well you know I have always been a kind of solo act so that kind of rules that out... 649 00:55:15,520 --> 00:55:20,880 - I wonder... you actually do trapezi? - Oh, I actually do do trapeze. 650 00:55:20,890 --> 00:55:23,188 - Show me. - Show me...? 651 00:55:23,193 --> 00:55:26,127 - What, are we five? - I am five, yes. 652 00:55:28,229 --> 00:55:33,215 Insane... all's you're doing is moving and not getting anywhere. 653 00:55:33,220 --> 00:55:36,066 I mean the music totally throws off my timing. 654 00:55:36,071 --> 00:55:40,368 You want... you want excitement haha, check it out, who's on a tightrope huh, huh? 655 00:55:40,388 --> 00:55:45,703 Who's on a ti... Arrrghh.... I'm on a tightrope, I'm on a cable. 656 00:55:45,854 --> 00:55:47,442 Melman... oh my gosh. 657 00:55:47,742 --> 00:55:50,438 - Help me, help me... - Hold on, hold on... I'm coming right now. 658 00:55:55,033 --> 00:55:55,832 Melman... 659 00:56:00,129 --> 00:56:01,029 ...calm down Melman. 660 00:56:01,249 --> 00:56:07,642 - I'm gonna fall and break all of my neck - Just look at me... look at me, all eyes on me. 661 00:56:07,762 --> 00:56:08,441 - Ok. - Come to me. 662 00:56:08,446 --> 00:56:11,444 - I can't. - It's just like dancing Melman... 663 00:56:11,447 --> 00:56:14,445 two steps forward one step back. 664 00:56:14,457 --> 00:56:19,441 - I can't dance... Ok. Ok, there I said it. - Maybe because you've never tried. 665 00:56:19,453 --> 00:56:24,735 No I have tried. I practiced in private because you dance so well. 666 00:56:25,242 --> 00:56:27,439 You practiced... for me? 667 00:56:27,444 --> 00:56:32,636 Yes but it's no use I never know what to do with my arms. 668 00:56:33,440 --> 00:56:36,438 Hold it... that part is so easy Melman, Ok? 669 00:56:36,443 --> 00:56:41,437 ...because all you have to do is put'em around your partner... see. 670 00:56:41,807 --> 00:56:44,640 Two steps forward, one step back. 671 00:56:45,144 --> 00:56:47,701 - I'm dancing... -Two steps forward... 672 00:56:47,706 --> 00:56:49,446 - I'm dancing. - One step back. 673 00:56:49,705 --> 00:56:51,544 - We're dancing on a tightrope... - You're great. 674 00:56:51,744 --> 00:56:52,542 I'm dancing. 675 00:56:56,538 --> 00:56:59,978 Ok, ahh, wooo... alright. 676 00:56:59,978 --> 00:57:03,623 So when do we get the jetpacks and aquatic cobras? 677 00:57:03,658 --> 00:57:06,766 Ah, well this is a beginners class and that's a pretty advanced manoeuvre. 678 00:57:06,766 --> 00:57:08,196 Ok, how do we begin? 679 00:57:08,231 --> 00:57:12,445 Well, it's a bit complicated unless you understand the whole pitch and yaw... 680 00:57:12,450 --> 00:57:17,441 ...arc and gravity... all that stuff which I won't bore you with. Ok... 681 00:57:17,446 --> 00:57:22,340 - You need a push? - No. Just watch and learn... 682 00:57:23,140 --> 00:57:23,650 Whoa... 683 00:57:33,132 --> 00:57:35,627 - Like that? - That's one way of doing it. 684 00:57:45,719 --> 00:57:50,415 - You use the net'a...? - Yes, Trapeze Americano we use the net. 685 00:57:55,141 --> 00:57:57,208 Trez Americano... 686 00:58:13,096 --> 00:58:13,975 Look at them go. 687 00:58:29,280 --> 00:58:30,180 Wow...... 688 00:58:39,271 --> 00:58:43,698 Bellissima, hey Vitaly maybe even you do it two hoops no? 689 00:58:49,132 --> 00:58:53,383 Pssst... Seniorita bell-bottoms the name Azuna problema e'grande 690 00:58:53,383 --> 00:58:55,825 Ok, e'grande problema. 691 00:59:01,082 --> 00:59:04,418 - Oh no, she's onto us... - Sssshhh... don't make it any easier on the psycho. 692 00:59:04,478 --> 00:59:07,317 - What are we gonna do? - We better vamoose pronto. 693 00:59:07,427 --> 00:59:09,985 But we're not ready... we're in the middle of rehearsals. 694 00:59:09,995 --> 00:59:13,421 Well then latch your little talbert, grab your pedanko and kiss New York goodbye. 695 00:59:15,040 --> 00:59:16,438 Are you sure we are a'ready? 696 00:59:16,443 --> 00:59:18,342 Of course we're ready. We're all ready... ready steady. 697 00:59:18,347 --> 00:59:20,840 C'mon lets go. Lets go, go, go, go, go... 698 00:59:21,044 --> 00:59:23,007 Alright, you heard the Cap'n... move it. 699 00:59:23,461 --> 00:59:24,512 All aboard... 700 00:59:24,562 --> 00:59:28,558 Grab your luggage and drain your bladders it's going to be a long ride. 701 00:59:36,549 --> 00:59:38,898 Alright everbody lets blow that promoter away. 702 01:00:04,925 --> 01:00:07,122 Vitaly... Vitaly... 703 01:00:35,897 --> 01:00:37,496 Ah, c'mon, c'mon... where is he? 704 01:00:39,763 --> 01:00:40,167 Hey... 705 01:00:40,263 --> 01:00:44,159 If that's not a red-blooded American promoter I don't know what is. 706 01:00:44,164 --> 01:00:46,573 ...need to get this show on the road. 707 01:00:46,597 --> 01:00:48,171 Private, tell'em the eagle has landed. 708 01:00:48,181 --> 01:00:50,530 - The eagle has landed. - Roger that. 709 01:00:51,179 --> 01:00:53,179 - Oh, keep an eye out for Dubois. - Aye aye Guvna. 710 01:00:53,379 --> 01:00:56,175 - The promoter is in the house. - New York... is closer than ever. 711 01:00:56,194 --> 01:01:00,372 Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First we've got a Circus to do. We're on folks... 712 01:01:00,991 --> 01:01:02,850 Do we go on before or after the dogs? 713 01:01:02,850 --> 01:01:03,307 Yes. 714 01:01:03,342 --> 01:01:04,991 - What? - Overlap... your acts overlap. 715 01:01:04,992 --> 01:01:05,440 We go on inbetween? 716 01:01:05,441 --> 01:01:07,291 - Where's Vitaly, he opens? - I don't know... 717 01:01:07,395 --> 01:01:11,111 Stefano... hey. Stefano, have you seen Vitaly? 718 01:01:12,040 --> 01:01:17,334 Hey... Stefano why the sad little face? 719 01:01:17,334 --> 01:01:20,528 Vitaly... he not'a go on. 720 01:01:20,563 --> 01:01:20,936 What? 721 01:01:20,936 --> 01:01:23,443 I tried'a everything I could but... 722 01:01:24,934 --> 01:01:27,430 Sshhhsshhh... wipe away the tears and calm down. 723 01:01:27,435 --> 01:01:30,497 Where is he? I'm sure I can reason with him. 724 01:01:34,223 --> 01:01:36,422 - Vitaly, what are you doing? - You missed... 725 01:01:36,442 --> 01:01:39,938 You're leaving... you're just going to walk out on everybody? 726 01:01:40,038 --> 01:01:42,039 They have good show without me. 727 01:01:42,089 --> 01:01:45,119 Look, I got a good left foot but without my right foot I can't walk. 728 01:01:45,234 --> 01:01:49,202 - You get fake foot then you walk. - I don't want fake foot, ok. 729 01:01:49,207 --> 01:01:53,172 What happened to Circus stick together? Huh, the show must go on. 730 01:01:53,202 --> 01:01:54,116 Cliches... 731 01:01:54,915 --> 01:01:58,210 C'mon man stop being this guy... be the other guy. 732 01:01:58,210 --> 01:01:59,695 What other guy? 733 01:01:59,730 --> 01:02:02,115 The guy who is all Circus. The guy who jumped through hoops... 734 01:02:01,978 --> 01:02:05,230 Give me that... The guy everybody looked up to. 735 01:02:08,671 --> 01:02:15,365 - C'mon, where's that Vitaly? - That Vitaly... is no more. 736 01:02:16,065 --> 01:02:21,060 Listen man, you may have given up on yourself but your friends haven't given up on you. 737 01:02:22,961 --> 01:02:27,257 Are you just going to turn your back on them and sit and eat borscht the rest of your life... 738 01:02:27,356 --> 01:02:31,767 ...or are you gonna get out there and jump through that tiny little hoop? 739 01:02:33,051 --> 01:02:35,264 It is impossible... 740 01:02:37,363 --> 01:02:42,662 It was always impossible Vitaly thats why the people loved it. 741 01:02:47,038 --> 01:02:53,349 That is why I loved it... because I did the impossible. 742 01:02:55,042 --> 01:02:58,720 I was once a brave tiger... 743 01:02:59,048 --> 01:03:02,565 ...and if I go down in flames... so be it. 744 01:03:04,033 --> 01:03:07,330 You know, I think I may have an idea for you. 745 01:03:19,834 --> 01:03:22,217 Light the hoop on fire...! 746 01:03:44,298 --> 01:03:46,627 O mamma mia, santa maria, santa maria... 747 01:03:49,095 --> 01:03:52,271 ...mamma maria, mia santa, santa maria terro... 748 01:03:53,789 --> 01:03:54,888 C'mon, you got it. 749 01:04:05,580 --> 01:04:06,877 Hahahaha... Yes...! 750 01:04:14,774 --> 01:04:16,271 Alright, what are you waiting for we got a show to put on... 751 01:04:16,348 --> 01:04:18,971 We're going to America... ...lets go, go, go, go 752 01:06:27,155 --> 01:06:30,222 - We're going to America... Whooo... - today! 753 01:06:30,251 --> 01:06:33,376 Now we can turn a crackalak into the mackalak. 754 01:06:33,949 --> 01:06:35,948 - We did it Ales'a. - Yeah. 755 01:06:35,952 --> 01:06:39,248 - Maybe I am intelligent after all. - Perhaps even slightly above. 756 01:06:40,947 --> 01:06:42,245 No... I don't think so. 757 01:06:42,845 --> 01:06:48,739 Ha, hair conditioner, great idea my friend. Here... hair great... soft like kitten no... 758 01:06:48,743 --> 01:06:51,506 - Look at that... - Haha, slippery but not flammable. 759 01:06:51,506 --> 01:06:53,993 You smell like a'peaches and herb. 760 01:06:54,028 --> 01:06:54,937 Wow... 761 01:06:55,938 --> 01:07:00,933 - Gia and Alex... the trapeza's good, ah? - We did pretty good. 762 01:07:00,941 --> 01:07:02,929 You would flip and I will catch and sometimes I would flip and... 763 01:07:02,930 --> 01:07:08,926 will a'catch then we would both flip... Bravo all over world... 764 01:07:16,918 --> 01:07:22,816 Ah, you know, the thing is... I... I may not always be around... 765 01:07:22,818 --> 01:07:25,816 - Where are you going? - Well, I'm um, um, um... 766 01:07:29,237 --> 01:07:30,811 Bravo, bravo... 767 01:07:31,114 --> 01:07:34,907 ...what a heartwarming performance Monsieur Circus Master... 768 01:07:34,967 --> 01:07:38,805 brought tears to my eyes. Hahaha, no not really... 769 01:07:38,808 --> 01:07:43,803 ...Monsieur we both know the lion does not belong to you... 770 01:07:43,813 --> 01:07:45,012 It's that horrid woman. 771 01:07:45,712 --> 01:07:47,817 He's a fugitive from justice. 772 01:07:47,817 --> 01:07:52,405 You will turn ze lion over to me so that I may put him where he belongs... 773 01:07:55,601 --> 01:07:57,200 ...On my wall. 774 01:08:02,695 --> 01:08:03,795 Incoming... 775 01:08:11,587 --> 01:08:12,187 ...outgoing. 776 01:08:12,686 --> 01:08:13,185 Wait...! 777 01:08:17,681 --> 01:08:21,679 Tata, hooha down low... too slow. Well done Private. 778 01:08:21,879 --> 01:08:23,878 - Did I do good? - Nah, not really... 779 01:08:25,325 --> 01:08:26,725 Man, that was close. 780 01:08:27,673 --> 01:08:30,770 Alex, you are from a Zoo? 781 01:08:35,767 --> 01:08:39,762 - Yes, yes but wait, there's more. - More? 782 01:08:39,777 --> 01:08:42,675 - There's less, there's less... - You were never Circus. 783 01:08:43,484 --> 01:08:46,770 - We, we had to say we were Circus... - Or you'd never have let us on the train. 784 01:08:47,355 --> 01:08:49,767 After all we have been through together... 785 01:08:50,672 --> 01:08:53,495 want to go live in a Zoo? 786 01:08:53,495 --> 01:08:54,826 Gia, I... 787 01:08:54,861 --> 01:08:57,166 - You used us... - No, no, no... I mean, I mean yes but... 788 01:08:57,171 --> 01:09:02,017 - Trapeze Americano you make that up too? - It didn't exactly exist when I taught it to you. 789 01:09:02,816 --> 01:09:05,813 And jetpacks and aquatic cobras... I should have known. 790 01:09:05,823 --> 01:09:10,809 Balloons'a to the children of the world was'a nothing... real either? 791 01:09:10,829 --> 01:09:12,827 Yeh, it's not real but, but look at what we did. 792 01:09:12,837 --> 01:09:20,031 - I was a'shot out of a cannon... I could've a'died. - But I thought it was your life-long dream. 793 01:09:20,801 --> 01:09:23,999 For all'a I know your name is not'a even Ales. 794 01:09:25,595 --> 01:09:30,793 - No Stefano, but it never really was. - I don't a'feel a'safe... 795 01:09:33,789 --> 01:09:37,885 - Gia, I... - We trusted you. 796 01:09:40,581 --> 01:09:43,704 My tears are real, you're not. 797 01:09:47,476 --> 01:09:51,697 I can't believe you lied to all us Circus folk. 798 01:09:54,470 --> 01:09:59,965 Me, stay with the Circus... I am the King and want to rule New York. 799 01:10:05,359 --> 01:10:13,653 Stop it, no means no or in you language... Not everything is solved that way you know... 800 01:10:18,550 --> 01:10:24,544 ...Sonia, are you listening to me? Now I'm getting the silent treatment am I? 801 01:10:24,554 --> 01:10:30,848 Come over here, right now... Don't shut me out baby... 802 01:10:30,853 --> 01:10:32,745 what is wrong with you... speak... 803 01:10:37,372 --> 01:10:41,627 Ok, if these are your feelings I understand now and I'm going... 804 01:10:42,532 --> 01:10:46,528's obvious I'm just an emotional whoopee cushion for you to sit on... 805 01:10:48,525 --> 01:10:51,969 When you look for where I am I won't be there... 806 01:11:18,500 --> 01:11:23,795 - Come everybody we have show to do. - But a'how do I go on without'a Marty...? 807 01:11:24,593 --> 01:11:26,192 - Stefano... - I don't know what to do. 808 01:11:26,242 --> 01:11:32,607 - You can still do cannon solo. - But'a... I want a'do solo act with'a Marty. 809 01:11:34,385 --> 01:11:38,801 And what do I do... go back to sitting and standing and rolling over? 810 01:11:40,579 --> 01:11:48,606 No, we can do impossible... and we never go back to way we used to be. 811 01:11:48,691 --> 01:11:51,789 The way'a it used to be... isn't the way'a it was. 812 01:11:51,699 --> 01:11:56,684 and it won't a'be the same without'a them. Whatever way it is. 813 01:12:17,296 --> 01:12:23,671 - Well... we're here. - Home... 814 01:12:24,590 --> 01:12:28,337 Huh, my rock looks smaller than I remember it. 815 01:12:29,585 --> 01:12:34,581 Look at the mural... doesn't actually capture the real thing, does it. 816 01:12:36,579 --> 01:12:42,079 Wow, I forgot about that wall inbetween us Melman. 817 01:12:42,079 --> 01:12:43,786 MmmHmm... 818 01:12:43,821 --> 01:12:44,571 Was that always there? 819 01:12:51,366 --> 01:12:54,723 Guys, I'm sorry I ever left the Zoo in the first place. 820 01:12:54,723 --> 01:12:56,653 What do you mean? 821 01:12:57,361 --> 01:13:02,955 I mean... if I'd just stayed put we wouldn't have anything to be sad about right now. 822 01:13:05,554 --> 01:13:10,384 Leaving the Zoo was the best thing that ever happened to us. 823 01:13:10,559 --> 01:13:12,532 Really...? 824 01:13:12,532 --> 01:13:16,795 Yeah, out there in the world we were really living... 825 01:13:16,829 --> 01:13:18,557 - Yeah. - It was exciting. - Aah ha. 826 01:13:18,562 --> 01:13:20,559 - It was romantic... - It was dangerous... 827 01:13:20,759 --> 01:13:22,358 I never felt so alive. 828 01:13:22,833 --> 01:13:25,555 When we were with the Circus we were already home. 829 01:13:27,257 --> 01:13:28,553 Only wish we'd realised that sooner. 830 01:13:30,352 --> 01:13:36,245 - I'm really gonna miss those guys. - What do you say... we go back. 831 01:13:37,125 --> 01:13:38,441 - Really? - I'm witcha... 832 01:13:38,443 --> 01:13:40,441 - Oh yeah. - Yeah, but what do we tell them? 833 01:13:40,541 --> 01:13:43,788 Well we tell them... we make it right by telling them how wrong we were. 834 01:13:43,793 --> 01:13:48,440 - It's worth a shot. - If we go down in flames... so be it. 835 01:13:48,445 --> 01:13:50,442 - Yes, let's shoot it... - Yeah... 836 01:13:50,467 --> 01:13:53,439 Hey, is my neck getting longer? 837 01:13:54,210 --> 01:13:57,437 - Feel my fur... so soft. - It is soft... 838 01:13:57,502 --> 01:14:01,874 I'm like a candy cane in a black and white movie... 839 01:14:03,432 --> 01:14:06,450 Oh no... Dubois. 840 01:14:07,228 --> 01:14:11,214 Sonia... I miss you baby. I miss your stinky breath. 841 01:14:16,220 --> 01:14:17,318 Surprise... 842 01:14:19,817 --> 01:14:24,352 He will never fit in the carry-on... but his head will. 843 01:14:26,012 --> 01:14:27,849 - Hey... - Qu'est-ce que? 844 01:14:28,008 --> 01:14:29,407 Look what she's done... 845 01:14:29,412 --> 01:14:32,482 You brought back Alex the lion... 846 01:14:32,482 --> 01:14:33,340 It's a miracle. 847 01:14:33,375 --> 01:14:35,109 - Thankyou. - Thankyou.... You're my hero... 848 01:14:35,242 --> 01:14:38,637 Sonia, where are you? Aaaah... excuse me... 849 01:14:41,404 --> 01:14:45,533 Sonia baby... I don't want to be king anymore. 850 01:14:45,536 --> 01:14:50,395 I was so hung up on who I was, who you was, what you smelt like... 851 01:14:50,398 --> 01:14:55,596 when all that really matters is what we smell like together. 852 01:14:59,990 --> 01:15:03,188, forgive me. Hello, hello... 853 01:15:03,198 --> 01:15:05,096 - Guys, it's Dubois - Kabablooie. 854 01:15:05,695 --> 01:15:06,195 Sonia... 855 01:15:06,395 --> 01:15:08,592 - Where did you get this? - I got it from the Zoo. 856 01:15:09,192 --> 01:15:12,389 - The hippies got ambushed. - What, we have to help them... 857 01:15:12,394 --> 01:15:15,391 - But they lied to us... - Yeh, why should we lift a paw? 858 01:15:15,395 --> 01:15:18,692 - They are our friends. - They're not even Circus. 859 01:15:20,192 --> 01:15:21,589 That's Bolshevik... 860 01:15:23,288 --> 01:15:27,486 I never thought I would say this on American soil but the Russki's right. 861 01:15:38,661 --> 01:15:41,052 - Oh no... - Alex, where, where are you? 862 01:15:42,271 --> 01:15:43,255 - Gloria... - Oh... 863 01:15:43,473 --> 01:15:46,069 - Are you ok? - What is happening? 864 01:15:46,469 --> 01:15:47,467 Alex...!! 865 01:15:47,418 --> 01:15:49,566 No, no... no, no... no, no, no... no, no... 866 01:15:59,257 --> 01:16:01,755 Thankyou, thankyou all for coming to this special celebration 867 01:16:01,955 --> 01:16:04,651 and now the woman who made this all possible 868 01:16:04,652 --> 01:16:08,348 who brought Alex the lion and a couple of... three? 869 01:16:08,359 --> 01:16:13,554 three other animals back to New York and she's French... 870 01:16:13,739 --> 01:16:16,202 Ooh lala... please welcome Chantelle Dubois. 871 01:16:47,888 --> 01:16:48,608 Alex... 872 01:16:59,164 --> 01:17:02,050 It was never about ze money... 873 01:17:03,489 --> 01:17:06,397 it was about... 874 01:17:06,707 --> 01:17:07,595 ...ze lion. 875 01:17:18,247 --> 01:17:20,544 - Gia? - Circus stick together. 876 01:17:30,236 --> 01:17:31,534 Look, a flying Circus... 877 01:17:32,233 --> 01:17:33,232 Noo... 878 01:17:38,028 --> 01:17:41,675 Operation Afro Circus Rescue... Engage. 879 01:17:41,950 --> 01:17:42,724 Aye aye skipper. 880 01:17:44,223 --> 01:17:47,196 - Unleash the seal. - I am a'sea lion. 881 01:17:47,221 --> 01:17:48,294 Whatever... 882 01:17:52,515 --> 01:17:55,512 Two tons of mud... dive, dive, dive. 883 01:18:02,207 --> 01:18:03,905 - Lets rock... - You and me baby. 884 01:18:03,930 --> 01:18:07,202 - Up, up. - Whooo... 885 01:18:24,086 --> 01:18:24,727 Wow...! 886 01:18:33,078 --> 01:18:35,376 Suck in that guts... 887 01:18:38,924 --> 01:18:40,173 I am impressed...! 888 01:18:51,852 --> 01:18:54,261 Mission accomplished... now lets get out of here. 889 01:18:54,819 --> 01:18:56,259 - Wait... wait a'for me... - Stefano... 890 01:18:56,264 --> 01:18:57,962 Don't a'leave without a'me... 891 01:19:04,156 --> 01:19:05,055 Oh no... 892 01:19:11,889 --> 01:19:14,047 Go Stefano... climb. 893 01:19:21,240 --> 01:19:22,839 Come on Vlasini... 894 01:19:23,837 --> 01:19:24,756 Stefano... 895 01:19:26,036 --> 01:19:27,235 Help me... 896 01:19:29,034 --> 01:19:30,577 I will have your head. 897 01:19:31,132 --> 01:19:31,691 Help me... 898 01:19:31,932 --> 01:19:32,532 Alex. 899 01:19:39,769 --> 01:19:41,511 Marty, shoot me a line. 900 01:19:41,511 --> 01:19:42,318 You got it... 901 01:19:42,565 --> 01:19:44,566 Afro don't fail me now. 902 01:19:48,836 --> 01:19:49,856 What are you doing? 903 01:19:49,856 --> 01:19:52,944 We... are doing Trapeze Americano... 904 01:19:52,979 --> 01:19:54,137 Lets do it. 905 01:19:55,135 --> 01:19:57,153 - Franky, Jonesy be ready. - You've got it boss. 906 01:19:57,156 --> 01:19:58,437 Go, go, go. 907 01:20:09,943 --> 01:20:11,224 Gia, take Stefano. 908 01:20:12,014 --> 01:20:12,889 Alex... 909 01:20:23,929 --> 01:20:25,507 Aquatic a'cobras... 910 01:20:27,527 --> 01:20:31,209 If I'm going down your head is coming with me. 911 01:20:31,209 --> 01:20:32,239 I don't think so. 912 01:20:32,871 --> 01:20:33,971 Orright, lets go. 913 01:20:35,868 --> 01:20:38,167 You're going down but not with my head. 914 01:20:39,866 --> 01:20:40,465 Yay... 915 01:20:41,765 --> 01:20:43,661 Jetpack, he pull'a it off. 916 01:20:43,664 --> 01:20:46,064 Your days of chasing animals are over Dubois... 917 01:20:46,084 --> 01:20:48,381 because you've just messed with the King 918 01:20:57,072 --> 01:21:01,069 This is where animal like you belong... Now sit!! 919 01:21:01,968 --> 01:21:03,039 Lie down!! 920 01:21:03,898 --> 01:21:05,365 Hehehe... not enough. 921 01:21:05,437 --> 01:21:06,263 Roll over!! 922 01:21:08,962 --> 01:21:09,960 Good Dubois... 923 01:21:10,060 --> 01:21:10,761 Now stay!! 924 01:21:26,346 --> 01:21:30,243 Balloons a'for the children of'a the world. Trapeze Americano. 925 01:21:30,245 --> 01:21:32,469 - It is real. - It's a'real... 926 01:21:41,835 --> 01:21:43,159 That's how you do it. 927 01:21:45,056 --> 01:21:48,154 So, you want'a run away with the Circus? 928 01:21:48,354 --> 01:21:51,051 - Live a life of adventure...? - Full of romance...? 929 01:21:51,056 --> 01:21:52,675 - And danger... - Really living... 930 01:21:52,755 --> 01:21:54,852 What'a you say? 931 01:22:13,186 --> 01:22:13,980 MOVE IT!!! 932 01:22:16,882 --> 01:22:20,426 Hey skipper, what did you end up doing with the crazy lady anyway? 933 01:22:45,602 --> 01:22:47,176 3.... 2.... 1....
The Amazing Spider-Man
1 00:01:00,903 --> 00:01:03,823 Five, four, three... 2 00:01:03,990 --> 00:01:06,617 ...two, one. 3 00:01:06,784 --> 00:01:08,244 Ready or not, here I come. 4 00:02:23,361 --> 00:02:24,946 Hey, Dad? 5 00:02:26,405 --> 00:02:28,157 Dad! 6 00:03:31,387 --> 00:03:32,513
You'll stay with Aunt May...
7 00:03:32,680 --> 00:03:34,474 ...and Uncle Ben for a little while. 8 00:03:34,765 --> 00:03:36,809 - I wanna go with you. - No. 9 00:03:41,355 --> 00:03:43,316 Doesn't like crust on his sandwiches... 10 00:03:43,483 --> 00:03:45,735 ...and he likes to sleep with a little light on. 11 00:03:45,902 --> 00:03:48,029 - Mary. Come on, come on. - Oh, God. 12 00:03:52,283 --> 00:03:53,743 Dad. 13 00:03:54,619 --> 00:03:56,287 Be good. 14 00:04:14,222 --> 00:04:14,889 Sorry. 15 00:04:15,306 --> 00:04:16,891 Morning, Flash. 16 00:04:19,852 --> 00:04:21,938 Good morning, Parker. 17 00:04:27,860 --> 00:04:30,279 Hey. It's Peter, right? 18 00:04:32,031 --> 00:04:33,533 I really like your photos. 19 00:04:33,699 --> 00:04:35,326 Oh, thanks. Thanks. 20 00:04:35,701 --> 00:04:36,452 Listen... 21 00:04:36,577 --> 00:04:37,954 ...are you busy Friday night? 22 00:04:43,501 --> 00:04:46,462 Cool. Can you take pictures of my boyfriend's car? 23 00:04:46,629 --> 00:04:48,631 You know, I really wanna frame a good one... 24 00:04:48,798 --> 00:04:49,882 ...for his birthday. 25 00:04:50,007 --> 00:04:53,136 That's really nice of you. Wow, that's such a nice thought. 26 00:04:53,719 --> 00:04:55,638 Yeah, I'll have a look at the old... 27 00:04:55,805 --> 00:04:57,557 - The old schedule. - Okay. 28 00:04:58,724 --> 00:04:59,851 Parker. 29 00:04:59,976 --> 00:05:02,061 - Yes, sir? - You want to keep that skateboard? 30 00:05:02,228 --> 00:05:03,729 - Yeah. - Keep it off the ground. 31 00:05:03,896 --> 00:05:05,231 - Sure. Yeah. - Wheels up. 32 00:05:05,398 --> 00:05:06,524 Like that? 33 00:05:06,691 --> 00:05:08,401 - That's it. - Okay. 34 00:05:34,594 --> 00:05:35,928
Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!
35 00:05:36,095 --> 00:05:37,472
Eat it! Eat it!
36 00:05:37,638 --> 00:05:40,183
Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!
37 00:05:40,349 --> 00:05:42,768 Eat your vegetables, Gordon. Come on! 38 00:05:42,935 --> 00:05:44,395 Come on! 39 00:05:44,562 --> 00:05:45,730 Hey, Parker, come on. 40 00:05:45,897 --> 00:05:47,273 Get a picture of this. 41 00:05:47,440 --> 00:05:50,610 No, I'm not gonna take a picture of it. Put him down, man. 42 00:05:50,776 --> 00:05:52,737 - Come on. - Gordon, don't eat it. 43 00:05:52,904 --> 00:05:53,946 Take the picture. 44 00:05:54,113 --> 00:05:55,573 Put him down, Flash. 45 00:05:55,740 --> 00:05:57,325 Take the picture. 46 00:05:57,492 --> 00:06:00,077 Put him down, Eugene! 47 00:06:03,122 --> 00:06:04,457 Hey, man. 48 00:06:06,292 --> 00:06:06,959 Come on! 49 00:06:07,126 --> 00:06:07,793 Get up, Parker! 50 00:06:10,546 --> 00:06:11,214 Get up! 51 00:06:11,380 --> 00:06:13,007 Come on! Come on! 52 00:06:13,174 --> 00:06:13,841 Get up! 53 00:06:16,803 --> 00:06:18,137 Still not taking the picture. 54 00:06:18,638 --> 00:06:19,972 Stay down, Parker! 55 00:06:20,473 --> 00:06:21,974 Who wants one more? 56 00:06:22,141 --> 00:06:23,726 - One more! - Flash! 57 00:06:24,227 --> 00:06:25,603 Flash... 58 00:06:25,770 --> 00:06:27,647 ...we still on for after school today? 59 00:06:27,814 --> 00:06:28,940 My house, 3:30? 60 00:06:29,106 --> 00:06:30,316 I hope you did homework. 61 00:06:30,483 --> 00:06:31,984 Last time, I was... 62 00:06:32,568 --> 00:06:33,778 ...disappointed in you. 63 00:06:33,945 --> 00:06:36,030 - Okay, move. - No, how about we go to class? 64 00:06:36,197 --> 00:06:37,406 How about it? 65 00:06:40,243 --> 00:06:41,786 Whatever. 66 00:07:06,894 --> 00:07:08,771 I thought that was great what you did. 67 00:07:09,897 --> 00:07:10,773 It was stupid... 68 00:07:11,566 --> 00:07:12,525 ...but it was great. 69 00:07:13,442 --> 00:07:14,402 You should go to... 70 00:07:14,569 --> 00:07:16,320 ...the nurse. You might have a concussion. 71 00:07:18,406 --> 00:07:19,365 What's your name? 72 00:07:19,949 --> 00:07:21,033 You don't know my name? 73 00:07:21,367 --> 00:07:23,202 No, I know your name. 74 00:07:23,411 --> 00:07:25,079 I want to know if you know your name. 75 00:07:26,831 --> 00:07:28,374 Peter. 76 00:07:29,375 --> 00:07:31,627 - Parker. Peter Parker. - Okay. Okay, good. 77 00:07:39,093 --> 00:07:40,887 I'd still go to the nurse though. 78 00:07:41,053 --> 00:07:42,305 You're Gwen, right? 79 00:07:42,472 --> 00:07:43,681 Gwen Stacy. 80 00:07:44,056 --> 00:07:45,683 All right. 81 00:07:46,934 --> 00:07:48,603 Hey. 82 00:07:48,769 --> 00:07:49,687 I'm making... 83 00:07:49,854 --> 00:07:51,564 ...spaghetti and meatballs tonight. 84 00:07:52,148 --> 00:07:54,400 You're serious? Spaghetti and meatballs. 85 00:07:54,567 --> 00:07:58,279 Since when don't you like spaghetti and meatballs, huh? 86 00:07:58,738 --> 00:08:00,490 - Oh, my God. - What's up? 87 00:08:00,656 --> 00:08:02,200 What happened to your face? 88 00:08:02,366 --> 00:08:04,744 I'm all right. Just-- I fell, skating. 89 00:08:05,077 --> 00:08:06,496 It's all right. 90 00:08:07,288 --> 00:08:09,207 Ben Parker, don't you even... 91 00:08:09,373 --> 00:08:12,335 ...think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen. 92 00:08:12,502 --> 00:08:13,544 My bowling trophies. 93 00:08:13,711 --> 00:08:15,254 Oh, well, then, by all means... 94 00:08:15,421 --> 00:08:16,923 ...leave that box in my kitchen. 95 00:08:17,089 --> 00:08:18,549 - What happened to you? - He fell. 96 00:08:18,716 --> 00:08:21,511 Why you kids ride those things, I'll never know. 97 00:08:21,677 --> 00:08:23,262 Because it's stupid and dangerous. 98 00:08:23,429 --> 00:08:25,056 Remember when we were stupid? 99 00:08:25,223 --> 00:08:26,224 No. 100 00:08:26,390 --> 00:08:28,518 - Trust me, we were. - All right. Good to know. 101 00:08:28,684 --> 00:08:29,602 Where's the flood? 102 00:08:29,769 --> 00:08:31,270 Follow me. I'll show you. 103 00:08:31,437 --> 00:08:32,647 - You serious? - Yes. 104 00:08:33,314 --> 00:08:34,440 All right. 105 00:08:36,400 --> 00:08:37,276
It's the condenser tray.
106 00:08:37,944 --> 00:08:41,030 Too much water for the condenser tray or the heat exchange tubing. 107 00:08:41,197 --> 00:08:43,115 This has got to be the fill line. 108 00:08:43,282 --> 00:08:45,660 That's the only thing that makes any sense. 109 00:08:45,827 --> 00:08:47,161 Can you fix it? 110 00:08:47,745 --> 00:08:50,581 No, not tonight. I'll go by the hardware store tomorrow. 111 00:08:50,748 --> 00:08:53,167 Good deal. And meanwhile, put this on your face. 112 00:08:55,127 --> 00:08:56,879 How's the other guy look? 113 00:08:58,464 --> 00:09:01,592 Come on. I know a right cross when I see one. 114 00:09:02,718 --> 00:09:05,555 Yes or no? Do I have to call somebody's father? 115 00:09:06,097 --> 00:09:07,014 No, no. 116 00:09:07,181 --> 00:09:08,266 All right. 117 00:09:08,432 --> 00:09:10,518 Well, I wouldn't tell your Aunt May. 118 00:09:11,102 --> 00:09:13,980 I pity the poor kid who'd have to suffer her wrath. 119 00:09:15,606 --> 00:09:17,233 Before you come up, see if... 120 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:19,819 ...there's anything else worth saving. - Okay. 121 00:09:36,836 --> 00:09:38,963 - Plumbers don't fix appliances. - Yes, they do. 122 00:09:39,130 --> 00:09:40,715 They fix pipes and pump things. 123 00:09:40,882 --> 00:09:42,717 If you ask them to-- 124 00:09:47,013 --> 00:09:49,682 I forgot all about that thing. 125 00:09:49,849 --> 00:09:50,725 It was your dad's. 126 00:09:50,892 --> 00:09:52,727 - Yeah. - He asked us to keep it safe. 127 00:09:56,772 --> 00:10:00,151 He saw it in the window of that leather shop over on 9th Avenue. 128 00:10:00,818 --> 00:10:03,988 He was 19. What does a 19-year-old kid need with a briefcase? 129 00:10:04,405 --> 00:10:05,948 And guess who sold it to him. 130 00:10:06,115 --> 00:10:07,783 - I don't know. - Your mother. 131 00:10:07,950 --> 00:10:09,035 That's how they met. 132 00:10:10,077 --> 00:10:10,995 He asked you to... 133 00:10:11,120 --> 00:10:13,122 ...keep this safe? There's nothing in here. 134 00:10:13,289 --> 00:10:15,041 Have you looked? There's nothing here. 135 00:10:15,166 --> 00:10:17,335 Your father was a very secretive man, Peter. 136 00:10:18,544 --> 00:10:20,004 Yeah, I know. 137 00:10:26,052 --> 00:10:27,011 Who's that? 138 00:10:27,178 --> 00:10:28,721 Do you know who that is? 139 00:10:28,846 --> 00:10:30,223 Some guy who worked with... 140 00:10:30,389 --> 00:10:31,516 ...your dad, I guess. 141 00:10:36,395 --> 00:10:38,314 Just take this off the table, all right? 142 00:10:38,481 --> 00:10:41,526 We're gonna eat. Off. And wash your hands. 143 00:10:41,692 --> 00:10:43,569 - Now. - All right. 144 00:10:43,736 --> 00:10:44,737 Go on. 145 00:11:20,565 --> 00:11:21,983
I need you to be a good boy.
146 00:11:22,150 --> 00:11:23,276 Where are you going? 147 00:11:23,442 --> 00:11:24,610 There's something... 148 00:11:24,777 --> 00:11:26,779 ...your mom and I have to do. 149 00:12:23,878 --> 00:12:25,171 What is this? 150 00:12:28,090 --> 00:12:30,301 "Zero, zero, decay rate algorithm." 151 00:12:32,970 --> 00:12:34,722 Yeah, one sec, one sec. 152 00:12:42,730 --> 00:12:44,524 Come in. 153 00:12:45,191 --> 00:12:46,025 You okay? 154 00:12:46,192 --> 00:12:48,528 - Yeah. What's up? - Oh, my God. 155 00:12:48,694 --> 00:12:49,987 You look just like him. 156 00:12:50,863 --> 00:12:52,949 - Can I come in? - Yeah. 157 00:12:57,370 --> 00:12:59,288 Listen... 158 00:12:59,455 --> 00:13:00,915 ...I don't have much education. 159 00:13:01,082 --> 00:13:02,542 You know that, Peter. 160 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:06,379 Hell, I stopped being able to help with your homework when you were 10. 161 00:13:06,671 --> 00:13:09,131 What I'm trying to say is... 162 00:13:09,674 --> 00:13:12,051 ...I know it's been rough for you without your dad. 163 00:13:12,510 --> 00:13:14,387 And I know we don't talk much about them. 164 00:13:14,554 --> 00:13:16,472 - Yeah, it's all right. - No, it is not... 165 00:13:16,639 --> 00:13:18,015 ...all right. 166 00:13:19,016 --> 00:13:21,686 I wish I could change it, but I can't. 167 00:13:23,563 --> 00:13:24,939 Curt Connors. 168 00:13:25,565 --> 00:13:28,359 That's the name of the guy in the picture with your dad. 169 00:13:28,526 --> 00:13:30,862 They worked together for years and they were close. 170 00:13:31,028 --> 00:13:33,406 But after that night, we never saw him again. 171 00:13:34,031 --> 00:13:35,533 He never even called. 172 00:13:35,700 --> 00:13:36,909 Not once. 173 00:13:39,412 --> 00:13:41,038 Go figure. 174 00:13:44,917 --> 00:13:45,626 She's pretty. 175 00:13:51,048 --> 00:13:52,091 Uncle Ben. 176 00:13:52,258 --> 00:13:53,509 What? 177 00:13:54,093 --> 00:13:55,595 You're a pretty great dad. 178 00:14:51,651 --> 00:14:52,944 Excuse me. 179 00:14:53,110 --> 00:14:53,903 What? 180 00:14:54,070 --> 00:14:55,655 Can I help you? 181 00:14:55,822 --> 00:14:57,490 I don't know. I'm here to see... 182 00:14:57,657 --> 00:14:59,116 ...Dr. Connors. - Right. 183 00:14:59,283 --> 00:15:01,160 You'll find yourself to the left. 184 00:15:02,995 --> 00:15:04,747 You are here for the internship? 185 00:15:05,706 --> 00:15:06,999 Yeah. Yeah. 186 00:15:07,166 --> 00:15:08,251 Okay. 187 00:15:08,417 --> 00:15:10,294 You'll find your badge to the left. 188 00:15:15,883 --> 00:15:17,176 Having trouble finding yourself? 189 00:15:17,927 --> 00:15:18,845 No. Yeah, I got it. 190 00:15:21,430 --> 00:15:22,181 Okay... 191 00:15:22,348 --> 00:15:24,225 ...Mr. Guevara. 192 00:15:27,353 --> 00:15:29,480
Welcome to Oscorp.
193 00:15:29,647 --> 00:15:32,483
Born from the mind of our founder, Norman Osborn...
194 00:15:32,650 --> 00:15:36,320
...the Oscorp Tower houses 108 floors of innovation.
195 00:15:37,446 --> 00:15:41,492
Our scientific minds are pushing the boundaries of defence, biomedical...
196 00:15:41,659 --> 00:15:44,453
...and chemical technologies. The future lies within.
197 00:15:44,829 --> 00:15:45,913 Welcome to Oscorp. 198 00:15:46,080 --> 00:15:47,373 I'm Gwen Stacy, a senior... 199 00:15:47,540 --> 00:15:48,416 Midtown Science... 200 00:15:48,583 --> 00:15:50,001 ...and head intern to Dr. Connors. 201 00:15:50,168 --> 00:15:52,336 I'll be with you for the duration of your visit. 202 00:15:52,879 --> 00:15:54,172 Where I go, you go. 203 00:15:54,338 --> 00:15:56,048 That's the rule. Remember that... 204 00:15:56,215 --> 00:15:57,675 ...all will be fine. - Come on! 205 00:15:57,842 --> 00:15:59,218 - If you forget that-- - Listen! 206 00:15:59,385 --> 00:16:00,303 Look, listen. 207 00:16:00,470 --> 00:16:02,054 Tell them Rodrigo Guevara is here. 208 00:16:02,221 --> 00:16:03,306 Just tell them... 209 00:16:03,473 --> 00:16:04,515 ...Rodrigo Guevara is here! 210 00:16:04,682 --> 00:16:05,850 My name's Rodrigo! 211 00:16:06,017 --> 00:16:08,853 I guess I don't need to tell you what happens if you forget. 212 00:16:09,729 --> 00:16:10,396 Shall we? 213 00:16:18,404 --> 00:16:20,031 Come around this way. 214 00:16:24,243 --> 00:16:25,411 Good afternoon, Gwen. 215 00:16:25,578 --> 00:16:26,537 Dr. Connors. 216 00:16:27,580 --> 00:16:28,456 Welcome. 217 00:16:28,623 --> 00:16:31,417 My name is Dr. Curtis Connors. 218 00:16:31,584 --> 00:16:33,836 Yes, in case you're wondering, I'm a southpaw. 219 00:16:34,003 --> 00:16:35,254 I'm not a cripple... 220 00:16:35,421 --> 00:16:38,758 ...I'm a scientist, and the world's foremost authority on herpetology. 221 00:16:38,925 --> 00:16:41,677 That's reptiles, for those of you who don't know. 222 00:16:41,844 --> 00:16:43,304 Like the Parkinson's patient... 223 00:16:43,471 --> 00:16:46,182 ...who watches on in horror as her body... 224 00:16:46,349 --> 00:16:49,769 ...slowly betrays her, or the man with macular degeneration... 225 00:16:49,936 --> 00:16:53,773 ...whose eyes grow dimmer each day, I long to fix myself. 226 00:16:53,940 --> 00:16:57,777 I want to create a world without weakness. 227 00:16:57,944 --> 00:17:00,905 Anyone care to venture a guess just how? 228 00:17:01,405 --> 00:17:02,281 Yes. 229 00:17:02,448 --> 00:17:03,407 Stem cells? 230 00:17:03,574 --> 00:17:05,159 Promising. But the solution... 231 00:17:05,326 --> 00:17:08,120 ...I'm thinking of is more radical. 232 00:17:10,414 --> 00:17:11,958 - No one? - Cross-species genetics. 233 00:17:20,216 --> 00:17:21,425 Person gets Parkinson's... 234 00:17:21,592 --> 00:17:23,970 ...when the brain cells that produce dopamine... 235 00:17:24,137 --> 00:17:26,139 ...start to disappear. 236 00:17:26,305 --> 00:17:27,974 But a zebra fish has the ability... 237 00:17:28,141 --> 00:17:30,351 regenerate cells on command. 238 00:17:30,810 --> 00:17:32,436 If you could give this ability... 239 00:17:32,603 --> 00:17:35,481 the woman you're talking about, that's that. She's... 240 00:17:36,524 --> 00:17:37,859 She's curing herself. 241 00:17:38,359 --> 00:17:40,903 Yeah, you just have to look past the gills on her neck. 242 00:17:44,490 --> 00:17:45,658 And you are...? 243 00:17:47,827 --> 00:17:49,704 He's one of Midtown Science's... 244 00:17:49,871 --> 00:17:51,372 and brightest. - Really? 245 00:17:51,539 --> 00:17:52,540 Second in his class. 246 00:17:53,624 --> 00:17:55,501 - Second? - Yeah. 247 00:17:55,668 --> 00:17:56,502 Sure about that? 248 00:17:56,669 --> 00:17:58,129 I'm pretty sure. 249 00:18:01,632 --> 00:18:05,511 I'm afraid duty calls. I'll leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Miss Stacy. 250 00:18:05,845 --> 00:18:07,555 Nice meeting you all. 251 00:18:10,683 --> 00:18:12,185 If you'd like to gather round. 252 00:18:12,351 --> 00:18:14,353
Welcome to Oscorp's tree of life.
253 00:18:15,188 --> 00:18:17,940
Our planet's tree of life is immense.
254 00:18:18,566 --> 00:18:19,650
At Oscorp's...
255 00:18:19,817 --> 00:18:21,527
-...Cross-Species Division... - Hi.
256 00:18:21,694 --> 00:18:24,697
...we endeavour to explore exciting new methods...
257 00:18:26,115 --> 00:18:27,325 What are you doing, "Rodrigo"? 258 00:18:30,369 --> 00:18:31,621 Oh, yeah. 259 00:18:31,787 --> 00:18:33,039 What are you doing here? 260 00:18:33,206 --> 00:18:34,373 I work here. I don't. 261 00:18:34,540 --> 00:18:36,125 I was gonna say I work here... 262 00:18:36,292 --> 00:18:39,504 ...but it seems like you do work here. So you know that I don't. 263 00:18:39,670 --> 00:18:40,546 You following me? 264 00:18:40,713 --> 00:18:43,841 No, I'm not following you, no. I had no idea you worked here. 265 00:18:44,008 --> 00:18:45,218 Why would you be here? 266 00:18:45,384 --> 00:18:47,220 I just snuck in because... 267 00:18:47,386 --> 00:18:48,805 I love science. 268 00:18:48,971 --> 00:18:50,765 - You love it. - I'm passionate about it. 269 00:18:50,932 --> 00:18:52,558 So you snuck in--? 270 00:18:52,725 --> 00:18:54,894 - I have to lead this tour group. - I know. 271 00:18:55,061 --> 00:18:57,980 I'll ask you more about this later. Do not get me in trouble. 272 00:18:58,147 --> 00:19:00,399 - I promise you I won't. - Stay with the group. 273 00:19:01,067 --> 00:19:04,529 All right, guys? I'm gonna take you to the bioreactor room now. 274 00:19:08,324 --> 00:19:09,826 Sorry. Yo. 275 00:19:11,244 --> 00:19:12,328 Sorry. 276 00:21:35,721 --> 00:21:39,350 We received the results from the mRNA sequences this morning. 277 00:21:39,517 --> 00:21:42,311 They were disappointing. 278 00:21:48,067 --> 00:21:49,235 Define "disappointing." 279 00:21:49,402 --> 00:21:50,736 Another dead end. 280 00:21:50,903 --> 00:21:52,572 It's the decay rate algorithm. 281 00:21:53,030 --> 00:21:55,241 - And this is to be expected. - Expected? 282 00:21:55,408 --> 00:21:56,742 You said you were close. 283 00:21:56,909 --> 00:21:59,078 We are close, but it's gonna take time. 284 00:21:59,245 --> 00:22:00,454 He doesn't have time. 285 00:22:00,621 --> 00:22:02,915 Norman Osborn is dying, Dr. Connors. 286 00:22:03,457 --> 00:22:04,709 Save him. 287 00:22:07,003 --> 00:22:08,880 Or we'll both lose our heads. 288 00:22:27,273 --> 00:22:28,733 All right, give me the badge. 289 00:22:30,943 --> 00:22:32,278 Give it to me. 290 00:22:35,948 --> 00:22:37,325 Sorry. 291 00:23:38,219 --> 00:23:40,596 Disgusting. Now I smell like beer. 292 00:23:42,181 --> 00:23:43,349 I didn't mean to do that. 293 00:23:43,516 --> 00:23:44,934 I didn't mean to... 294 00:23:45,101 --> 00:23:46,853 ldidn't-- I didn't-- 295 00:23:48,187 --> 00:23:49,355 Get your hand off her! 296 00:23:49,522 --> 00:23:51,190 I'm trying to get my... 297 00:23:54,861 --> 00:23:55,778 Are you kidding? 298 00:23:55,945 --> 00:23:56,737 I'm sorry. 299 00:23:56,904 --> 00:23:58,114 Are you kidding me? 300 00:23:58,698 --> 00:24:00,408 - Hey, get him, Rudy! - Hey! 301 00:24:03,703 --> 00:24:04,871 Ma". I'm sorry! 302 00:24:05,037 --> 00:24:06,122 Man, are you all right? 303 00:24:09,041 --> 00:24:10,585 - Take him down! - Come on. 304 00:24:13,379 --> 00:24:14,797 Get him, man! Get him! 305 00:24:17,592 --> 00:24:18,843 No, man, no. Not my board. 306 00:24:19,010 --> 00:24:20,303 Please, dude, don't-- 307 00:24:22,221 --> 00:24:23,306 Sorry! 308 00:24:26,100 --> 00:24:28,269 Sorry. Sorry. 309 00:24:28,436 --> 00:24:29,729 I'm so sorry. 310 00:24:33,733 --> 00:24:36,235
Coney Island, next stop.
311 00:24:36,402 --> 00:24:38,362
Next and final stop, Coney Island.
312 00:24:50,374 --> 00:24:51,042 Hey. 313 00:24:52,210 --> 00:24:53,544 Hey. HEY- 314 00:24:53,711 --> 00:24:54,921 Sorry. I'm late. 315 00:24:55,087 --> 00:24:56,756 - I got-- - We've been so worried. 316 00:24:56,923 --> 00:24:58,049 I know. I'm sorry. 317 00:24:58,216 --> 00:24:59,550 Watch out! 318 00:25:06,599 --> 00:25:07,809 That's a fly, Peter. 319 00:25:11,938 --> 00:25:13,523 Yeah. 320 00:25:18,820 --> 00:25:19,987 I'm so sorry... 321 00:25:20,154 --> 00:25:21,322 ...I kept you guys UP- 322 00:25:21,489 --> 00:25:24,826 I'm insensitive, I'm irresponsible... 323 00:25:25,368 --> 00:25:26,786 ...and I'm hungry. 324 00:25:31,207 --> 00:25:32,875 Meatloaf. 325 00:25:35,419 --> 00:25:36,629 Drinking? 326 00:25:36,796 --> 00:25:37,839 What's this? 327 00:25:38,005 --> 00:25:39,382 I don't think so. 328 00:25:39,549 --> 00:25:41,217 This is your meatloaf. 329 00:25:43,427 --> 00:25:45,471 This beats all other meat loafs. 330 00:25:46,764 --> 00:25:48,766 Something is very wrong. 331 00:25:49,267 --> 00:25:50,434 Yeah. 332 00:25:50,601 --> 00:25:52,645 Nobody likes your meatloaf. 333 00:25:58,818 --> 00:26:00,319 I got it. 334 00:26:03,823 --> 00:26:06,159 He took the frozen macaroni and cheese. 335 00:26:06,868 --> 00:26:08,161 I noticed that. 336 00:26:09,245 --> 00:26:11,956 Why didn't you tell me you didn't like my meatloaf? 337 00:26:12,206 --> 00:26:14,417 You could have said that to me 37 years ago. 338 00:26:14,584 --> 00:26:17,253 How many meat loafs have I made for you? 339 00:29:08,424 --> 00:29:09,175 Peter. 340 00:29:10,551 --> 00:29:11,677 What are you doing? 341 00:29:11,844 --> 00:29:13,346 'M... 342 00:29:14,472 --> 00:29:15,431 Homework. 343 00:29:15,598 --> 00:29:17,141 Be careful. 344 00:29:17,308 --> 00:29:18,893 Sure. 345 00:29:28,069 --> 00:29:29,529 Dr. Connors. 346 00:29:31,739 --> 00:29:33,032 You don't remember me. I-- 347 00:29:33,199 --> 00:29:34,450 The intern from the other day. 348 00:29:35,034 --> 00:29:36,702 Yeah, yeah. That's right, yeah. 349 00:29:36,869 --> 00:29:39,163 I'm sure you're very nice, but this is a home. 350 00:29:39,330 --> 00:29:41,666 I ask you to make an appointment with my office. 351 00:29:41,833 --> 00:29:43,209 I'm Richard Parker's son. 352 00:29:50,550 --> 00:29:51,676 Peter? 353 00:29:54,303 --> 00:29:54,971 I'm afraid... 354 00:29:55,138 --> 00:29:58,432 ...I can't help you much. I don't know why they left or where they... 355 00:29:58,599 --> 00:29:59,350 ...were going. 356 00:30:02,145 --> 00:30:03,604 Good reflexes. 357 00:30:03,771 --> 00:30:05,148 Thank you. 358 00:30:10,153 --> 00:30:12,238 - Thank you. - I read your book. 359 00:30:12,405 --> 00:30:13,865 Yeah. 360 00:30:14,031 --> 00:30:15,199 It's something, you know. 361 00:30:15,366 --> 00:30:17,160 So you really think... 362 00:30:17,326 --> 00:30:20,037's possible, cross-species genetics? - Yes, of course. 363 00:30:20,204 --> 00:30:22,665 Your father and I were mocked for our theories. 364 00:30:22,832 --> 00:30:25,585 Not just in the community at large, but at Oscorp, as well. 365 00:30:25,751 --> 00:30:27,879 They called us mad scientists. 366 00:30:28,921 --> 00:30:31,382 And then your father bred the spiders... 367 00:30:31,549 --> 00:30:32,925 ...and everything changed. 368 00:30:33,092 --> 00:30:34,760 The results were beyond encouraging. 369 00:30:34,927 --> 00:30:36,888 They were spectacular. 370 00:30:38,931 --> 00:30:42,018 We were gonna change the lives of millions. 371 00:30:42,185 --> 00:30:44,145 Including my own. 372 00:30:44,645 --> 00:30:46,230 Then it was over. 373 00:30:47,106 --> 00:30:50,026 He was gone. 374 00:30:50,735 --> 00:30:52,695 Took his research with him. 375 00:30:53,779 --> 00:30:56,365 And I knew without him, I... 376 00:31:03,789 --> 00:31:05,541 I---- 377 00:31:07,126 --> 00:31:09,295 I was angry. 378 00:31:12,048 --> 00:31:13,549 So I stayed away from you... 379 00:31:13,716 --> 00:31:15,635 ...and your family. 380 00:31:15,802 --> 00:31:17,720 And for that, I'm truly sorry. 381 00:31:26,103 --> 00:31:27,730 Say... 382 00:31:28,356 --> 00:31:29,482 Say it worked. 383 00:31:29,649 --> 00:31:31,818 Say you got it to work. 384 00:31:32,318 --> 00:31:36,280 Like, how much would the foreign species take over? 385 00:31:37,156 --> 00:31:39,325 What could the side effects be? 386 00:31:42,954 --> 00:31:46,123 It's hard to say, considering no subject survived. 387 00:31:46,582 --> 00:31:47,917 The problem was always-- 388 00:31:48,084 --> 00:31:49,502 The decay rate algorithm? 389 00:31:52,421 --> 00:31:53,965 - Right. - Right. 390 00:31:55,383 --> 00:31:56,509 Can I...? 391 00:31:56,676 --> 00:31:58,344 Of course. 392 00:32:20,867 --> 00:32:22,201 Extraordinary. 393 00:32:22,869 --> 00:32:24,662 How did you come up with this? 394 00:32:31,419 --> 00:32:33,963 Peter, how about coming to see me at the Tower... 395 00:32:34,130 --> 00:32:36,048 day after school? - Yeah. 396 00:32:38,342 --> 00:32:40,011 Thank you. 397 00:33:00,865 --> 00:33:01,657 Number one, Reggie. 398 00:33:01,824 --> 00:33:02,742 Run it, buddy. 399 00:33:02,909 --> 00:33:04,452 Let's go. Reggie- 400 00:33:07,872 --> 00:33:08,623 Rejected! 401 00:33:11,292 --> 00:33:13,002 You did that on purpose, Flash! 402 00:33:13,169 --> 00:33:15,254 I should've. You better watch your back. 403 00:33:19,217 --> 00:33:20,885 Hey. 404 00:33:22,762 --> 00:33:23,721 All right? 405 00:33:30,478 --> 00:33:31,270 Give it up. 406 00:33:36,776 --> 00:33:37,860 Come on, man. 407 00:33:39,779 --> 00:33:40,780 One sec. 408 00:33:44,116 --> 00:33:46,577 - Come on, man. - Why don't you take it from me? 409 00:33:50,790 --> 00:33:51,999 That's right. Take it. 410 00:33:52,542 --> 00:33:53,793 Go ahead. Take it. 411 00:34:14,772 --> 00:34:15,606 Just take it. 412 00:34:17,984 --> 00:34:20,153 All right, how about this? 413 00:34:20,987 --> 00:34:21,988 All right? 414 00:34:22,155 --> 00:34:23,072 How about that? 415 00:34:27,326 --> 00:34:29,453 - Come on, Flash. - Flash, stop playing, man. 416 00:34:29,620 --> 00:34:31,747 - Take it from him! - Come on, Flash. Take it. 417 00:34:31,914 --> 00:34:33,249 Yo, Flash, let's go. 418 00:34:33,416 --> 00:34:34,917 - Let's go! - Do it, Flash. 419 00:34:35,084 --> 00:34:36,836 - Stop playing, man. - Let's go, Flash. 420 00:34:37,003 --> 00:34:38,671 - What are you doing? - What's up? 421 00:34:40,423 --> 00:34:41,215 What you doing? 422 00:34:44,218 --> 00:34:46,345 All right, bring it! Come on, Parker! Come on! 423 00:34:59,859 --> 00:35:01,527 Peter's behaviour is just... 424 00:35:01,694 --> 00:35:02,487 ...unacceptable. 425 00:35:02,653 --> 00:35:03,529
They won't make us pay...
426 00:35:03,696 --> 00:35:06,532 -...for the backboard. - I don't care about the backboard. 427 00:35:06,699 --> 00:35:08,409 - Was that true? - What? 428 00:35:08,576 --> 00:35:10,369 What I heard in there just now. 429 00:35:10,536 --> 00:35:13,498 Did you humiliate that boy? 430 00:35:14,373 --> 00:35:15,541 Yeah, I did. 431 00:35:16,709 --> 00:35:17,710 - But-- - But what? 432 00:35:17,877 --> 00:35:19,337 - This guy deserved it. - Did he? 433 00:35:19,504 --> 00:35:21,214 - Yeah. - Is he the kid that hit you? 434 00:35:23,549 --> 00:35:24,801 Is he? 435 00:35:24,967 --> 00:35:26,803 Yeah, yeah, but... 436 00:35:26,969 --> 00:35:29,055 So all this is about getting even. 437 00:35:29,555 --> 00:35:33,059 If so, I guess you must feel pretty good about yourself now, right? 438 00:35:33,226 --> 00:35:34,227 Am I right or wrong? 439 00:35:36,229 --> 00:35:37,814 Yeah, I thought so. 440 00:35:38,439 --> 00:35:40,775 Well, thanks to this little escapade of yours... 441 00:35:40,942 --> 00:35:42,902 ...I had to change shifts at work... 442 00:35:43,069 --> 00:35:46,739 you have to pick up Aunt May tonight at 9:00. Understood? 443 00:35:47,281 --> 00:35:48,699 - Is that understood? - Yeah. 444 00:35:48,866 --> 00:35:50,576 Okay, good. 445 00:35:52,912 --> 00:35:54,038 She looks familiar. 446 00:35:56,582 --> 00:35:58,042 The girl on your computer. 447 00:35:58,709 --> 00:35:59,877 Yeah. 448 00:36:00,002 --> 00:36:03,005 He's got you on his computer. I'm his probation officer. 449 00:36:03,714 --> 00:36:05,424 Don't forget Aunt May. 450 00:36:09,178 --> 00:36:10,930 Okay. 451 00:36:14,559 --> 00:36:16,519 He's a character. 452 00:36:16,644 --> 00:36:17,687 That's my uncle. 453 00:36:17,854 --> 00:36:19,897 He's a pathological liar. 454 00:36:20,064 --> 00:36:21,440 He thought you were someone else. 455 00:36:21,607 --> 00:36:24,110 Oh, man, you don't have me on your computer? 456 00:36:24,277 --> 00:36:27,405 I took a photo of the debate team, and you're in the debate team. 457 00:36:27,572 --> 00:36:29,282 - Right. - So... 458 00:36:29,448 --> 00:36:31,784 ...he must have seen-- I was touching up stuff. 459 00:36:32,618 --> 00:36:34,120 - Touching up stuff? - Come on. 460 00:36:34,787 --> 00:36:36,956 I was... I'm not gonna answer that. 461 00:36:39,041 --> 00:36:41,544 - Did you get expelled? - No, no. 462 00:36:41,669 --> 00:36:43,921 I didn't get expelled. I got community service. 463 00:36:47,175 --> 00:36:50,178 So you want to-- I don't know...? 464 00:36:51,679 --> 00:36:52,472 Want to what? 465 00:36:53,139 --> 00:36:54,348 I don't know. 466 00:36:54,515 --> 00:36:56,225 Just... 467 00:37:01,481 --> 00:37:03,941 I don't know-- We could... 468 00:37:04,984 --> 00:37:06,903 We could do something else, or we could-- 469 00:37:07,069 --> 00:37:09,530 - If you don't feel like, we could-- - Yeah. 470 00:37:09,697 --> 00:37:11,240 - Yeah? - Yeah, either one. 471 00:37:12,658 --> 00:37:14,785 - Really? - Sure. 472 00:37:15,661 --> 00:37:16,496 Okay. 473 00:37:16,621 --> 00:37:17,997 All right, good. Sounds good. 474 00:37:18,164 --> 00:37:19,123 Cool. 475 00:37:19,665 --> 00:37:21,167 Okay. 476 00:37:21,334 --> 00:37:23,669 - I can't right now, I can't right now. - Yeah, no. 477 00:37:23,836 --> 00:37:26,005 - I'm so busy right now. - I know, me too. 478 00:37:28,341 --> 00:37:31,177 But maybe... 479 00:37:31,344 --> 00:37:33,513 - Yeah, just, you know... - Some other... 480 00:37:33,679 --> 00:37:35,348 - Time, all right. - Okay. 481 00:37:35,515 --> 00:37:37,183 - Bye. - All right. 482 00:39:05,146 --> 00:39:07,815 We have protein structure, rDNA... 483 00:39:07,982 --> 00:39:10,067 ...chromatography, transgenics testing... 484 00:39:10,234 --> 00:39:13,488 ...that's X-ray video. That's the only one on the planet. We have... 485 00:39:13,905 --> 00:39:16,449 - Human line testing over-- - I remember that. 486 00:39:16,616 --> 00:39:18,284 I've seen that before. 487 00:39:18,451 --> 00:39:19,744 The Ganali device. 488 00:39:19,911 --> 00:39:22,622 Yeah, I remember a picture of that in my dad's office. 489 00:39:22,747 --> 00:39:25,291 The idea was so simple. You load it with an antigen. 490 00:39:25,416 --> 00:39:28,920 It creates a cloud which can be dispersed over a neighbourhood, even a city. 491 00:39:29,045 --> 00:39:32,465 Theoretically, you could cure polio in an afternoon. 492 00:39:33,090 --> 00:39:34,634 That's incredible. 493 00:39:34,759 --> 00:39:38,054 Well, others disagreed. What if the device were loaded with a toxin? 494 00:39:38,221 --> 00:39:40,223 What if you wanted to opt out? You can't... 495 00:39:40,389 --> 00:39:43,810 away from a cloud after all, so here it lies, gathering dust. 496 00:39:44,644 --> 00:39:47,271 What you see here is a computer model of a lizard. 497 00:39:47,438 --> 00:39:50,650 Many of these wonderful creatures have so brilliantly adapted... 498 00:39:50,817 --> 00:39:53,319 ...that they can regenerate entire limbs at will. 499 00:39:53,486 --> 00:39:55,321 You can imagine my envy. 500 00:39:55,488 --> 00:39:57,406 We're trying to harness this capability... 501 00:39:57,573 --> 00:39:59,826 ...and transfer it into our host subject: 502 00:39:59,992 --> 00:40:02,245 Freddy the three-legged mouse. 503 00:40:03,287 --> 00:40:05,456 Enter the algorithm now. 504 00:40:08,668 --> 00:40:09,627 Need to take that? 505 00:40:15,758 --> 00:40:16,425
System ready...
506 00:40:16,592 --> 00:40:18,177
...for gene insertion.
507 00:40:18,344 --> 00:40:19,971 Okay. 508 00:40:20,513 --> 00:40:21,889 Check. 509 00:40:23,766 --> 00:40:24,976 See what I'm trying to do? 510 00:40:25,143 --> 00:40:27,019 - Preempt the proteins. - The immune response. 511 00:40:27,186 --> 00:40:28,354
Beginning trials.
512 00:40:28,479 --> 00:40:31,065
Pending. Pending.
513 00:40:31,274 --> 00:40:32,817
Failed. Subject deceased.
514 00:40:32,984 --> 00:40:34,944 - Come on, come on, come on. - Pending. 515 00:40:35,111 --> 00:40:35,987
516 00:40:36,154 --> 00:40:37,196
Pending. Failed.
517 00:40:37,321 --> 00:40:38,573
Pending. Failed.
518 00:40:38,739 --> 00:40:40,366
Subject deceased. Pending.
519 00:40:40,491 --> 00:40:43,244
Peptide algorithm accepted.
520 00:40:43,452 --> 00:40:44,579
Regrowth complete.
521 00:40:44,745 --> 00:40:46,247
- Hey. - Vitals normal.
522 00:40:46,581 --> 00:40:49,000
Blood pressure normal.
523 00:40:49,542 --> 00:40:52,044
Limb regeneration successful.
524 00:40:52,378 --> 00:40:54,005 Extraordinary. 525 00:40:58,176 --> 00:41:00,052 And thank you. 526 00:41:00,928 --> 00:41:01,929 Meet Fred and Wilma... 527 00:41:02,138 --> 00:41:03,389 ...our three-legged... 528 00:41:03,556 --> 00:41:04,682 ...mice. 529 00:41:07,768 --> 00:41:08,811 Here you go. 530 00:41:10,646 --> 00:41:12,315 HEY. buddy. I got you. 531 00:41:14,025 --> 00:41:14,942 Okay. 532 00:41:15,109 --> 00:41:17,195 Careful, don't want to stick you by mistake. 533 00:41:17,361 --> 00:41:19,238 Human trials aren't until next week. 534 00:41:22,158 --> 00:41:23,034 There. 535 00:41:30,875 --> 00:41:32,168 Hey. 536 00:41:32,335 --> 00:41:34,712 Hey, I thought you... 537 00:41:34,879 --> 00:41:36,797 Didn't you forget something? 538 00:41:37,590 --> 00:41:38,716 What? 539 00:41:38,841 --> 00:41:42,720 Now, don't answer that, but I'm glad to know it's working. 540 00:41:43,763 --> 00:41:47,683 You owe your aunt an apology bigtime. 541 00:41:49,769 --> 00:41:50,686 Be a man. 542 00:41:50,812 --> 00:41:52,563 Get in there and apologise. 543 00:41:56,025 --> 00:41:57,527 I'm sorry, Aunt May, I... 544 00:41:57,652 --> 00:41:58,986 Honestly, you don't have... 545 00:41:59,153 --> 00:42:00,738 apologise to me. It's your-- 546 00:42:00,905 --> 00:42:02,698 - The hell he doesn't. - Ben. 547 00:42:03,574 --> 00:42:05,451 Look, I'm sorry, I got distracted. 548 00:42:05,618 --> 00:42:07,537 - Oh, he got distracted. - Yeah. 549 00:42:07,703 --> 00:42:10,832 Your aunt, my wife, had to walk 12 blocks alone... 550 00:42:10,998 --> 00:42:14,460 the middle of the night and then wait in a deserted subway station... 551 00:42:14,627 --> 00:42:15,878 ...because you got distracted. 552 00:42:16,045 --> 00:42:17,713 Ben, sweetheart, honestly... 553 00:42:17,880 --> 00:42:19,924 ...I am completely capable of walking home-- 554 00:42:20,049 --> 00:42:22,135 You will not defend this boy! 555 00:42:22,301 --> 00:42:23,594 - I'm not defending-- - You are! 556 00:42:23,719 --> 00:42:26,264 - Listen to me, son. - Yeah, go ahead. 557 00:42:26,430 --> 00:42:27,974 You're a lot like your father. 558 00:42:28,141 --> 00:42:30,643 You really are, Peter, and that's a good thing... 559 00:42:30,810 --> 00:42:33,938 ...but your father lived by a philosophy, a principle, really. 560 00:42:34,105 --> 00:42:37,441 He believed that if you could do good things for other people... 561 00:42:37,608 --> 00:42:40,069 had a moral obligation to do those things. 562 00:42:40,236 --> 00:42:41,821 That's what's at stake here. 563 00:42:41,946 --> 00:42:42,989 Not choice. 564 00:42:43,156 --> 00:42:45,158 Responsibility. 565 00:42:47,326 --> 00:42:49,829 That is nice. That's great. 566 00:42:50,746 --> 00:42:52,957 That's all well and good. So where is he? 567 00:42:53,833 --> 00:42:56,043 - What? - Where is he? 568 00:42:56,377 --> 00:42:58,171 Where's my dad? 569 00:42:58,337 --> 00:43:01,841 He didn't think it was his responsibility to be here to tell me himself? 570 00:43:02,008 --> 00:43:03,342 Oh, come on, how dare you? 571 00:43:03,509 --> 00:43:05,219 How dare I? How dare you? 572 00:43:09,849 --> 00:43:10,850 Where you going? 573 00:43:11,017 --> 00:43:12,810 Peter, come back here, please. 574 00:43:22,361 --> 00:43:25,490 Ben, leave him alone for a little while. He'll be all right. 575 00:43:38,503 --> 00:43:39,504 Peter! 576 00:43:42,173 --> 00:43:43,716 Peter? 577 00:43:49,180 --> 00:43:50,723 Peter! 578 00:43:55,812 --> 00:43:56,771 It's $2.07. 579 00:44:00,233 --> 00:44:01,275 It's $2.07. 580 00:44:01,442 --> 00:44:02,777 Yeah. No, I know. 581 00:44:02,944 --> 00:44:05,780 Yeah, you're holding up the line. No. 582 00:44:05,905 --> 00:44:08,241 You can leave a penny, you can't take a penny. 583 00:44:09,325 --> 00:44:10,576 - What? - You can leave... 584 00:44:10,785 --> 00:44:13,412 ...a penny anytime, you have to spend 10 dollars... 585 00:44:13,579 --> 00:44:15,498 take a penny. It's store policy. 586 00:44:15,665 --> 00:44:18,084 - You're holding up my line. - I don't have 2 cents. 587 00:44:18,251 --> 00:44:19,919 You can't afford milk, step aside. 588 00:44:20,086 --> 00:44:22,338 Daddy didn't give you enough milk money today? 589 00:44:22,505 --> 00:44:23,840 We're talking about 2 cents. 590 00:44:24,006 --> 00:44:25,049 Just step aside, kid. 591 00:44:31,889 --> 00:44:32,974 Really? 592 00:44:46,112 --> 00:44:47,738 Yo, not cool, bro. 593 00:44:50,449 --> 00:44:51,617 Hey, man, stop! 594 00:44:51,742 --> 00:44:53,244 Somebody stop that guy! 595 00:44:53,411 --> 00:44:54,787 Hey, kid, little help? 596 00:44:54,912 --> 00:44:56,330 Not my policy. 597 00:44:56,747 --> 00:44:57,957 Somebody stop that dude! 598 00:44:58,958 --> 00:44:59,625 Hey! 599 00:44:59,792 --> 00:45:01,085 Hey, stop! 600 00:45:02,211 --> 00:45:03,880 Somebody stop that dude! 601 00:45:12,555 --> 00:45:13,431 Hey! 602 00:45:43,961 --> 00:45:45,838 Oh, God, oh, God. 603 00:45:46,005 --> 00:45:47,548 Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. 604 00:45:48,174 --> 00:45:49,801 Call an ambulance! 605 00:45:49,967 --> 00:45:52,386 Someone call an ambulance! Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. 606 00:45:53,012 --> 00:45:54,680 Oh, God, oh, my God. 607 00:45:58,351 --> 00:46:00,061 On, God. 608 00:46:03,439 --> 00:46:04,816 No. 609 00:46:06,984 --> 00:46:08,945 Oh, Jesus. 610 00:46:12,865 --> 00:46:16,828 Witnesses gave a description to the sketch artist. I need you to take a look. 611 00:46:21,207 --> 00:46:23,042 No, I don't know him. 612 00:46:24,001 --> 00:46:26,754 I didn't expect you would, ma'am. Homicide detectives... 613 00:46:26,921 --> 00:46:28,881 ...are on it. We'll see what they turn up. 614 00:46:29,048 --> 00:46:30,716 Okay. 615 00:46:36,264 --> 00:46:37,682 Can I have that? 616 00:46:37,849 --> 00:46:39,225 Sure. 617 00:46:41,561 --> 00:46:43,521 There's one other thing. He has a star... 618 00:46:43,688 --> 00:46:44,438
619 00:46:44,605 --> 00:46:45,857
...on his left hand.
620 00:47:13,342 --> 00:47:17,847
Peter, I know things have been difficult lately...
621 00:47:18,306 --> 00:47:20,141
...and I'm sorry about that.
622 00:47:20,725 --> 00:47:22,935
I think I know what you're feeling.
623 00:47:39,076 --> 00:47:40,745 Hey, Parker. 624 00:47:41,746 --> 00:47:43,873 - Not today. - Come on, I just want to talk. 625 00:47:49,128 --> 00:47:50,963 It feels better, right? 626 00:47:51,964 --> 00:47:53,466 Look, your uncle died. 627 00:47:54,133 --> 00:47:55,593 I'm sorry. 628 00:47:55,760 --> 00:47:57,220 I get it. 629 00:47:57,637 --> 00:47:59,180 I'm sorry. 630 00:47:59,555 --> 00:48:01,140 Okay? 631 00:48:07,438 --> 00:48:08,689 Peter. 632 00:48:52,233 --> 00:48:53,359 Stay away from him. 633 00:48:53,526 --> 00:48:54,527 - You understand? - Hey! 634 00:48:54,694 --> 00:48:56,112 - Stay away from Joey. - Hey! 635 00:48:58,364 --> 00:48:59,657 You like beating on girls? 636 00:48:59,991 --> 00:49:01,367 You like beating on old men? 637 00:49:01,534 --> 00:49:02,201 Hey, pal... 638 00:49:02,368 --> 00:49:03,161 ...keep walking. 639 00:49:03,327 --> 00:49:05,746 - You're in the wrong place. - When were you in Queens? 640 00:49:06,372 --> 00:49:07,582 I asked you a question. 641 00:49:07,748 --> 00:49:08,666 Nicky, no! 642 00:49:08,833 --> 00:49:09,542 That the gun? 643 00:49:09,709 --> 00:49:10,793 You gonna kill me too? 644 00:49:12,795 --> 00:49:13,921 Hey! Stop it! 645 00:49:14,839 --> 00:49:15,756 Hey. get off! 646 00:49:16,883 --> 00:49:18,176 Wait, oh, don't hit Nicky! 647 00:49:18,342 --> 00:49:19,552 Back up! 648 00:49:20,720 --> 00:49:22,346 This guy is crazy! 649 00:49:23,139 --> 00:49:24,223 Get him! 650 00:49:28,728 --> 00:49:30,980 Get back here, man! Get him! 651 00:49:37,737 --> 00:49:38,571 Follow him! 652 00:49:42,283 --> 00:49:43,951 - Go around, man! - I'll follow you! 653 00:49:53,336 --> 00:49:54,086 Go, go, go! 654 00:49:55,421 --> 00:49:56,631 There he is! 655 00:49:56,797 --> 00:49:57,632 Can't get away! 656 00:50:14,273 --> 00:50:16,108
He has a star tattooed on his left hand.
657 00:50:27,995 --> 00:50:28,871 Oh, yeah? 658 00:50:29,038 --> 00:50:30,039 Come on! 659 00:50:37,463 --> 00:50:39,006 I know what you look like! 660 00:50:39,173 --> 00:50:40,967 You hear me? 661 00:50:41,384 --> 00:50:43,761 I've seen your face! 662 00:51:21,507 --> 00:51:23,176 Is that all you got? 663 00:51:24,844 --> 00:51:26,345 Just take it, take it. 664 00:51:31,684 --> 00:51:34,520
Engineered from genetically enhanced spiders...
665 00:51:34,687 --> 00:51:39,108
...Oscorp's BioCable tensile strength is unparalleled. We're just beginning...
666 00:51:39,275 --> 00:51:43,029 understand all the potential industrial applications.
667 00:51:43,196 --> 00:51:46,699
A single pellet can safely store several hundred metres...
668 00:51:46,866 --> 00:51:48,701
...of the lightweight cable.
669 00:51:57,668 --> 00:51:58,461 Mother... 670 00:52:55,977 --> 00:53:00,648
Attention, all units in the confines of Precinct 13, receiving a 10-30...
671 00:53:00,815 --> 00:53:03,109
...on West 19th Street and Broadway.
672 00:53:03,276 --> 00:53:06,028
Assailant is Caucasian male, mid-30s...
673 00:53:06,195 --> 00:53:09,115
...170 to 180 pounds...
674 00:53:09,282 --> 00:53:10,658
...shoulder-length blond hair.
675 00:53:10,825 --> 00:53:13,452
Last seen on foot heading eastbound on 19th Street.
676 00:53:32,680 --> 00:53:33,347 Hey. 677 00:53:42,106 --> 00:53:43,149 You got a description? 678 00:53:43,316 --> 00:53:44,525 Well, no, he wears a mask. 679 00:53:45,151 --> 00:53:46,319 A mask? 680 00:53:46,486 --> 00:53:47,653 Most of his victims... 681 00:53:47,820 --> 00:53:51,199 ...are suspects with serious rap sheets. They're calling him a vigilante. 682 00:53:51,365 --> 00:53:53,743 Okay, he's not a vigilante, he's an anarchist. 683 00:53:53,910 --> 00:53:56,537 Help me, somebody! Arrest me! 684 00:53:56,704 --> 00:53:57,830 Get me out of here. 685 00:53:59,248 --> 00:54:00,583 Hey, look! 686 00:54:11,719 --> 00:54:13,679 Spandex. Spandex. 687 00:54:14,472 --> 00:54:15,473 Everything... 688 00:54:15,640 --> 00:54:16,516 ...spandex. 689 00:54:16,849 --> 00:54:19,018 Extraordinary velocity vector is a function... 690 00:54:19,185 --> 00:54:21,020 ...of both mass and acceleration. 691 00:54:21,187 --> 00:54:22,980 Come on, you know better than anyone... 692 00:54:23,147 --> 00:54:25,608 ...the weight on any pendulum has no effect on speed. 693 00:54:25,775 --> 00:54:29,529 It doesn't affect frequency, but it's totally a factor in momentum. 694 00:55:05,898 --> 00:55:07,358 Hey, Aunt May. 695 00:55:08,067 --> 00:55:09,861 Yeah.Eggs? 696 00:55:10,027 --> 00:55:11,279 Organic, got it. 697 00:55:44,020 --> 00:55:46,022 In the future, if you're gonna steal cars... 698 00:55:46,189 --> 00:55:48,149 ...don't dress like a car thief, man. 699 00:55:48,316 --> 00:55:49,859 What are you? You a cop? 700 00:55:50,693 --> 00:55:54,947 Really? You seriously think I'm a cop? Cop in a skin-tight red-and-blue suit? 701 00:55:55,114 --> 00:55:56,616 You know, you're... 702 00:55:57,366 --> 00:55:58,784 You've got a mind... 703 00:55:58,951 --> 00:56:00,411 ...of the true scholar, sir. 704 00:56:00,578 --> 00:56:02,955 I was going more for the guys who do the luge. 705 00:56:03,498 --> 00:56:04,624 Good thinking. 706 00:56:04,790 --> 00:56:06,334 Get out the window. 707 00:56:06,501 --> 00:56:07,793 There you go. You got it. 708 00:56:16,219 --> 00:56:17,637 Crotch! 709 00:56:20,473 --> 00:56:22,809 - Just let me go. - Is that a real knife? 710 00:56:22,975 --> 00:56:24,143 Yes, it's a real knife. 711 00:56:24,310 --> 00:56:25,812 My weakness, it's small knives. 712 00:56:25,978 --> 00:56:27,563 - Just let me go. - Anything but... 713 00:56:27,730 --> 00:56:29,649 ...knives! Oh, it's so simple. 714 00:56:29,816 --> 00:56:31,275 - That was cool. - What is this? 715 00:56:31,442 --> 00:56:34,028 Webbing I developed. I don't think you want to know. 716 00:56:34,195 --> 00:56:34,862 Let me go! 717 00:56:36,781 --> 00:56:38,491 Okay, one second. Hold on, one second. 718 00:56:38,658 --> 00:56:39,784 Knock it off, man. No! 719 00:56:41,035 --> 00:56:43,329 Come on, let me go. Stop it! 720 00:56:44,163 --> 00:56:45,206 That isn't funny. 721 00:56:45,373 --> 00:56:46,833 - It is kind of funny. - Help! 722 00:56:57,718 --> 00:56:59,178 This could've gone a lot worse. 723 00:56:59,345 --> 00:57:01,305 Now hold still. 724 00:57:06,853 --> 00:57:08,187 Boys in blue here. 725 00:57:08,354 --> 00:57:10,857 - Yo, I got him. - Freeze! 726 00:57:11,023 --> 00:57:12,859 - He's not going anywhere. - Don't move. 727 00:57:13,025 --> 00:57:14,026 You serious? 728 00:57:14,193 --> 00:57:15,361 Who are you? 729 00:57:15,778 --> 00:57:17,488 No one grasps the concept of the mask. 730 00:57:17,655 --> 00:57:18,447 Freeze! 731 00:57:21,450 --> 00:57:23,035 I just did 80 percent of your job. 732 00:57:23,578 --> 00:57:24,328 And that? 733 00:57:24,495 --> 00:57:25,413 That's how you repay me? 734 00:57:29,041 --> 00:57:30,209 Hold it right there! 735 00:57:50,980 --> 00:57:52,273 Well, that was fun. 736 00:57:53,733 --> 00:57:55,359 Bus! Hey there, everybody. 737 00:57:59,322 --> 00:58:00,448 What are you doing? 738 00:58:05,036 --> 00:58:06,120 Hey, watch out. 739 00:58:06,287 --> 00:58:07,413 I'm swinging here. 740 00:58:07,580 --> 00:58:09,081 I'm swinging here. 741 00:58:24,222 --> 00:58:26,974 So 38 of New York's finest... 742 00:58:27,141 --> 00:58:30,311 ...versus one guy in a unitard. 743 00:58:31,270 --> 00:58:32,438 Am I correct? 744 00:58:46,452 --> 00:58:47,995 You don't have to wait up for me. 745 00:58:48,162 --> 00:58:49,455 - Yes, I do. - No, you don't. 746 00:58:49,622 --> 00:58:50,623 Yes, I do. 747 00:58:50,790 --> 00:58:52,124 - Okay. - Where were you? 748 00:58:52,291 --> 00:58:53,334 I was out. 749 00:58:53,501 --> 00:58:55,461 Did you get the eggs? 750 00:58:57,004 --> 00:58:58,506 Nope. Forgot the eggs. 751 00:58:58,673 --> 00:58:59,882 I'm gonna get them now. 752 00:59:00,049 --> 00:59:01,634 No, you most certainly will not. 753 00:59:01,801 --> 00:59:03,803 Not at this hour. 754 00:59:05,638 --> 00:59:07,515 Look at me, Peter. 755 00:59:09,267 --> 00:59:11,853 Take off the damn hood and look at me. 756 00:59:19,360 --> 00:59:22,655 Peter. Where do you go? 757 00:59:22,822 --> 00:59:24,282 Who does this to you? 758 00:59:24,448 --> 00:59:26,242 Please go to sleep, Aunt May. 759 00:59:26,409 --> 00:59:28,411 - Please tell me. - Aunt May, please... 760 00:59:28,578 --> 00:59:30,621 ...please, please go to sleep. 761 00:59:30,788 --> 00:59:33,833 I can't sleep. Don't you understand? I can't sleep. 762 00:59:45,344 --> 00:59:47,847 Peter, listen to me. 763 00:59:48,556 --> 00:59:49,765 Secrets have a cost. 764 00:59:49,932 --> 00:59:51,476 They're not for free. 765 00:59:51,642 --> 00:59:53,853 Not now, not ever. 766 01:00:01,569 --> 01:00:03,529 Cross-species genetics is finally working. 767 01:00:03,863 --> 01:00:07,033 I've used the lizard DNA to help Freddy regrow that limb. 768 01:00:07,200 --> 01:00:08,784 It's a miracle. 769 01:00:08,951 --> 01:00:10,536 No, it's hard work and promise. 770 01:00:10,703 --> 01:00:14,624 - It's a step closer to the primate lab. - He doesn't have time for every little step. 771 01:00:14,790 --> 01:00:15,708 Little? 772 01:00:15,875 --> 01:00:17,418 I just mean he can't wait. 773 01:00:17,585 --> 01:00:19,253 Well, he'll have to. 774 01:00:19,670 --> 01:00:21,339 Unless he wants to be a lab rat. 775 01:00:21,506 --> 01:00:22,381 That's not what... 776 01:00:22,548 --> 01:00:23,382 ...I'm saying- 777 01:00:23,549 --> 01:00:24,717 So, what are you saying? 778 01:00:25,384 --> 01:00:27,678 You have to start human trials. 779 01:00:28,387 --> 01:00:29,138 Now. 780 01:00:29,305 --> 01:00:31,474 No, I don't, and no, I won't. 781 01:00:31,641 --> 01:00:33,601 - Well, then he's going to die. - People die. 782 01:00:34,894 --> 01:00:36,813 Even Norman Osborn. 783 01:00:36,979 --> 01:00:37,980 We are not finished. 784 01:00:38,147 --> 01:00:39,732 Human trials? 785 01:00:39,899 --> 01:00:42,485 Where are you going to find the people to volunteer? 786 01:00:42,652 --> 01:00:45,238 As far as anyone's concerned, it's for a flu shot. 787 01:00:45,404 --> 01:00:48,282 I might think the Veterans Hospital is a place to start. 788 01:00:48,449 --> 01:00:49,784 You've gotta be kidding me. 789 01:00:50,910 --> 01:00:51,994 I don't think I am. 790 01:00:58,459 --> 01:01:00,753 It's a little late for shock and indignation. 791 01:01:00,920 --> 01:01:02,046 About 15 years late. 792 01:01:02,255 --> 01:01:04,090 I have no idea what you're talking about. 793 01:01:04,257 --> 01:01:05,758 Richard Parker wore it well. 794 01:01:05,925 --> 01:01:08,761 On you, it's a cheap suit, as it was then. 795 01:01:08,928 --> 01:01:10,388 I had nothing to do with that. 796 01:01:10,555 --> 01:01:12,098 Is that what you told his son? 797 01:01:17,770 --> 01:01:19,063 I don't know what you're saying. 798 01:01:19,230 --> 01:01:21,774 You don't know, or you don't wanna know? 799 01:01:23,860 --> 01:01:25,611 I'll remind you what happened. 800 01:01:25,778 --> 01:01:29,240 Richard Parker said just about the same thing then that you are saying now. 801 01:01:31,617 --> 01:01:34,787 The clock is ticking, Dr. Connors. 802 01:01:35,788 --> 01:01:37,540 I---- 803 01:01:45,173 --> 01:01:46,799 I won't. 804 01:01:49,010 --> 01:01:50,636 Fine. 805 01:01:55,224 --> 01:01:57,935 The formula is ours now anyway. 806 01:01:59,020 --> 01:02:01,898 Say goodbye to that arm you have dreamed of. 807 01:02:02,064 --> 01:02:03,608 I'm shutting you down. 808 01:02:03,774 --> 01:02:06,694 Have your office cleared out by the morning. 809 01:02:06,861 --> 01:02:10,364 Your toys can be taken away too, you know. 810 01:02:12,492 --> 01:02:13,576 Right, Freddy? 811 01:02:28,799 --> 01:02:29,842 - Hey. - Hi. 812 01:02:30,009 --> 01:02:30,802 How's it going? 813 01:02:30,968 --> 01:02:32,178 Where you headed? 814 01:02:33,179 --> 01:02:35,723 - Monday, B track. - Oh, it's Thursday. 815 01:02:36,224 --> 01:02:37,850 - It's Thursday? - What happened? 816 01:02:38,017 --> 01:02:39,685 - What? - Your eye, it looks bruised. 817 01:02:39,852 --> 01:02:41,103 Oh, yeah, no, I don't... 818 01:02:41,270 --> 01:02:42,897 Maybe I got a rash or... 819 01:02:43,064 --> 01:02:44,857 It's bad. Have you gone to the nurse? 820 01:02:47,109 --> 01:02:48,820 Do you like branzino? 821 01:02:49,862 --> 01:02:51,197 Like, a fish 822 01:02:51,364 --> 01:02:53,199 No, no. I know. I know. 823 01:02:53,366 --> 01:02:55,576 Well, if you want... 824 01:02:55,743 --> 01:03:00,248 can come to this address at 8:00 tonight. 825 01:03:01,040 --> 01:03:02,708 My mom's making branzino. 826 01:03:03,209 --> 01:03:04,627 So... 827 01:03:04,836 --> 01:03:05,670 It's apartment... 828 01:03:05,837 --> 01:03:08,172 ...2016. I didn't write that part down. 829 01:03:08,339 --> 01:03:09,674 I don't know why I... 830 01:03:09,841 --> 01:03:11,676 - I'll remember it. - Oh, okay. 831 01:03:11,843 --> 01:03:13,219 2016. 832 01:04:21,287 --> 01:04:22,622 Hi. 833 01:04:23,956 --> 01:04:25,208 How did you get out there? 834 01:04:26,083 --> 01:04:27,627 The fire escape. 835 01:04:28,794 --> 01:04:30,296 Your doorman's intimidating. 836 01:04:31,214 --> 01:04:32,840 It's 20 storeys. 837 01:04:33,216 --> 01:04:34,634 Yeah. It's all right. 838 01:04:38,805 --> 01:04:40,807 - This is your room. - Yes, this is my room. 839 01:04:40,973 --> 01:04:42,642 Books. 840 01:04:42,850 --> 01:04:44,310 Shoes. 841 01:04:44,936 --> 01:04:46,437 Oh, hey... 842 01:04:47,480 --> 01:04:48,856 I got your mom... 843 01:04:49,023 --> 01:04:50,399 ...these. 844 01:04:50,650 --> 01:04:51,651 Oh, lovely. 845 01:04:51,818 --> 01:04:53,486 - Beautiful, right? - Beautiful. 846 01:04:53,653 --> 01:04:55,029 They were nice. 847 01:04:55,196 --> 01:04:56,989 - No, they're beautiful. - I'm sorry. 848 01:04:57,156 --> 01:04:59,909 No, it's impressive. They actually held together very well. 849 01:05:00,076 --> 01:05:01,619 I'm gonna keep these. 850 01:05:02,370 --> 01:05:03,830 You have your suit in there? 851 01:05:06,874 --> 01:05:08,543 My Suit? 852 01:05:08,709 --> 01:05:11,087 It's for dinner. Are you gonna--? 853 01:05:11,254 --> 01:05:12,380 Are you gonna wear that? 854 01:05:12,547 --> 01:05:13,548 - That's-- - Hey, hon. 855 01:05:19,178 --> 01:05:20,096 You must be Peter. 856 01:05:20,263 --> 01:05:22,098 Dad, this is Peter. 857 01:05:24,767 --> 01:05:25,977 Nice to meet you, sir. 858 01:05:27,186 --> 01:05:28,312 Nice to meet you. 859 01:05:28,479 --> 01:05:30,064 Dinner's ready. 860 01:05:30,857 --> 01:05:32,191 Hope you like branzino. 861 01:05:32,358 --> 01:05:33,901 Who doesn't? 862 01:06:33,419 --> 01:06:34,754
Emma, it's Curt.
863 01:06:35,505 --> 01:06:37,715
- Is he there? - I'm afraid not, doctor.
864 01:06:37,882 --> 01:06:40,718
The car is taking him to the Veterans Hospital in Brooklyn.
865 01:06:40,885 --> 01:06:42,094 No. He can't, Emma. 866 01:06:42,261 --> 01:06:44,555 You have to stop him. He-- 867 01:06:44,722 --> 01:06:47,141
I would, but I always lose him on the bridge.
868 01:06:47,308 --> 01:06:50,269
I'll make sure Dr. Ratha returns your call as soon as possible.
869 01:07:00,279 --> 01:07:03,616 I'm going to Holton Avenue, across the river. I'm in a hurry. 870 01:07:03,783 --> 01:07:05,827 You want me to take the tunnel or the bridge? 871 01:07:05,993 --> 01:07:07,245 Bridge! Take the bridge. 872 01:07:07,411 --> 01:07:08,746 All right, we'll do that. 873 01:07:08,913 --> 01:07:09,997 Hey, you all right... 874 01:07:10,164 --> 01:07:10,915 ...back there? 875 01:07:11,833 --> 01:07:12,500 You tweaking... 876 01:07:12,667 --> 01:07:13,876 877 01:07:15,002 --> 01:07:16,629 Just drive. 878 01:07:17,213 --> 01:07:18,422 Okay. 879 01:07:24,679 --> 01:07:26,180 You're having trouble there? 880 01:07:26,347 --> 01:07:28,015 The head goes on the other-- 881 01:07:28,182 --> 01:07:29,725 Help Gwen's friend with his fish. 882 01:07:29,892 --> 01:07:31,102 On, I... 883 01:07:31,269 --> 01:07:32,353 I got no idea. 884 01:07:32,520 --> 01:07:34,063 First time. 885 01:07:34,230 --> 01:07:35,815 - Branzino. - George. 886 01:07:35,982 --> 01:07:38,734 - Tell us about your day. - Did you catch that spider guy yet? 887 01:07:38,901 --> 01:07:40,486 No, we didn't catch him yet. 888 01:07:40,653 --> 01:07:42,530 But we will. He's an amateur... 889 01:07:42,697 --> 01:07:45,408 ...who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night. 890 01:07:45,575 --> 01:07:47,451 He's clumsy, he leaves clues... 891 01:07:47,618 --> 01:07:48,995 ...but he's still dangerous. 892 01:07:49,871 --> 01:07:51,330 He's assaulting people? 893 01:07:53,166 --> 01:07:54,167 I'm not sure. 894 01:07:54,333 --> 01:07:55,793 I mean, I saw that video... 895 01:07:55,960 --> 01:07:57,920 ...with him and the car thief, and... 896 01:07:58,087 --> 01:08:01,215 I think most people would say that he was... 897 01:08:01,966 --> 01:08:03,342 ...providing a public service. 898 01:08:04,051 --> 01:08:06,012 Most people would be wrong. 899 01:08:07,305 --> 01:08:10,766 If I wanted the car thief off the street, he'd already be off the street. 900 01:08:10,933 --> 01:08:12,185 So why wasn't he then? 901 01:08:16,189 --> 01:08:17,231 Let me illuminate you. 902 01:08:17,398 --> 01:08:20,026 The car thief was leading us to the people who run... 903 01:08:20,193 --> 01:08:22,403 ...the operation. It's a six-month-long sting. 904 01:08:22,570 --> 01:08:25,573 It's called strategy. I'm sure you're aware of the term? 905 01:08:25,740 --> 01:08:28,242 - You've heard about that in school? - Yeah. 906 01:08:28,409 --> 01:08:29,285 Good. 907 01:08:29,452 --> 01:08:30,703
I know.
908 01:08:30,870 --> 01:08:33,539 - He didn't know you had a plan. - You seem to know... 909 01:08:33,706 --> 01:08:35,458 ...a lot about this. Know something we don't? 910 01:08:35,625 --> 01:08:37,919 - Whose side are you on? - I'm not on anyone's side. 911 01:08:38,085 --> 01:08:39,462 I saw a video on the lnternet-- 912 01:08:39,629 --> 01:08:41,172 You saw the video on the Internet. 913 01:08:41,339 --> 01:08:43,549 - Well, then the case is closed. - Well, no. 914 01:08:43,716 --> 01:08:44,675 If you watch the video-- 915 01:08:44,842 --> 01:08:46,302 Maybe send you a link? 916 01:08:46,469 --> 01:08:48,137 It looks like he's trying to help. 917 01:08:48,304 --> 01:08:51,182 On the Internet he's being made out to look like a hero. 918 01:08:51,349 --> 01:08:52,016 No, no. 919 01:08:52,183 --> 01:08:53,893 I'm not saying he's a hero. 920 01:08:54,060 --> 01:08:56,395 - What are you trying to say? - He's trying to help. 921 01:08:56,562 --> 01:08:57,897 He's trying to do something the police can't. 922 01:08:58,064 --> 01:08:59,440 Something the police can't? 923 01:08:59,607 --> 01:09:01,150 - I don't know. - What do you think we do? 924 01:09:01,317 --> 01:09:02,860 Sit around eating doughnuts... 925 01:09:03,027 --> 01:09:04,821 ...with our thumbs planted up our asses? 926 01:09:04,987 --> 01:09:07,031 - George. George. - Daddy. 927 01:09:07,240 --> 01:09:07,949 - Up your what? - Howard. 928 01:09:08,115 --> 01:09:09,951 He stands for what you stand for. 929 01:09:10,117 --> 01:09:11,661 Protecting innocent people from bad guys. 930 01:09:11,828 --> 01:09:13,913 I stand for law and order. That's what I stand for. 931 01:09:14,080 --> 01:09:15,665 Okay? I wear a badge. 932 01:09:15,832 --> 01:09:18,876 This guy wears a mask like an outlaw. 933 01:09:19,043 --> 01:09:21,587 He's hunting down criminals that all look the same... 934 01:09:21,754 --> 01:09:23,923 he's got some sort of personal vendetta. 935 01:09:24,090 --> 01:09:27,093 But he's not protecting innocent people, Mr. Parker. 936 01:09:27,260 --> 01:09:29,095 Let's get some air, Peter. 937 01:09:29,720 --> 01:09:31,889 - Dad, we need to talk. - Yes, we do. 938 01:09:34,267 --> 01:09:36,102 Thank you for having me. I'm sorry... 939 01:09:36,269 --> 01:09:38,521 ...if I insulted you. It was not my intention. 940 01:09:38,729 --> 01:09:42,024 - You're welcome. - Branzino was real good, Mrs. Stacy. 941 01:09:42,191 --> 01:09:44,277 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 942 01:09:45,987 --> 01:09:48,531 - Dad. - Yeah? 943 01:09:55,288 --> 01:09:57,206 Well, that was something. 944 01:09:58,666 --> 01:10:01,752 I'm sorry. I thought he was going to arrest me at one point. 945 01:10:01,919 --> 01:10:04,547 No, I wouldn't have let him arrest you 946 01:10:09,302 --> 01:10:12,013 - What happened to your face? - I wanna tell you something. 947 01:10:13,890 --> 01:10:15,141 Okay. 948 01:10:20,271 --> 01:10:21,564 I've been bitten... 949 01:10:25,860 --> 01:10:26,777 So have I. 950 01:10:32,241 --> 01:10:33,659 Okay. 951 01:10:35,161 --> 01:10:37,663 Okay, okay, okay. I gotta tell you this one thing. 952 01:10:37,830 --> 01:10:39,582 I gotta tell you this thing about... 953 01:10:39,749 --> 01:10:42,585 ...the vigilante and the car thief. - Oh, okay. 954 01:10:42,752 --> 01:10:44,420 What? 955 01:10:44,587 --> 01:10:46,839 - No, no, no. - I don't want to talk about that. 956 01:10:47,006 --> 01:10:48,674 Forget that. I won't talk about that. 957 01:10:48,841 --> 01:10:51,093 - I'm gonna talk about me, okay? - What about you? 958 01:10:51,260 --> 01:10:55,097 It's impo-- I wish I could just-- 959 01:10:55,264 --> 01:10:56,516 I can't. It's hard to say. 960 01:10:56,682 --> 01:10:57,683 Just say it. 961 01:10:57,850 --> 01:10:59,977 - I don't know. - Say it. 962 01:11:02,814 --> 01:11:04,106 What? What? 963 01:11:07,568 --> 01:11:09,278 What? 964 01:11:13,324 --> 01:11:15,201 Okay, then forget it. 965 01:11:23,334 --> 01:11:24,794 You...? 966 01:11:33,427 --> 01:11:35,555 - You're Spider-Man. - Shut up. 967 01:11:40,560 --> 01:11:42,061 Gwen? 968 01:11:43,312 --> 01:11:44,647 Gwen... 969 01:11:45,690 --> 01:11:47,608 Your father wants you to come inside. 970 01:11:48,025 --> 01:11:49,235 Okay. 971 01:11:49,402 --> 01:11:50,403 - Okay? - Yeah. 972 01:11:53,197 --> 01:11:54,240 Gwen. 973 01:11:54,365 --> 01:11:56,075 I'm coming. 974 01:12:27,565 --> 01:12:29,358 Oh, I'm in trouble. 975 01:12:52,840 --> 01:12:53,758 Will you please... 976 01:12:53,883 --> 01:12:55,802 ...find out what is going on, Alfred? 977 01:13:03,226 --> 01:13:04,101 Excellent. 978 01:13:07,396 --> 01:13:08,397 Hey! 979 01:13:11,192 --> 01:13:12,527 Hey! What is that? 980 01:13:12,652 --> 01:13:14,570 - Oh, my God! - I don't know! 981 01:13:14,695 --> 01:13:16,155 Get back in the car! 982 01:13:21,244 --> 01:13:22,620 Help! 983 01:13:24,330 --> 01:13:25,206 Help! 984 01:14:05,329 --> 01:14:07,540 Incoming! 985 01:14:28,519 --> 01:14:29,228 Somebody help! 986 01:14:30,062 --> 01:14:31,731 Help me! My kid is trapped! 987 01:14:41,491 --> 01:14:42,658 I want my dad! 988 01:14:42,992 --> 01:14:44,035 Dad! 989 01:14:44,202 --> 01:14:45,578 'HeY,hey,hey - Help! 990 01:14:45,745 --> 01:14:46,412 L-ley, buddy. 991 01:14:46,537 --> 01:14:47,747 - It's okay. - Get away. 992 01:14:48,706 --> 01:14:49,832 - Help! - Hey, look. 993 01:14:51,375 --> 01:14:53,252 Just a normal guy, all right? 994 01:14:54,962 --> 01:14:55,838 Wanna hold this? 995 01:14:57,548 --> 01:14:58,341 Hold my mask. 996 01:14:58,925 --> 01:14:59,884 All right. 997 01:15:01,427 --> 01:15:02,887 What's your name? 998 01:15:03,054 --> 01:15:03,846 Jack? 999 01:15:04,764 --> 01:15:06,432 - Yes. - Let's get you out of here. 1000 01:15:07,809 --> 01:15:09,560 Okay, stay very still. 1001 01:15:09,727 --> 01:15:10,561 All right. 1002 01:15:10,728 --> 01:15:11,979 Okay, I got you. 1003 01:15:16,400 --> 01:15:17,068 Okay, look. 1004 01:15:17,235 --> 01:15:18,861 I'll undo the belt. You hold on... 1005 01:15:19,028 --> 01:15:21,072 that seat in front of you. On three? 1006 01:15:21,322 --> 01:15:23,991 - All right. - Okay, one, two, three. 1007 01:15:26,118 --> 01:15:28,287 See how easy that was? You did a great job. 1008 01:15:28,454 --> 01:15:30,164 All right, okay. 1009 01:15:43,761 --> 01:15:45,138 Jack, climb now. 1010 01:15:45,304 --> 01:15:46,931 - I can't. - Yes, you can. 1011 01:15:52,311 --> 01:15:54,313 Put it on, the mask. 1012 01:15:54,480 --> 01:15:55,898 It's gonna make you strong. 1013 01:15:56,482 --> 01:15:57,817 Jack, trust me. 1014 01:15:57,984 --> 01:15:58,943 Put it on. 1015 01:15:59,735 --> 01:16:02,363 There you go. That's it. That's it, buddy. 1016 01:16:02,530 --> 01:16:03,656 Okay, now, climb. 1017 01:16:03,823 --> 01:16:04,824 Come on, Jack. 1018 01:16:08,578 --> 01:16:09,245 Do me a favour. 1019 01:16:09,412 --> 01:16:10,913 A little faster, okay, bud? 1020 01:16:11,164 --> 01:16:13,499 You're doing great, buddy. You're doing great. 1021 01:16:13,666 --> 01:16:14,750 That's it. Keep coming. 1022 01:16:14,917 --> 01:16:16,335 Keep it coming. 1023 01:16:16,502 --> 01:16:17,545 Keep coming. 1024 01:16:18,462 --> 01:16:19,797 No! 1025 01:16:34,437 --> 01:16:36,147 Jack. Oh, God. 1026 01:16:36,314 --> 01:16:37,815 Thank God. 1027 01:16:39,525 --> 01:16:40,860 You okay? 1028 01:16:43,905 --> 01:16:45,364 My son. My son. 1029 01:16:46,199 --> 01:16:47,325 Oh, my son. 1030 01:16:47,450 --> 01:16:49,243 My son. 1031 01:16:53,706 --> 01:16:54,790 Who are you? 1032 01:16:57,210 --> 01:16:58,711 Spider-Man. 1033 01:17:45,758 --> 01:17:47,760 Beautiful. 1034 01:17:55,935 --> 01:17:56,978 Settle down, guys. 1035 01:17:57,979 --> 01:17:59,605 Settle down, boys. Settle down. 1036 01:17:59,772 --> 01:18:01,941 - Come on. - Listen. At approximately... 1037 01:18:02,108 --> 01:18:05,570 ...9 p.m. last night, an incident took place on the Williamsburg Bridge. 1038 01:18:06,112 --> 01:18:07,947
Much of what occurred is speculation...
1039 01:18:08,114 --> 01:18:10,908 this point. However, several eyewitnesses...
1040 01:18:11,075 --> 01:18:14,495 the crime, as well as our own preliminary findings, have...
1041 01:18:14,662 --> 01:18:15,788
...positively placed...
1042 01:18:15,955 --> 01:18:17,623 individual at the scene.
1043 01:18:17,790 --> 01:18:19,250
Which is why, this morning...
1044 01:18:19,417 --> 01:18:20,835
...I am issuing a warrant...
1045 01:18:21,002 --> 01:18:24,338
...for the masked vigilante known as Spider-Man.
1046 01:18:30,261 --> 01:18:33,973
And lastly, city council members met with homeowners and airport officials...
1047 01:18:34,140 --> 01:18:35,808 the first of four meetings...
1048 01:18:43,107 --> 01:18:44,484 It's so beautiful. 1049 01:18:44,650 --> 01:18:46,486 Knows how to bite though. 1050 01:18:46,652 --> 01:18:48,404 Who else knows about this? 1051 01:18:48,571 --> 01:18:49,447 Just you. 1052 01:18:49,614 --> 01:18:50,865 Really? 1053 01:18:53,326 --> 01:18:55,244 Hey, you don't... 1054 01:18:55,995 --> 01:18:58,581 You don't believe what the police are saying, do you? 1055 01:18:59,457 --> 01:19:00,958 Of course not. 1056 01:19:02,960 --> 01:19:04,337 Does it scare you? 1057 01:19:04,504 --> 01:19:06,339 What you can do? 1058 01:19:08,841 --> 01:19:10,176 No. 1059 01:19:11,260 --> 01:19:12,386 No. 1060 01:19:13,346 --> 01:19:15,473 What did that thing on the bridge look like? 1061 01:19:16,015 --> 01:19:18,476 It was real big. Too big to be human. 1062 01:19:18,851 --> 01:19:20,394 You gotta lay low. 1063 01:19:21,187 --> 01:19:22,563 No, can't do that. 1064 01:19:22,730 --> 01:19:24,315 You've got to. 1065 01:19:25,149 --> 01:19:26,651 I mean, why...? 1066 01:19:26,943 --> 01:19:29,445 Because of last night. 1067 01:19:29,612 --> 01:19:31,614 Those people on the bridge. 1068 01:19:31,781 --> 01:19:35,785 Whatever was attacking them would have killed them. 1069 01:19:37,411 --> 01:19:38,120 So... 1070 01:19:38,287 --> 01:19:39,956 ...I gotta go after it. 1071 01:19:41,457 --> 01:19:42,500 That's not your job. 1072 01:19:43,918 --> 01:19:45,503 Maybe it is. 1073 01:19:50,424 --> 01:19:51,968 I really liked kissing you. 1074 01:19:54,595 --> 01:19:56,097 You're an amazing kisser. 1075 01:19:58,891 --> 01:20:00,059 Well, you know, it was-- 1076 01:20:00,226 --> 01:20:02,228 It was good for me too. 1077 01:20:04,897 --> 01:20:06,524 Yeah? 1078 01:20:15,908 --> 01:20:17,076 Who did that? 1079 01:20:38,806 --> 01:20:39,807 Hello! 1080 01:20:49,400 --> 01:20:51,652 It's not nice to snoop. 1081 01:20:54,530 --> 01:20:56,449 I gave everyone the week off. 1082 01:20:58,659 --> 01:20:59,368 Yeah. 1083 01:21:00,620 --> 01:21:01,954 Shouldn't you be at school? 1084 01:21:03,706 --> 01:21:05,750 No, I got a free track. 1085 01:21:05,917 --> 01:21:07,919 I wanted to ask you a question. 1086 01:21:08,628 --> 01:21:09,670 How would a predator... 1087 01:21:09,837 --> 01:21:11,130 ...track a reptile? 1088 01:21:11,255 --> 01:21:14,133 Oh, they don't. Most reptiles are at the top... 1089 01:21:14,300 --> 01:21:15,551 ...of their food chain. 1090 01:21:15,718 --> 01:21:17,220 Kings of their domain. 1091 01:21:17,386 --> 01:21:18,888 They gotta have vulnerabilities. 1092 01:21:19,055 --> 01:21:21,599 Why the sudden interest in the cold-blooded? 1093 01:21:25,144 --> 01:21:26,437 Just asking a question. 1094 01:21:26,604 --> 01:21:29,440 I got school stuff. 1095 01:21:29,607 --> 01:21:31,609 Biology profiles to do. 1096 01:21:32,026 --> 01:21:34,278 So because of the cold blood... 1097 01:21:34,445 --> 01:21:36,364 ...would they react to changes in temperatures? 1098 01:21:36,531 --> 01:21:37,907 You'd have to catch one first. 1099 01:21:38,825 --> 01:21:42,119 Did you know there's a rumour of a new species in New York? 1100 01:21:42,286 --> 01:21:43,788 Beautiful and quite large. 1101 01:21:44,956 --> 01:21:46,916 What do you know about it? You seen it? 1102 01:21:47,083 --> 01:21:49,085 No, it's not yet classified. 1103 01:21:52,046 --> 01:21:54,048 But it can be aggressive... 1104 01:21:54,966 --> 01:21:55,883 ...if threatened. 1105 01:22:03,641 --> 01:22:04,892 Doc, you all right? 1106 01:22:05,059 --> 01:22:07,687 Never been better, Peter. Never been better. 1107 01:22:07,854 --> 01:22:09,397 Now, if you'll excuse me. 1108 01:22:09,564 --> 01:22:12,316 Afraid I have to ask you to leave. I have a new project... 1109 01:22:12,483 --> 01:22:14,902 ...I'm working on. I need to be alone. 1110 01:22:15,528 --> 01:22:17,822 Good. Good, good. 1111 01:22:18,364 --> 01:22:20,199 Good. 1112 01:22:20,783 --> 01:22:23,703 Don't worry, Mr. Parker. I'll be back. 1113 01:22:24,704 --> 01:22:26,831 Wonderful things are coming. 1114 01:22:28,082 --> 01:22:29,876 Wonderful things. 1115 01:22:44,432 --> 01:22:45,725 Fred? 1116 01:22:50,521 --> 01:22:52,732 Mr. Mayor, if there was a giant dinosaur... 1117 01:22:52,899 --> 01:22:55,401 ...running around you would be the first to know. 1118 01:22:55,526 --> 01:22:58,112 So tell your son he can rest easy, all right? 1119 01:22:58,279 --> 01:23:00,323 Yeah. You and me both, sir. 1120 01:23:00,490 --> 01:23:02,700 Okay. Bye-bye- 1121 01:23:02,825 --> 01:23:04,744 Mr. Parker, why are you... 1122 01:23:04,869 --> 01:23:06,746 ...not in school? - Got a free track. 1123 01:23:06,913 --> 01:23:08,164 Okay, well, I do not. 1124 01:23:08,331 --> 01:23:09,582 So make your point quickly. 1125 01:23:09,749 --> 01:23:12,126 Fine, there may not be a dinosaur running around. 1126 01:23:12,251 --> 01:23:14,587 There is something more dangerous, and I know who. 1127 01:23:14,754 --> 01:23:16,339 - You know who? - Dr. Curtis Connors. 1128 01:23:16,506 --> 01:23:17,882 - He's a biochemist. - Of Oscorp? 1129 01:23:18,049 --> 01:23:19,550 - That's right. - Dr. Connors... 1130 01:23:19,717 --> 01:23:21,719 ...who's my daughter's mentor. Is that who? 1131 01:23:21,886 --> 01:23:23,095 - That's the one. - Okay. 1132 01:23:23,262 --> 01:23:26,557 Recently, Dr. Connors gave Gwen a college recommendation. 1133 01:23:26,724 --> 01:23:28,768 It was beautiful. When I read it, I cried. 1134 01:23:28,893 --> 01:23:31,103 You would have me believe that he... 1135 01:23:31,270 --> 01:23:33,481 running around dressed up like a dinosaur? 1136 01:23:33,648 --> 01:23:37,318 Not dressing up and not a dinosaur. He has transformed himself into a lizard. 1137 01:23:40,571 --> 01:23:42,114 Let me ask you a question. 1138 01:23:42,281 --> 01:23:45,409 Do I look like the mayor of Tokyo to you? 1139 01:23:45,535 --> 01:23:48,037 I'm telling you the absolute truth. 1140 01:23:48,204 --> 01:23:51,249 This man has worked for his whole life on cross-species genetics. 1141 01:23:51,415 --> 01:23:54,961 He lost an arm, he tried to grow it back, but the equation was imbalanced. 1142 01:23:55,127 --> 01:23:57,588 He has turned into a lizard. He's using lizard DNA. 1143 01:23:57,755 --> 01:24:01,467 He is dangerous, and he is planning something horrific. I know. I know. 1144 01:24:01,634 --> 01:24:04,095 Okay. All right, I get it. 1145 01:24:04,971 --> 01:24:06,013 Here's what we'll do. 1146 01:24:06,472 --> 01:24:09,267 You'll go back to hanging out with the citizens of Tokyo. 1147 01:24:09,433 --> 01:24:11,644 I'm gonna go back to protecting the citizens... 1148 01:24:11,811 --> 01:24:13,855 ...of this fine, fair city of ours. 1149 01:24:14,021 --> 01:24:16,274 Sergeant Butler, please escort Mr. Parker... 1150 01:24:16,440 --> 01:24:19,402 ...back to school. - Captain Stacy, I'm not messing around. 1151 01:24:19,569 --> 01:24:22,613 Just bring him in. Just call him in. You have to call him in. 1152 01:24:22,780 --> 01:24:24,407 He is a danger to everybody. 1153 01:24:24,574 --> 01:24:26,826 - Just, please, listen to me. - Let's go. 1154 01:24:31,164 --> 01:24:32,498 Jimmy. 1155 01:24:33,708 --> 01:24:36,586 Get me everything we have on Dr. Curtis Connors. 1156 01:24:36,711 --> 01:24:39,297 - Okay? Right away. - Yeah. 1157 01:25:04,697 --> 01:25:06,657 Subject: Dr. Curtis Connors. 1158 01:25:06,824 --> 01:25:08,367 Current temperature: 89.7. 1159 01:25:08,534 --> 01:25:09,994 Steady for 48 hours. 1160 01:25:10,161 --> 01:25:12,663 Blood panels reveal lymphocyte and monocyte readings... 1161 01:25:12,830 --> 01:25:14,499 ...consistent with subject's past. 1162 01:25:20,254 --> 01:25:21,923 Clotting rate vastly improved. 1163 01:25:22,089 --> 01:25:23,591 Marked enhancement... 1164 01:25:23,758 --> 01:25:25,092 muscle response... 1165 01:25:25,259 --> 01:25:26,636 ...strength and elasticity. 1166 01:25:34,477 --> 01:25:36,562 Eyesight similarly improved. 1167 01:25:36,729 --> 01:25:39,232 Subject no longer requires corrective lenses. 1168 01:25:44,570 --> 01:25:46,489 This is no longer about curing ills. 1169 01:25:47,031 --> 01:25:48,407 This is about... 1170 01:25:48,533 --> 01:25:49,659 ...finding perfection. 1171 01:25:58,918 --> 01:26:01,003 In attempt to redress regenerative relapse... 1172 01:26:01,128 --> 01:26:04,924 ...dosage has been increased to 200 milligrams. 1173 01:27:39,727 --> 01:27:41,479 You stopped me once. 1174 01:27:42,313 --> 01:27:44,690 You won't stop me again. 1175 01:27:46,692 --> 01:27:49,695 I'm getting stronger every day! 1176 01:28:28,442 --> 01:28:29,986 Oh, that sucked. 1177 01:28:41,414 --> 01:28:43,082 Peter Parker. 1178 01:29:00,766 --> 01:29:02,310 Come in. 1179 01:29:04,770 --> 01:29:06,105 You should maybe... 1180 01:29:06,272 --> 01:29:08,107 ...consider coming in through the lobby. 1181 01:29:09,734 --> 01:29:12,778 Also, my father is under the impression... 1182 01:29:12,904 --> 01:29:15,781 ...that you require psychiatric attention. - Oh, really? 1183 01:29:16,032 --> 01:29:17,617 Peter. 1184 01:29:18,117 --> 01:29:19,160 What happened? 1185 01:29:19,285 --> 01:29:20,661 You should see the other guy. 1186 01:29:22,497 --> 01:29:26,918 The other guy, in this instance, being a giant mutant lizard. 1187 01:29:27,084 --> 01:29:28,085 Hey, Gwen, honey. 1188 01:29:28,252 --> 01:29:29,170 Do you want cocoa? 1189 01:29:29,337 --> 01:29:30,463 Howard's making some. 1190 01:29:35,051 --> 01:29:36,469 No, Dad, I do not want cocoa. 1191 01:29:36,636 --> 01:29:38,304 Honestly, I'm 17 years old. 1192 01:29:38,471 --> 01:29:39,305 Okay. 1193 01:29:39,472 --> 01:29:43,518 I remembered somebody saying her fantasy was to live in a chocolate house. 1194 01:29:43,684 --> 01:29:45,144 Well, that's impractical. 1195 01:29:45,269 --> 01:29:46,729 And fattening. 1196 01:29:49,982 --> 01:29:51,067 Chocolate house. 1197 01:29:53,945 --> 01:29:55,738 - Sorry, Dad. - It's good. 1198 01:29:55,905 --> 01:29:58,699 I can't have cocoa right now because I'm work-- 1199 01:29:58,825 --> 01:30:01,953 I'm doing this... 1200 01:30:02,119 --> 01:30:03,746 I have cramps. 1201 01:30:04,622 --> 01:30:06,666 I feel kind of pukey and just sort of... 1202 01:30:06,833 --> 01:30:09,126 - Like, emotional. I keep crying. - It's okay. Good. 1203 01:30:09,252 --> 01:30:11,003 - Good. - It's brutal. 1204 01:30:11,879 --> 01:30:13,214 You don't want to know. 1205 01:30:13,381 --> 01:30:14,549 - It's, like, bad. - Got it. 1206 01:30:14,715 --> 01:30:16,676 - Thanks, Daddy. - All right. 1207 01:30:41,784 --> 01:30:44,203 Easy, Bug BOY 1208 01:30:44,954 --> 01:30:46,372 What'd you call me? 1209 01:30:51,460 --> 01:30:53,296 I'm going to be all right. 1210 01:30:53,462 --> 01:30:56,174 - No. No. - Yes. Yes. 1211 01:30:57,550 --> 01:31:00,052 I know what this is. 1212 01:31:00,219 --> 01:31:01,554 What is it? 1213 01:31:02,472 --> 01:31:05,641 Every day, for as long as I can remember, my father... 1214 01:31:05,808 --> 01:31:07,268 ...has left every morning... 1215 01:31:07,435 --> 01:31:10,104 ...and he's put a badge on his chest... 1216 01:31:10,271 --> 01:31:12,565 ...and strapped a gun to his hip. 1217 01:31:15,234 --> 01:31:17,612 And every day, for as long as I can remember... 1218 01:31:17,778 --> 01:31:20,239 ...I haven't known if he was gonna make it home. 1219 01:31:29,790 --> 01:31:31,626
L 901 you
1220 01:31:32,877 --> 01:31:34,045 Okay? 1221 01:31:36,756 --> 01:31:37,757 Okay? 1222 01:31:39,342 --> 01:31:41,427 I gotta stop him, though. 1223 01:31:42,094 --> 01:31:45,014 I have to, because I created him. 1224 01:31:48,309 --> 01:31:49,769 What do you mean? 1225 01:31:51,187 --> 01:31:53,272 I gave him an equation... 1226 01:31:55,817 --> 01:31:57,944 ...that made all of this possible. 1227 01:32:05,576 --> 01:32:08,454 Something my father had been working on, you know. 1228 01:32:08,621 --> 01:32:11,624 Secretly. Now I realise why he kept it a secret. 1229 01:32:14,418 --> 01:32:16,879 Point is, this is my responsibility. 1230 01:32:20,216 --> 01:32:22,385 I have to fix it. 1231 01:32:25,471 --> 01:32:27,140 Peter. 1232 01:32:28,182 --> 01:32:29,892 Hey. 1233 01:32:33,187 --> 01:32:35,314 Let's get out of here. 1234 01:32:35,481 --> 01:32:37,275 Let's just get out of here. 1235 01:32:37,441 --> 01:32:39,152 Just for a minute. Can we? 1236 01:32:39,861 --> 01:32:41,821 - No. No. - Yeah. Yes. 1237 01:32:41,988 --> 01:32:43,156 - Yes. - No. 1238 01:32:43,322 --> 01:32:44,490 Yes. 1239 01:32:44,657 --> 01:32:47,160 If my parents see me leaving, I'm dead. 1240 01:32:51,747 --> 01:32:53,833 Your parents aren't gonna see you leaving. 1241 01:33:07,180 --> 01:33:08,806
Peter Parker.
1242 01:33:08,973 --> 01:33:10,641
1243 01:33:11,017 --> 01:33:12,768
I'm not the one who needs...
1244 01:33:12,935 --> 01:33:14,228
1245 01:33:14,437 --> 01:33:16,105
There will be no more loneliness...
1246 01:33:16,272 --> 01:33:17,732
...I7O more OIJICGSIS.
1247 01:33:17,899 --> 01:33:21,652
Species-wide distribution could enhance...
1248 01:33:21,819 --> 01:33:24,197
...humanity on an evolutionary scale.
1249 01:33:24,655 --> 01:33:26,991
One has to adapt to survive.
1250 01:33:30,328 --> 01:33:33,080 "That, changing like the snake, I might be free... 1251 01:33:33,247 --> 01:33:36,876 cast off flesh wherein I dwell confined." 1252 01:33:37,043 --> 01:33:40,213
Would you give it all up after all you know...
1253 01:33:40,379 --> 01:33:41,339 can do?
1254 01:33:41,506 --> 01:33:44,133
All the power you feel.
1255 01:33:47,637 --> 01:33:48,888
I can save...
1256 01:33:49,055 --> 01:33:49,972
1257 01:33:56,687 --> 01:33:57,688
You won't get in...
1258 01:33:57,855 --> 01:33:59,023
...the way of my plan...
1259 01:33:59,190 --> 01:34:00,817
...Peter Parker!
1260 01:34:27,218 --> 01:34:28,469 Go. Go! 1261 01:35:04,839 --> 01:35:06,841 Nowhere to hide, Peter. 1262 01:35:24,400 --> 01:35:25,401 All these souls... 1263 01:35:25,568 --> 01:35:26,819 ...lost and alone. 1264 01:35:26,986 --> 01:35:27,862 I can save them. 1265 01:35:28,029 --> 01:35:29,655 I can cure them. 1266 01:35:29,822 --> 01:35:31,407 There's no need to stop me... 1267 01:35:31,574 --> 01:35:32,492 ...Peter. 1268 01:35:42,043 --> 01:35:44,128 You're not thinking straight, doc. 1269 01:35:47,840 --> 01:35:49,467 Stop this. This isn't you. 1270 01:35:54,639 --> 01:35:55,598 Let's talk this out. 1271 01:35:56,724 --> 01:35:57,475 Doc! 1272 01:36:03,564 --> 01:36:04,607 Oh, boy. 1273 01:36:10,196 --> 01:36:11,239 You don't want to talk? 1274 01:36:12,073 --> 01:36:13,616 There you go. 1275 01:36:17,245 --> 01:36:18,454 Don't... 1276 01:36:19,247 --> 01:36:20,832 ...make me... 1277 01:36:20,998 --> 01:36:21,999 ...have to... 1278 01:36:22,500 --> 01:36:23,459 ...hurt you! 1279 01:36:31,342 --> 01:36:32,677 That is disgusting. 1280 01:36:42,728 --> 01:36:44,105 Gwen. 1281 01:37:08,045 --> 01:37:10,256 - I'm gonna throw you out the window. - What? 1282 01:37:23,478 --> 01:37:24,520 Somebody's been... 1283 01:37:24,687 --> 01:37:26,355 ...a bad lizard. 1284 01:38:13,236 --> 01:38:15,321 This is Lieutenant Williams from the New York City... 1285 01:38:15,488 --> 01:38:18,950 ...Police Department. We've got this building surrounded. 1286 01:38:28,125 --> 01:38:30,127 Alpha, let's move ahead. Go! 1287 01:38:41,764 --> 01:38:43,057 - Hey. - Where are you? 1288 01:38:43,224 --> 01:38:44,142 I'm fine. I'm okay. 1289 01:38:44,308 --> 01:38:47,687 I'm in the sewer, tracking him. I gotta stop him before anyone gets hurt. 1290 01:38:47,854 --> 01:38:48,980 But we need an antidote. 1291 01:38:49,147 --> 01:38:51,732
- Do you know how to run a serum? - I do it all the time.
1292 01:38:51,899 --> 01:38:54,318 Okay, great. Okay, I need you to go to Oscorp. 1293 01:38:54,485 --> 01:38:57,488
I need you to access the cross-species file. It's a blue serum
1294 01:38:57,655 --> 01:38:59,782 File 12389. 1295 01:38:59,949 --> 01:39:01,033
Okay, got it.
1296 01:39:01,200 --> 01:39:02,952 On my WHY 1297 01:39:34,442 --> 01:39:38,070
I spent my life as a scientist trying to create a world without weakness...
1298 01:39:38,237 --> 01:39:40,406
...without outcasts.
1299 01:39:40,573 --> 01:39:43,117
I sought to create a stronger human being...
1300 01:39:43,284 --> 01:39:45,203
...but there's no such thing.
1301 01:39:45,369 --> 01:39:48,623
Human beings are weak, pathetic, feeble-minded...
1302 01:39:48,789 --> 01:39:50,458
1303 01:39:50,625 --> 01:39:52,084
Why be human at all...
1304 01:39:52,251 --> 01:39:53,503
...when we can be so...
1305 01:39:53,669 --> 01:39:54,504
...much more?
1306 01:39:54,670 --> 01:39:56,964
Faster. Stronger.
1307 01:39:57,131 --> 01:39:58,549
1308 01:39:58,716 --> 01:40:01,552
This is my gift to you.
1309 01:40:10,061 --> 01:40:11,729 Oscorp. 1310 01:40:13,981 --> 01:40:15,107 - Captain Stacy! - What? 1311 01:40:15,274 --> 01:40:17,735 We have a confirmed sighting, sir. The Lizard's headed... 1312 01:40:17,902 --> 01:40:20,112 ...toward Canal Street. - What about Spider-Man? 1313 01:40:20,279 --> 01:40:21,489 Inside the high school. 1314 01:40:21,656 --> 01:40:23,574 I want that Spider-Man off the street. 1315 01:42:10,181 --> 01:42:13,059
The lizard creature has released a biological agent.
1316 01:42:13,226 --> 01:42:15,019
All efforts to stop him have failed...
1317 01:42:15,186 --> 01:42:18,397
...and he is now proceeding north on 7th Avenue. Over.
1318 01:42:22,401 --> 01:42:23,277 - Hi. - Where are you? 1319 01:42:23,444 --> 01:42:24,737
Peter, hi. I'm at Oscorp.
1320 01:42:24,904 --> 01:42:26,656 You have to get out of there now. 1321 01:42:26,823 --> 01:42:29,200 - The antidote is cooking. - No, no, no. 1322 01:42:29,367 --> 01:42:31,828
Connors is on the way. He's coming to you right now.
1323 01:42:31,994 --> 01:42:34,539 He needs the device. He's gonna infect the whole city! 1324 01:42:34,705 --> 01:42:35,873 Eight minutes left. 1325 01:42:36,040 --> 01:42:38,584
You're gonna wait eight minutes after what I told you?
1326 01:42:38,751 --> 01:42:40,086 You leave right now. 1327 01:42:40,253 --> 01:42:41,295
That is an order, okay?
1328 01:42:41,462 --> 01:42:42,547 I'll get everybody out. 1329 01:42:42,713 --> 01:42:44,215
Did you hear wh--?
1330 01:42:44,382 --> 01:42:47,426 Gwen! Gwen! You Mother Hubbard. Are you serious? 1331 01:43:03,943 --> 01:43:05,111 He's heading south. 1332 01:43:15,872 --> 01:43:17,874 Stand down now, or we will open fire. 1333 01:43:18,040 --> 01:43:19,792 You are surrounded. There is... 1334 01:43:19,959 --> 01:43:21,294 ...l"IO BSCBPB 1335 01:43:21,752 --> 01:43:23,171 Go, go! 1336 01:44:25,107 --> 01:44:26,484 Clear! 1337 01:44:26,651 --> 01:44:27,777 Clear up top! 1338 01:44:29,612 --> 01:44:30,863 Clear, sir! 1339 01:44:31,030 --> 01:44:32,198 All clear here, sir! 1340 01:44:57,682 --> 01:44:59,225 Freeze! 1341 01:44:59,892 --> 01:45:01,060 Down on the ground. 1342 01:45:01,227 --> 01:45:02,687 Your hands behind your head. 1343 01:45:02,854 --> 01:45:04,480 Now! 1344 01:45:07,859 --> 01:45:09,318 Parker. 1345 01:45:11,195 --> 01:45:12,196 It's headed to Oscorp! 1346 01:45:12,363 --> 01:45:14,740 And your daughter's there right now. 1347 01:45:27,503 --> 01:45:28,796 You gotta let me go. 1348 01:45:43,394 --> 01:45:44,145 Hold your fire! 1349 01:45:51,235 --> 01:45:53,738 Well, Paul, if I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it. 1350 01:45:53,905 --> 01:45:56,324 I won't venture to say what it is crawling up... 1351 01:45:56,491 --> 01:45:58,409 ...the north side of the Oscorp Tower... 1352 01:45:58,576 --> 01:46:01,829 ...but clearly it is not human and it is very, very strong. 1353 01:46:18,137 --> 01:46:20,139
Time remaining: one minute.
1354 01:47:33,087 --> 01:47:35,173
Antidote complete.
1355 01:47:48,019 --> 01:47:49,729 Oh, man. 1356 01:47:49,896 --> 01:47:52,565
We're getting the latest details. This is just coming in.
1357 01:47:52,732 --> 01:47:54,400
The New York Police Department...
1358 01:47:54,567 --> 01:47:56,569
...has called for a city-wide evacuation...
1359 01:47:56,736 --> 01:47:58,696
...everything south of 54th Street.
1360 01:47:59,530 --> 01:48:01,324
If you are south of 54th Street...
1361 01:48:01,491 --> 01:48:03,951 have to move out of the area immediately.
1362 01:48:13,419 --> 01:48:16,005
Spider-Man appears to be heading towards Oscorp.
1363 01:48:16,172 --> 01:48:17,215
He looks injured...
1364 01:48:17,381 --> 01:48:20,051
...and it's really not clear if he's gonna make it.
1365 01:48:20,218 --> 01:48:21,302
That's the guy who...
1366 01:48:21,469 --> 01:48:22,845 ...saved my boy on the bridge. 1367 01:48:23,012 --> 01:48:24,388 Troy, they're clearing us out. 1368 01:48:24,555 --> 01:48:26,974 Something bad's going down in Midtown. 1369 01:48:27,141 --> 01:48:29,727 Still friends with Matthews, that crane operator on 6th? 1370 01:48:29,894 --> 01:48:31,813 - Yeah. - Get him on the phone for me. 1371 01:48:31,979 --> 01:48:34,065 The cops are evacuating everybody. 1372 01:48:34,232 --> 01:48:36,442 Get him on the phone for me. 1373 01:48:54,043 --> 01:48:56,671 Hey, Charlie, get me Enrique: on 54th Street! 1374 01:48:56,838 --> 01:48:58,923 - You got it. - Angelo, get your mug over here. 1375 01:48:59,090 --> 01:49:01,425 Wolski! You're getting some overtime! 1376 01:49:02,802 --> 01:49:04,762
All tower cranes on 6th...
1377 01:49:04,929 --> 01:49:08,641 swing your jib arms over the avenue Boom angles at 90 degrees. 1378 01:49:08,808 --> 01:49:11,144
Spider-Man needs those big boys high and lined up.
1379 01:49:11,310 --> 01:49:13,354
Let's give him a clear approach. Over.
1380 01:49:47,096 --> 01:49:48,764 Come on, Parker. 1381 01:51:44,505 --> 01:51:45,214 Hey. 1382 01:51:45,506 --> 01:51:46,591 Dad! 1383 01:51:46,757 --> 01:51:48,926 - I have to get this to Spider-Man. - Get in. 1384 01:51:49,093 --> 01:51:50,928 - It can stop the Lizard. - Get in the car. 1385 01:51:51,095 --> 01:51:53,973 - You don't understand! - Yes, I do. 1386 01:51:54,140 --> 01:51:56,392 Your boyfriend is a man of many masks. 1387 01:51:56,559 --> 01:51:57,727 I get it. 1388 01:51:57,894 --> 01:51:58,978 Give me this 1389 01:51:59,145 --> 01:52:00,980 Get in the car. 1390 01:52:04,567 --> 01:52:06,652 Please make sure he's okay. 1391 01:52:19,165 --> 01:52:22,168
Initialising Ganali device.
1392 01:52:22,335 --> 01:52:25,338
Detonation in T-minus two minutes.
1393 01:53:47,628 --> 01:53:50,173 Poor Peter Parker. 1394 01:53:51,299 --> 01:53:55,094 No mother, no father... 1395 01:53:56,220 --> 01:53:57,972 uncle. 1396 01:53:59,140 --> 01:54:01,017 All alone. 1397 01:54:02,268 --> 01:54:03,269 He's not alone. 1398 01:54:22,330 --> 01:54:24,916
Detonation in T-minus 45 seconds.
1399 01:54:33,799 --> 01:54:34,592 Hey! 1400 01:54:34,759 --> 01:54:35,510 Gift from Gwen. 1401 01:54:38,012 --> 01:54:39,472 I got this, Peter! Go! 1402 01:54:45,394 --> 01:54:47,146
1403 01:54:47,313 --> 01:54:48,481
...30 seconds.
1404 01:55:06,249 --> 01:55:07,708
Detonation in T-minus...
1405 01:55:07,875 --> 01:55:09,585
...10 seconds.
1406 01:55:10,044 --> 01:55:11,045
1407 01:55:12,255 --> 01:55:13,798
1408 01:55:13,965 --> 01:55:15,341
1409 01:55:15,842 --> 01:55:17,135
1410 01:55:17,927 --> 01:55:19,220
1411 01:55:19,929 --> 01:55:20,638
1412 01:55:21,597 --> 01:55:22,598 Three. 1413 01:55:24,350 --> 01:55:25,017
1414 01:55:26,769 --> 01:55:27,436
1415 01:55:53,212 --> 01:55:54,881 No. 1416 01:55:56,382 --> 01:55:58,384 No! 1417 01:57:09,455 --> 01:57:10,581 The captain. 1418 01:57:12,124 --> 01:57:13,626 Captain! 1419 01:57:16,295 --> 01:57:17,713 The Lizard. 1420 01:57:17,880 --> 01:57:18,589 It's okay. 1421 01:57:18,756 --> 01:57:19,966 We stopped him. 1422 01:57:20,633 --> 01:57:21,509 Okay. 1423 01:57:21,676 --> 01:57:23,845 Let's get you out of here. Come on. 1424 01:57:25,179 --> 01:57:26,514 Okay, okay, okay. 1425 01:57:26,681 --> 01:57:28,141 Look at me. Stay with me. 1426 01:57:28,307 --> 01:57:30,393 - Help's on the way, okay? - You need to... 1427 01:57:30,560 --> 01:57:34,063 You need to be gone when they get here. 1428 01:57:34,230 --> 01:57:35,565 Okay? 1429 01:57:35,731 --> 01:57:37,024 I'm not going anywhere. 1430 01:57:37,608 --> 01:57:40,027 I was wrong about you, Peter. 1431 01:57:40,736 --> 01:57:42,280 This city needs you. 1432 01:57:44,282 --> 01:57:45,867 Here. 1433 01:57:46,033 --> 01:57:47,201 You're gonna need this. 1434 01:57:51,622 --> 01:57:53,583 You're gonna make enemies. 1435 01:57:56,002 --> 01:57:57,837 People will get hurt. 1436 01:57:59,422 --> 01:58:01,340 Sometimes the people closest to you. 1437 01:58:05,261 --> 01:58:07,263 So I want you to promise me something, okay? 1438 01:58:09,182 --> 01:58:12,977 Leave Gwen out of it. 1439 01:58:15,521 --> 01:58:17,148 Promise me that. 1440 01:58:22,778 --> 01:58:24,447 You promise me. 1441 01:59:38,146 --> 01:59:39,397
An eerie calm...
1442 01:59:39,564 --> 01:59:41,607
...has set in over New York City.
1443 01:59:41,774 --> 01:59:43,067
Apparently, some sort of...
1444 01:59:43,234 --> 01:59:46,237
...aerosolised antidote was launched from...
1445 01:59:46,404 --> 01:59:49,615
...Oscorp Tower, which seems to have counteracted the biotoxins.
1446 01:59:49,782 --> 01:59:52,743
Residents of Lower Manhattan can rest peacefully...
1447 01:59:52,910 --> 01:59:54,912
...knowing that the alleged mastermind...
1448 01:59:55,079 --> 01:59:58,708
...of this terror plot, Dr. Curtis Connors, is behind bars.
1449 01:59:58,875 --> 02:00:00,251
We've got John Niles...
1450 02:00:00,418 --> 02:00:02,837
...on the street for a report in Lower Manhattan.
1451 02:00:03,004 --> 02:00:05,047
John, what do you see?
1452 02:00:37,914 --> 02:00:39,957 Sweetheart, it's all right. 1453 02:00:42,126 --> 02:00:44,003 It's all right. 1454 02:00:45,087 --> 02:00:46,506 It's all right. 1455 02:00:47,006 --> 02:00:47,965 Rough night. 1456 02:00:50,051 --> 02:00:51,719 It's gonna be all right. 1457 02:01:45,481 --> 02:01:47,191 Where have you been? 1458 02:01:50,194 --> 02:01:51,779 Hi. 1459 02:01:56,617 --> 02:01:58,244 My father died. 1460 02:02:02,206 --> 02:02:03,958 There was a funeral. 1461 02:02:05,418 --> 02:02:06,752 They shot off... 1462 02:02:08,754 --> 02:02:11,507 ...rifles and they made speeches. 1463 02:02:15,052 --> 02:02:17,013 Two of my teachers showed up. 1464 02:02:18,431 --> 02:02:19,807 And Flash showed up. 1465 02:02:24,729 --> 02:02:27,356 Everyone was there but you. 1466 02:02:41,954 --> 02:02:44,081 Can't do this. Can't do this. 1467 02:02:46,334 --> 02:02:48,377 I'm sorry. I can't... 1468 02:02:48,544 --> 02:02:49,962 What are you saying? 1469 02:02:50,129 --> 02:02:51,964 I can't see you any more. 1470 02:02:53,925 --> 02:02:55,384 I can't. 1471 02:03:20,993 --> 02:03:22,995 He made you promise, didn't he? 1472 02:03:26,999 --> 02:03:30,878 To stay away from me, so I'd be safe. 1473 02:03:57,363 --> 02:03:58,197 What a pretty... 1474 02:03:58,364 --> 02:03:59,240 ...girl. 1475 02:03:59,407 --> 02:04:00,575 Yeah. 1476 02:04:00,741 --> 02:04:02,535 That's what Uncle Ben said. 1477 02:04:03,578 --> 02:04:05,246 Did you ask her out? 1478 02:04:09,000 --> 02:04:10,334 Why? 1479 02:04:11,419 --> 02:04:12,879 Can't. 1480 02:04:14,172 --> 02:04:15,548 Why? 1481 02:04:18,134 --> 02:04:19,844 I'm just no good for her. 1482 02:04:23,014 --> 02:04:26,476 Peter Parker, if there's one thing you are, it's good. 1483 02:04:27,518 --> 02:04:28,686 Anyone has a problem... 1484 02:04:28,853 --> 02:04:30,563 ...with that can talk to me. 1485 02:04:48,289 --> 02:04:51,334
Peter, I know things have been...
1486 02:04:51,501 --> 02:04:52,710
...difficult lately...
1487 02:04:52,877 --> 02:04:54,962
...and I'm sorry about that.
1488 02:04:55,379 --> 02:04:58,341
I think I know what you're feeling.
1489 02:04:58,508 --> 02:05:01,093
Ever since you were a little boy...
1490 02:05:01,260 --> 02:05:05,681've been living with so many unresolved things.
1491 02:05:06,891 --> 02:05:09,185
Well, take it from an old man:
1492 02:05:09,769 --> 02:05:12,855
Those things send us down a road.
1493 02:05:13,022 --> 02:05:14,106
They make us...
1494 02:05:14,273 --> 02:05:15,358
...who we are.
1495 02:05:15,608 --> 02:05:20,863
And if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you, son.
1496 02:05:21,447 --> 02:05:23,866
You owe the world your gifts.
1497 02:05:24,450 --> 02:05:27,328
You just have to figure out how to use them.
1498 02:05:27,870 --> 02:05:31,207
And know that wherever they take you...
1499 02:05:31,374 --> 02:05:33,668
...we'll always be here.
1500 02:05:34,502 --> 02:05:37,088
So come on home, Peter.
1501 02:05:37,964 --> 02:05:39,799
You're my hero.
1502 02:05:39,966 --> 02:05:41,467
And I love you.
1503 02:05:49,892 --> 02:05:51,602 - What's up, Parker? - What's up? 1504 02:05:51,769 --> 02:05:53,229 Hey. How's it going? 1505 02:05:54,188 --> 02:05:55,565 You coming along, man? 1506 02:05:57,150 --> 02:05:57,984 Cool shirt. 1507 02:05:59,861 --> 02:06:00,987 Yeah. 1508 02:06:01,154 --> 02:06:02,655 Dude's crazy. 1509 02:06:02,822 --> 02:06:04,198 But chicks dig him. 1510 02:06:06,993 --> 02:06:09,704 Come on, guys, you heard the bell. Get to class. 1511 02:06:19,172 --> 02:06:22,049
I had a professor once who liked to tell his students...
1512 02:06:22,216 --> 02:06:25,470 ...that there were only 10 different plots in all of fiction. 1513 02:06:26,429 --> 02:06:28,514 Well, I'm here to tell you he was wrong. 1514 02:06:28,681 --> 02:06:30,099 There is only one: 1515 02:06:31,017 --> 02:06:32,518 "Who am I"? 1516 02:06:33,227 --> 02:06:35,146 Mr. Parker. 1517 02:06:35,313 --> 02:06:36,314 Tardy again. 1518 02:06:38,274 --> 02:06:40,109 At least we can always count on you. 1519 02:06:40,276 --> 02:06:43,029 Sorry, Miss Ritter, won't happen again, I promise. 1520 02:06:43,196 --> 02:06:45,281 Don't make promises you can't keep. 1521 02:06:47,533 --> 02:06:49,702 Yeah, but those are the best kind. 1522 02:06:49,869 --> 02:06:51,704 Okay, class, open your books. 1523 02:06:51,871 --> 02:06:53,873 Let's begin on page one. 1524 02:09:49,131 --> 02:09:51,717 Hello, doctor. 1525 02:09:51,884 --> 02:09:53,219 Did you tell the boy? 1526 02:09:53,386 --> 02:09:54,428 Tell him what? 1527 02:09:54,595 --> 02:09:58,349 Did you tell the boy the truth about his father? 1528 02:10:00,017 --> 02:10:00,893 No. 1529 02:10:01,060 --> 02:10:02,645 Well, that's very good. 1530 02:10:02,979 --> 02:10:04,063 So we'll let him be... 1531 02:10:04,230 --> 02:10:05,189 ...for now. 1532 02:10:06,232 --> 02:10:08,317 You should leave him alone!
The Dark Knight Rises
1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,074 Subtitles downloaded from 2 00:01:00,352 --> 00:01:03,572
I knew Harvey Dent.
3 00:01:04,314 --> 00:01:05,907
I was his friend.
4 00:01:08,110 --> 00:01:14,243 And it will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did. 5 00:01:16,493 --> 00:01:18,587 I believed in Harvey Dent. 6 00:01:37,598 --> 00:01:40,442 Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA. 7 00:01:40,601 --> 00:01:41,648 He wasn't alone. 8 00:01:41,810 --> 00:01:45,860 - Uh, you don't get to bring friends. - They are not my friends. 9 00:01:46,023 --> 00:01:48,025 Don't worry, no charge for them. 10 00:01:48,275 --> 00:01:51,996 And why would I want them? They were trying to grab your prize. 11 00:01:52,237 --> 00:01:53,830 They work for the mercenary. 12 00:01:54,364 --> 00:01:55,866 The masked man. 13 00:01:56,533 --> 00:01:58,911 - Bane? - Aye. 14 00:01:59,620 --> 00:02:01,668 Get them on board. I'll call it in. 15 00:02:10,255 --> 00:02:12,599 The flight plan I just filed with the agency... 16 00:02:12,758 --> 00:02:16,979 ...lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here... 17 00:02:17,137 --> 00:02:19,356 ...but only one of you! 18 00:02:21,933 --> 00:02:26,655 First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft! 19 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:37,245 Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel? 20 00:02:42,037 --> 00:02:44,381 He didn't fly so good! 21 00:02:44,539 --> 00:02:46,541 Who wants to try next? 22 00:02:47,501 --> 00:02:49,128 Tell me about Bane! 23 00:02:49,294 --> 00:02:50,796 Why does he wear the mask? 24 00:02:53,590 --> 00:02:55,968 A lot of loyalty for a hired gun! 25 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:59,809 Well, perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man... 26 00:02:59,971 --> 00:03:03,100 ...before throwing him out of a plane. 27 00:03:07,062 --> 00:03:08,780 At least you can talk. 28 00:03:08,939 --> 00:03:10,065 Who are you? 29 00:03:10,232 --> 00:03:12,701 It doesn't matter who we are. 30 00:03:13,151 --> 00:03:15,324 What matters is our plan. 31 00:03:21,660 --> 00:03:25,085 No one cared who I was till I put on the mask. 32 00:03:26,665 --> 00:03:28,667 If I pull that off, will you die? 33 00:03:28,834 --> 00:03:31,007 It would be extremely painful. 34 00:03:31,294 --> 00:03:32,341 You're a big guy. 35 00:03:32,504 --> 00:03:33,721 For you. 36 00:03:37,634 --> 00:03:39,887 Was getting caught part of your plan? 37 00:03:40,178 --> 00:03:41,555 Of course. 38 00:03:46,518 --> 00:03:50,022 Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours. 39 00:03:50,188 --> 00:03:53,692 - We had to find out what he told you... - Nothing. I said nothing. 40 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:10,630 Well, congratulations, you got yourself caught! 41 00:04:10,792 --> 00:04:14,217 - Sir? - Now what's the next step of your master plan? 42 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:16,806 Crashing this plane... 43 00:04:22,137 --> 00:04:23,639 ...with no survivors. 44 00:04:46,995 --> 00:04:48,042 Mayday, Mayday! 45 00:05:34,292 --> 00:05:37,466 Aah! What you doing to me? Let me out! 46 00:05:40,507 --> 00:05:41,804 No! 47 00:05:42,384 --> 00:05:44,102 No, no, no! No! 48 00:05:55,856 --> 00:05:58,575 No! They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother. 49 00:06:00,735 --> 00:06:02,203 Have we started the fire? 50 00:06:02,445 --> 00:06:05,949 Yes, the fire rises. 51 00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:18,470 Calm down, doctor. Now is not the time for fear. 52 00:06:19,170 --> 00:06:20,843 That comes later. 53 00:06:47,490 --> 00:06:51,245
Harvey Dent Day may not be our oldest public holiday...
54 00:06:51,411 --> 00:06:54,460
...but we're here tonight because it's one of the most important.
55 00:06:54,623 --> 00:06:58,753
Harvey Dent's uncompromising stand against organized crime...
56 00:06:58,919 --> 00:07:03,049 ...had made Gotham a safer place than it was at the time of his death, eight years ago. 57 00:07:03,214 --> 00:07:06,388 This city has seen a historic turnaround. 58 00:07:06,593 --> 00:07:11,895 No city is without crime, but this city is without organized crime because the Dent Act... 59 00:07:12,057 --> 00:07:15,277 ...gave law enforcement teeth in its fight against the mob. 60 00:07:15,435 --> 00:07:19,110 Now people are talking about repealing the Dent Act... 61 00:07:19,272 --> 00:07:22,276 ...and to them I say, "Not on my watch." 62 00:07:23,777 --> 00:07:26,530 I want to thank the Wayne Foundation for hosting this event. 63 00:07:26,696 --> 00:07:30,826 I'm told Mr. Wayne couldn't be here tonight. I'm sure he's with us in spirit. 64 00:07:30,992 --> 00:07:33,745 And now I'm gonna give way to an important voice... 65 00:07:33,912 --> 00:07:36,381 You ever lay eyes on Wayne at one of these things? 66 00:07:36,539 --> 00:07:38,257 No one has. Not in years. 67 00:07:38,416 --> 00:07:42,296
... people put their faith in a murderous thug in a mask and a cape.
68 00:07:42,462 --> 00:07:46,012 A thug who showed his true nature... 69 00:07:46,174 --> 00:07:48,643 ...when he betrayed the trust of this great man... 70 00:07:49,719 --> 00:07:51,312 ...and murdered him in cold blood. 71 00:07:52,013 --> 00:07:54,391 Sweetheart, not so fast with the chow. 72 00:07:54,557 --> 00:07:56,559 - Shrimp balls? - Thank you. 73 00:07:56,726 --> 00:08:00,196 Jim Gordon can tell you the truth about Harvey Dent. I'll let him tell you himself. 74 00:08:00,355 --> 00:08:01,823 Commissioner Gordon. 75 00:08:11,157 --> 00:08:12,625 The truth? 76 00:08:17,497 --> 00:08:18,840 I have... 77 00:08:20,125 --> 00:08:21,752 ...written a speech... 78 00:08:22,961 --> 00:08:25,760 ...telling the truth about Harvey Dent. 79 00:08:30,719 --> 00:08:32,892 Maybe the time isn't right. 80 00:08:36,683 --> 00:08:39,277 Maybe right now... 81 00:08:39,436 --> 00:08:42,064 ...all you need to know is that there are... 82 00:08:42,731 --> 00:08:47,032 ...1000 inmates in Blackgate Prison as a direct result of the Dent Act. 83 00:08:47,193 --> 00:08:52,120 These are violent criminals, essential cogs in the organized-crime machine. 84 00:08:52,323 --> 00:08:57,204 Maybe, for now, all I should say about the death of Harvey Dent is this: 85 00:09:01,499 --> 00:09:02,716 It has not been for nothing. 86 00:09:04,961 --> 00:09:07,714
- You see the guy who owns the house?
- No. I heard...
87 00:09:07,881 --> 00:09:10,851 - ...he never leaves the east wing. - I heard he had an accident. 88 00:09:11,009 --> 00:09:14,764 - Yeah, that he's disfigured. He has to wear a... ALFRED: Mr. Till? 89 00:09:15,055 --> 00:09:18,650 Why are your people using the main staircase? 90 00:09:19,225 --> 00:09:21,148 And where's Mrs. Bolton? 91 00:09:22,020 --> 00:09:24,022 Uh, she's at the bar, sir. Can I help? 92 00:09:24,189 --> 00:09:25,406 The east drawing room. 93 00:09:25,565 --> 00:09:30,571 Unlock the door, put the tray on the table, lock the door again. Nothing more. 94 00:09:34,616 --> 00:09:36,994
I'm sorry, Miss Tate. I tried, but he won't see you.
95 00:09:37,368 --> 00:09:39,166 And you mustn't take it personally. 96 00:09:39,496 --> 00:09:43,342 Everyone knows that Wayne's holed up in there with 8-inch nails... 97 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:45,173 ...peeing into Mason jars. 98 00:09:45,335 --> 00:09:47,713 It's very good of you to let me on the grounds. 99 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:03,403 Why are you wasting your time trying to talk to a man... 100 00:10:03,561 --> 00:10:08,283 ...who threw away your investment on some save-the-world vanity project? 101 00:10:08,441 --> 00:10:10,694 He can't get your money back. I can. 102 00:10:11,486 --> 00:10:15,866 I could try explaining that a save-the-world project, vain or not... 103 00:10:16,032 --> 00:10:18,455 worth investing in, Mr. Daggett. 104 00:10:18,618 --> 00:10:21,792 But you understand only money and the power you think it buys... 105 00:10:21,996 --> 00:10:24,920 why waste my time indeed? 106 00:10:25,458 --> 00:10:26,960
Second shift reports in?
107 00:10:27,127 --> 00:10:29,221 You should spend more time with the mayor. 108 00:10:29,379 --> 00:10:31,256 Well, that's your department. 109 00:10:32,257 --> 00:10:34,055 Anyone shown him the crime stats? 110 00:10:34,217 --> 00:10:37,517 He goes by his gut and it bothers him, no matter what the numbers. 111 00:10:37,679 --> 00:10:41,559 - Must be popular with his wife. - Not really. She took the kids to Cleveland. 112 00:10:41,724 --> 00:10:45,945 He'll have plenty of time for visits. The mayor's gonna dump him in the spring. 113 00:10:46,104 --> 00:10:47,651 - Really? - Mm-hm. 114 00:10:47,814 --> 00:10:51,694 - But he's a hero. - A war hero. This is peacetime. 115 00:11:21,848 --> 00:11:25,227 Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm so terribly sorry, Mr. Wayne. 116 00:11:27,687 --> 00:11:29,360 It is Mr. Wayne, isn't it? 117 00:11:31,107 --> 00:11:37,205 Although you don't have the long nails or, heh, the facial scars, sir. 118 00:11:38,072 --> 00:11:40,200 Is that what they say about me? 119 00:11:40,575 --> 00:11:43,454 It's just that no one ever sees you. 120 00:11:43,953 --> 00:11:47,833 That's a beautiful necklace. Reminds me of one that belonged to my mother. 121 00:11:47,999 --> 00:11:51,094 It can't be the same one... 122 00:11:51,586 --> 00:11:54,760 ...because her pearls are in this safe... 123 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:59,098 ...the manufacturer clearly explained... 124 00:12:01,888 --> 00:12:03,606 uncrackable. 125 00:12:08,895 --> 00:12:10,613 Oops. 126 00:12:10,772 --> 00:12:12,991 Nobody told me it was uncrackable. 127 00:12:14,692 --> 00:12:17,161 I'm afraid I can't let you take those. 128 00:12:17,779 --> 00:12:21,283 Look, you wouldn't beat up a woman any more than I would beat up a cripple. 129 00:12:22,825 --> 00:12:26,170 Of course, sometimes exceptions have to be made. 130 00:12:31,709 --> 00:12:33,507 Good night, Mr. Wayne. 131 00:12:48,685 --> 00:12:50,062 Can I have a ride? 132 00:12:50,561 --> 00:12:51,733 You read my mind. 133 00:12:52,522 --> 00:12:54,069 Let's go. 134 00:12:55,066 --> 00:12:56,864 Miss Tate was asking to see you again. 135 00:12:57,026 --> 00:12:58,653 She's very persistent. 136 00:12:58,820 --> 00:13:01,164 And quite lovely, in case you were wondering. 137 00:13:01,322 --> 00:13:03,495 - I wasn't. - What are you doing? 138 00:13:03,658 --> 00:13:06,958 Examining print dust. We've been robbed. 139 00:13:07,120 --> 00:13:10,090 And this is your idea of, uh, sounding the alarm, is it? 140 00:13:10,248 --> 00:13:12,421 She took the pearls, tracking device and all. 141 00:13:12,583 --> 00:13:13,880 - She? - One of the maids. 142 00:13:14,043 --> 00:13:16,671 Perhaps you should stop letting them in this side of the house. 143 00:13:16,838 --> 00:13:19,307 Perhaps you should start learning to make your own bed. 144 00:13:20,550 --> 00:13:23,394 - Why were you dusting for prints? - I wasn't. 145 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:25,730 She was. 146 00:13:29,017 --> 00:13:32,066 Sir. Congressman Gilly's wife has been calling in. 147 00:13:32,228 --> 00:13:36,108 The congressman never made it home after the Wayne Foundation event. 148 00:13:36,774 --> 00:13:38,447 That's a job for the police? 149 00:13:38,609 --> 00:13:41,453 When you and Dent cleaned the streets, you cleaned them good. 150 00:13:41,612 --> 00:13:45,412 Pretty soon we'll be chasing down, uh, overdue library books. 151 00:13:47,160 --> 00:13:51,336 And yet here you are, like we're still at war. 152 00:13:53,291 --> 00:13:55,544 - What's your name, son? - Blake, sir. 153 00:13:55,710 --> 00:13:57,508 You have something you want to ask me? 154 00:13:59,756 --> 00:14:03,101 It's about that night. This night, eight years ago. The night Dent died. 155 00:14:03,259 --> 00:14:05,227 The last confirmed sighting of the Batman. 156 00:14:05,678 --> 00:14:08,477 He murders those people, takes down two SWAT teams... 157 00:14:08,639 --> 00:14:12,394 ...breaks Dent's neck and then just vanishes? 158 00:14:12,852 --> 00:14:15,196 I'm not hearing a question, son. 159 00:14:15,355 --> 00:14:17,323 Don't you want to know who he was? 160 00:14:18,191 --> 00:14:20,614 I know exactly who he was. 161 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:24,577 He was the Batman. 162 00:14:26,783 --> 00:14:29,536 Let's go see about the congressman's wife. 163 00:14:38,378 --> 00:14:39,846 Master Wayne? 164 00:14:41,631 --> 00:14:43,599 Master Wayne? 165 00:15:14,455 --> 00:15:16,833 You haven't been down here in a long time. 166 00:15:16,999 --> 00:15:20,549 Trying to find out more about our jewel thief. I ran her prints. 167 00:15:20,795 --> 00:15:22,513 Unless she's lost a lot of weight... 168 00:15:23,798 --> 00:15:26,142 ...she was wearing someone else's fingerprints. 169 00:15:26,300 --> 00:15:27,426 She's good. 170 00:15:27,593 --> 00:15:31,143 She may be, but we have a trace on the necklace. 171 00:15:31,305 --> 00:15:33,933 We do. I cross-referenced the address she went back to... 172 00:15:34,100 --> 00:15:37,695 ...with police data on high-end B-and-E's, and, um... 173 00:15:38,187 --> 00:15:39,939 Selina Kyle. 174 00:15:40,106 --> 00:15:44,953 The databases are full of close-calls, tips from fences. 175 00:15:45,111 --> 00:15:49,116 She's good, but the ground is shrinking beneath her feet. 176 00:15:49,282 --> 00:15:52,035 We should send the police before she fences the pearls. 177 00:15:52,201 --> 00:15:54,420 She won't. She likes them too much. 178 00:15:54,579 --> 00:15:56,377 And they weren't what she was after. 179 00:15:56,539 --> 00:15:58,633 - What was she after? - My fingerprints. 180 00:15:58,791 --> 00:16:01,795 It was printer toner mixed with graphite on the safe. 181 00:16:01,961 --> 00:16:04,555 It gives a good pull and it's untraceable. 182 00:16:04,714 --> 00:16:07,558 Fascinating. You two should exchange notes over coffee. 183 00:16:07,717 --> 00:16:10,015 You're trying to set me up with a jewel thief? 184 00:16:10,178 --> 00:16:14,649 At this point, I'd set you up with a chimpanzee, if it brought you back to the world. 185 00:16:14,807 --> 00:16:17,060 There's nothing out there for me. 186 00:16:17,310 --> 00:16:18,812 And that's the problem. 187 00:16:18,978 --> 00:16:21,527 You hung up your cape and your cowl but you didn't move on. 188 00:16:21,689 --> 00:16:23,987 You never went to find a life. To find someone. 189 00:16:24,150 --> 00:16:25,527 Alfred... 190 00:16:26,527 --> 00:16:28,325 ...I did find someone. 191 00:16:28,488 --> 00:16:29,910 I know, and you lost them. 192 00:16:30,072 --> 00:16:32,040 But that's all part of living, sir. 193 00:16:32,200 --> 00:16:36,330 But you're not living, you're just waiting, hoping for things to go bad again. 194 00:16:36,537 --> 00:16:38,005 Remember when you left Gotham? 195 00:16:38,164 --> 00:16:41,168 Before all this, before Batman? 196 00:16:41,918 --> 00:16:42,965 You were gone seven year. 197 00:16:43,127 --> 00:16:47,724 Seven years I waited, hoping that you wouldn't come back. 198 00:16:47,882 --> 00:16:51,512 Every year, I took a holiday. I went to Florence. 199 00:16:51,677 --> 00:16:53,930
There's this café on the banks of the Arno.
200 00:16:54,096 --> 00:16:57,350 Every fine evening I'd sit there and order a Fernet Branca. 201 00:16:58,184 --> 00:17:00,403 I had this fantasy... 202 00:17:01,521 --> 00:17:04,195 ...that I would look across the tables... 203 00:17:04,857 --> 00:17:08,327
...and I'd see you there, with a wife.
204 00:17:08,528 --> 00:17:10,326
Maybe a couple of kids.
205 00:17:12,406 --> 00:17:16,286 You wouldn't say anything to me, nor me to you. 206 00:17:17,578 --> 00:17:21,299 But we'd both know that you'd made it. 207 00:17:22,208 --> 00:17:23,801 That you were happy. 208 00:17:26,671 --> 00:17:30,392 I never wanted you to come back to Gotham. 209 00:17:31,551 --> 00:17:36,057 I always knew there was nothing here for you, except pain and tragedy. 210 00:17:36,222 --> 00:17:39,101 And I wanted something more for you than that. 211 00:17:44,105 --> 00:17:45,448 I still do. 212 00:17:49,694 --> 00:17:52,538
They wash up here a couple of times a month.
213 00:17:52,697 --> 00:17:54,165
More when it gets colder.
214 00:17:54,323 --> 00:17:56,291 Homeless, sheltering in the tunnels. 215 00:17:57,952 --> 00:18:02,082 We pulled him from the basin, but other than that we didn't touch him. 216 00:18:04,458 --> 00:18:06,085 - What? - Name's Jimmy. 217 00:18:06,252 --> 00:18:07,674 He's from St. Swithin's. 218 00:18:08,296 --> 00:18:12,221 It's the boys' home where I coach some ball. 219 00:18:15,011 --> 00:18:16,729
Jimmy hadn't been around for months.
220 00:18:16,887 --> 00:18:19,390 - No? Why? - Blake, you know why. 221 00:18:19,557 --> 00:18:23,403 He aged out. We don't have the resources to keep boys on after 16. 222 00:18:23,561 --> 00:18:25,655 I thought the Wayne Foundation gave money for that. 223 00:18:25,813 --> 00:18:27,907 Not for the past couple of years. 224 00:18:28,065 --> 00:18:31,911 - He has a brother here, doesn't he? - Mark. I'll tell him. 225 00:18:32,069 --> 00:18:35,073 I'd like to, if that's all right. 226 00:18:36,198 --> 00:18:38,292 You know what he was doing in the tunnels? 227 00:18:38,451 --> 00:18:42,297 Lot of guys been going down the tunnels when they age out. 228 00:18:44,582 --> 00:18:46,676 Say you can live down there. 229 00:18:47,335 --> 00:18:48,882 Say there's work down there. 230 00:18:49,045 --> 00:18:50,547 Work? 231 00:18:50,838 --> 00:18:53,512 What kind of work are you gonna find in the sewers? 232 00:18:53,674 --> 00:18:56,302 More than you can find up here, I guess. 233 00:18:57,178 --> 00:18:58,430 So you know about him? 234 00:18:58,596 --> 00:18:59,848 Of course. 235 00:19:01,557 --> 00:19:03,355 Do you think he's coming back? 236 00:19:05,561 --> 00:19:06,858 I don't know. 237 00:19:20,576 --> 00:19:22,249 You brought a date? 238 00:19:22,411 --> 00:19:25,631 I like having someone around to open doors for me. 239 00:19:26,916 --> 00:19:29,760 Right hand. No partials. 240 00:19:33,673 --> 00:19:36,142 - Very nice. - Mm-hm. 241 00:19:36,967 --> 00:19:39,015 Not so fast, handsome. 242 00:19:39,303 --> 00:19:40,555 You got something for me? 243 00:19:42,139 --> 00:19:43,641 Ah, yes. 244 00:19:53,192 --> 00:19:56,321 I don't know what you're planning to do with Mr. Wayne's prints... 245 00:19:56,487 --> 00:19:59,286 ...but I'm guessing you'll need his thumb. 246 00:20:00,074 --> 00:20:02,168 You don't count so good, huh? 247 00:20:02,326 --> 00:20:03,578 I count fine. 248 00:20:03,994 --> 00:20:07,168 In fact, I'm counting to 10 right now. 249 00:20:09,625 --> 00:20:10,672 Okay. 250 00:20:14,797 --> 00:20:17,471 My friend's outside. Just hit "send." 251 00:20:29,228 --> 00:20:30,571 This place is a little dead. 252 00:20:30,730 --> 00:20:33,984 It'll liven up in a minute. Trust me. 253 00:20:35,568 --> 00:20:36,694 Is everything okay? 254 00:20:36,861 --> 00:20:38,863 Great. Catch you later. 255 00:20:43,534 --> 00:20:44,877 Hmm. 256 00:20:45,536 --> 00:20:47,880 It would have been a lot easier... 257 00:20:48,330 --> 00:20:50,253 just give me what we agreed. 258 00:20:50,458 --> 00:20:52,836 We can't have loose ends. 259 00:20:53,085 --> 00:20:56,840 And even in that dress, no one's gonna miss you. 260 00:20:57,006 --> 00:20:58,508 No. 261 00:20:58,674 --> 00:21:00,551 But my friend over there? 262 00:21:00,718 --> 00:21:03,892 Every cop in the city's missing him. 263 00:21:04,054 --> 00:21:05,397 That's cute. 264 00:21:05,556 --> 00:21:08,275 But they're not gonna be looking in a place like this. 265 00:21:08,601 --> 00:21:11,354 I don't know. You did just use his cell phone. 266 00:21:21,572 --> 00:21:22,949 - Go! - Go! 267 00:21:39,256 --> 00:21:40,929 Police! Get down now! 268 00:21:44,220 --> 00:21:45,346 Help me! Help me! 269 00:21:45,513 --> 00:21:47,561 Help me, please! Please help me! 270 00:21:58,025 --> 00:22:00,369 Keep some pressure on that, sweetheart. 271 00:22:02,947 --> 00:22:04,073 Call me? 272 00:22:07,076 --> 00:22:09,329 - You okay, miss? - He's bleeding. You gotta help him. 273 00:22:14,625 --> 00:22:15,717 I got the congressman. 274 00:22:44,655 --> 00:22:45,952 Clear! 275 00:22:50,077 --> 00:22:54,048 Manhole! Get this up! Get the DWP down here! 276 00:22:54,999 --> 00:22:56,546 You three, down with me. 277 00:22:56,709 --> 00:23:00,134 You two, you go down, cover the next exit! 278 00:23:16,812 --> 00:23:18,155 What, they went down there? 279 00:23:49,595 --> 00:23:52,769 - We're gonna go down there, right? - That was a gas explosion, kid. 280 00:23:52,932 --> 00:23:56,186 - Wasn't gas. It's a sewer. - No one goes in till we know what's there. 281 00:23:56,352 --> 00:23:58,195 We know, sir. The police commissioner. 282 00:23:58,354 --> 00:24:00,197 Someone get this hothead out of here? 283 00:24:00,356 --> 00:24:02,859 And where's that DWP guy? 284 00:24:45,484 --> 00:24:47,452 Why are you here? 285 00:24:49,238 --> 00:24:50,785 Answer him. 286 00:24:52,449 --> 00:24:54,372 I was asking you. 287 00:24:54,743 --> 00:24:56,290 It's the police commissioner. 288 00:25:00,082 --> 00:25:02,551 And you brought him down here? 289 00:25:03,210 --> 00:25:05,804 - We didn't know what to do. - You panicked. 290 00:25:06,338 --> 00:25:09,308 And your weakness has cost the lives of three others. 291 00:25:09,466 --> 00:25:10,592 No, he's alone. 292 00:25:14,471 --> 00:25:16,018 Search him. 293 00:25:16,181 --> 00:25:17,728 Then I will kill you. 294 00:25:47,254 --> 00:25:50,178 - He's dead. - So show me his body. 295 00:25:50,340 --> 00:25:53,765 The water runs to any one of the outflows. We'd never find him. 296 00:25:59,808 --> 00:26:01,981 - Follow him! - Follow him? 297 00:26:17,743 --> 00:26:19,541 You okay? You okay? 298 00:26:19,703 --> 00:26:21,626 Hey, hey, you awake? 299 00:26:28,253 --> 00:26:29,880 I need to see Bruce Wayne. 300 00:26:30,047 --> 00:26:32,516 I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne doesn't take unscheduled calls. 301 00:26:32,674 --> 00:26:34,472 Even from a police officer. 302 00:26:34,635 --> 00:26:38,310 And if I go get a warrant for the investigation of Harvey Dent's murder? 303 00:26:38,472 --> 00:26:40,691 That still count as unscheduled? 304 00:26:44,853 --> 00:26:46,901 What can I do for you, officer? 305 00:26:47,231 --> 00:26:49,325 Commissioner Gordon's been shot. 306 00:26:51,652 --> 00:26:53,700 He chased a gunman down into the sewers. 307 00:26:53,862 --> 00:26:57,207 When I pulled him out, he was babbling about an underground army. 308 00:26:57,366 --> 00:26:59,209 A masked man called Bane. 309 00:27:00,035 --> 00:27:02,379 Shouldn't you be telling your superior officers? 310 00:27:02,538 --> 00:27:05,633 They asked me if he saw any giant alligators. 311 00:27:06,083 --> 00:27:07,801 He needs you. 312 00:27:09,378 --> 00:27:10,675 He needs the Batman. 313 00:27:12,422 --> 00:27:16,222 - If Commissioner Gordon thinks... - Oh, he doesn't know or care who you are. 314 00:27:17,010 --> 00:27:18,978 But we've met before. 315 00:27:20,097 --> 00:27:24,227 It was a long time ago. I was a kid. Uh, St. Swithin's. 316 00:27:24,893 --> 00:27:28,614 It used to be funded by the Wayne Foundation. It's an orphanage. 317 00:27:29,565 --> 00:27:33,695 My mom died when I was small. It was a car accident, I don't really remember it. 318 00:27:34,319 --> 00:27:39,496 But my dad got shot a couple years later over a gambling debt... 319 00:27:39,741 --> 00:27:42,995 ...and I remember that one just fine. 320 00:27:44,329 --> 00:27:47,253 Not a lot of people know what it feels like, do they? 321 00:27:47,624 --> 00:27:49,376 To be angry... 322 00:27:50,127 --> 00:27:51,970 your bones. 323 00:27:54,506 --> 00:27:56,679 I mean, they understand. 324 00:27:57,259 --> 00:27:58,681 Foster parents. 325 00:27:58,844 --> 00:28:00,846 Everybody understands... 326 00:28:01,138 --> 00:28:02,640 ...for a while. 327 00:28:03,390 --> 00:28:07,111 And then they want the angry little kid to do something he knows he can't do. 328 00:28:07,686 --> 00:28:08,778 Move on. 329 00:28:09,354 --> 00:28:11,322 So after a while, they stop understanding. 330 00:28:11,481 --> 00:28:13,358 They send the angry kid to a boys' home. 331 00:28:13,734 --> 00:28:17,534 I figured it out too late. You gotta learn to hide the anger. 332 00:28:18,238 --> 00:28:20,582 Practice smiling in a mirror. 333 00:28:22,409 --> 00:28:23,911 It's like putting on a mask. 334 00:28:25,162 --> 00:28:28,712 So you showed up this one day, in a cool car. 335 00:28:28,874 --> 00:28:30,717 Pretty girl on your arm. 336 00:28:31,793 --> 00:28:33,591 We were so excited. 337 00:28:33,879 --> 00:28:36,473 Bruce Wayne, billionaire orphan. 338 00:28:36,924 --> 00:28:40,679 I mean, we used to make up stories about you, man. Legends. 339 00:28:40,844 --> 00:28:44,644 And, you know, with the other kids, that's all it was, just stories, but... 340 00:28:46,266 --> 00:28:48,519 Right when I saw you, I knew who you really were. 341 00:28:49,978 --> 00:28:52,777 I'd seen that look on your face before. 342 00:28:53,815 --> 00:28:55,943 It's the same one I taught myself. 343 00:28:57,903 --> 00:29:00,782 I don't know why you took the fall for Dent's murder... 344 00:29:01,657 --> 00:29:03,705 ...but I'm still a believer in the Batman... 345 00:29:04,534 --> 00:29:06,207 ...even if you're not. 346 00:29:08,914 --> 00:29:13,841 Why did you say that your boys' home used to be funded by the Wayne Foundation? 347 00:29:14,002 --> 00:29:15,754 Because the money stopped. 348 00:29:15,921 --> 00:29:20,142 Might be time to get some fresh air. Start paying attention to the details. 349 00:29:21,009 --> 00:29:23,387 Some of those details might need your help. 350 00:29:25,180 --> 00:29:26,523 You check that name? Bane? 351 00:29:26,682 --> 00:29:29,356 He's a mercenary. No other known names. 352 00:29:29,518 --> 00:29:31,987 Him and his men were behind a coup in West Africa... 353 00:29:32,145 --> 00:29:36,651 ...that secured mining operations for our friend John Daggett. 354 00:29:37,359 --> 00:29:40,158 - Now Daggett's brought them here. - Or so it seems. 355 00:29:42,239 --> 00:29:44,367 - I'll keep digging. - Yeah. 356 00:29:45,575 --> 00:29:51,799 Alfred, why did the Wayne Foundation stop funding boys' homes in the city? 357 00:29:51,957 --> 00:29:57,054 The foundation is funded by the profits of Wayne Enterprises. 358 00:29:57,379 --> 00:29:58,926 There have to be some. 359 00:29:59,089 --> 00:30:02,434 - Time to talk to Mr. Fox, I think. - I'll get him on the phone. 360 00:30:02,592 --> 00:30:06,597 No, no, no. Do we still have any cars around the place? 361 00:30:06,763 --> 00:30:08,640 Yes. One or two. 362 00:30:08,807 --> 00:30:10,809 I need an appointment at the hospital for my leg. 363 00:30:10,976 --> 00:30:13,729 - Which hospital? - Whichever one Jim Gordon's in. 364 00:30:18,108 --> 00:30:20,907 - I have seen worse cartilage in knees. - That's good. 365 00:30:21,069 --> 00:30:23,572 No. That's because there is no cartilage in your knee. 366 00:30:23,739 --> 00:30:27,084 And not much of any use in your elbows or your shoulders. 367 00:30:27,242 --> 00:30:29,620 Between that and the scar tissue on your kidneys... 368 00:30:29,786 --> 00:30:32,460 ...the residual concussive damage to your brain tissue... 369 00:30:32,622 --> 00:30:35,296 ...and the general scarred-over quality of your body... 370 00:30:35,459 --> 00:30:38,383 ...I cannot recommend that you go heli-skiing. - Right. 371 00:30:53,852 --> 00:30:56,355 We were in this together... 372 00:30:58,482 --> 00:31:00,029 ...then you were gone. 373 00:31:00,192 --> 00:31:02,320 The Batman wasn't needed any more. 374 00:31:02,486 --> 00:31:05,615 - We won. - Based on a lie. 375 00:31:07,074 --> 00:31:13,127 And now there's evil rising from where we tried to bury it. 376 00:31:13,330 --> 00:31:17,801 The Batman has to come back. 377 00:31:17,959 --> 00:31:20,428 What if he doesn't exist any more? 378 00:31:20,587 --> 00:31:24,057 He must. 379 00:31:37,771 --> 00:31:39,614 You took my goddamn wallet, didn't you? 380 00:31:39,773 --> 00:31:42,652 - You f... You took my wallet! - No, I... 381 00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:45,579 - Get out. - She took my... Ah! 382 00:31:45,737 --> 00:31:48,331 - Now. - Creep! 383 00:31:48,490 --> 00:31:51,414 I don't know what he's so upset about. There's only 60 bucks in here. 384 00:31:51,576 --> 00:31:53,328 Probably the watch. 385 00:32:08,593 --> 00:32:09,640 Who's that? 386 00:32:09,803 --> 00:32:11,931 A stiff can barely climb out of his sports car. 387 00:32:12,097 --> 00:32:14,225 - No, that's Bruce Wayne! - Mr. Wayne, over here! 388 00:32:19,271 --> 00:32:21,649 - I'm not sure if my assistant... - Right through here. 389 00:32:21,815 --> 00:32:23,317 Thank you so much. 390 00:32:28,572 --> 00:32:32,372 Bruce Wayne at a charity ball. 391 00:32:33,410 --> 00:32:35,287 Miss Tate, isn't it? 392 00:32:36,288 --> 00:32:39,337 Even before you became a recluse, you never came to these things. 393 00:32:39,791 --> 00:32:43,170 The proceeds go to the big fat spread. It's not about charity. 394 00:32:43,336 --> 00:32:47,682 It's about feeding the ego of whichever society hag laid this on. 395 00:32:48,175 --> 00:32:50,598 Actually, this is my party, Mr. Wayne. 396 00:32:50,886 --> 00:32:52,433 Oh. 397 00:32:52,804 --> 00:32:57,935 And the proceeds will go where they should, because I paid for the big fat spread myself. 398 00:32:58,351 --> 00:32:59,728 That's very generous of you. 399 00:32:59,978 --> 00:33:03,824 You have to invest if you want to restore balance to the world. 400 00:33:03,982 --> 00:33:05,734 Take our clean-energy project. 401 00:33:06,276 --> 00:33:08,904 Sometimes the investment doesn't pay off. 402 00:33:09,696 --> 00:33:13,371 - I'm sorry. - You have a practiced apathy, Mr. Wayne. 403 00:33:13,533 --> 00:33:18,664 But a man who doesn't care about the world doesn't spend half his fortune to save it. 404 00:33:19,664 --> 00:33:22,668 And isn't so wounded when it fails... 405 00:33:23,084 --> 00:33:24,711 ...that he goes into hiding. 406 00:33:26,171 --> 00:33:28,265 Have a good evening, Mr. Wayne. 407 00:33:32,302 --> 00:33:33,975 Mind if I cut in? 408 00:33:35,055 --> 00:33:36,898 Thank you. 409 00:33:39,768 --> 00:33:42,942 - You don't seem happy to see me. - You were supposed to be a shut-in. 410 00:33:43,104 --> 00:33:44,981 I felt like some fresh air. 411 00:33:45,774 --> 00:33:47,902 Why didn't you call the police? 412 00:33:48,235 --> 00:33:50,909 I have a powerful friend who deals with things like this. 413 00:33:51,071 --> 00:33:55,372 That's a brazen costume for a cat burglar. 414 00:33:55,909 --> 00:33:58,503 Yeah? Who are you pretending to be? 415 00:33:58,662 --> 00:34:01,381 Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire. 416 00:34:02,457 --> 00:34:04,459 - Who's your date? - His wife's in Ibiza. 417 00:34:04,626 --> 00:34:08,426 She left her diamonds behind, though. Worried they might get stolen. 418 00:34:08,588 --> 00:34:10,636 It's pronounced "Ibiza." 419 00:34:11,216 --> 00:34:14,891 You wouldn't want these folks realizing you're a crook, not a social climber. 420 00:34:15,053 --> 00:34:18,182 You think I care what anyone in this room thinks of me? 421 00:34:19,849 --> 00:34:22,193 I doubt you care what anyone in any room thinks of you. 422 00:34:22,352 --> 00:34:26,073 Don't condescend, Mr. Wayne. You don't know a thing about me. 423 00:34:26,690 --> 00:34:30,911 Well, Selina Kyle, I know you came here from your walk-up in Old Town. 424 00:34:31,069 --> 00:34:32,912 A modest place for a master jewel thief. 425 00:34:33,071 --> 00:34:36,371 Which means that either you're saving for retirement... 426 00:34:36,992 --> 00:34:39,086 ...or you're in deep with the wrong people. 427 00:34:40,412 --> 00:34:44,383 You don't get to judge me because you were born in the master bedroom of Wayne Manor. 428 00:34:44,541 --> 00:34:48,887 - Actually, I was born in the Regency Room. - I started out doing what I had to. 429 00:34:50,046 --> 00:34:53,425 Once you've done what you had to, they never let you do what you want to. 430 00:34:53,592 --> 00:34:54,844 Start fresh. 431 00:34:55,010 --> 00:34:58,230 Ugh. There's no fresh start in today's world. 432 00:34:58,388 --> 00:35:01,437 Any 12-year-old with a cell phone could find out what you did. 433 00:35:01,600 --> 00:35:05,400 Everything we do is collated and quantified. Everything sticks. 434 00:35:05,979 --> 00:35:07,981 Is that how you justify stealing? 435 00:35:08,148 --> 00:35:10,742 I take what I need from those who have more than enough. 436 00:35:10,900 --> 00:35:13,198 I don't stand on the shoulders of people with less. 437 00:35:13,361 --> 00:35:14,408 Robin Hood? 438 00:35:14,571 --> 00:35:18,701 I think I'd do more to help someone than most of the people in this room. Than you. 439 00:35:19,659 --> 00:35:21,753 You think maybe you're assuming a little too much? 440 00:35:21,911 --> 00:35:25,961 Maybe you're being unrealistic about what's really in your pants other than your wallet. 441 00:35:26,124 --> 00:35:27,171 Ouch. 442 00:35:27,667 --> 00:35:32,764 You think all this can last? There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. 443 00:35:33,381 --> 00:35:37,602 You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits... 444 00:35:37,761 --> 00:35:41,641're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large... 445 00:35:41,806 --> 00:35:44,901 ...and leave so little for the rest of us. 446 00:35:48,188 --> 00:35:50,691 You sound like you're looking forward to it. 447 00:35:52,108 --> 00:35:53,701 I'm adaptable. 448 00:35:53,860 --> 00:35:57,114 Those pearls do look better on you than they did in my safe. 449 00:35:57,864 --> 00:36:00,083 But I still can't let you keep them. 450 00:36:07,749 --> 00:36:09,922 You... You scared her off! 451 00:36:12,837 --> 00:36:14,384 Not likely. 452 00:36:16,508 --> 00:36:17,885 Must have lost my ticket. 453 00:36:18,051 --> 00:36:20,804 - Your wife said you were taking a cab home. - My wife? 454 00:36:28,853 --> 00:36:30,275 Just you, sir? 455 00:36:33,358 --> 00:36:35,360 Don't worry, Master Wayne. 456 00:36:36,111 --> 00:36:39,160 Takes a little time to get back in the swing of things. 457 00:36:41,324 --> 00:36:44,578 Bruce Wayne, as I live and breathe. 458 00:36:46,371 --> 00:36:48,749 What brings you out of cryo-sleep, Mr. Wayne? 459 00:36:48,915 --> 00:36:50,667 You haven't lost your sense of humor. 460 00:36:50,834 --> 00:36:53,337 Even if you have lost most of my money. 461 00:36:53,503 --> 00:36:55,005 Actually, you did that. 462 00:36:55,171 --> 00:36:57,890 If you funnel your entire R and D budget... 463 00:36:58,049 --> 00:37:00,973 ...into a fusion project that you then mothball... 464 00:37:01,136 --> 00:37:03,480 ...your company is unlikely to thrive. 465 00:37:03,638 --> 00:37:04,685 What are my options? 466 00:37:04,848 --> 00:37:07,226 Well, if you're unwilling to turn on the machine... 467 00:37:08,101 --> 00:37:09,944 I can't. I can't, Lucius. 468 00:37:10,520 --> 00:37:12,067 Well, then sit tight. 469 00:37:12,230 --> 00:37:13,948 Your majority keeps Daggett at bay... 470 00:37:14,107 --> 00:37:18,112 ...while we figure out a future for the energy program with Miranda Tate. 471 00:37:18,278 --> 00:37:20,906 She has supported the project all the way. 472 00:37:21,322 --> 00:37:24,496 She's smart. And quite lovely. 473 00:37:25,493 --> 00:37:28,542 We all just want what's best for you, Bruce. 474 00:37:29,289 --> 00:37:31,041 Show her the machine. 475 00:37:31,958 --> 00:37:33,255 I'll think it over. 476 00:37:33,418 --> 00:37:34,761 Anything else? 477 00:37:34,919 --> 00:37:37,172 Nope. Why? 478 00:37:37,338 --> 00:37:41,388 These conversations used to end with an unusual request. 479 00:37:42,135 --> 00:37:43,557 I retired. 480 00:37:43,845 --> 00:37:47,941 Mm-hm. Well, let me show you some stuff anyway. 481 00:37:52,061 --> 00:37:53,563 Just for old times' sake. 482 00:37:58,026 --> 00:38:00,074 I figured you'd have shut this place down. 483 00:38:00,236 --> 00:38:02,910 Oh, it was always shut down, officially. 484 00:38:03,072 --> 00:38:04,164 All this new stuff. 485 00:38:04,324 --> 00:38:08,955 After your father died, Wayne Enterprises set up 14 different defense subsidiaries. 486 00:38:09,120 --> 00:38:11,794 For years, I've been shuttering and consolidating... 487 00:38:11,956 --> 00:38:14,334 ...all the different prototypes under one roof. 488 00:38:14,501 --> 00:38:16,219 - My roof. - Why? 489 00:38:16,503 --> 00:38:19,177 Keep them from falling into the wrong hands. 490 00:38:22,008 --> 00:38:24,431 Oh, now you're just showing off. 491 00:38:25,595 --> 00:38:30,226 Defense Department projects for tight geometry urban pacification. 492 00:38:30,725 --> 00:38:35,322 Rotors are configured to maneuver between buildings without recirculation. 493 00:38:35,772 --> 00:38:37,274 What's it called? 494 00:38:37,899 --> 00:38:42,120 Oh, it has a long, uninteresting Wayne Enterprises designation. 495 00:38:42,278 --> 00:38:45,657 I just took to calling it the Bat. 496 00:38:46,574 --> 00:38:49,202 And, yes, Mr. Wayne, it does come in black. 497 00:38:50,995 --> 00:38:53,965 Works fine, except for the autopilot. 498 00:38:54,415 --> 00:38:56,338 Takes a better mind than mine to fix it. 499 00:38:56,501 --> 00:38:57,878 Better mind? 500 00:38:58,628 --> 00:39:01,427 Well, I was trying to be modest. 501 00:39:01,798 --> 00:39:03,721 A less busy mind. 502 00:39:04,133 --> 00:39:05,430 Yours. 503 00:39:12,976 --> 00:39:16,446 - Is it really painful? - You're very welcome to try it, Alfred. 504 00:39:16,604 --> 00:39:18,322 Happy watching. Thank you, sir. 505 00:39:21,442 --> 00:39:22,864 Not bad. 506 00:39:27,907 --> 00:39:29,329 Not bad at all. 507 00:39:32,787 --> 00:39:35,916 If you're seriously considering going back out there... 508 00:39:36,082 --> 00:39:38,210 should hear the rumors surrounding Bane. 509 00:39:38,376 --> 00:39:39,423 I'm all ears. 510 00:39:40,753 --> 00:39:44,428 There is a prison in a more ancient part of the world. 511 00:39:44,924 --> 00:39:49,805 A pit where men are thrown to suffer and die. 512 00:39:50,013 --> 00:39:53,734 But sometimes a man rises from the darkness. 513 00:39:53,975 --> 00:39:58,105 Sometimes the pit sends something back. 514 00:39:58,271 --> 00:40:00,399 - Bane. - Bane. 515 00:40:00,690 --> 00:40:03,739 Born and raised in hell on earth. 516 00:40:03,902 --> 00:40:07,827 - Born in a prison? - No one knows why, or how he escaped. 517 00:40:07,989 --> 00:40:10,583 But they do know that once he did... 518 00:40:10,742 --> 00:40:14,918 ...he was trained by Ra's Al Ghul, your mentor. 519 00:40:15,079 --> 00:40:17,081 Bane was a member of the League of Shadows? 520 00:40:17,248 --> 00:40:19,421 And then he was excommunicated. 521 00:40:19,876 --> 00:40:25,599 And any man who is too extreme for Ra's Al Ghul is not to be trifled with. 522 00:40:25,757 --> 00:40:29,011 I didn't realize I was known for trifling with criminals. 523 00:40:29,636 --> 00:40:30,933 That was then. 524 00:40:31,387 --> 00:40:34,186 And you can strap up your leg and put your mask back on... 525 00:40:34,349 --> 00:40:36,943 ...but that doesn't make you what you were. 526 00:40:37,101 --> 00:40:41,732 If this man is everything that you say he is, then the city needs me. 527 00:40:41,898 --> 00:40:44,868 The city needs Bruce Wayne. 528 00:40:45,234 --> 00:40:47,157 Your resources. Your knowledge. 529 00:40:47,320 --> 00:40:50,415 It doesn't need your body, or your life. 530 00:40:51,199 --> 00:40:52,371 That time's past. 531 00:40:52,533 --> 00:40:55,912 You're afraid that if I go back out there, I'll fail. 532 00:40:56,079 --> 00:40:57,331 No. 533 00:40:58,957 --> 00:41:01,801 I'm afraid that you want to. 534 00:41:16,307 --> 00:41:19,481 You can't short the stock because Bruce Wayne goes to a party. 535 00:41:19,686 --> 00:41:23,486 Wayne coming back is change. Change is either good or bad. I vote bad. 536 00:41:23,648 --> 00:41:24,945 On what basis? 537 00:41:25,108 --> 00:41:26,655 I flipped a coin. 538 00:41:32,782 --> 00:41:34,705 It says rye... I said no rye, man. 539 00:41:37,286 --> 00:41:40,085 Hey, rookie, lose the helmet. We need faces for camera. 540 00:41:46,129 --> 00:41:48,052 Come on. Let's go scalping. 541 00:42:03,479 --> 00:42:04,526 Come on. 542 00:42:29,589 --> 00:42:31,466 Everybody down, now! 543 00:42:49,776 --> 00:42:52,495 This is a stock exchange. There's no money you can steal. 544 00:42:52,653 --> 00:42:56,032 Really? Then why are you people here? 545 00:43:12,507 --> 00:43:15,260 Everybody, stay back! Go down to the end of the block! 546 00:43:15,426 --> 00:43:17,394 We have an emergency situation! 547 00:43:20,681 --> 00:43:22,274 You gotta get in there! 548 00:43:22,433 --> 00:43:24,026 This is a hostage situation. 549 00:43:24,185 --> 00:43:27,610 No, this is a robbery. They have direct access to the online trading desk. 550 00:43:27,772 --> 00:43:29,570 I'm not risking my men for your money. 551 00:43:33,820 --> 00:43:36,164 We have to ask you to move. We have a situation. 552 00:43:36,322 --> 00:43:38,370 It's not our money, it's everybody's. 553 00:43:38,533 --> 00:43:40,627 Really? Mine's in my mattress. 554 00:43:40,785 --> 00:43:45,291
You don't put these guys down, that stuffing in your mattress might be worth a whole lot less.
555 00:43:45,456 --> 00:43:47,709 Cut the fiber cable and take out that cell tower. 556 00:43:47,875 --> 00:43:50,378 - Thank you. - That'll slow them down. 557 00:43:51,045 --> 00:43:52,092 Move back! 558 00:43:52,255 --> 00:43:54,929 All the way! Go! Sir, get back, please! 559 00:43:56,425 --> 00:43:58,018 They cut the fiber. 560 00:43:59,178 --> 00:44:00,270 Cell's working. 561 00:44:00,429 --> 00:44:01,772 For now. 562 00:44:07,436 --> 00:44:11,111 Get all these barriers up. All of them up. No one gets in or out of any of these streets. 563 00:44:11,274 --> 00:44:12,901 Where am I supposed to move it? 564 00:44:13,067 --> 00:44:14,364 Back it up. 565 00:44:18,948 --> 00:44:21,167 All right, just stay in your vehicle, okay? 566 00:44:27,707 --> 00:44:30,130 How much longer does the program need? 567 00:44:31,711 --> 00:44:32,883 Eight minutes. 568 00:44:34,463 --> 00:44:35,715 Time to go mobile. 569 00:44:35,882 --> 00:44:37,225 Everybody, up! 570 00:44:41,470 --> 00:44:42,847 You two, move! 571 00:44:45,683 --> 00:44:46,980 Thank you. 572 00:44:47,935 --> 00:44:49,403 Steady. 573 00:44:58,112 --> 00:44:59,489 Steady. 574 00:45:07,413 --> 00:45:08,460 I've got something. 575 00:45:09,582 --> 00:45:12,085 Hold your fire, they've got hostages. 576 00:45:12,251 --> 00:45:13,503 Hold your fire! 577 00:45:23,471 --> 00:45:24,973 Go, go! 578 00:45:34,690 --> 00:45:36,363 Please! Just let me go! 579 00:45:36,692 --> 00:45:39,320 Hey, please! Hey! 580 00:45:42,323 --> 00:45:43,745 Shoot the tires. 581 00:45:43,908 --> 00:45:45,376 There's no shot. 582 00:45:46,786 --> 00:45:49,915 Now back off. Back off, they've got hostages. 583 00:45:50,081 --> 00:45:52,834
... P.D. are pursuing the four suspects through downtown...
584 00:45:53,000 --> 00:45:55,048 response to a hostage situation.
585 00:46:01,550 --> 00:46:03,223 What's going on with the lights? 586 00:46:10,142 --> 00:46:11,610 It can't be. 587 00:46:12,061 --> 00:46:13,153 What the hell was that? 588 00:46:13,312 --> 00:46:16,156 Oh, boy, you are in for a show tonight, son. 589 00:46:21,654 --> 00:46:23,656 Please! Help, help, help! 590 00:46:41,507 --> 00:46:42,554 Sorry. 591 00:46:43,175 --> 00:46:46,475 Put that thing away before you hurt yourself. Get in! 592 00:46:46,637 --> 00:46:49,766 Let's go. You, get in the car. They've spotted the Batman. 593 00:47:01,068 --> 00:47:04,197 Call everyone in. Every car patrol, beat cop, off-duty too. 594 00:47:04,363 --> 00:47:07,082 Pull them in now. I'm gonna do what Jim Gordon never could. 595 00:47:07,241 --> 00:47:10,461 - What's that? - I'm gonna take down the Batman. 596 00:47:10,619 --> 00:47:13,668
... are confirming four suspects are carrying two hostages...
597 00:47:13,831 --> 00:47:15,879
...kidnapped from the Gotham Stock Exchange.
598 00:47:16,042 --> 00:47:19,342
- Reports from the eyewitnesses... - Scott, dead center of your screen.
599 00:47:19,503 --> 00:47:21,926
- What do you see?
- I see Batman.
600 00:47:22,089 --> 00:47:24,763
Hard to believe, but the suspects are now being pursued...
601 00:47:24,925 --> 00:47:26,893 what appears to be the Batman.
602 00:47:27,053 --> 00:47:28,145 Well, what do you know? 603 00:47:33,309 --> 00:47:35,277 Sir, what about the armed robbers? 604 00:47:37,688 --> 00:47:40,658 Please! Just let me go! Please! 605 00:47:50,326 --> 00:47:53,796
One bike's pulled off. No hostage. Should we pursue?
606 00:47:58,334 --> 00:47:59,881 Negative. Stay on the Batman. 607 00:48:02,797 --> 00:48:04,595 - He's getting away. - Who do you wanna catch? 608 00:48:04,757 --> 00:48:07,306 Some robber, or the son of a bitch who killed Harvey Dent? 609 00:48:11,514 --> 00:48:14,017
...The entire upper west hill...
610 00:48:14,183 --> 00:48:16,231
Central Heights and East Park Side areas.
611 00:48:16,644 --> 00:48:19,318 Eight years, and he has to pick tonight. 612 00:48:19,647 --> 00:48:21,741 He's drawing the cops off Bane. 613 00:48:30,574 --> 00:48:32,542 Please! Just let me go! 614 00:48:33,035 --> 00:48:34,082 Please! 615 00:49:52,364 --> 00:49:53,741
We lost him.
616 00:49:53,991 --> 00:49:55,664 How could you lose him? 617 00:49:55,826 --> 00:49:57,419
He's got a lot of firepower.
618 00:49:57,578 --> 00:49:58,670 What, and you don't? 619 00:50:03,459 --> 00:50:05,211
He's heading back downtown.
620 00:50:05,377 --> 00:50:07,425
Then he's as dumb as he dresses.
621 00:50:08,047 --> 00:50:09,640 Close it off, gentlemen. 622 00:50:41,956 --> 00:50:44,459 Like a rat in a trap, gentlemen. 623 00:50:49,630 --> 00:50:52,759 You might have the wrong animal there, sir. 624 00:51:03,644 --> 00:51:05,317 You sure it was him? 625 00:51:12,152 --> 00:51:15,577
Bane says the Batman interfered, but the task was accomplished.
626 00:51:15,739 --> 00:51:17,366 What about the men they arrested? 627 00:51:17,533 --> 00:51:21,629 He said, and I quote, "They would die before talking." 628 00:51:22,830 --> 00:51:25,128 Where does he find these guys? 629 00:51:26,709 --> 00:51:28,461 Open the champagne. 630 00:51:30,504 --> 00:51:33,007 And can we get some girls in here? 631 00:51:33,173 --> 00:51:34,595 Careful what you wish for. 632 00:51:45,603 --> 00:51:46,946 Cat got your tongue? 633 00:51:47,104 --> 00:51:48,321 You dumb bitch. 634 00:51:48,480 --> 00:51:50,574 Nobody ever accused me of being dumb. 635 00:51:50,733 --> 00:51:53,657 You're dumb for coming here tonight. 636 00:51:55,070 --> 00:51:56,743 I want what you owe me. 637 00:51:58,574 --> 00:52:00,497 Want doesn't get. 638 00:52:00,993 --> 00:52:05,043 Nice outfit. Those heels make it tough to walk? 639 00:52:05,205 --> 00:52:06,422 - I don't know. - Aah! 640 00:52:07,041 --> 00:52:08,418 Do they? 641 00:52:09,752 --> 00:52:11,345 - So where is it? - Where's what? 642 00:52:11,545 --> 00:52:13,889 The program. The "clean slate." 643 00:52:14,131 --> 00:52:17,351 The ultimate tool for a master thief with a record. 644 00:52:18,093 --> 00:52:19,640 Hold it right there! 645 00:52:33,150 --> 00:52:34,197 Where is it? 646 00:52:34,735 --> 00:52:36,328 The clean slate? 647 00:52:36,487 --> 00:52:39,115 Where you type in someone's name, date of birth... 648 00:52:39,281 --> 00:52:43,457 a few minutes they're gone from every database on earth? 649 00:52:43,994 --> 00:52:46,793 - Sound a little too good to be true? - You're lying! 650 00:52:46,955 --> 00:52:49,549 Rykin Data took it to prototype stage. 651 00:52:49,708 --> 00:52:51,676 That's why I bought them. 652 00:52:52,586 --> 00:52:54,463 But they had nothing. 653 00:52:54,880 --> 00:52:56,598 It was a gangland myth. 654 00:53:07,935 --> 00:53:09,107 Stay back! 655 00:53:12,481 --> 00:53:14,108 I'm not bluffing! 656 00:53:15,025 --> 00:53:16,402 They know. 657 00:53:16,819 --> 00:53:18,241 They just don't care. 658 00:53:35,587 --> 00:53:36,884 You've gotta be kidding me. 659 00:53:37,047 --> 00:53:39,596 - No guns. No killing. - Where's the fun in that? 660 00:53:58,736 --> 00:54:01,535 My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men. 661 00:54:01,697 --> 00:54:02,744 This isn't a car. 662 00:54:52,873 --> 00:54:54,466 See you around. 663 00:54:55,459 --> 00:54:56,585 You're welcome. 664 00:54:56,960 --> 00:54:58,337 I had it under control. 665 00:54:58,504 --> 00:54:59,847 Those weren't street thugs. 666 00:55:00,005 --> 00:55:02,099 They were trained killers. 667 00:55:02,257 --> 00:55:03,930 I saved your life. 668 00:55:04,134 --> 00:55:08,890 In return, I need to know what you did with Bruce Wayne's fingerprints. 669 00:55:09,056 --> 00:55:11,605 Wayne wasn't kidding about a powerful friend. 670 00:55:12,768 --> 00:55:14,645 I sold his prints to Daggett... 671 00:55:16,605 --> 00:55:19,074 ...for something that doesn't even exist. 672 00:55:19,358 --> 00:55:23,079 - I doubt many people get the better of you. - Hey, when a girl's desperate... 673 00:55:23,237 --> 00:55:25,581 - What's he gonna do with them? - I don't know... 674 00:55:25,739 --> 00:55:29,118 ...but Daggett seemed pretty interested in that mess at the stock market. 675 00:55:34,373 --> 00:55:35,841 Miss Kyle? 676 00:55:38,752 --> 00:55:40,971 So that's what that feels like. 677 00:56:00,274 --> 00:56:04,825 I see from the television coverage that you got your taste for wanton destruction back. 678 00:56:04,987 --> 00:56:06,955 I retrieved this. 679 00:56:07,114 --> 00:56:09,583 Aren't the police supposed to be investigating, then? 680 00:56:09,741 --> 00:56:13,166 - They don't have the tools to analyze it. - They would if you gave them to them. 681 00:56:13,328 --> 00:56:15,831 One man's tool is another man's weapon. 682 00:56:15,998 --> 00:56:19,343 In your mind, perhaps. But there aren't many things you can't turn into a weapon. 683 00:56:19,501 --> 00:56:21,629 Alfred, enough. The police weren't getting it done. 684 00:56:21,795 --> 00:56:25,174 Perhaps they might have if you hadn't made a sideshow of yourself. 685 00:56:25,340 --> 00:56:29,140 - You thought I didn't have it in me. - You led a bloated police force on a chase... 686 00:56:29,303 --> 00:56:31,897 ...with a load of fancy new toys from Fox. 687 00:56:32,055 --> 00:56:34,899 What about when you come up against him? What then? 688 00:56:35,058 --> 00:56:39,859 - I'll fight harder. I always have. - Look. His speed, his ferocity, his training. 689 00:56:40,022 --> 00:56:42,696 I see the power of belief. 690 00:56:42,858 --> 00:56:45,782 I see the League of Shadows resurgent. 691 00:56:45,944 --> 00:56:47,412 You said he was excommunicated. 692 00:56:47,571 --> 00:56:49,448 By Ra's Al Ghul. 693 00:56:50,490 --> 00:56:51,582 Who leads them now? 694 00:56:51,742 --> 00:56:54,336 Ra's Al Ghul was the League of Shadows and I beat him. 695 00:56:54,494 --> 00:56:57,247 Bane is a mercenary. We need to find out what he's up to. 696 00:56:58,457 --> 00:57:01,006 Trades of some kind. Coded. 697 00:57:01,835 --> 00:57:04,634 And my fingerprint, courtesy of Selina Kyle. 698 00:57:04,796 --> 00:57:05,888 Get this to Fox. 699 00:57:06,048 --> 00:57:10,394 He can crack the code and tell us what trades they were executing. 700 00:57:14,056 --> 00:57:17,731 I'll get this to Mr. Fox, but no more. 701 00:57:19,394 --> 00:57:22,944 I've sewn you up, I've set your bones, but I won't bury you. 702 00:57:23,357 --> 00:57:26,486 I've buried enough members of the Wayne family. 703 00:57:27,277 --> 00:57:32,625 - You'll leave me? - You see only one end to your journey. 704 00:57:33,075 --> 00:57:37,672 Leaving is all I have to make you understand. 705 00:57:37,955 --> 00:57:41,459 You're not Batman any more. You have to find another way. 706 00:57:41,625 --> 00:57:45,596 You used to talk about finishing, about a life beyond that awful cave. 707 00:57:45,754 --> 00:57:49,475 Alfred, Rachel died knowing that we had decided to be together. 708 00:57:49,633 --> 00:57:53,513 That was my life beyond the cave. I can't just move on. 709 00:57:53,971 --> 00:57:56,815 She... She didn't. She couldn't. 710 00:57:57,641 --> 00:57:59,018 What if she had? 711 00:57:59,184 --> 00:58:00,652 She... I can't change that. 712 00:58:00,811 --> 00:58:03,815 What if before she died she wrote a letter... 713 00:58:03,981 --> 00:58:07,451 ...saying she chose Harvey Dent over you? 714 00:58:11,822 --> 00:58:13,165 And what if... 715 00:58:14,241 --> 00:58:16,084 spare you pain... 716 00:58:17,911 --> 00:58:19,788 ...I burnt that letter? 717 00:58:20,622 --> 00:58:24,843 How dare you use Rachel to try to stop me? 718 00:58:25,043 --> 00:58:28,468 I am using the truth, Master Wayne. 719 00:58:29,131 --> 00:58:34,012 Maybe it's time we all stopped trying to outsmart the truth and let it have its day. 720 00:58:35,637 --> 00:58:37,765 - I'm sorry. - You're sorry? 721 00:58:37,931 --> 00:58:40,650 You expect to destroy my world... 722 00:58:43,020 --> 00:58:45,398 ...and then think that we're gonna shake hands? 723 00:58:45,564 --> 00:58:47,237 No, no, no. 724 00:58:48,483 --> 00:58:50,577 I know what this means. 725 00:58:50,736 --> 00:58:51,828 What does it mean? 726 00:58:51,987 --> 00:58:54,410 It means your hatred. 727 00:58:54,614 --> 00:58:58,335 And it also means losing someone that I have cared for... 728 00:58:58,493 --> 00:59:02,919 ...since I first heard his cries echo... 729 00:59:03,582 --> 00:59:05,676 ...through this house. 730 00:59:06,001 --> 00:59:10,256 But it might also mean saving your life. 731 00:59:11,548 --> 00:59:13,971 And that is more important. 732 00:59:19,181 --> 00:59:20,228 Goodbye, Alfred. 733 00:59:39,993 --> 00:59:41,210 Alfred? 734 00:59:46,416 --> 00:59:49,010 - Answering your own door? - Yeah. 735 00:59:50,420 --> 00:59:51,717 Page three. 736 00:59:52,255 --> 00:59:56,260 Seems you made a series of large put options on the futures exchange... 737 00:59:56,426 --> 00:59:57,723 ...verified by thumbprint. 738 00:59:57,886 --> 01:00:00,560 Those options expired at midnight last night. 739 01:00:00,722 --> 01:00:05,774 Long-term, we may be able to prove fraud. But for now, you're completely broke... 740 01:00:05,936 --> 01:00:09,361 ...and Wayne Enterprises is about to fall into the hands of John Daggett. 741 01:00:09,523 --> 01:00:13,369 The weapons. We can't let Daggett get his hands on Applied Sciences. 742 01:00:13,527 --> 01:00:16,497 Applied Sciences is all looked up and off the books. 743 01:00:16,655 --> 01:00:19,875 The energy project, however, is a different story. 744 01:00:20,033 --> 01:00:21,535 Miranda Tate. 745 01:00:22,536 --> 01:00:25,836 Let's convince the board to get behind her. Let's show her the reactor. 746 01:00:25,997 --> 01:00:29,501 We're meeting her there in 35 minutes, so you better get dressed. 747 01:00:29,835 --> 01:00:33,385 You brought me out here to show me this, Mr. Fox? 748 01:00:33,588 --> 01:00:35,556 Bear with me, Miss Tate. 749 01:00:39,261 --> 01:00:42,731 Please keep hands and feet inside the car at all times. 750 01:00:48,311 --> 01:00:50,109 This is it, isn't it? 751 01:00:50,689 --> 01:00:53,283 The reactor is beneath the river... 752 01:00:53,817 --> 01:00:57,572 it can be instantly flooded in the event of a security breach. 753 01:00:58,280 --> 01:01:01,204 Is Bruce Wayne really that paranoid? 754 01:01:01,366 --> 01:01:03,664 I'm gonna plead the fifth on that one. 755 01:01:10,542 --> 01:01:13,466 I thought you might like to see what your investment built. 756 01:01:13,628 --> 01:01:15,301 No fossil fuels. 757 01:01:15,463 --> 01:01:18,057 Free clean energy for an entire city. 758 01:01:18,216 --> 01:01:21,766
Three years ago, a Russian scientist published a paper...
759 01:01:21,928 --> 01:01:24,226
...on weaponized fusion reactions.
760 01:01:24,389 --> 01:01:29,316 One week later, your reactor started developing problems. 761 01:01:30,562 --> 01:01:32,189 I think this machine works. 762 01:01:32,355 --> 01:01:38,988 Miranda, if it were operational, the danger to Gotham would be too great. 763 01:01:39,154 --> 01:01:42,249 Would it make you feel better to know that the Russian scientist... 764 01:01:42,407 --> 01:01:45,206 ...died in a plane crash six months ago? 765 01:01:45,368 --> 01:01:48,872 Someone will work out what Dr. Pavel did. 766 01:01:49,039 --> 01:01:55,217 Someone will figure out a way to make this power source into a nuclear weapon. 767 01:01:56,546 --> 01:02:00,926 I need you to take control of Wayne Enterprises... 768 01:02:01,384 --> 01:02:02,636 ...and this reactor. 769 01:02:03,053 --> 01:02:04,179 To do what with it? 770 01:02:04,346 --> 01:02:05,848 Nothing. 771 01:02:06,431 --> 01:02:08,559 Until we can guarantee its safety. 772 01:02:08,725 --> 01:02:09,942 And if we can't? 773 01:02:10,227 --> 01:02:11,774 Decommission it. Flood it. 774 01:02:11,937 --> 01:02:15,737 Destroy the world's best chance for a sustainable future? 775 01:02:15,899 --> 01:02:17,526 If the world's not ready, yes. 776 01:02:17,692 --> 01:02:21,993 Bruce, if you want to save the world, you have to start trusting it. 777 01:02:22,364 --> 01:02:23,741 I'm trusting you. 778 01:02:23,907 --> 01:02:25,875 Doesn't count. You have no choice. 779 01:02:26,618 --> 01:02:28,962 I could have flooded this chamber at any time. 780 01:02:29,120 --> 01:02:31,168 I'm choosing to trust you. 781 01:02:32,040 --> 01:02:33,257 Please. 782 01:02:40,507 --> 01:02:44,603 All right, ladies and gentlemen. This meeting will now come to order. 783 01:02:44,761 --> 01:02:47,935 I'd like to point out that we have a non-board member here... 784 01:02:48,098 --> 01:02:51,443 ...which is highly irregular, even if his family name is above the door. 785 01:02:51,601 --> 01:02:53,854 Bruce Wayne's family built this company. 786 01:02:54,020 --> 01:02:55,772 And he himself has run it. 787 01:02:55,939 --> 01:03:00,695 Into the ground, sir! Does anybody disagree? Check the share price this morning. 788 01:03:00,860 --> 01:03:05,115 Crazy gambling on futures has not only cost Mr. Wayne his seat... 789 01:03:05,282 --> 01:03:07,580's cost us all a lot of money. 790 01:03:07,742 --> 01:03:09,585 And he has to go. 791 01:03:10,453 --> 01:03:12,455 I'm afraid he has a point, Mr. Wayne. 792 01:03:20,880 --> 01:03:22,553 Now, back to business. 793 01:03:23,258 --> 01:03:26,478 Mr. Wayne, over here! How's it feel to be one of the people? 794 01:03:26,636 --> 01:03:30,686 Mr. Wayne, they're towing your car! I didn't know what to do, they had paperwork. 795 01:03:32,434 --> 01:03:34,152 Looks like you need a ride, huh? 796 01:03:34,311 --> 01:03:36,530 Wayne, we'll give you a ride! 797 01:03:36,688 --> 01:03:40,989 How the hell did Miranda Tate get the inside track on the Wayne board? 798 01:03:41,151 --> 01:03:43,324 She been meeting with him? Sleeping with him? 799 01:03:43,486 --> 01:03:46,456 - Not that we know of. - You don't know much of anything, do you? 800 01:03:46,614 --> 01:03:48,537 - Where's Bane? - We told him it was urgent. 801 01:03:48,700 --> 01:03:51,328 - Where is that masked...? - Speak of the devil... 802 01:03:51,494 --> 01:03:53,747 ...and he shall appear. 803 01:03:53,913 --> 01:03:56,382 What the hell is going on? 804 01:03:57,000 --> 01:04:00,379 - The plan is proceeding as expected. - Oh, really? 805 01:04:00,545 --> 01:04:03,344 Do I look like I'm running Wayne Enterprises right now? 806 01:04:03,631 --> 01:04:08,182 Your hit on the stock exchange, it didn't work, my friend. 807 01:04:08,345 --> 01:04:13,476 And now you have my construction crews going around the city at 24 hours a day. 808 01:04:13,641 --> 01:04:18,568 How exactly is that supposed to help my company absorb Wayne's? 809 01:04:21,149 --> 01:04:23,527 - Leave us. - No. You stay here. 810 01:04:23,693 --> 01:04:25,286 I'm in charge. 811 01:04:26,071 --> 01:04:28,449 Do you feel in charge? 812 01:04:33,495 --> 01:04:35,247 I've paid you a small fortune. 813 01:04:35,413 --> 01:04:38,383 And this gives you power over me? 814 01:04:38,958 --> 01:04:40,380 What is this? 815 01:04:40,543 --> 01:04:45,515 Your money and infrastructure have been important... 816 01:04:45,882 --> 01:04:47,008 ...till now. 817 01:04:47,509 --> 01:04:48,635 What are you? 818 01:04:48,802 --> 01:04:50,645 I'm Gotham's reckoning. 819 01:04:50,804 --> 01:04:53,683 Here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on. 820 01:04:55,725 --> 01:04:58,854 You're pure evil. 821 01:04:59,020 --> 01:05:01,318 I'm necessary evil. 822 01:05:01,481 --> 01:05:03,404 No. No, no, no! 823 01:05:07,987 --> 01:05:10,456 When you started, why the mask? 824 01:05:10,615 --> 01:05:13,289 - To protect the people closest to me. - But you were a loner, right? 825 01:05:13,451 --> 01:05:16,580 - You didn't have any family? - There are always people you care about. 826 01:05:16,746 --> 01:05:20,671 You just don't realize how much until they're gone. 827 01:05:21,084 --> 01:05:23,963 The idea was to be a symbol. 828 01:05:24,129 --> 01:05:27,258 Batman could be anybody. 829 01:05:27,799 --> 01:05:29,346 That was the point. 830 01:05:29,717 --> 01:05:32,937 - Well, it was damn good to see him back. - Not everybody agrees. 831 01:05:33,138 --> 01:05:37,359 - They'll figure that out in the end. - You got anything on Bane's whereabouts? 832 01:05:37,892 --> 01:05:41,112 Yeah. I got 500 pages of tunnel records and a flashlight. 833 01:05:41,271 --> 01:05:43,365 I could use some help, actually. 834 01:05:44,357 --> 01:05:46,234 You know what? Drop me in Old Town. 835 01:05:49,863 --> 01:05:51,456 Hey, hey, hey. I don't think so! 836 01:05:51,614 --> 01:05:53,787 - That's the way this works! - I don't think so! 837 01:05:53,950 --> 01:05:56,203 - That is the way... - He's not a mark. 838 01:05:56,369 --> 01:05:59,043 And he doesn't have a cent to his name, anyway. 839 01:05:59,539 --> 01:06:03,840 Yeah, it's not much. But it's more than you've got right now. 840 01:06:04,002 --> 01:06:06,425 Actually, they're letting me keep the house. 841 01:06:06,588 --> 01:06:09,182 The rich don't even go broke the same as the rest of us, huh? 842 01:06:09,340 --> 01:06:13,311 My powerful friend might hope to change your mind about leaving. 843 01:06:13,470 --> 01:06:16,098 - And how would he do that? - By giving you what you want. 844 01:06:16,264 --> 01:06:18,938 - It doesn't exist. - He says it does. 845 01:06:19,642 --> 01:06:21,360 He wants to meet tonight. 846 01:06:21,519 --> 01:06:22,566 Why? 847 01:06:22,729 --> 01:06:25,653 He needs to find Bane. Says you'd know how. 848 01:06:28,985 --> 01:06:31,204 - Tell him I'll think about it. - Okay. 849 01:06:31,362 --> 01:06:33,239 I like your place. 850 01:06:34,699 --> 01:06:35,825 Mr. Wayne? 851 01:06:38,453 --> 01:06:40,706 I'm sorry they took all your money. 852 01:06:41,789 --> 01:06:43,086 No, you're not. 853 01:06:44,209 --> 01:06:47,008 - Can we help you, officer? - Uh, yeah. 854 01:06:47,170 --> 01:06:50,720 John Daggett's body was just found in a Dumpster about an hour ago. 855 01:06:50,882 --> 01:06:52,850 - Thought you might want to know. - Why? 856 01:06:53,009 --> 01:06:57,139 His name's all over these permits I just pulled to, uh, map the tunnels under Gotham. 857 01:06:57,305 --> 01:07:01,185 That's MTA maintenance, uh, sewer construction, couple of other things. 858 01:07:01,351 --> 01:07:04,355 Where did you get to with the tunnel searches? 859 01:07:04,521 --> 01:07:07,400 Remind me to tell detail to keep hotheads out. 860 01:07:07,565 --> 01:07:09,738 We've had teams down there. It's a huge network. 861 01:07:09,901 --> 01:07:13,246 Well, get more men. Work a grid. I want him found. 862 01:07:13,404 --> 01:07:15,748 Yeah, the, uh, masked man. We're on it. 863 01:07:15,907 --> 01:07:18,660 Lose the uniform, you're working for me now. 864 01:07:18,826 --> 01:07:21,249 We could use some hotter heads around here. 865 01:07:21,412 --> 01:07:25,542 - Sir, that could also be a coincidence. - You're a detective now, son. 866 01:07:25,708 --> 01:07:28,837 You're not allowed to believe in coincidence any more. 867 01:07:40,014 --> 01:07:41,561 Nobody's answering. 868 01:07:41,933 --> 01:07:43,105 No. 869 01:07:43,268 --> 01:07:44,941 I'm on my own now. 870 01:07:45,770 --> 01:07:47,192 Do you have keys? 871 01:07:48,398 --> 01:07:49,570 Never needed them. 872 01:07:56,239 --> 01:07:57,991 Hope you didn't like me for my money. 873 01:07:58,741 --> 01:08:01,335 Suffering builds character. 874 01:08:07,375 --> 01:08:09,924 I'll take care of your parents' legacy, Bruce. 875 01:08:12,088 --> 01:08:13,431 Who's this? 876 01:08:21,264 --> 01:08:22,607 Where's Alfred? 877 01:08:24,392 --> 01:08:25,769 He left... 878 01:08:27,437 --> 01:08:29,405 ...taking everything. 879 01:08:53,379 --> 01:08:54,756 What's that? 880 01:08:55,548 --> 01:08:57,846 My power's been shut off. 881 01:09:03,348 --> 01:09:04,816 You're good at that. 882 01:09:05,933 --> 01:09:08,857 When I was a child, we had almost nothing. 883 01:09:09,312 --> 01:09:13,818 But on the nights when we had a fire, we felt very rich indeed. 884 01:09:15,652 --> 01:09:18,622 I assumed your family was wealthy. 885 01:09:19,405 --> 01:09:20,907 Not always. 886 01:09:21,908 --> 01:09:23,455 Not when I was young. 887 01:09:24,118 --> 01:09:25,961 An old mistake. 888 01:09:27,080 --> 01:09:28,957 I've made a few myself. 889 01:09:30,208 --> 01:09:31,835 More than a few. 890 01:09:34,087 --> 01:09:35,589 We could leave. 891 01:09:36,089 --> 01:09:37,136 Tonight. 892 01:09:38,007 --> 01:09:42,057 Take my plane, go anywhere we wanted. 893 01:09:43,846 --> 01:09:45,644 Someday, perhaps. 894 01:09:46,599 --> 01:09:48,067 Not tonight. 895 01:10:16,254 --> 01:10:18,097 Don't be shy. 896 01:10:20,258 --> 01:10:22,681 Wayne says you can get me the clean slate. 897 01:10:23,010 --> 01:10:25,763 - That depends. - On what? 898 01:10:25,930 --> 01:10:27,557 On what you want it for. 899 01:10:27,724 --> 01:10:30,648 I acquired it to keep it out of the wrong hands. 900 01:10:31,436 --> 01:10:33,188 Still don't trust me, huh? 901 01:10:34,313 --> 01:10:36,361 How can we change that? 902 01:10:36,524 --> 01:10:38,322 Start by taking me to Bane. 903 01:10:41,362 --> 01:10:42,955 You asked. 904 01:10:45,241 --> 01:10:47,289 From here, Bane's men patrol the tunnels. 905 01:10:47,618 --> 01:10:50,087 And they're not your average brawlers. 906 01:10:50,580 --> 01:10:52,082 Neither am I. 907 01:10:59,881 --> 01:11:00,973 - He's behind you. - Who? 908 01:11:01,132 --> 01:11:02,179 Me. 909 01:11:07,346 --> 01:11:09,314 What do you think you're...? 910 01:11:21,444 --> 01:11:23,663 Just a little further. 911 01:11:30,870 --> 01:11:33,419 I had to find a way to stop them trying to kill me. 912 01:11:33,581 --> 01:11:36,004 You made a serious mistake. 913 01:11:36,584 --> 01:11:41,511 Not as serious as yours, I fear. 914 01:11:45,176 --> 01:11:46,223 Bane. 915 01:11:46,385 --> 01:11:49,480 Let's not stand on ceremony here... 916 01:11:50,723 --> 01:11:53,067 ...Mr. Wayne. 917 01:12:04,278 --> 01:12:06,451 Peace has cost you your strength. 918 01:12:06,614 --> 01:12:08,457 Victory has defeated you. 919 01:13:10,219 --> 01:13:15,851 Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated. 920 01:13:16,017 --> 01:13:18,816 But we are initiated, aren't we, Bruce? 921 01:13:19,729 --> 01:13:22,573 Members of the League of Shadows. 922 01:13:24,567 --> 01:13:26,945 And you betrayed us. 923 01:13:27,778 --> 01:13:30,702 "Us"? You were excommunicated... 924 01:13:30,865 --> 01:13:33,414 a gang of psychopaths. 925 01:13:37,872 --> 01:13:40,796 I am the League of Shadows. 926 01:13:40,958 --> 01:13:44,087 And I'm here to fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny. 927 01:13:57,642 --> 01:13:59,736 You fight like a younger man. 928 01:13:59,894 --> 01:14:02,192 Nothing held back. 929 01:14:02,355 --> 01:14:05,575 Admirable, but mistaken. 930 01:14:08,986 --> 01:14:13,583 Oh, you think darkness is your ally? 931 01:14:13,741 --> 01:14:16,460 But you merely adopted the dark. 932 01:14:17,119 --> 01:14:19,167 I was born in it. 933 01:14:19,747 --> 01:14:21,875 Molded by it. 934 01:14:23,042 --> 01:14:26,137 I didn't see the light until I was already a man. 935 01:14:26,295 --> 01:14:29,549 By then, it was nothing to me but blinding! 936 01:14:32,551 --> 01:14:36,522 The shadows betray you because they belong to me! 937 01:14:41,894 --> 01:14:45,114 I will show you where I have made my home... 938 01:14:45,272 --> 01:14:48,617 ...whilst preparing to bring justice. 939 01:14:50,820 --> 01:14:53,039 Then I will break you. 940 01:15:01,789 --> 01:15:03,666 Your precious armory. 941 01:15:04,333 --> 01:15:07,678 Gratefully accepted. We will need it. 942 01:15:16,387 --> 01:15:20,187 Ah, yes. I was wondering what would break first. 943 01:15:24,937 --> 01:15:26,735 Your spirit... 944 01:15:31,152 --> 01:15:32,870 ...or your body. 945 01:16:16,864 --> 01:16:19,993 Get me Commissioner Gordon. I got a line on the congressman's kidnapping. 946 01:16:33,089 --> 01:16:34,261 - Excuse me, miss. - Uh, yes? 947 01:16:34,423 --> 01:16:37,597 I'm gonna need to see your ticket and identification, please. 948 01:16:37,760 --> 01:16:39,808 Oh. Do you mind? 949 01:16:52,608 --> 01:16:55,737 I showed your picture to the congressman. Guess what. 950 01:16:56,028 --> 01:16:58,577 Don't tell me. Still in love? 951 01:16:58,739 --> 01:17:01,288 Oh, head over heels. Pressing charges, though. 952 01:17:02,326 --> 01:17:05,205 You've made some mistakes, Ms. Kyle. 953 01:17:06,163 --> 01:17:09,337 - Girl's gotta eat. - And you have an appetite. 954 01:17:09,667 --> 01:17:11,920 Why would you run? You can't hide with a record like this. 955 01:17:12,086 --> 01:17:14,134 Maybe it's not you I'm running from. 956 01:17:14,296 --> 01:17:16,173 Who then? Bane? 957 01:17:16,340 --> 01:17:17,808 What do you know about him? 958 01:17:18,843 --> 01:17:22,313 That you should be as afraid of him as I am. 959 01:17:22,471 --> 01:17:24,348 We can offer you protection. 960 01:17:27,643 --> 01:17:28,690 Okay. 961 01:17:33,357 --> 01:17:36,861 When I spotted you, I was looking for a friend of mine. Bruce Wayne. 962 01:17:39,738 --> 01:17:41,240 Did they kill him? 963 01:17:42,992 --> 01:17:44,619 I'm not sure. 964 01:18:04,430 --> 01:18:06,057 Why didn't you just... 965 01:18:08,058 --> 01:18:09,230 ...kill me? 966 01:18:09,393 --> 01:18:12,863 You don't fear death, you welcome it. 967 01:18:13,397 --> 01:18:16,150 Your punishment must be more severe. 968 01:18:16,901 --> 01:18:18,494 Torture? 969 01:18:18,819 --> 01:18:19,911 Yes. 970 01:18:20,863 --> 01:18:22,740 But not of your body. 971 01:18:26,410 --> 01:18:27,878 Of your soul. 972 01:18:29,330 --> 01:18:30,456 Where am I? 973 01:18:30,998 --> 01:18:32,045 Home. 974 01:18:33,000 --> 01:18:35,924 Where I learned the truth about despair. 975 01:18:36,921 --> 01:18:38,264 As will you. 976 01:18:38,881 --> 01:18:42,476 There is a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth: 977 01:18:43,260 --> 01:18:44,637 Hope. 978 01:18:44,803 --> 01:18:47,932 Every man who has rotted here over the centuries... 979 01:18:48,098 --> 01:18:51,523 ...has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. 980 01:18:52,603 --> 01:18:53,946 So easy. 981 01:18:54,855 --> 01:18:56,107 So simple. 982 01:18:57,066 --> 01:19:02,664 And like shipwrecked men turning to seawater from uncontrollable thirst... 983 01:19:04,740 --> 01:19:06,708 ...many have died trying. 984 01:19:07,576 --> 01:19:11,297 I learned here there can be no true despair without hope. 985 01:19:13,165 --> 01:19:15,839 So as I terrorize Gotham... 986 01:19:16,001 --> 01:19:19,972 ...I will feed its people hope to poison their souls. 987 01:19:20,381 --> 01:19:22,930 I will let them believe that they can survive... 988 01:19:23,092 --> 01:19:29,065 that you can watch them clambering over each other to stay in the sun. 989 01:19:31,892 --> 01:19:35,021 You can watch me torture an entire city. 990 01:19:35,688 --> 01:19:39,318 And then when you have truly understood the depth of your failure... 991 01:19:39,608 --> 01:19:42,578 ...we will fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny. 992 01:19:46,240 --> 01:19:48,163 We will destroy Gotham. 993 01:19:49,451 --> 01:19:51,920 And then, when it is done... 994 01:19:52,371 --> 01:19:53,998 ...and Gotham is... 995 01:19:55,833 --> 01:19:57,210 ...ashes... 996 01:20:02,881 --> 01:20:05,634 ...then you have my permission to die. 997 01:20:19,940 --> 01:20:21,442 You're looking her up in here? 998 01:20:21,608 --> 01:20:25,454 The Dent Act allows non-segregation based on extraordinary need. 999 01:20:25,612 --> 01:20:28,707 First time she broke out of women's correctional, she was 16. 1000 01:20:28,866 --> 01:20:30,038 Little closer, baby. 1001 01:20:30,200 --> 01:20:32,294 Why, honey? You wanna hold my hand? 1002 01:20:33,662 --> 01:20:35,380 She's gonna be fine. 1003 01:20:36,248 --> 01:20:39,422 I still don't see the need of a board meeting for the energy project. 1004 01:20:39,585 --> 01:20:41,178 Bruce got a lot of things right. 1005 01:20:41,337 --> 01:20:43,840 Keeping the board in the dark was not one of them. 1006 01:20:46,425 --> 01:20:47,893 How good of you to join us. 1007 01:20:48,594 --> 01:20:51,222 Chair. President. 1008 01:20:51,388 --> 01:20:55,063 All I need now is one more ordinary board member. 1009 01:20:55,225 --> 01:20:58,650 Mr. Fox, would you like to nominate? 1010 01:20:58,812 --> 01:21:00,064 No. 1011 01:21:00,230 --> 01:21:01,732 I will volunteer. 1012 01:21:02,149 --> 01:21:03,822 Where are you taking us? 1013 01:21:14,453 --> 01:21:17,297 You were right, commissioner. Will you excuse us, please? 1014 01:21:17,623 --> 01:21:18,670 What happened? 1015 01:21:18,832 --> 01:21:20,960 Your masked man kidnapped the Wayne Enterprises board. 1016 01:21:21,126 --> 01:21:24,050 He let most of them go, but he took three into the sewers. 1017 01:21:24,213 --> 01:21:26,557 No more patrols. No more hide and seek. 1018 01:21:26,715 --> 01:21:29,434 Get every available cop down there and smoke him out! 1019 01:21:29,593 --> 01:21:31,140 The mayor won't want panic. 1020 01:21:31,303 --> 01:21:33,476 So it's a training exercise. 1021 01:21:35,891 --> 01:21:38,314 I'm sorry I didn't take you seriously. 1022 01:21:39,103 --> 01:21:40,150 Not you. 1023 01:21:40,312 --> 01:21:42,690 You're telling me the Batman's gone... 1024 01:21:42,856 --> 01:21:47,578 you chase up the Daggett leads any way you can. 1025 01:21:47,903 --> 01:21:48,950 Yes, sir. 1026 01:21:59,373 --> 01:22:04,846 He asks how much you would pay us to let you die. 1027 01:22:05,003 --> 01:22:07,005 I told him. I told him you have nothing. 1028 01:22:07,756 --> 01:22:09,008 Do it for the pleasure. 1029 01:22:09,508 --> 01:22:12,478 They pay me more than that to keep you alive. 1030 01:22:20,269 --> 01:22:22,112 He will try the climb. 1031 01:22:36,577 --> 01:22:39,046 Has anyone ever made it? 1032 01:22:39,955 --> 01:22:41,423 Of course not. 1033 01:22:51,925 --> 01:22:54,303 He says there is one who did. 1034 01:22:55,220 --> 01:22:56,813 A child. 1035 01:22:58,056 --> 01:23:00,104
A child born in this hell.
1036 01:23:01,018 --> 01:23:02,611 Bane. 1037 01:23:02,811 --> 01:23:05,906 An old legend. Nothing more. 1038 01:23:09,693 --> 01:23:10,865 Don't. 1039 01:23:11,028 --> 01:23:15,408 Whatever it is they want you to see, it's happening soon. 1040 01:23:41,058 --> 01:23:42,810 Fire in the hole! 1041 01:24:11,547 --> 01:24:13,049 Turn it on. 1042 01:24:16,760 --> 01:24:21,607 I only need one other board member. There are eight others waiting. 1043 01:24:21,765 --> 01:24:23,233 I won't do it. 1044 01:24:23,725 --> 01:24:24,772 All right, stop. 1045 01:24:26,311 --> 01:24:29,235 Lucius, you'll kill this man, and yourself... 1046 01:24:29,398 --> 01:24:31,196 ...and you'll barely slow them down. 1047 01:24:57,801 --> 01:25:00,020 Go on, then. Do your work. 1048 01:25:03,015 --> 01:25:05,143 Take them up to the surface. 1049 01:25:05,309 --> 01:25:07,186 People of their status... 1050 01:25:07,352 --> 01:25:12,609 ...deserve to experience the next era of western civilization. 1051 01:25:16,612 --> 01:25:20,742
I've been to half of Daggett's cement plants and locations they poured underground.
1052 01:25:20,907 --> 01:25:23,285
Anything strange about the pourings?
1053 01:25:23,827 --> 01:25:27,252 Honestly, commissioner, I don't know anything about civil engineering. 1054 01:25:27,414 --> 01:25:30,338 But you know about patterns. Keep looking. 1055 01:25:35,756 --> 01:25:36,882
It's done.
1056 01:25:37,049 --> 01:25:41,395 This is now a 4-megaton nuclear bomb. 1057 01:25:42,638 --> 01:25:45,391 Pull the core out of the reactor. 1058 01:25:46,933 --> 01:25:48,810 No, you cannot. 1059 01:25:49,144 --> 01:25:52,819 This is the only power source capable of sustaining it. 1060 01:25:53,231 --> 01:25:57,077 If you move it, the core will decay in a matter of months. 1061 01:25:57,235 --> 01:25:59,408 Five, by my calculations. 1062 01:25:59,571 --> 01:26:01,244 And then it will go off! 1063 01:26:03,033 --> 01:26:07,004 And for the sake of your children, Dr. Pavel... 1064 01:26:07,162 --> 01:26:09,415 ...indeed I hope it does. 1065 01:26:10,082 --> 01:26:12,756 Hey. Hey! 1066 01:26:14,711 --> 01:26:17,840 That was you in front of the stock exchange, wasn't it? 1067 01:26:18,465 --> 01:26:20,138 - When? - When? 1068 01:26:20,300 --> 01:26:24,601 When cops were trying to pull onto Castle Street and your truck was shutting them out. 1069 01:26:24,763 --> 01:26:28,313 - Oh, yeah. You're the cop. - Detective now. 1070 01:26:28,475 --> 01:26:32,480 And, uh, as a detective, we're not allowed to believe in coincidence. 1071 01:26:42,239 --> 01:26:45,243 What were you doing here? What are you working on? 1072 01:26:52,749 --> 01:26:54,296 Commissioner, it's Blake. 1073 01:26:54,459 --> 01:26:59,010 I got two dead witnesses and a lot of questions. Call me whenev... 1074 01:26:59,423 --> 01:27:02,768 Wait a minute. I'm looking at four barrels of polyisobutylene. 1075 01:27:04,553 --> 01:27:06,806 That looks like motor oil right next to it. 1076 01:27:06,972 --> 01:27:10,192 Jesus, they're not making cement. They're making explosives. 1077 01:27:17,899 --> 01:27:20,652
- Patch me in to Foley. - Foley's overseeing the operation.
1078 01:27:20,819 --> 01:27:22,162 They're heading into a trap! 1079 01:27:23,405 --> 01:27:26,033
We're seeing thousands of police heading into the sewers.
1080 01:27:26,199 --> 01:27:29,669 - Mr. Mayor? Literally thousands. - It's a training exercise, that's all. 1081 01:27:29,828 --> 01:27:33,878 Now if you'll excuse me, I've got tickets to watch our boys thrash Rapid City. 1082 01:27:35,792 --> 01:27:37,794
- Foley. - It's a trap! Pull everyone out!
1083 01:27:37,961 --> 01:27:39,508 Bane has been pouring concrete... 1084 01:27:39,671 --> 01:27:41,639 ...laced with explosives! - Where? 1085 01:27:43,884 --> 01:27:51,393
Oh, say, can you see By the dawn's early light
1086 01:27:52,267 --> 01:27:57,945
What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's...
1087 01:27:58,273 --> 01:28:02,028
There's a ring around the tunnels! They'll blow it and trap the cops underground!
1088 01:28:03,111 --> 01:28:05,955 Pull them out. Pull them out now! 1089 01:28:06,114 --> 01:28:10,210
Through the perilous fight
1090 01:28:10,702 --> 01:28:14,502
O'er the ramparts we watched
1091 01:28:15,040 --> 01:28:19,090
Were so gallantly streaming
1092 01:28:19,544 --> 01:28:23,299
And the rockets' red glare
1093 01:28:23,965 --> 01:28:27,720
The bombs bursting in air
1094 01:28:28,261 --> 01:28:29,979
Gave proof through...
1095 01:28:30,180 --> 01:28:32,353 That's a lovely, lovely voice. 1096 01:28:32,516 --> 01:28:36,646
...that our flag was still there
1097 01:28:37,437 --> 01:28:45,437
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner Yet wave
1098 01:28:47,656 --> 01:28:52,708
O'er the land of the free
1099 01:28:53,620 --> 01:28:59,718
And the home of the brave
1100 01:29:13,139 --> 01:29:14,937 Let the games begin. 1101 01:30:31,384 --> 01:30:33,307 Everybody okay? 1102 01:30:34,137 --> 01:30:35,980 - Let's move! Move, move! - Go, go! 1103 01:30:49,986 --> 01:30:51,488 Gotham... 1104 01:30:53,281 --> 01:30:55,454 ...take control. 1105 01:30:56,201 --> 01:30:59,626 Take control of your city. 1106 01:31:04,834 --> 01:31:06,711 - Foley. - Jesus, Blake. 1107 01:31:06,878 --> 01:31:08,801 Every cop in the city's in those tunnels. 1108 01:31:09,881 --> 01:31:11,258 Not every cop. 1109 01:31:25,313 --> 01:31:28,408 Sir, are you okay? I'm a police officer. I need your car right now. 1110 01:32:19,534 --> 01:32:21,536 Clear the corners, rookie. 1111 01:32:22,662 --> 01:32:23,914 Get my coat, son. 1112 01:32:24,080 --> 01:32:25,832 This... 1113 01:32:26,791 --> 01:32:29,795 This is the instrument of your liberation. 1114 01:32:32,464 --> 01:32:35,308 Satellite shows a radiation spike. 1115 01:32:36,134 --> 01:32:38,432 Whatever it is, it's nuclear. 1116 01:32:42,891 --> 01:32:46,145 Identify yourself to the world. 1117 01:32:47,479 --> 01:32:51,905 Dr. Leonid Pavel, nuclear physicist. 1118 01:32:52,275 --> 01:32:54,619 Pavel was confirmed dead. 1119 01:32:54,778 --> 01:32:58,328 Plane crash on an agency pull out of Uzbekistan, but... 1120 01:32:59,324 --> 01:33:00,450 It looks like it's him. 1121 01:33:00,742 --> 01:33:03,996 And what...? What is this? 1122 01:33:04,162 --> 01:33:08,042 It's a fully primed neutron bomb... 1123 01:33:08,208 --> 01:33:10,586 ...with a blast radius of six miles. 1124 01:33:11,419 --> 01:33:14,798 And who is capable of disarming such a device? 1125 01:33:16,883 --> 01:33:18,180 Only me. 1126 01:33:18,927 --> 01:33:20,554 Only you. 1127 01:33:21,554 --> 01:33:23,852 Thank you, good doctor! 1128 01:33:26,434 --> 01:33:29,734 Now, this bomb is armed! 1129 01:33:29,896 --> 01:33:32,490 And this bomb is mobile! 1130 01:33:32,649 --> 01:33:37,200 And the identity of the triggerman is a mystery. 1131 01:33:37,737 --> 01:33:42,584 For one of you holds the detonator! 1132 01:33:43,007 --> 01:33:46,386 Now, we come here not as conquerors... 1133 01:33:46,552 --> 01:33:52,150 ...but as liberators, to return control of this city to the people. 1134 01:33:53,351 --> 01:33:58,073 And at the first sign of interference from the outside world... 1135 01:33:58,773 --> 01:34:02,573 ...or from those people attempting to flee... 1136 01:34:04,487 --> 01:34:07,115 ...this anonymous Gothamite... 1137 01:34:07,281 --> 01:34:12,162 ...this unsung hero, will trigger the bomb. 1138 01:34:14,580 --> 01:34:16,958
For now, martial law is in effect.
1139 01:34:17,667 --> 01:34:22,468 Return to your homes, hold your families close... 1140 01:34:23,756 --> 01:34:25,178 ...and wait. 1141 01:34:26,300 --> 01:34:29,349 Tomorrow, you claim what is rightfully yours. 1142 01:34:35,643 --> 01:34:37,270 Pull back the fighters. 1143 01:34:38,104 --> 01:34:40,698 Start high-level reconnaissance flights. 1144 01:34:41,649 --> 01:34:43,447 Get the president on the line. 1145 01:35:03,963 --> 01:35:08,594 Tanks and planes cannot stop us from detonating our device. 1146 01:35:09,051 --> 01:35:14,353 Send an emissary to discuss terms of access for supplies and communication. 1147 01:35:19,228 --> 01:35:21,322 How many of you are there, son? 1148 01:35:22,940 --> 01:35:26,740 You don't have enough men to stop 12 million people from leaving this island. 1149 01:35:27,528 --> 01:35:29,951 No. No, we don't. 1150 01:35:30,114 --> 01:35:31,161 But you do. 1151 01:35:32,909 --> 01:35:36,163 Now, why the hell would I try to help you keep your hostages? 1152 01:35:36,329 --> 01:35:39,333 If one person crosses this bridge... 1153 01:35:39,499 --> 01:35:41,297 ...Gotham gets blown to hell. 1154 01:35:47,215 --> 01:35:50,014
The people of our greatest city are resilient.
1155 01:35:51,093 --> 01:35:54,643
They have proven this before, and they will prove it again.
1156 01:35:56,599 --> 01:35:59,603
We do not negotiate with terrorists...
1157 01:36:00,478 --> 01:36:02,321
...but we do recognize realities.
1158 01:36:03,397 --> 01:36:05,525
As this situation develops...
1159 01:36:06,025 --> 01:36:09,199 thing must be understood above all others.
1160 01:36:11,364 --> 01:36:14,288
People of Gotham, we have not abandoned you.
1161 01:36:14,450 --> 01:36:15,793 What does that mean? 1162 01:36:16,410 --> 01:36:18,708 It means we're on our own. 1163 01:36:19,205 --> 01:36:20,923 I have to get in front of a camera. 1164 01:36:21,374 --> 01:36:23,627 They will kill you the second you show your face. 1165 01:36:24,377 --> 01:36:28,257 Bane says he's giving Gotham back to the people. They need to know I could lead. 1166 01:36:28,422 --> 01:36:30,015 Bane's not gonna let that happen. 1167 01:36:30,174 --> 01:36:31,721 Then he'll show his true colors. 1168 01:36:31,884 --> 01:36:33,511 And you'll be dead. 1169 01:36:52,154 --> 01:36:57,251 Behind you stands a symbol of oppression. 1170 01:36:57,868 --> 01:36:59,336 Blackgate Prison... 1171 01:36:59,495 --> 01:37:03,090 ...where a thousand men have languished... 1172 01:37:03,249 --> 01:37:06,753 ...under the name of this man: 1173 01:37:06,919 --> 01:37:09,013 Harvey Dent. 1174 01:37:09,755 --> 01:37:12,349 Who has been held up to you... 1175 01:37:12,508 --> 01:37:17,014 the shining example of justice!
1176 01:37:17,179 --> 01:37:20,183 We're just gonna keep moving you till we can get you in front of the camera. 1177 01:37:20,349 --> 01:37:24,320 You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you... 1178 01:37:24,478 --> 01:37:26,901 ...tearing down this corrupt city! 1179 01:37:27,064 --> 01:37:28,691 Yes! Yes! Yes! 1180 01:37:28,858 --> 01:37:32,488 Let me tell you the truth about Harvey Dent. 1181 01:37:32,653 --> 01:37:37,500 From the words of Gotham's police commissioner... 1182 01:37:37,658 --> 01:37:40,036
...James Gordon:
1183 01:37:40,620 --> 01:37:43,965
"The Batman didn't murder Harvey Dent.
1184 01:37:44,123 --> 01:37:46,046
He saved my boy...
1185 01:37:46,250 --> 01:37:50,676
...then took the blame for Harvey's appalling crimes...
1186 01:37:50,838 --> 01:37:53,466 that I could, to my shame... 1187 01:37:53,633 --> 01:37:57,263 a lie around this...
1188 01:37:57,428 --> 01:38:00,147
...fallen idol.
1189 01:38:02,433 --> 01:38:07,360
I praised the madman who tried to murder my own child.
1190 01:38:07,563 --> 01:38:11,318 Well, I can no longer live with my lie. 1191 01:38:11,484 --> 01:38:15,239 It is time to trust the people of Gotham with the truth... 1192 01:38:15,404 --> 01:38:19,500 ...and it is time for me to resign." 1193 01:38:20,451 --> 01:38:23,796 And do you accept this man's resignation? 1194 01:38:25,581 --> 01:38:29,802 And do you accept the resignation of all of these liars? 1195 01:38:29,960 --> 01:38:31,633 Of all the corrupt? 1196 01:38:35,424 --> 01:38:37,677
Those men locked up for eight years in Blackgate...
1197 01:38:37,843 --> 01:38:42,098 ...and denied parole under the Dent Act, it was based on a lie. 1198 01:38:43,140 --> 01:38:44,767 Gotham needed a hero. 1199 01:38:44,934 --> 01:38:49,155 Well, it needs it now more than ever, but you betrayed everything you stood for. 1200 01:38:51,065 --> 01:38:56,743 There's a point far out there when the structures fail you... 1201 01:38:56,904 --> 01:38:59,783 ...when the rules aren't weapons any more... 1202 01:39:00,491 --> 01:39:03,961 ...they're shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead. 1203 01:39:05,621 --> 01:39:09,046 One day, you may face... 1204 01:39:09,208 --> 01:39:10,881 ...such a moment of crisis. 1205 01:39:11,043 --> 01:39:14,343 And in that moment, I hope you have a friend like I did... 1206 01:39:15,005 --> 01:39:20,182 plunge their hands into the filth, so that you can keep yours clean! 1207 01:39:21,721 --> 01:39:24,395 Your hands look plenty filthy to me, commissioner. 1208 01:39:26,016 --> 01:39:29,520 We take Gotham from the corrupt! 1209 01:39:31,814 --> 01:39:32,906 The rich! 1210 01:39:33,816 --> 01:39:35,784 The oppressors of generations... 1211 01:39:35,943 --> 01:39:40,119 ...who have kept you down with myths of opportunity. 1212 01:39:40,281 --> 01:39:43,330 And we give it back to you... 1213 01:39:43,951 --> 01:39:46,170 ...the people. 1214 01:39:47,246 --> 01:39:49,169 Gotham is yours! 1215 01:39:49,623 --> 01:39:52,968 None shall interfere. Do as you please. 1216 01:39:55,212 --> 01:39:58,716 But start by storming Blackgate and freeing the oppressed! 1217 01:39:58,883 --> 01:40:00,601 Open it! 1218 01:40:08,517 --> 01:40:11,566 Step forward, those who would serve... 1219 01:40:13,147 --> 01:40:14,899 ...for an army will be raised. 1220 01:40:19,153 --> 01:40:23,750 The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests... 1221 01:40:28,454 --> 01:40:33,961 ...and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure! 1222 01:40:38,547 --> 01:40:40,641 Courts will be convened. 1223 01:40:48,307 --> 01:40:50,605 Spoils will be enjoyed. 1224 01:40:55,397 --> 01:40:57,024 Blood will be shed! 1225 01:41:00,361 --> 01:41:03,035 The police will survive... 1226 01:41:03,197 --> 01:41:07,623 they learn to serve true justice.
1227 01:41:08,744 --> 01:41:11,247 This great city... 1228 01:41:13,415 --> 01:41:14,917 will endure. 1229 01:41:17,628 --> 01:41:21,383
Gotham will survive!
1230 01:41:43,195 --> 01:41:45,618 He says you must first fix your back. 1231 01:41:45,865 --> 01:41:46,991 How does he know? 1232 01:41:47,157 --> 01:41:48,579 He was the prison doctor. 1233 01:41:48,742 --> 01:41:52,622 He's a morphine addict who incurred the displeasure... 1234 01:41:52,788 --> 01:41:56,713 ...of powerful people, including your masked friend. 1235 01:41:57,626 --> 01:41:59,128 How? 1236 01:42:00,379 --> 01:42:04,680 Many years ago, it was a time of plague. 1237 01:42:06,260 --> 01:42:09,355 Some of the other prisoners attacked Bane. 1238 01:42:11,390 --> 01:42:15,065
The doctor's fumbling attempts to repair the damage...
1239 01:42:15,853 --> 01:42:17,480 ...left him in perpetual agony. 1240 01:42:17,646 --> 01:42:20,820 The mask holds the pain at bay. 1241 01:42:20,983 --> 01:42:24,328 Bane was the child you spoke of? 1242 01:42:24,486 --> 01:42:25,783 He was born here? 1243 01:42:26,739 --> 01:42:31,210 The legend is that there was a mercenary who worked for a local warlord. 1244 01:42:31,952 --> 01:42:34,296
He fell in love with the warlord's daughter.
1245 01:42:34,788 --> 01:42:36,381
They were married in secret.
1246 01:42:36,540 --> 01:42:38,542 When the warlord found out... 1247 01:42:39,043 --> 01:42:42,889 ...the mercenary was condemned to this pit. 1248 01:42:43,464 --> 01:42:45,717 But then he exiled him instead. 1249 01:42:45,883 --> 01:42:49,933
The mercenary understood that it was the daughter who had secured his release.
1250 01:42:50,095 --> 01:42:54,976
But what he could not know was the true price of his freedom.
1251 01:42:56,018 --> 01:42:57,816 She took his place in the pit. 1252 01:43:00,940 --> 01:43:02,487 And she was with child... 1253 01:43:02,650 --> 01:43:04,573
...the mercenary's child.
1254 01:43:07,154 --> 01:43:10,374 Innocence cannot flower underground. It has to be stamped out. 1255 01:43:12,993 --> 01:43:18,966 One day, the doctor forgot to lock the cell. 1256 01:43:25,714 --> 01:43:28,058
But the child had a friend...
1257 01:43:28,509 --> 01:43:33,982
...a protector who showed the others that this innocence was their redemption.
1258 01:43:34,139 --> 01:43:35,857
It was to be prized.
1259 01:43:36,016 --> 01:43:37,768 The mother was not so lucky. 1260 01:43:40,938 --> 01:43:44,613 This is Bane's prison now. He wouldn't want this story told. 1261 01:43:55,995 --> 01:43:59,716 There's a vertebra protruding from your back. 1262 01:44:00,082 --> 01:44:02,176 It has to be put back. 1263 01:44:07,172 --> 01:44:09,971 Stay like this until you stand. 1264 01:44:17,266 --> 01:44:22,898 Tsk, tsk, tsk, Did you not think I would return, Bruce? Hmm? 1265 01:44:28,569 --> 01:44:30,196 I told you I was immortal. 1266 01:44:32,740 --> 01:44:34,868 I watched... I watched you die. 1267 01:44:35,034 --> 01:44:38,004 Oh, there are many forms of immortality. 1268 01:44:39,913 --> 01:44:41,381 Once, I had a wife... 1269 01:44:42,916 --> 01:44:44,634 great love. 1270 01:44:46,003 --> 01:44:49,382 - She was taken from me. - You were the mercenary. 1271 01:44:53,427 --> 01:44:55,395 Bane is your child. 1272 01:44:57,014 --> 01:44:58,061 Your heir. 1273 01:44:58,223 --> 01:45:00,976 An heir to ensure the League of Shadows fulfills its duty... 1274 01:45:01,143 --> 01:45:03,771 restore balance to civilization. 1275 01:45:03,937 --> 01:45:04,984 No. 1276 01:45:05,147 --> 01:45:08,572 You yourself fought the decadence of Gotham for years... 1277 01:45:08,734 --> 01:45:10,657 ...with all your strength... 1278 01:45:11,028 --> 01:45:15,249 ...all your resources, all your moral authority. 1279 01:45:15,991 --> 01:45:18,995 And the only victory you could achieve was a lie. 1280 01:45:19,620 --> 01:45:22,499 Now you understand. Gotham is beyond saving. 1281 01:45:22,664 --> 01:45:23,790 No. 1282 01:45:23,957 --> 01:45:26,085 - And must be allowed to die. - No! 1283 01:45:33,008 --> 01:45:35,010 Yeah, just lift your head. 1284 01:45:35,427 --> 01:45:36,849 Oh, that's good. 1285 01:45:42,684 --> 01:45:43,731 No, no! 1286 01:46:19,096 --> 01:46:21,440 - What's that? - This was someone's home. 1287 01:46:21,598 --> 01:46:23,521 And now it's everyone's home. 1288 01:46:25,310 --> 01:46:28,359 There's a storm coming, remember? This is what you wanted. 1289 01:46:57,467 --> 01:47:00,266 It's for the bus, in case there's a chance to evacuate. 1290 01:47:00,429 --> 01:47:01,976 Any news? Is the commissioner...? 1291 01:47:02,139 --> 01:47:05,484 The less you know, Father. How are the boys doing? 1292 01:47:05,642 --> 01:47:08,441 Well, we've had more power on, so they've got some TV. 1293 01:47:08,604 --> 01:47:09,947 It's good to see you. 1294 01:47:10,647 --> 01:47:14,697 Blake, you be careful out there. They're hunting down cops like dogs. 1295 01:47:20,407 --> 01:47:21,704 Why build yourself? 1296 01:47:24,036 --> 01:47:29,008 - I'm not meant to die in here. - Here, there. What's the difference? 1297 01:48:30,727 --> 01:48:34,072 I told you it could not be done. 1298 01:48:34,231 --> 01:48:35,858 You told me a child did it. 1299 01:48:37,234 --> 01:48:39,532 But no ordinary child. 1300 01:48:39,695 --> 01:48:42,494
A child born in hell.
1301 01:48:46,827 --> 01:48:48,295
Forged from suffering.
1302 01:48:50,414 --> 01:48:52,712
Hardened by pain.
1303 01:48:54,251 --> 01:48:56,879 Not a man from privilege. 1304 01:49:15,939 --> 01:49:17,907 We got boots on the ground, sir. 1305 01:49:18,692 --> 01:49:19,784 Just waiting on intel. 1306 01:49:25,490 --> 01:49:26,537 You have ID? 1307 01:49:27,242 --> 01:49:28,289 Of course not. 1308 01:49:28,452 --> 01:49:31,001 - Well, how can we trust you? - We don't have any choice. 1309 01:49:31,872 --> 01:49:34,216 Commissioner Gordon. Captain Jones, Special Forces. 1310 01:49:34,374 --> 01:49:35,921 Captain. Glad to have you here. 1311 01:49:36,084 --> 01:49:38,758 It's our job, sir. Now, uh, how many of you are there? 1312 01:49:38,920 --> 01:49:41,844 Well, there's dozens. I'd rather not say exactly. 1313 01:49:42,007 --> 01:49:45,261 But the men trapped underground number almost 3000. 1314 01:49:45,427 --> 01:49:47,350
- Condition? - Getting food and water.
1315 01:49:47,512 --> 01:49:49,810 - Can we break them out? - Yes, sir. 1316 01:49:49,973 --> 01:49:52,317 Take out the mercenaries south of Ackerman Park. 1317 01:49:52,476 --> 01:49:55,195
Blow the rubble, make a hole big enough for 10 at a time.
1318 01:49:55,354 --> 01:49:58,574 I'm in contact with my partner who's down there. They're just waiting. 1319 01:49:58,732 --> 01:50:02,987 - Men who haven't seen daylight in months? - Officers who haven't seen daylight in months. 1320 01:50:03,153 --> 01:50:05,827 What about the bomb? Satellite can't pick up radiation hot spots. 1321 01:50:06,365 --> 01:50:09,744
They keep it on a truck. It must have a lead-lined roof.
1322 01:50:09,910 --> 01:50:12,584
- They move it constantly. - Good. So you know the truck?
1323 01:50:12,746 --> 01:50:16,091
Well, it's one of three. We've been tracking it.
1324 01:50:16,458 --> 01:50:17,505 Decoy. 1325 01:50:19,044 --> 01:50:22,469 - You don't really think he's coming back? - Doesn't matter what I think. 1326 01:50:22,631 --> 01:50:26,511 Actually, it does. You should put your faith in something a little more real. 1327 01:50:26,676 --> 01:50:29,896
- The routes don't vary much. - Okay. What about the triggerman?
1328 01:50:30,055 --> 01:50:34,105 No leads. It's a bluff. Bane wouldn't give control of that bomb to someone else. 1329 01:50:34,267 --> 01:50:38,488 We can't take that chance. Until we have the triggerman, we just track the device. 1330 01:50:38,647 --> 01:50:42,572 And meanwhile, Gotham lives under a warlord, like some failed state? 1331 01:50:42,734 --> 01:50:45,613 Dial it back, officer. This situation is unprecedented. 1332 01:50:45,779 --> 01:50:51,036 - We can't do anything to risk millions of lives. - You gonna tell him what's really going on? 1333 01:50:51,201 --> 01:50:54,296 Captain, the situation is more complicated than you think. 1334 01:50:54,454 --> 01:50:56,673
There's someone you need to meet.
1335 01:50:56,998 --> 01:51:00,878 Came upstairs looking for a vantage point. Found the people who run the corporation. 1336 01:51:01,044 --> 01:51:02,216 What corporation? 1337 01:51:02,379 --> 01:51:04,757 Wayne Enterprises. You good? 1338 01:51:13,807 --> 01:51:15,980 Mr. Fox, would you like to brief the captain? 1339 01:51:16,184 --> 01:51:18,778 Miss Tate's fully aware of the situation. 1340 01:51:18,937 --> 01:51:23,408 And as CEO of Wayne Enterprises, I have to take responsibility for it. 1341 01:51:23,567 --> 01:51:25,569 - Why? - We built it. 1342 01:51:25,735 --> 01:51:27,237 You built the bomb? 1343 01:51:27,404 --> 01:51:31,580 It was built as a fusion reactor. First of its kind. 1344 01:51:31,741 --> 01:51:35,120 Bane turned the core into a bomb and removed it from the reactor. 1345 01:51:35,287 --> 01:51:38,666 - Here's the important part. - As the device's fuel cells deteriorate... 1346 01:51:38,832 --> 01:51:40,755 becomes increasingly unstable... 1347 01:51:40,917 --> 01:51:42,464 the point of detonation. 1348 01:51:42,627 --> 01:51:44,379 This bomb is a time bomb. 1349 01:51:44,546 --> 01:51:48,551 And it will go off in 23 days, regardless of Bane's revolution... 1350 01:51:48,717 --> 01:51:51,436 ...or what we, or the outside world, choose to do. 1351 01:51:51,595 --> 01:51:54,189 So your plan might not be as practical as you thought. 1352 01:51:54,723 --> 01:51:59,194 - Could you disarm it? - I could reconnect it to the reactor. Stabilize it. 1353 01:51:59,352 --> 01:52:02,481 - Let's move from this location and call it in. - Right. Let's go. 1354 01:52:02,647 --> 01:52:05,867 No, no, we'll take it from here. You stay and look after these folks. 1355 01:52:13,200 --> 01:52:14,452 Someone sold us out. 1356 01:52:16,077 --> 01:52:17,545 Go, go, go! 1357 01:52:38,850 --> 01:52:40,944 I'll die before I talk. 1358 01:52:41,645 --> 01:52:43,898 I'm on your schedule, captain. 1359 01:52:50,362 --> 01:52:52,706 There were people living upstairs. 1360 01:52:53,198 --> 01:52:55,326 Round them up forjudgment... 1361 01:52:59,162 --> 01:53:04,043 ...and hang them where the world can see. 1362 01:53:06,086 --> 01:53:10,887
Police have cordoned off the entire Central Heights and East Park Side areas...
1363 01:53:11,049 --> 01:53:15,145 well as Merchant and South Shoreline Boulevards in an attempt...
1364 01:53:18,765 --> 01:53:22,815 He says the leap to freedom is not about strength. 1365 01:53:23,270 --> 01:53:25,238 My body makes the jump. 1366 01:53:25,730 --> 01:53:29,610 Survival is the spirit. The soul. 1367 01:53:32,529 --> 01:53:35,499 My soul is as ready to escape as my body. 1368 01:53:35,657 --> 01:53:38,661 Fear is why you fail. 1369 01:53:38,952 --> 01:53:40,499 No, I'm not afraid. 1370 01:53:42,163 --> 01:53:43,665 I'm angry. 1371 01:54:12,902 --> 01:54:14,370 Bruce. 1372 01:54:15,572 --> 01:54:16,664 Why do we fall? 1373 01:54:22,704 --> 01:54:24,581 You do not fear death. 1374 01:54:25,624 --> 01:54:30,175 You think this makes you strong. It makes you weak. 1375 01:54:30,712 --> 01:54:31,759 Why? 1376 01:54:31,921 --> 01:54:34,174 How can you move faster than possible... 1377 01:54:34,466 --> 01:54:36,935 ...fight longer than possible... 1378 01:54:37,218 --> 01:54:40,813 ...without the most powerful impulse of the spirit? 1379 01:54:42,057 --> 01:54:43,684 The fear of death. 1380 01:54:44,392 --> 01:54:46,269 I do fear death. 1381 01:54:48,063 --> 01:54:50,031 I fear dying in here... 1382 01:54:50,815 --> 01:54:52,738 ...while my city burns. 1383 01:54:53,777 --> 01:54:55,700 There's no one there to save it. 1384 01:54:57,072 --> 01:54:58,574 Then make the climb. 1385 01:55:03,620 --> 01:55:04,963 How? 1386 01:55:06,456 --> 01:55:08,254 As the child did... 1387 01:55:12,962 --> 01:55:14,635 ...without the rope. 1388 01:55:17,300 --> 01:55:19,598 Then fear will find you again. 1389 01:55:26,601 --> 01:55:28,854 Ah, supplies for your journey? 1390 01:55:29,020 --> 01:55:31,114 Oh, that's wonderful. That's... 1391 01:55:35,652 --> 01:55:37,279 What does that mean? 1392 01:55:37,821 --> 01:55:39,073 Rise. 1393 01:55:40,407 --> 01:55:41,454 No. 1394 01:57:11,414 --> 01:57:13,337 No, there's been a mistake! 1395 01:57:13,500 --> 01:57:15,502 Take me to Bane! 1396 01:57:18,087 --> 01:57:19,760 I want to see Bane! 1397 01:57:23,009 --> 01:57:24,101 Order! 1398 01:57:24,260 --> 01:57:27,013 This is a mistake! Where is Bane? 1399 01:57:27,180 --> 01:57:29,308 There's been no mistake, Mr. Stryver. 1400 01:57:29,682 --> 01:57:32,105 You are Philip Stryver... 1401 01:57:32,268 --> 01:57:35,772 ...executive vice president of Daggett Industries... 1402 01:57:35,939 --> 01:57:39,569 ...who for years has been living off the blood and sweat... 1403 01:57:39,734 --> 01:57:41,953 ...of people less powerful than him. 1404 01:57:42,111 --> 01:57:45,206 Call Bane. I am one of you. 1405 01:57:45,448 --> 01:57:48,998 Bane has no authority here. This is merely a sentencing hearing. 1406 01:57:49,160 --> 01:57:51,288 Now, the choice is yours. 1407 01:57:51,454 --> 01:57:53,877 Exile or death! 1408 01:57:58,503 --> 01:57:59,925 Order! 1409 01:58:00,505 --> 01:58:01,802 Exi... Exile. 1410 01:58:02,549 --> 01:58:03,971 Sold. 1411 01:58:04,133 --> 01:58:05,885 To the man in the cold sweat. 1412 01:58:13,268 --> 01:58:14,690 You follow the thick ice. 1413 01:58:14,853 --> 01:58:16,981 You try to swim, you're dead in minutes. 1414 01:58:17,146 --> 01:58:18,739 Has anyone made it? 1415 01:58:32,161 --> 01:58:34,584
Where are they? It's not like we have a lot of time.
1416 01:58:35,039 --> 01:58:36,165 How long? 1417 01:58:36,332 --> 01:58:38,175 The bomb goes off tomorrow. 1418 01:58:38,585 --> 01:58:41,589 - We have about 18 hours to do something. - To do what? 1419 01:58:41,754 --> 01:58:45,759 To mark the truck. Get a GPS on it so we can start to figure out how to bring it down. 1420 01:58:52,473 --> 01:58:53,725 That's it? 1421 01:58:56,227 --> 01:58:57,319 Foley. 1422 01:58:58,855 --> 01:59:02,780 - Where's Foley, damn it? - You shouldn't be out on the streets. 1423 01:59:07,488 --> 01:59:10,412 - Jim, he's not here. - You let your wife come to the door? 1424 01:59:10,575 --> 01:59:13,624 - When the city's under occupation? - Wait in the kitchen, honey. 1425 01:59:13,786 --> 01:59:16,414 What did you do, bury your uniform in the backyard? 1426 01:59:16,581 --> 01:59:18,709 You saw what they did to those Special Forces. 1427 01:59:18,875 --> 01:59:21,219 Have you forgotten all the years we were out on patrol? 1428 01:59:21,377 --> 01:59:24,506 When every gangbanger wanted to plant one as soon as our backs were turned? 1429 01:59:24,672 --> 01:59:28,802 That was different. These guys run the city. The government's done a deal with them. 1430 01:59:28,968 --> 01:59:31,517 Bane's got their balls in a vice. That's not a deal. 1431 01:59:31,679 --> 01:59:34,979 You move on Bane, the triggerman is gonna hit the button. 1432 01:59:35,141 --> 01:59:39,112 You think he's given control of that bomb to one of the people? 1433 01:59:39,270 --> 01:59:41,272 You think this is part of some revolution? 1434 01:59:41,439 --> 01:59:44,283 There's one man with his finger on the button. That's Bane. 1435 01:59:44,442 --> 01:59:47,537 Look, we've all got to keep our heads down till they can fix this. 1436 01:59:47,695 --> 01:59:51,325 - If you still had a family here... - This only gets fixed from inside... 1437 01:59:51,491 --> 01:59:53,084 ...the city! 1438 01:59:53,409 --> 01:59:55,082 Look, Peter. 1439 01:59:56,037 --> 02:00:00,634 I'm not asking you to walk down Grand in your dress blues, but something has to be done. 1440 02:00:00,792 --> 02:00:02,840 - Sorry, Jim. I gotta... - Keep your head down? 1441 02:00:03,002 --> 02:00:05,175 What goods that gonna do when that thing blows? 1442 02:00:05,338 --> 02:00:07,807 You don't know that's gonna happen. 1443 02:00:11,970 --> 02:00:14,268 I hear you're looking for men, commissioner. 1444 02:00:14,430 --> 02:00:15,682 How about me instead? 1445 02:00:15,848 --> 02:00:18,442 Miss Tate, I, uh, can't ask you to do that. 1446 02:00:19,394 --> 02:00:20,441 Please. 1447 02:00:22,021 --> 02:00:24,194 You little punk! What'd you take? 1448 02:00:24,357 --> 02:00:26,655 Nothing! I didn't take anything! 1449 02:00:26,818 --> 02:00:30,118 You steal from us, you little bastard? 1450 02:00:30,697 --> 02:00:34,702 Now, you boys know you can't come into my neighborhood without asking politely. 1451 02:00:40,623 --> 02:00:43,877 Never steal anything from someone you can't outrun, kid. 1452 02:00:50,550 --> 02:00:52,598 You're pretty generous for a thief. 1453 02:01:01,269 --> 02:01:04,022 - I thought they killed you. - Not yet. 1454 02:01:04,355 --> 02:01:07,529 - If you're expecting an apology, I... - It wouldn't suit you. 1455 02:01:08,943 --> 02:01:09,990 I need your help. 1456 02:01:10,528 --> 02:01:11,996 And why would I help you? 1457 02:01:12,155 --> 02:01:14,157 For this. Clean slate. 1458 02:01:14,323 --> 02:01:16,325 You'd trust me with that? 1459 02:01:16,909 --> 02:01:18,536 After what I did to you? 1460 02:01:18,703 --> 02:01:21,627 I'll admit, I was a little let down. 1461 02:01:23,249 --> 02:01:26,378 But I still think there's more to you. In fact, I think that for you... 1462 02:01:26,794 --> 02:01:28,137 ...this isn't just a tool. 1463 02:01:28,296 --> 02:01:31,516 It's an escape route. You want to disappear. Start fresh. 1464 02:01:32,425 --> 02:01:35,395 - I can't even get off this island. - I can give you a way off... 1465 02:01:35,553 --> 02:01:37,100 ...once you get me to Lucius Fox. 1466 02:01:37,263 --> 02:01:40,062 Find out where they're holding him and take me in. 1467 02:01:43,811 --> 02:01:44,903 Why do you need Fox? 1468 02:01:45,063 --> 02:01:47,566 - To save the city. - Who says it needs saving? 1469 02:01:47,732 --> 02:01:49,325 Maybe I like it this way. 1470 02:01:49,484 --> 02:01:51,111 Maybe you do... 1471 02:01:52,487 --> 02:01:54,831 ...but tomorrow that bomb's going off. 1472 02:01:57,408 --> 02:01:59,126 Got your powerful friend on the case? 1473 02:01:59,285 --> 02:02:00,628 I'm trying... 1474 02:02:01,454 --> 02:02:03,081 ...but I need Fox. 1475 02:02:03,247 --> 02:02:04,999 As it approaches... 1476 02:02:05,792 --> 02:02:06,964 ...flip the switch. 1477 02:02:07,126 --> 02:02:10,676 The needle hits 200, you give me the signal, I'll mark the truck. Okay? 1478 02:02:12,048 --> 02:02:13,675 Heads up, heads up. 1479 02:02:29,774 --> 02:02:32,072 - I got it. - Mercenaries on your 6. 1480 02:02:32,235 --> 02:02:35,364 Stand still! Keep your hands where we can see them! 1481 02:02:37,573 --> 02:02:39,621 Commissioner Gordon, you are under arrest. 1482 02:02:39,784 --> 02:02:41,502 On whose authority? 1483 02:02:41,661 --> 02:02:42,878 The people of Gotham. 1484 02:02:43,871 --> 02:02:48,798 No lawyer? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this? 1485 02:02:48,960 --> 02:02:52,180 Your guilt has been determined, this is merely a sentencing hearing. 1486 02:02:52,588 --> 02:02:54,181 Now, what will it be? 1487 02:02:55,383 --> 02:02:58,102 Death or exile? 1488 02:02:58,261 --> 02:03:03,017 Crane, if you think we're going out onto that ice willingly... 1489 02:03:03,182 --> 02:03:04,775 have another thing coming. 1490 02:03:07,270 --> 02:03:08,613 Death, then. 1491 02:03:08,771 --> 02:03:10,990 - Looks that way. - Very well. 1492 02:03:11,149 --> 02:03:12,651 Death... 1493 02:03:13,985 --> 02:03:15,703 exile. 1494 02:03:18,281 --> 02:03:19,749 Bring her to me. 1495 02:03:26,247 --> 02:03:30,468 Hey, we're going now. Blake says they're ready! Get your gear on! 1496 02:03:30,626 --> 02:03:33,675 Hey, you hear me? We're going now. Let's do it. 1497 02:03:37,800 --> 02:03:40,053 Find this one a spot, got a big day tomorrow. 1498 02:03:40,219 --> 02:03:43,393 We all do. It's not every day you bag Bruce Wayne. 1499 02:03:45,641 --> 02:03:47,018 - Bruce. - You okay? 1500 02:03:47,185 --> 02:03:49,563 Picked a hell of a time to go on vacation, Mr. Wayne. 1501 02:03:49,729 --> 02:03:51,402 How long until that core ignites? 1502 02:03:51,564 --> 02:03:55,410 - That bomb goes off in 12 hours. - Unless we can reconnect it to the reactor. 1503 02:03:56,152 --> 02:03:59,281 - Can you get Miranda out of here? - Not tonight. I'm sorry. 1504 02:04:00,072 --> 02:04:02,325 - Do what's necessary. - Tonight I need you. 1505 02:04:02,491 --> 02:04:04,914 - What for? - To get me back in the game. 1506 02:04:05,077 --> 02:04:09,253 Sorry to spoil things, boys, but Bane wants these guys to himself. 1507 02:04:11,584 --> 02:04:14,679 - I won't forget about you, Miranda. - I know. 1508 02:04:23,971 --> 02:04:25,769 I like your girlfriend, Mr. Wayne. 1509 02:04:25,932 --> 02:04:27,775 He should be so lucky. 1510 02:04:33,522 --> 02:04:36,275 Any move I make on Bane or the bomb... 1511 02:04:36,442 --> 02:04:38,319 ...the triggerman sets it off. 1512 02:04:38,486 --> 02:04:41,285 Well, they won't use radio or cell. Too much interference. 1513 02:04:41,447 --> 02:04:43,120 Infrared doesn't have the range. 1514 02:04:43,282 --> 02:04:46,035 It'll have to be a microburst. Longwave. 1515 02:04:46,202 --> 02:04:48,000 - Could you block it? - Yes. 1516 02:04:48,162 --> 02:04:51,792 But I'll need the EMP cannon guidance mount from the Bat. 1517 02:04:52,959 --> 02:04:54,586 Remember where you parked? 1518 02:05:08,975 --> 02:05:10,443 She fly okay? 1519 02:05:11,477 --> 02:05:14,196 Yeah, even without the autopilot. 1520 02:05:14,355 --> 02:05:17,325 - Thanks. - Autopilot? That's what you're there for. 1521 02:05:57,064 --> 02:05:59,863 Okay. It's clear. Come on, quick. One at a time. 1522 02:06:03,779 --> 02:06:05,122 Wait, wait! 1523 02:06:06,449 --> 02:06:07,917 Ross! 1524 02:06:08,075 --> 02:06:09,452 Ross? 1525 02:06:10,077 --> 02:06:12,171 - Lock it up. - No, keep down. 1526 02:06:12,830 --> 02:06:14,423 Get down! 1527 02:06:16,042 --> 02:06:17,294 Who are you? 1528 02:06:46,697 --> 02:06:47,994 Light it up. 1529 02:07:05,966 --> 02:07:09,140 - Dad, check it out. - Honey, come take a look. 1530 02:07:19,522 --> 02:07:21,240 Impossible. 1531 02:07:22,024 --> 02:07:23,776 Keep her close. 1532 02:07:24,443 --> 02:07:26,116 He'll come for her. 1533 02:07:26,445 --> 02:07:28,197 Where's Miranda Tate? 1534 02:07:28,864 --> 02:07:30,332 Bane took her. 1535 02:07:30,533 --> 02:07:33,833 He's holed up at city hall, surrounded by his army. 1536 02:07:34,120 --> 02:07:36,623 This blocks the remote detonator signal to the bomb. 1537 02:07:36,789 --> 02:07:40,464 Get it onto it before sunrise. They might hit the button when it starts. 1538 02:07:41,377 --> 02:07:42,549 When what starts? 1539 02:07:43,045 --> 02:07:44,262 War. 1540 02:08:20,124 --> 02:08:21,250 You missed a spot. 1541 02:08:24,837 --> 02:08:29,718 - If you're working alone, wear a mask. - I'm not afraid to be seen standing up to them. 1542 02:08:29,884 --> 02:08:33,104 The mask is not for you. It's to protect the people you care about. 1543 02:08:34,805 --> 02:08:36,773 Count to five, then throw. 1544 02:08:47,151 --> 02:08:49,825 No offense, but you got something bigger in that belt? 1545 02:09:00,247 --> 02:09:03,376 - What now? - All-out assault on Bane. 1546 02:09:03,542 --> 02:09:05,795 But you need to get people across the bridge. 1547 02:09:05,961 --> 02:09:08,214 - Why? - In case we fail. 1548 02:09:08,380 --> 02:09:11,099 Lead an exodus. Save as many lives as you can. 1549 02:09:11,258 --> 02:09:12,555 You don't need me here? 1550 02:09:12,718 --> 02:09:14,265 You've given me an army. 1551 02:09:14,428 --> 02:09:15,600 Now go. 1552 02:09:16,347 --> 02:09:17,439 Hey, thanks. 1553 02:09:17,598 --> 02:09:18,941 Don't thank me yet. 1554 02:09:19,099 --> 02:09:21,147 Well, I might not get a chance later. 1555 02:09:34,990 --> 02:09:36,708 You shouldn't have. 1556 02:09:37,660 --> 02:09:39,833 The midtown tunnel's blocked by debris... 1557 02:09:39,995 --> 02:09:43,374 ...but the cannons have enough firepower to make a path for people. 1558 02:09:43,541 --> 02:09:45,384 Wait until the fighting begins. 1559 02:09:45,543 --> 02:09:48,262 You're gonna wage a war to save your stuck-up girlfriend? 1560 02:09:48,420 --> 02:09:49,467 To start it, throttle... 1561 02:09:51,257 --> 02:09:54,431 - I got it. - We have 45 minutes to save this city. 1562 02:09:54,593 --> 02:09:57,346 No, I've got 45 minutes to get clear of the blast radius. 1563 02:09:57,513 --> 02:10:00,813 - You don't stand a chance against these guys. - With your help, I might. 1564 02:10:00,975 --> 02:10:03,353 I'll open that tunnel, then I'm gone. 1565 02:10:04,436 --> 02:10:06,029 There's more to you than that. 1566 02:10:09,692 --> 02:10:11,786 Sorry to keep letting you down. 1567 02:10:15,447 --> 02:10:16,994 Come with me. 1568 02:10:18,284 --> 02:10:19,877 Save yourself. 1569 02:10:22,121 --> 02:10:24,840 You don't owe these people any more. 1570 02:10:24,999 --> 02:10:27,127 You've given them everything. 1571 02:10:27,293 --> 02:10:28,761 Not everything. 1572 02:10:29,169 --> 02:10:30,421 Not yet. 1573 02:11:10,461 --> 02:11:12,134 Disperse! 1574 02:11:12,296 --> 02:11:14,515 Disperse or be fired upon! 1575 02:11:15,924 --> 02:11:18,302 There's only one police in this town. 1576 02:11:57,299 --> 02:11:58,972 Open fire. 1577 02:12:50,185 --> 02:12:51,903 - Here it comes! - Get ready! 1578 02:13:21,759 --> 02:13:25,855 So you came back to die with your city. 1579 02:13:26,180 --> 02:13:29,980 No. I came back to stop you. 1580 02:13:41,028 --> 02:13:42,075 Now! 1581 02:13:55,000 --> 02:13:56,627 That's impossible. 1582 02:13:58,504 --> 02:14:00,131 Cut over to Fifth! 1583 02:14:14,186 --> 02:14:16,188 Here you go. Get on the bus. Go ahead. 1584 02:14:16,355 --> 02:14:18,949 You, come with me. You too. 1585 02:14:19,149 --> 02:14:22,198 Hey, you, you, and you, come here, come here. 1586 02:14:22,361 --> 02:14:24,204 Everyone else get on the bus, okay? 1587 02:14:24,363 --> 02:14:27,037 You guys, you go knock on doors and spread the word, okay? 1588 02:14:27,199 --> 02:14:31,079 The bomb is gonna go off. Get out by the South Street tunnel or over the bridge. 1589 02:14:31,245 --> 02:14:33,964 You do two blocks and you get back to the bus, all right? 1590 02:14:34,122 --> 02:14:35,999 Go, go, go! 1591 02:14:36,166 --> 02:14:37,543 Is he back? 1592 02:14:38,919 --> 02:14:40,262 Keep your eyes open. Go, go. 1593 02:16:02,878 --> 02:16:04,425 Cover the doors! 1594 02:16:07,591 --> 02:16:09,138 Where's your trigger?! 1595 02:16:09,468 --> 02:16:11,095 Where is it?! 1596 02:16:12,012 --> 02:16:14,856 You'd never give it to an ordinary citizen! 1597 02:16:15,015 --> 02:16:17,643 Where is it? Where's your trigger? 1598 02:16:19,019 --> 02:16:21,738 Where is it?! Where is it?! 1599 02:16:29,529 --> 02:16:31,657 Tell me where the trigger is. 1600 02:16:32,157 --> 02:16:35,752 Then you have my permission to die. 1601 02:16:47,881 --> 02:16:49,599 I broke you. 1602 02:16:50,884 --> 02:16:52,761 How have you come back? 1603 02:16:52,928 --> 02:16:57,434 You think you're the only one who could learn the strength to escape? 1604 02:16:57,599 --> 02:16:58,896 Where's the trigger? 1605 02:16:59,559 --> 02:17:01,903 But I never escaped. 1606 02:17:02,771 --> 02:17:04,318 But the child. 1607 02:17:06,108 --> 02:17:08,156 The child of Ra's Al Ghul made the climb. 1608 02:17:08,318 --> 02:17:10,696 But he's not the child of Ra's Al Ghul. 1609 02:17:14,616 --> 02:17:15,959 I am. 1610 02:17:16,410 --> 02:17:18,833 And though I'm not ordinary... 1611 02:17:20,163 --> 02:17:21,881 ...I am a citizen. 1612 02:17:41,476 --> 02:17:42,648 Miranda? 1613 02:17:45,522 --> 02:17:46,569 Why? 1614 02:17:47,315 --> 02:17:48,658 Talia. 1615 02:17:49,484 --> 02:17:52,533 My mother named me Talia, before she was killed... 1616 02:17:53,363 --> 02:17:56,788 ...the way I would have been killed, if not for my protector... 1617 02:17:57,242 --> 02:17:58,289
1618 02:18:06,251 --> 02:18:07,423 Goodbye. 1619 02:18:09,671 --> 02:18:11,799 I climbed out of the pit. 1620 02:18:17,763 --> 02:18:19,561
I found my father...
1621 02:18:22,517 --> 02:18:25,646 ...and brought him back to exact terrible vengeance. 1622 02:18:26,521 --> 02:18:28,273
But by that time...
1623 02:18:29,399 --> 02:18:33,154 ...the prisoners and doctor had done their work to my friend. 1624 02:18:33,320 --> 02:18:34,537
My protector.
1625 02:18:38,533 --> 02:18:40,035
The League took us in.
1626 02:18:40,410 --> 02:18:41,957 Trained us. 1627 02:18:42,329 --> 02:18:45,128 But my father could not accept Bane. 1628 02:18:45,665 --> 02:18:47,417
He saw only a monster.
1629 02:18:47,584 --> 02:18:53,466 His very existence was a reminder of the hell he'd left his wife to die in. 1630 02:18:53,882 --> 02:18:57,011 He excommunicated Bane from the League of Shadows. 1631 02:18:57,177 --> 02:19:01,728 His only crime was that he loved me. 1632 02:19:03,517 --> 02:19:06,441 I could not forgive my father. 1633 02:19:11,066 --> 02:19:12,739 Until you murdered him. 1634 02:19:30,585 --> 02:19:36,058 He was trying to kill millions of innocent people. 1635 02:19:36,341 --> 02:19:39,971 Innocent is a strong word to throw around Gotham, Bruce. 1636 02:19:42,597 --> 02:19:45,646 I honor my father by finishing his work. 1637 02:19:57,821 --> 02:20:02,702 Vengeance against the man who killed him is simply a reward for my patience. 1638 02:20:04,202 --> 02:20:05,294 You see... 1639 02:20:06,830 --> 02:20:08,173's the slow knife... 1640 02:20:08,331 --> 02:20:10,959 ...the knife that takes its time. 1641 02:20:14,754 --> 02:20:15,971 The knife... 1642 02:20:16,798 --> 02:20:20,393 ...that waits years without forgetting... 1643 02:20:20,677 --> 02:20:23,977 ...then slips quietly between the bones. 1644 02:20:25,015 --> 02:20:26,312 That's the knife... 1645 02:20:27,642 --> 02:20:28,985 ...that cuts deepest. 1646 02:20:29,144 --> 02:20:30,270 Please. 1647 02:20:37,986 --> 02:20:39,988 Maybe your knife... 1648 02:20:40,989 --> 02:20:42,411 ...was too slow. 1649 02:20:42,574 --> 02:20:43,996 The truck is under attack. 1650 02:20:44,159 --> 02:20:47,914 Gordon. You gave him a way to block my signal. 1651 02:20:48,079 --> 02:20:49,126 No matter. 1652 02:20:51,666 --> 02:20:53,760 He's bought Gotham 11 minutes. 1653 02:20:58,131 --> 02:20:59,633 Come on! 1654 02:21:00,258 --> 02:21:01,680 This Way! 1655 02:21:07,265 --> 02:21:09,688 Stay there! What are you doing? 1656 02:21:10,143 --> 02:21:13,488 Blake, MCU! I'm getting these boys to safety! 1657 02:21:13,647 --> 02:21:14,990 You'll get us all killed! 1658 02:21:15,148 --> 02:21:18,152 If anyone crosses this bridge, they'll blow the city! 1659 02:21:18,318 --> 02:21:21,697 It's gonna blow anyway! We need to open this bridge, now! 1660 02:21:21,863 --> 02:21:25,037 Detective, if you take one step forward we will shoot you! 1661 02:21:25,200 --> 02:21:28,795 If you take two steps forward, we will blow the bridge! 1662 02:21:30,872 --> 02:21:34,172 Okay, go back by the bus and wait for me, all right? Go back and wait. 1663 02:21:37,420 --> 02:21:41,391 Prepare a convoy. We must secure the bomb until it detonates. 1664 02:21:42,717 --> 02:21:46,438 Don't kill him, I want him to feel the heat. 1665 02:21:47,180 --> 02:21:52,061 Feel the fire of 12 million souls you failed. 1666 02:21:57,983 --> 02:21:59,530 Goodbye, my friend. 1667 02:22:07,617 --> 02:22:08,994 Goodbye. 1668 02:22:09,536 --> 02:22:13,040 Keep moving forward! Flank them at the stairs! 1669 02:22:21,256 --> 02:22:23,008 Shoot them. 1670 02:22:23,675 --> 02:22:25,143 Shoot them all. 1671 02:22:34,352 --> 02:22:37,982 We both know that I have to kill you now. 1672 02:22:40,900 --> 02:22:43,119 You'll just have to imagine the fire. 1673 02:22:50,952 --> 02:22:53,000 About the whole no-guns thing... 1674 02:22:53,955 --> 02:22:57,004 ...I'm not sure I feel as strongly about it as you do. 1675 02:23:10,388 --> 02:23:12,015 Pull up. 1676 02:23:14,726 --> 02:23:16,148 Stay level. 1677 02:23:28,531 --> 02:23:31,831 We have to force that convoy east to the entrance to the reactor. 1678 02:23:33,661 --> 02:23:36,665 I need you on the ground, I'll be in the air. Go. 1679 02:23:36,915 --> 02:23:40,169 The situation has changed. Your orders are out of date. 1680 02:23:40,877 --> 02:23:44,347 I'm a cop, like you, and I'm walking out there. 1681 02:23:45,173 --> 02:23:47,267 Please do not shoot me! 1682 02:23:49,219 --> 02:23:50,345 Shoot at his feet. 1683 02:24:00,355 --> 02:24:02,699 Nothing like a little air superiority. 1684 02:24:02,857 --> 02:24:04,951 Detective! Please stop! 1685 02:24:05,527 --> 02:24:08,622 Please, detective! Stop! 1686 02:24:08,780 --> 02:24:10,623 Stop walking! 1687 02:24:11,491 --> 02:24:14,210 Blow it! Do it! 1688 02:24:25,505 --> 02:24:27,883 You have to get that bomb here. You've got 10 minutes. 1689 02:24:38,852 --> 02:24:41,150 They're pushing us to the entrance of the reactor. 1690 02:24:41,312 --> 02:24:43,781 They're gonna try to reconnect the core. 1691 02:24:45,066 --> 02:24:46,613 You idiots! 1692 02:24:46,901 --> 02:24:48,699 You sons of bitches! 1693 02:24:48,862 --> 02:24:50,614 You're killing us! 1694 02:24:50,780 --> 02:24:52,407 Yeah, follow your orders! 1695 02:24:52,782 --> 02:24:55,080 All right, boys. Get in a circle. Bow your heads. 1696 02:24:57,996 --> 02:24:59,794 It's on my side. 1697 02:25:47,754 --> 02:25:50,883 Hey, Father! Let's get everyone back on the bus, okay? Go, go, go! 1698 02:25:51,049 --> 02:25:54,223 - Back on the bus! - There's nowhere to go. 1699 02:25:54,761 --> 02:25:55,808 On the bus! 1700 02:26:52,694 --> 02:26:54,822 You've got to turn the truck east! 1701 02:26:59,742 --> 02:27:01,494 Stay straight! 1702 02:27:33,234 --> 02:27:36,613 Give me a hand! We can get a cable on it! 1703 02:27:43,369 --> 02:27:46,213 Fox showed me how to override the reactor. 1704 02:27:49,959 --> 02:27:51,211 Oh, dear. 1705 02:27:54,922 --> 02:27:58,267 Including the emergency flood. 1706 02:28:14,651 --> 02:28:16,574 There's no way... 1707 02:28:17,487 --> 02:28:18,739 ...this bomb... 1708 02:28:19,614 --> 02:28:21,161 ...will be stopped. 1709 02:28:22,367 --> 02:28:23,493 What are you doing? 1710 02:28:23,660 --> 02:28:26,038 Protection from the blast. We're gonna be all right! 1711 02:28:26,204 --> 02:28:27,501 It's an atom bomb! 1712 02:28:27,664 --> 02:28:30,338 Think they need to hear that? Let them die without hope? Come on! 1713 02:28:31,250 --> 02:28:32,923 Prepare yourselves. 1714 02:28:34,629 --> 02:28:36,677 My father's work... 1715 02:28:37,924 --> 02:28:39,597 done. 1716 02:28:45,390 --> 02:28:48,314 - What are you doing? - I can get it out over the bay! 1717 02:28:48,768 --> 02:28:50,987 Set it to fly out over the water, then eject? 1718 02:28:51,145 --> 02:28:52,772 No autopilot. 1719 02:28:54,399 --> 02:28:57,778 You could've gone anywhere, been anything. But you came back here. 1720 02:28:57,944 --> 02:28:59,070 So did you. 1721 02:28:59,529 --> 02:29:01,577 I guess we're both suckers. 1722 02:29:09,247 --> 02:29:12,091 - I never cared who you were. - And you were right. 1723 02:29:12,250 --> 02:29:14,844 Shouldn't the people know the hero who saved them? 1724 02:29:15,002 --> 02:29:16,174 A hero can be anyone. 1725 02:29:16,337 --> 02:29:19,261 Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring... 1726 02:29:19,424 --> 02:29:23,304 putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know... 1727 02:29:23,469 --> 02:29:25,267 ...the world hadn't ended. 1728 02:29:42,989 --> 02:29:44,457 Bruce Wayne? 1729 02:29:57,545 --> 02:30:00,674 Come on! There you go! Okay, you too. Come on, Father. 1730 02:30:19,942 --> 02:30:21,819 Hey, heads down! This is it! 1731 02:30:22,153 --> 02:30:25,077 - No. - No, that's Batman! 1732 02:31:13,287 --> 02:31:14,584 That's detonation! 1733 02:31:22,046 --> 02:31:23,969 It's out over the bay! Clear of the city! 1734 02:31:43,818 --> 02:31:46,662
"I see a beautiful city...
1735 02:31:46,821 --> 02:31:48,949
...and a brilliant people...
1736 02:31:49,198 --> 02:31:51,200
...rising from this abyss.
1737 02:31:52,410 --> 02:31:56,415
I see the lives for which I lay down my life...
1738 02:31:56,831 --> 02:31:58,048
1739 02:31:58,791 --> 02:32:02,045
...useful, prosperous and happy.
1740 02:32:04,505 --> 02:32:08,135
I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts...
1741 02:32:09,969 --> 02:32:13,143
...and in the hearts of their descendants...
1742 02:32:13,973 --> 02:32:15,691
...generations hence.
1743 02:32:18,394 --> 02:32:22,615 It is a far, far better thing that I do... 1744 02:32:23,482 --> 02:32:25,450 ...than I have ever done. 1745 02:32:26,485 --> 02:32:30,991 It is a far, far better rest that I go to... 1746 02:32:33,910 --> 02:32:35,628 ...than I have ever known." 1747 02:32:53,971 --> 02:32:55,393 I'm so sorry. 1748 02:32:55,765 --> 02:32:57,483 I failed you. 1749 02:32:59,518 --> 02:33:01,145 You trusted me... 1750 02:33:02,730 --> 02:33:03,856 ...and I failed you. 1751 02:33:07,985 --> 02:33:09,783 Can I change your mind... 1752 02:33:12,114 --> 02:33:14,037 ...about quitting the force? 1753 02:33:14,951 --> 02:33:18,797 You know what you said about structures becoming shackles? 1754 02:33:19,163 --> 02:33:22,713 You were right, and I can't take it. The injustice. 1755 02:33:22,917 --> 02:33:27,218 I mean, no one's ever gonna know who saved an entire city. 1756 02:33:27,421 --> 02:33:28,513 They know. 1757 02:33:30,424 --> 02:33:32,142 It was the Batman. 1758 02:33:50,194 --> 02:33:53,789
Mr. Wayne's will was not amended to reflect his more modest estate.
1759 02:33:53,948 --> 02:33:57,794 Nonetheless, there are considerable assets to dispose of. 1760 02:33:57,952 --> 02:34:01,422 The contents of the house are to be sold to settle the estate's accounts... 1761 02:34:01,580 --> 02:34:05,926
...and the remainder is left in its entirety to Alfred J. Pennyworth.
1762 02:34:07,378 --> 02:34:12,259 The house and grounds are left to the city of Gotham on condition that... 1763 02:34:12,425 --> 02:34:16,146 ...they never be demolished, altered or otherwise interfered with... 1764 02:34:16,303 --> 02:34:20,103 ...and that they shall be used for one purpose, and one purpose only: 1765 02:34:21,767 --> 02:34:26,022 The housing and care of the city's at-risk and orphaned children. 1766 02:34:26,605 --> 02:34:31,076
My clerk can help with the smaller correspondences and instructions.
1767 02:34:31,235 --> 02:34:32,657
Blake, John.
1768 02:34:32,945 --> 02:34:36,199 - Nothing here. - Uh, try my legal name. 1769 02:34:39,618 --> 02:34:42,417 You should use your full name. I like that name. 1770 02:34:42,580 --> 02:34:44,457 - Robin. - Thanks. 1771 02:34:44,623 --> 02:34:46,796
Why worry about the stabilization software?
1772 02:34:46,959 --> 02:34:48,961 This entire autopilot system's completely obsolete. 1773 02:34:49,128 --> 02:34:52,928 Please, I just need to know what I could've done to fix it. 1774 02:34:53,090 --> 02:34:57,220 But, Mr. Fox, it's already been fixed. Software patch. Six months ago. 1775 02:34:57,386 --> 02:34:58,979 Check the ID on the patch. 1776 02:35:02,058 --> 02:35:03,651 Bruce Wayne. 1777 02:35:04,518 --> 02:35:06,816 - Any news on the missing item? - Not yet. 1778 02:35:06,979 --> 02:35:08,401 They better leave no stone unturned. 1779 02:35:08,564 --> 02:35:11,989 We can't leave a string of pearls on the manifest as lost. 1780 02:35:12,000 --> 02:35:15,128 Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
Ice Age 4 Continental Drift
1 00:00:03,100 --> 00:00:08,300
Bits by Snowdog
2 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:12,074 Subtitles downloaded from Podnapisi.NET 3 00:02:14,825 --> 00:02:16,450 Goal.... 4 00:03:26,775 --> 00:03:31,750 - What, what was that? Ellie, did you hear that? - I heard it Manny, whatever it is is miles away. 5 00:03:32,075 --> 00:03:37,350 - Peaches, you alright? Where is she, no teenager is ever up early. 6 00:03:37,560 --> 00:03:40,560 - Nooo... easy warden, she's not on lockdown. 7 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:47,560 - You two were supposed to be responsible uncles. 8 00:03:47,570 --> 00:03:50,555 - What... I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe 15-20 minutes ago. 9 00:03:50,558 --> 00:03:52,670 - Or that she went with Louis to the falls. 10 00:03:52,690 --> 00:03:57,770 - The falls... where the deliquents go! - Relax, it's just where the kids hang out. 11 00:03:57,780 --> 00:04:02,480 - No, no... it's a gateway hangout. First it's the falls then she's pucing 12 00:04:02,483 --> 00:04:05,480 her trunk and the next thing you know she's addicted to berries. 13 00:04:05,490 --> 00:04:11,580 - Manny, you are over-reacting. She's not going to be your little girl forever. 14 00:04:11,450 --> 00:04:13,890 - I know, that's what worries me. 15 00:04:17,490 --> 00:04:18,490 - C'mon... 16 00:04:21,250 --> 00:04:25,490 Louis... would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun. 17 00:04:27,490 --> 00:04:31,105 - Ow... I'm a mole-hog, my head's supposed to be underground and my idea 18 00:04:31,107 --> 00:04:35,070 of fun isn't risking death so you can meet some cute mammoth. 19 00:04:35,075 --> 00:04:42,490 - Ethan isn't cute... he's hot. Besides you can't spend you whole life playing it safe. 20 00:04:42,495 --> 00:04:46,590 - I know I would. - Dad!! There's no reason to be mad. 21 00:04:46,720 --> 00:04:50,590 - You know how I feel about you going into the falls, especially alone. 22 00:04:50,595 --> 00:04:53,490 - Ahem... she's not alone sir. - You don't count weiner. 23 00:04:53,510 --> 00:04:56,510 - Yes, there's my place and he just put me in it... thankyou. 24 00:04:56,550 --> 00:04:59,945 - C'mon young lady we're going home where I can keep an eye on you. 25 00:05:01,650 --> 00:05:06,695 - So... should I just, um, wait here or...? 26 00:05:24,050 --> 00:05:29,725 - Yeh you don't scare me mother nature, there's nothing you can throw at me that I can't handle. 27 00:05:33,655 --> 00:05:37,640 - Whoohoo... I think we're almost there. - We better be I've just lost the steering. 28 00:05:41,885 --> 00:05:47,850 - Has anyone seen Precious, it's her feeding time. - Mum, Granny's talking about her dead pet again. 29 00:05:48,210 --> 00:05:53,725 - Hey, paws up everybody. - Paws down, Uncle... please... that is nasty. 30 00:05:58,450 --> 00:06:00,725 - Be careful Milton, you're going to hurt somebody. 31 00:06:01,350 --> 00:06:03,750 - Bad kitty... - Rock...! 32 00:06:15,275 --> 00:06:18,750 - Ok, so tell me when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys? 33 00:06:18,850 --> 00:06:22,688 - When I'm dead... plus 3 days just to make sure I'm dead. 34 00:06:40,065 --> 00:06:41,555 - Manny, are you ok...? 35 00:06:44,155 --> 00:06:47,455 - Get off... my face. 36 00:06:49,155 --> 00:06:52,555 - That was fun... now, who should I eat first? 37 00:06:58,675 --> 00:07:01,455 - Uncle Morgan, can that really be you? - Hey... hey... 38 00:07:01,475 --> 00:07:02,475 - Sorry, sorry... 39 00:07:03,475 --> 00:07:07,775 - Mum, dad... pop. Marshall... 40 00:07:07,875--> 00:07:09,265 - Hey... - Granny? 41 00:07:09,275--> 00:07:10,775 - This rump is ripe for picking. 42 00:07:11,375 --> 00:07:15,675 - Oh, my whole familiar. - See, he still hugs his parents. 43 00:07:15,695 --> 00:07:20,876 - I never thought I would see my little baby again, we've been searching everywhere for you. 44 00:07:20,880 --> 00:07:24,925 - You have? I knew it, I knew it... deep down I knew I wasn't abandoned. 45 00:07:24,935 --> 00:07:32,500 - Ahah that's incorrect, we totally abandoned you. - But... we always missed you. Right... 46 00:07:32,510 --> 00:07:41,510 - Yeh, right. Yeh, yeh, yeh... And we just knew Sid would want to see his poor dear Granny before... her time is up. 47 00:07:41,510 --> 00:07:45,510 - I'll bury y'all and dance on your grave. - So frail. 48 00:07:45,560 --> 00:07:52,560 - And she can't wait to spend time with you Sid. - Oh yeh... Granny, Granny? 49 00:07:57,560 --> 00:08:01,405 - Oww... - Granny... - I don't get to have any fun. 50 00:08:01,650 --> 00:08:04,875 - Why don't you show her your cave hmm... yeh, she could use a nap. 51 00:08:04,675 --> 00:08:10,450 - Boy, there's so much to tell you. You know a lot has happened since the last time I saw you. - Not interested. 52 00:08:10,460 --> 00:08:14,670 - But we fought dinosaurs in the Ice Age... didn't make sense but sure was exciting. 53 00:08:14,680 --> 00:08:18,160 - We're getting rid of the crazy wretch, lets go... 54 00:08:20,875 --> 00:08:24,460 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't just leave Sid'll be crushed. Whoa, whoa... 55 00:08:24,463 --> 00:08:29,750 - Sorry cookie things are breaking apart back home. - Nope, we're headed inland and Granny is just dead weight. 56 00:08:29,725 --> 00:08:30,543 - See ya. 57 00:08:32,483 --> 00:08:36,545 - And warn the community... she tends to wander. 58 00:08:37,263 --> 00:08:39,563 - Well that explains a lot about Sid. 59 00:08:39,843 --> 00:08:42,903 - Mum... dad do you have Granny's teeth, she can't find'em. 60 00:08:47,186 --> 00:08:49,613 - Hey, can you chew this thing for me? 61 00:08:50,880 --> 00:08:53,753 - Guys... where is everyone? - I'll handle this. 62 00:08:55,850 --> 00:09:00,520 Sid... your family was wiped out by an asteroid... sorry. 63 00:09:00,535 --> 00:09:06,875 - What... - Ahem... what Diego is trying to say is... they left. 64 00:09:07,375 --> 00:09:10,580 They only wanted to find you so you could take care of Granny. 65 00:09:10,615 --> 00:09:15,525 - Oh c'mon, c'mon what kind of sick family would ditch their old Granny with someone... 66 00:09:15,745 --> 00:09:27,445 that's just crazy... that's just... that's just... my family. - At least you still have Granny, right buddy. 67 00:09:27,455 --> 00:09:33,645 - Yeh... Granny. Granny...? Granny...? Wow, for an old girl she moves fast. 68 00:09:38,545 --> 00:09:41,545 Granny... - Granny... - Granny. 69 00:09:41,585 --> 00:09:43,585 - Come out, come out wherever you are. - C'mon Granny. 70 00:09:43,605 --> 00:09:51,605 - Here Granny, Granny... Granny... Granny... I have prunes for ya. Just the way ya like them... Blehh... 71 00:09:52,385 --> 00:09:59,455 - I... don't want to see that... Huh...? Oh no... 72 00:09:59,585 --> 00:10:04,505 - What if you dad finds out, I'm not as tough as I look. - Wait, sshhtt... do you hear that? 73 00:10:12,890 --> 00:10:14,118 - Go long... 74 00:10:19,878 --> 00:10:20,958 - Hey look, there's Ethan. 75 00:10:21,408 --> 00:10:24,470 - Yaay.... Ethan... You go boy.... 76 00:10:28,875 --> 00:10:29,470 - Yehh... 77 00:10:32,408 --> 00:10:34,408 - See... fun, no danger. 78 00:10:35,678 --> 00:10:37,158 - Check me out. 79 00:10:44,408 --> 00:10:47,950 - I'm sure he's fine. - I'm completely not... fine. 80 00:10:49,650 --> 00:10:54,890 I did not just do that, that was crazy. - Nice... 81 00:10:58,408 --> 00:11:03,408 - Isn't he perfect. - Perfect... ehhh it, it's such a strong word, maybe adequate. 82 00:11:03,650--> 00:11:06,768 - Who are we stalking, is it Ethan? - I bet it's Ethan. - Ok... we know... 83 00:11:06,888 --> 00:11:09,425 - What are you guys doing here? - Manny told us to keep an eye on you. 84 00:11:09,430 --> 00:11:16,408 - But not to let you see us under any circumstances. - Ohh... Stupid, stupid, stupid... stupid... 85 00:11:16,608 --> 00:11:21,745 - Ok, I'm going for it. Do I look ok?... Louis. 86 00:11:23,175 --> 00:11:25,658 - Ok doesn't even begin to cover it. 87 00:11:25,728 --> 00:11:30,055 - Oh Louis, you're the greatest friend ever.... 88 00:11:32,428 --> 00:11:33,708 - Thats me. 89 00:11:34,408 --> 00:11:41,828 - Hi Ethan, my name's Peaches... what's yours? Oooh, what am I doing. Ok just be cool, just be cool... 90 00:11:47,125 --> 00:11:49,208 - Yep hoho, that's intense. 91 00:11:54,858 --> 00:12:01,115 - No, no, no... noooo.... 92 00:12:03,885 --> 00:12:06,545 - Gross, it's that weirdo that chills with possums. 93 00:12:07,875 --> 00:12:16,545 - Whoa, what just happened? - Oh no, Ethan I am so sorry I... Wow... even better looking up close, phenomenal, I mean... 94 00:12:17,445 --> 00:12:18,955 - You have a twin sister? 95 00:12:19,445 --> 00:12:22,445 - Am I interrupting something? - Dad. 96 00:12:22,545 --> 00:12:23,545 - Oh boy. Ok... - Sorry, I just... 97 00:12:23,550 --> 00:12:26,545 - Wait... - No, you go... - Move back, good... 98 00:12:26,745 --> 00:12:29,645 - You, keep away from my daughter. - Dad, nothing... 99 00:12:29,648 --> 00:12:31,345 - And you, you're grounded. - But I didn't... 100 00:12:31,375 --> 00:12:33,545 - Grounded... - Loser alert... 101 00:12:34,445 --> 00:12:39,345 - Seriously, that's embarrassing... - What a freak... 102 00:12:41,345 --> 00:12:42,345 - Peaches. 103 00:12:44,145 --> 00:12:48,100 Awww.... Peaches c'mon lets talk about this. 104 00:12:48,145 --> 00:12:53,645 - How could you embarrass me in front of my friends. - You deliberately went where you weren't supposed to. 105 00:12:54,485 --> 00:12:59,145 - You can't control my life. - I'm trying to protect you. That's what fathers do. 106 00:12:59,155 --> 00:13:02,580 - Well... I wish you weren't my father. 107 00:13:05,380 --> 00:13:07,570 - She's just upset honey. 108 00:13:07,580 --> 00:13:09,620 Peaches it's not the end of the world. 109 00:13:15,380 --> 00:13:18,760 - Whoa, excuse me. - I don't think that was you. 110 00:13:23,380 --> 00:13:29,180 - Oh what was that? - I don't know. Stay there... I'll come to you. 111 00:13:38,380 --> 00:13:40,080 Ellie... - Manny... 112 00:13:41,880 --> 00:13:42,380 No... 113 00:13:45,380 --> 00:13:46,880 - Dad. - Peaches, get back. 114 00:13:55,380 --> 00:13:57,480 - Hurry dad hurry, hurry. - Manny. 115 00:13:58,380 --> 00:13:59,780 - Diego... - You never would have made it. 116 00:14:13,575 --> 00:14:16,645 - Ellie, behind you. - What's happening? 117 00:14:21,375 --> 00:14:24,775 - Go to the land-bridge, you'll be safe on the other side. 118 00:14:24,800 --> 00:14:27,745 - No Manny, no. - I'll meet you there. 119 00:14:39,545 --> 00:14:46,175 - Manny...... No... - Ellie, you have to get out of here. Go! Go now! 120 00:14:59,375 --> 00:15:01,455 - Mum... - Get back... get back. 121 00:15:27,885 --> 00:15:28,885 - Daddy.... 122 00:15:31,215 --> 00:15:38,475 - Stay alive. No matter how long it takes... I will find you. 123 00:15:39,275 --> 00:15:45,280 - Mum, this is all my fault. If I'd just... - Peaches this is not your fault, ok. 124 00:15:45,285--> 00:15:48,175 - What if I never see him again and the last thing we did was fight. 125 00:15:48,480--> 00:15:52,675 - Hey... your father is the toughest most stubborn mammoth that I have ever met. 126 00:15:52,680--> 00:15:55,875 He'll come back for us... that's a promise. 127 00:16:02,280 --> 00:16:04,480 - C'mon, help me turn this thing around. 128 00:16:14,280 --> 00:16:21,680 - Everyone, please settle down... don't panic. - Wait mum, where's Louis, we have to find him. 129 00:16:23,155 --> 00:16:24,335 - Ok... fast. 130 00:16:32,425 --> 00:16:34,434 - They need me, we've gotta get back. 131 00:16:34,436 --> 00:16:37,680 - Buddy this thing's too big to turn, the current's pulling us out. 132 00:16:37,690 --> 00:16:41,845 - You know, my mother once told me that bad news was just good news in disguise. 133 00:16:41,860 --> 00:16:43,680 - Was this before she abandoned you? 134 00:16:43,695 --> 00:16:51,580 - Yes it was... but the point being that even though things look bad there's a rainbow 'round every corner. 135 00:16:51,682 --> 00:16:55,450 It's nothing but smooth sailing ahead.... 136 00:16:58,880 --> 00:17:00,685 - Smooth sailing Sid? 137 00:17:08,870 --> 00:17:10,870 - Louis... Louis... - Louis... 138 00:17:10,880 --> 00:17:12,470 - Weiner... - Weiner... 139 00:17:12,495 --> 00:17:13,870 - Weiner... - Weiner... 140 00:17:14,370 --> 00:17:17,570 - Louis where are you, come on we have to go. 141 00:17:23,370 --> 00:17:25,370 - Louis. - Peaches. 142 00:17:28,165 --> 00:17:33,370 - Louis, you have to jump. - No, no... save yourselves. 143 00:17:33,385 --> 00:17:36,570 - We're not leaving without you - I'll think on this. 144 00:17:36,630 --> 00:17:37,370 - Jump... 145 00:17:43,175 --> 00:17:45,650 - This is why I travel underground. 146 00:17:53,075 --> 00:17:57,270 - Thanks for coming back. - What do you mean, you don't leave a friend behind. 147 00:17:58,025 --> 00:18:02,895 - Great, lets go. That wall is going to keep moving and crush us. 148 00:18:03,120 --> 00:18:05,850 We need to get to the land-bridge. Any questions? 149 00:18:05,890 --> 00:18:08,620 - Ooh Ooh... - Yes? 150 00:18:08,870 --> 00:18:12,875 - When you drink water through your trunk does it taste like boogers? 151 00:18:13,370 --> 00:18:16,670 - Ahhh.... no... well sometimes. Lets move. 152 00:18:31,170 --> 00:18:36,412 - Just keep your eye on the horizon. - I can't find the horizon. 153 00:18:43,170 --> 00:18:44,770 - Whoa... - Holy crab...! 154 00:18:59,050 --> 00:19:00,175 Hold me... 155 00:19:02,155 --> 00:19:07,470 If I don't make it, find me a wife and tell her I love her.... 156 00:19:17,240 --> 00:19:22,860 We made it. Come on ocean, is that the best you can do... am I right buddy? 157 00:19:38,325 --> 00:19:41,770 Hey... there really is a rainbow around every corner. 158 00:19:58,127 --> 00:19:59,127 - Peaches.....! 159 00:20:06,358 --> 00:20:09,658 You ok? - I'm just so worried about my dad. 160 00:20:09,670 --> 00:20:14,085 - Listen, we're gonna get to him. At this pace we'll stay ahead of the wall and we'll 161 00:20:14,088 --> 00:20:19,578 make it to the land-bridge before you know it. We're all gonna survive this. 162 00:20:24,478 --> 00:20:27,778 Ok, maybe they won't but everyone else... totally fine. 163 00:20:49,478 --> 00:20:50,985 - We're still heading away from home. 164 00:20:55,478 --> 00:20:59,478 - Yeh but we survived and we still have each other. Things could be worse... right. 165 00:20:59,478 --> 00:21:03,478 - For once, he's actually right. We made it through storms and tidal-waves 166 00:21:03,482 --> 00:21:08,478 and a vicious assortment of seafood... what more can they hit us with? 167 00:21:09,095 --> 00:21:09,810 Oww.... 168 00:21:13,262 --> 00:21:17,582 Hello.... What the...? - Dag nabit, I'm trying to sleep. 169 00:21:17,586 --> 00:21:21,795 - Granny... you're alive. - And can we say how thrilled we are to see you. 170 00:21:22,245 --> 00:21:25,795 - Hey fats, you wanna get me out of here.... - Whoo. 171 00:21:26,685 --> 00:21:30,895 - Hey... pretend I'm a dessert... that should motivate you. 172 00:21:34,275 --> 00:21:36,885 - I can't believe this... you slept through that storm. 173 00:21:37,495 --> 00:21:40,495 - Aaahh, I slept through the comet that killed the unicorn. 174 00:21:42,435 --> 00:21:45,705 Thanks for drawin' my bath Sidney. - Granny, grab my paw. 175 00:21:46,075 --> 00:21:48,705 - No way, this is my first bath in decades. 176 00:21:51,775 --> 00:21:53,125 - There's your proof. 177 00:21:53,325 --> 00:21:55,625 - Quick, somebody do something. 178 00:21:59,325 --> 00:22:01,440 I got you Granny. - Get off'a me. 179 00:22:03,655 --> 00:22:04,375 - Granny... 180 00:22:09,035 --> 00:22:12,725 - What are you peepin' toms all lookin' at? Lady can't take a bath in peace. 181 00:22:12,925 --> 00:22:14,625 I'll wallop you with a wallop you... 182 00:22:15,325 --> 00:22:17,725 - What's the life expectancy of a female sloth? 183 00:22:17,875 --> 00:22:23,565 - Oh , she'll outlive us all you know that, right. Yeh, the spiteful ones live the longest. 184 00:24:36,315 --> 00:24:46,425 - How big is this ocean? - Water, water... everywhere. Not a drop to drink. 185 00:24:47,045 --> 00:24:48,755 Uh, except maybe that drop. 186 00:24:52,425 --> 00:24:55,988 Hmm that's a little.... salty... 187 00:24:56,105 --> 00:25:02,765 - Precious... mummy's calling you... Precious... Precious sweety... 188 00:25:03,155 --> 00:25:05,325 Hey lady... have you seen Precious? 189 00:25:05,335 --> 00:25:10,825 - If you mean the imaginary or perhaps deceased pet that you keep searching for... No... I haven't. 190 00:25:11,425 --> 00:25:16,955 - Guys, look... where there's birds there's land, right? - Hey buddy, come here. 191 00:25:19,215 --> 00:25:21,055 - No wait, wait... come back. 192 00:25:22,715 --> 00:25:23,780 Come back. 193 00:25:35,265 --> 00:25:45,465 - It's a huge bounty Capitan, four passengers ripe for the taking. One very smelly and one very plump. 194 00:25:45,470 --> 00:25:53,665 - In my ocean... what a terrible turn of events. I love a terrible turn of events. 195 00:26:05,250 --> 00:26:07,875 - Am I hallucinating or is that ice coming straight towards us. 196 00:26:07,885 --> 00:26:11,470 - Yeh, yeh, it's coming. It sounds like there's animals on it. 197 00:26:11,670 --> 00:26:14,470 - Yippee... we're being rescued, we're being rescued. 198 00:26:14,570 --> 00:26:16,470 - I hear laughter. 199 00:26:16,570 --> 00:26:18,470 - Oooh, must be a party cruise. 200 00:26:43,330 --> 00:26:46,470 - Hey, they look fluffy. - I get the big woolly one. 201 00:26:51,370 --> 00:26:52,570 - Wow... 202 00:26:54,470 --> 00:26:59,755 - Get ready to slice and dice boys. - Knock it off Squint, wait for Captains' orders. 203 00:26:59,875 --> 00:27:09,925 - Ahoy down there... how lucky are you. Do you know these waters are infested with pirates, right boys... 204 00:27:10,225 --> 00:27:12,185 Glad we found you before they did. 205 00:27:14,875 --> 00:27:17,270 Captain Gutt here to help. 206 00:27:17,485 --> 00:27:20,260 - You know, that's a nice monkey. 207 00:27:25,115 --> 00:27:28,570 - Look, we don't want any trouble. We just need to get back to the continent. 208 00:27:28,575 --> 00:27:31,650 - The continent... that pile of rubble... 209 00:27:35,025 --> 00:27:37,285 - My family's there so if you could just... 210 00:27:37,290 --> 00:27:45,470 - Awww, your family... that is so sweet. I hope you said goodbye because there's no way back. 211 00:27:45,735 --> 00:27:50,470 - Yes there is... don't you remember Captain. You can sail to Switchback Cove 212 00:27:50,475 --> 00:27:54,570 and catch a current back from there. Haha, steel-trap this noggin' is... 213 00:27:54,640 --> 00:27:57,575 - Hahaha... thankyou Mr. Flynn. - Oww..... 214 00:27:58,475 --> 00:28:02,445 - See, I knew there was a way home. - There is no home... 215 00:28:04,180 --> 00:28:09,680 ...there is only here and here, your ship belongs to me... 216 00:28:11,180 --> 00:28:12,710 Battle Stations...!! 217 00:28:18,380 --> 00:28:19,655 - Fly the Colours...!! 218 00:28:22,745 --> 00:28:26,775 Now surrender your ship or face my fury. 219 00:28:26,780 --> 00:28:31,410 - Or face your furry what? - Not furry... fury. 220 00:28:31,417 --> 00:28:32,215 Fire! 221 00:28:36,380 --> 00:28:38,120 - Hit the mast... win a prize. 222 00:28:41,065 --> 00:28:44,380 - Fire the starboard cannon. - I... love... this... job...! 223 00:28:44,480 --> 00:28:47,120 - Shira... fetch. - Aye, aye, Captain. 224 00:28:51,380 --> 00:28:54,470 - Aww, you almost made it. - I don't fight girls. 225 00:28:57,880 --> 00:28:59,780 - Huhhuh... I can see why. 226 00:29:00,320 --> 00:29:01,455 - Belly-flop... 227 00:29:04,875 --> 00:29:06,355 - Lets rumba tiny... 228 00:29:07,325 --> 00:29:09,255 - Lights out big-fella... 229 00:29:25,216 --> 00:29:26,015 - Hello. 230 00:29:26,426 --> 00:29:29,756 - Hey buddy... welcome to the party. 231 00:29:32,480 --> 00:29:35,480 - Lets see what kinda moves you got. Dance little scrab-fish. 232 00:29:35,895 --> 00:29:37,288 - Dodge the coconut ball... 233 00:29:38,380 --> 00:29:40,750 - Happy days.... Oohmm... 234 00:29:43,480 --> 00:29:44,780 Oohh... look at him. 235 00:29:46,380 --> 00:29:50,480 Where's my booty, has anyone seen it? - Flynn, it's right behind you. 236 00:29:50,650 --> 00:29:55,480 - Where? Where's my booty. I can't see it. - Yuk... it's all I can see. 237 00:29:56,050 --> 00:29:59,480 - Ooh, this is a lovely vacation... best I've ever had. 238 00:30:00,070 --> 00:30:05,550 - Mornin' sunshine... let me be the first to extend a hand of friendship. 239 00:30:06,250 --> 00:30:10,550 - That's your foot. - Hohoho... nothing gets by you, does it. 240 00:30:10,650 --> 00:30:11,850 - What do you want? 241 00:30:11,450 --> 00:30:17,550 - I bet you're feeling lost... scared... confused. Allow me to explain. 242 00:30:17,555 --> 00:30:21,650 Help me out boys... - Oooh, Captains' going to sing a shanty... 243 00:30:38,550 --> 00:30:40,110 - Aye, aye, Captain Gutts... 244 00:30:49,410 --> 00:30:50,510 - Aww... jeeez... 245 00:31:12,410 --> 00:31:20,750 - Kill them? Hoho, me? No, no... well, at least not this very large, useful mammoth. 246 00:31:20,875 --> 00:31:22,720 - Hey, hands off. - Anyway... 247 00:31:40,420 --> 00:31:41,540 - We really should be leaving... 248 00:31:42,420 --> 00:31:43,410 - We gotta get going... 249 00:31:44,560 --> 00:31:45,650 - How I wish we could be staying... 250 00:31:52,250 --> 00:31:53,220 - Oh please... 251 00:31:59,560 --> 00:32:01,210 - Good shanty sir... 252 00:32:01,755 --> 00:32:08,430 Captain Gutt... really? You know, I have a little paunch too but ahh... I wouldn't name myself after it. 253 00:32:09,410 --> 00:32:13,410 - Thats funny... you're a funny guy. But that's not how I got my name... 254 00:32:14,410 --> 00:32:16,410 These... got me my name. 255 00:32:17,210 --> 00:32:23,410 - I don't get it. - No? Ok, let me give you a visual aid. I just gently press here... 256 00:32:23,510 --> 00:32:27,885 - It tickles. - And go down like this... 257 00:32:28,410 --> 00:32:31,560 - And then your innards become your outs... 258 00:32:32,880 --> 00:32:34,885 - Um, I still don't get it. 259 00:32:34,905 --> 00:32:43,650 - Look, as much as I'm tempted to join a monkey, the Easter Bunny and a giant bag of pudding... I'll pass. 260 00:32:44,175 --> 00:32:46,670 No one's gonna stop me getting back to my family. 261 00:32:47,410 --> 00:32:49,465 - I'm gonna lambado your liver buddy. 262 00:32:50,650 --> 00:32:51,340 Let me at him. 263 00:32:53,410 --> 00:33:00,685 - That family is going to be the death of you. First mate, jettison the dead weight. 264 00:33:00,770 --> 00:33:03,410 - Aye, aye sir. Prepare the plank - Prepare the plank. 265 00:33:04,410 --> 00:33:05,410 - Preparing the plank. 266 00:33:07,230 --> 00:33:10,410 - Heh... - Ow.... What, you want me to walk into the water? 267 00:33:10,510 --> 00:33:14,410 I can't because I ate less than 20 mins ago and you know the rule. 268 00:33:14,470 --> 00:33:17,550 - That's a myth... - Oh ok, as long as it's safe. 269 00:33:20,410 --> 00:33:22,410 - Wait... - Thank goodness. 270 00:33:22,560 --> 00:33:24,350 - Dump the wench too... 271 00:33:25,560 --> 00:33:29,710 Ladies first. - Such a nice boy. 272 00:33:29,870 --> 00:33:33,640 Why can't you be more like him Sidney. - Granny... no, wait... 273 00:33:35,675 --> 00:33:38,525 - Manny... get me to the vine. 274 00:33:39,825 --> 00:33:41,135 - Yeh, yeh, got it. 275 00:33:43,575 --> 00:33:48,475 - Hmmhmmhmm... hmhmhm. you'all got some ugly goldfish. 276 00:33:50,055 --> 00:33:51,575 - C'mon, a little bit more. 277 00:33:58,265 --> 00:33:59,575 - Hmm? No...! 278 00:34:03,065 --> 00:34:06,575 - Take that mammoth. - Go on Manny, kick that monkeys' butt... 279 00:34:07,125 --> 00:34:13,475 - Look at you, 11 tons of land-lubber flubber. - Hey, I'm not fat... I'm poomfy... 280 00:34:13,485 --> 00:34:18,485 - Too bad tubby... I could have used you. - Ain't gonna happen Captain. 281 00:34:26,256 --> 00:34:29,476 - I got you Granny. - Giddee up, lets go. 282 00:34:36,245 --> 00:34:37,685 - Can anyone have bounties. 283 00:34:43,455 --> 00:34:45,325 - No, my bounty... 284 00:35:02,085 --> 00:35:05,485 - They sank our battleship, what are we gonna do... we're all gonna drown. 285 00:35:07,085 --> 00:35:11,285 - You're a sea creature you idiot. - Oh... Quite... sir. 286 00:35:12,485 --> 00:35:14,485 - Should I flag a white Captain? - No...! 287 00:35:15,485 --> 00:35:17,485 - Wait, what about Shira? - What about her. 288 00:35:17,495 --> 00:35:22,885 - Yeh, what about her. - Anyone else want to play Captain? 289 00:35:22,890 --> 00:35:23,485 ...Good. 290 00:35:24,485 --> 00:35:26,485 - Now come on blubber-brain, swim. 291 00:35:29,421 --> 00:35:34,071 - Hey... Gutt... Flynn... anyone there? - Here, grab hold. 292 00:35:34,421 --> 00:35:38,421 - No, go away... I'd rather drown. - Whatever the lady wants. 293 00:35:43,351 --> 00:35:46,851 - I said I didn't need your help. - Your welcome... 294 00:35:46,855 --> 00:35:49,851 wassup... care to join our scurvy crew. 295 00:35:50,485 --> 00:35:55,335 - Two sloths, a mammoth and a sabre? You guys are like the start of a bad joke. 296 00:35:55,385 --> 00:35:59,485 - And we saved you... that makes you the punchline... kitty. 297 00:36:00,485 --> 00:36:03,585 - Don't... call me kitty. - Ok I won't... 298 00:36:04,875 --> 00:36:05,673 ...kitty. 299 00:36:05,880 --> 00:36:09,551 - If they kiss I'm gonna puke. - What? Wait... no... 300 00:36:31,780 --> 00:36:37,085 - I don't think we're ever going to get there? - Maybe we should rest for a few hours. 301 00:36:42,450 --> 00:36:43,480 - Night Alex... 302 00:36:52,125 --> 00:36:53,655 - I miss you dad. 303 00:36:54,895 --> 00:36:57,575 - Well that's something you don't see everyday. 304 00:36:58,175 --> 00:36:59,875 - Ethan... Hi.... 305 00:37:02,575 --> 00:37:04,075 Meant... to do that. 306 00:37:05,475 --> 00:37:09,775 - I've never seen a mammoth sleep like that. - What... No... This just helps me think. 307 00:37:10,255 --> 00:37:13,775 It gets the blood to the old noggin' and away from the old... whatever. 308 00:37:15,215 --> 00:37:18,875 - Ahh... ok, that's a little weird. 309 00:37:23,475 --> 00:37:31,675 So, how you doing... you know, with all of this. - Honestly, a little scared. Ok, a lot scared. 310 00:37:31,885 --> 00:37:39,475 Everything we knew is gone. - Yeah, I was pretty scared too. I mean, not scared... you know, like concerned. 311 00:37:39,875 --> 00:37:46,475 Hey, um, do you want to walk with me tomorrow? Try and get our minds off all of this stuff. - You want to walk with me. 312 00:37:46,705 --> 00:37:53,775 - Well, you did almost flatten me this morning so I figure it can't really go worse than that, right. - Yeah... 313 00:37:54,155 --> 00:38:01,875 - Oh, just one thing, totally no big deal but... you might want to lose the mohawk. - Louis... yeah, sure... not a problem. 314 00:38:05,475 --> 00:38:09,875 Aahhh... wow... - Someone looks happy. 315 00:38:11,175 --> 00:38:18,775 - Ethan's great isn't he. - Baby, I know you like this one but just don't let anyone change who you are, ok. 316 00:38:18,785 --> 00:38:19,675 - I know. 317 00:38:23,275 --> 00:38:24,550 - You coming up? 318 00:38:28,145 --> 00:38:33,755 - I think I'm gonna sleep down here tonight. - Ok... night baby. 319 00:38:34,555 --> 00:38:38,555 - Night mum... Night dad. 320 00:38:50,555 --> 00:38:57,555 - Hey, chew this sandwich for me. - Granny, why didn't our family want us? What's wrong with us. 321 00:38:57,575 --> 00:39:02,015 - Aaah, they think that we're screw-ups and we can't do anything right. 322 00:39:03,875 --> 00:39:05,195 - It's a rat... 323 00:39:13,095 --> 00:39:14,695 - Screw-up. - Oh Sid... 324 00:39:16,325 --> 00:39:21,990 - Never make home on this thing. - Huh well, maybe you should have thought of that before you capsized our 'berg genius. 325 00:39:22,100 --> 00:39:23,325 - Yeh, trying to escape. - Wimp... 326 00:39:23,335 --> 00:39:24,325 - Whiner... - Crybaby... 327 00:39:24,835 --> 00:39:26,945 - Land...! - Yeah, land... Wait. What? 328 00:39:26,990 --> 00:39:28,455 - Not her... there! 329 00:39:28,880 --> 00:39:29,976 Land!! 330 00:39:32,535 --> 00:39:34,765 Everyone paddle, paddle. 331 00:39:59,875 --> 00:40:04,855 - Food... Aww, I miss you so much. Look at me, I've wasted away. 332 00:40:12,455 --> 00:40:15,785 - Ok, snack time's over. We gotta build a raft. - Manny... 333 00:40:15,875 --> 00:40:21,855 - Wow, Shira must really hate building rafts. - Go get her, she can help us get back. 334 00:40:21,875 --> 00:40:22,475 - Shira... 335 00:40:46,575 --> 00:40:47,275 - Gotcha... 336 00:40:49,275 --> 00:40:49,875 Ohh.... 337 00:40:57,175 --> 00:40:59,875 - Let go of me. - Where do you think you're going? 338 00:41:00,376 --> 00:41:01,126 Whoa.... 339 00:41:02,876 --> 00:41:06,676 Switchback Cove... it's the way home. 340 00:41:08,056 --> 00:41:08,876 Oh... no... 341 00:41:09,156 --> 00:41:14,456 - You call this a ship you miserable runts? - Yeh you little runts... get to work. 342 00:41:14,460 --> 00:41:19,460 - Faster you worthless worthy sons of sorry excuses for shark-bait weevils.. 343 00:41:19,480 --> 00:41:21,460 - What did he say? - I dunno... 344 00:41:21,580 --> 00:41:27,480 - Now get this chunk of ice seaworthy by sundown or I will keel-haul the lot of you. 345 00:41:29,480 --> 00:41:33,480 - So, what do you think. - Two words... Anger... Management. 346 00:41:34,250 --> 00:41:38,410 - I'm talking about the current... Diego's right, we've found a way home. 347 00:41:40,480 --> 00:41:43,470 - Yes that's great... too bad we don't have a ship. 348 00:41:43,480 --> 00:41:45,680 - Sure we do, it's right there. 349 00:41:47,120 --> 00:41:52,480 - Well, that's a flawless plan. You want to pirate a pirate ship from pirates. 350 00:41:52,495 --> 00:41:55,780 - It pains me to say this but our prisoner has a point. 351 00:41:55,790 --> 00:42:00,310 - Yeh well... - Guys... sssshh... the trees have ears. 352 00:42:16,250 --> 00:42:19,680 - Wait a minute, maybe we can help each other. 353 00:42:21,210 --> 00:42:26,850 Hey little fellas. Hey, come on out. No, no, no. no, it's ok, we're not gonna hurt ya. 354 00:42:29,276 --> 00:42:32,480 How about you and us against the pirates, huh? 355 00:42:35,480 --> 00:42:40,480 You got no idea what I'm saying do ya. Ok, ahh... ship me want. 356 00:42:40,495 --> 00:42:44,880 - Yeah, nice try jungle-jim. - Yeh go ahead make fun ok, he got it. 357 00:42:47,480 --> 00:42:51,480 Oh... Ahh... thankyou. 358 00:42:51,575 --> 00:42:53,896 - Ah, may I try? - Yeh, knock yourself out. 359 00:42:54,870 --> 00:42:56,680 - Ok... watch this. 360 00:42:59,775 --> 00:43:02,220 Sick sloths sip broth... Sick sloths sip broth... 361 00:43:24,875 --> 00:43:25,875 - That they got...? 362 00:43:35,420 --> 00:43:40,840 - Yep... they're ready. - Great, we'll free your buddies we can all work together to kick a little pirate booty. 363 00:44:01,120 --> 00:44:04,650 - Easy kitty... water... you need it. 364 00:44:06,270 --> 00:44:08,420 - I don't need anything from you. 365 00:44:08,435 --> 00:44:14,920 - Fine, die of thirst that'll really show me. - Wait. I'll take it... thankyou. 366 00:44:15,420 --> 00:44:19,420 - You know, you have a way of saying thankyou that makes it sound like drop dead. 367 00:44:19,820 --> 00:44:23,575 - It's a gift. You're pretty soft... for a sabre. 368 00:44:23,740 --> 00:44:27,925 - Excuse me... I am not soft ok, I happen to be a remorseless assassin. 369 00:44:28,105 --> 00:44:32,885 - Diego-poo... hey, I made you another coral necklace... he keeps losing them. 370 00:44:36,520 --> 00:44:39,520 - Yeah, I think I get why I'm starting to get why you're not in a pack. 371 00:44:39,525 --> 00:44:41,520 - Listen I chose to leave my pack, alright. 372 00:44:41,530 --> 00:44:45,520 - Congratulations warrior princess, so did I. - Really? 373 00:44:46,160 --> 00:44:51,520 - What? - Nothing... I just... I know how hard that is... walking away from everthing you know. 374 00:44:51,530 --> 00:44:54,420 - Oh great... what, are we going to braid each others fur now? 375 00:44:54,650 --> 00:44:58,520 - Funny, really funny. Can I tell you the difference between you and me. 376 00:44:58,550 --> 00:44:59,920 - I won't still be wearing their necklace. 377 00:45:00,875 --> 00:45:04,380 - No. We both might have wanted out of our pack-life but at least 378 00:45:04,383 --> 00:45:07,780 I didn't trade one pack-life for another. I got something more. 379 00:45:08,383 --> 00:45:12,156 - Oh yeah... what's that. - A herd... - What's the difference? 380 00:45:12,540 --> 00:45:16,555 - We have each others backs. - Gutt has my back. I'm his First Mate. 381 00:45:16,560 --> 00:45:19,555 - Really? Because I don't see Gutt sending out any search parties for you. 382 00:45:21,445 --> 00:45:30,145 - You know you won't beat him. Your big furry friend over there, he has no idea what he's up against. - Yeah, but neither does Gutt. 383 00:45:30,315 --> 00:45:32,775 - With the vines, don't let go until we're all on board. 384 00:45:32,780 --> 00:45:36,645 Ok, we need precision timing from everyone to get that ship. 385 00:45:36,675 --> 00:45:38,865 Half-pint, you've got your end covered, right. 386 00:45:43,645 --> 00:45:45,245 I'm gonna take that as a yes. 387 00:45:45,845 --> 00:45:47,445 Diego... - I'll free his little friends. 388 00:45:47,675 --> 00:45:50,445 - Sid and Granny... - Sir, untie the ship... sir. 389 00:45:50,545 --> 00:45:56,545 - Right, unwind the vines... don't let go until we're all on board. We're relying on you Sid... you got that. 390 00:45:56,555 --> 00:46:02,155 - Yes sir, totally focussed sir. - Don't worry, it'll be easy since we don't have to guard Shira anymore. 391 00:46:07,035 --> 00:46:08,565 - We need to move... now. 392 00:46:09,255 --> 00:46:12,455 - Batten down the hatches. Brad, hoist the anchor. 393 00:46:12,885 --> 00:46:15,885 And Gumpta, fly the colours. - More sports, Captain. 394 00:46:17,105 --> 00:46:21,255 - We'll settin' sail for vengance lads. - Whoo... I love vengance. 395 00:46:22,455 --> 00:46:28,355 - Captain... - Shira... Oh what a relief, I'd thought we'd lost you. 396 00:46:28,360 --> 00:46:31,185 - The mammoth, he washed ashore with me... He's... 397 00:46:31,188 --> 00:46:37,225 - What, he's here... Did you sink your fangs into him? Did he beg for his life? 398 00:46:37,228 --> 00:46:38,975 - No, the sabre took me down. 399 00:46:39,145 --> 00:46:49,145 - Whaa... you're a failure. I need warriors and all I have are kitty cats and bunny rabbits - And a seal and a kangaroo... 400 00:46:51,245 --> 00:46:58,865 - You take the sabre down or you die trying... no excuses. - Yes Captain. 401 00:46:59,876 --> 00:47:03,965 - Mr. Squint... - Aye sir... - You're First Mate now. 402 00:47:04,465 --> 00:47:12,465 - Yohoho and a bottle of who-with-me Captain. Out of my way sailor... you answer to me now. - Gutt listen... he's coming for the... 403 00:47:12,550 --> 00:47:13,150 - Huh....? 404 00:47:48,880 --> 00:47:51,150 - Grab your weapons mates. 405 00:47:53,450 --> 00:47:57,450 - Yes... - A spoon Flynn? - No... 406 00:47:58,250 --> 00:47:59,170 - Follow me... 407 00:48:03,250 --> 00:48:05,655 - Let me at him... - Yeh, it's their turn now... 408 00:48:10,850 --> 00:48:15,610 - Guys, it's not necessary really. And yeah, I love you too. Yeah... 409 00:48:15,850 --> 00:48:19,510 - Get to the ship, don't screw up. Get to the ship, don't screw up... 410 00:48:19,650 --> 00:48:21,550 - Unwind the vines. - Don't let go. 411 00:48:21,630 --> 00:48:23,550 - Unwind the vines. - Don't let go. 412 00:48:23,665 --> 00:48:26,815 - Unwind the vines. - Don't let... oh, yummo. 413 00:48:29,450 --> 00:48:35,750 - Sid, no, it's a lolus berry, it'll paralyse you. - Oh please... I know my berries. 414 00:48:36,450 --> 00:48:45,850 - Don't.... swallow... - I'm fine, if there's one thing I know it's berries... Oh oh... 415 00:49:16,150 --> 00:49:17,650 - Yeah, finally... 416 00:49:20,120 --> 00:49:21,850 Who's the Easter bunny now. 417 00:49:28,450 --> 00:49:30,990 - It worked... he bought it. - C'mon. 418 00:49:31,175 --> 00:49:35,575 - Oh no... it's been a diversion. - Oh no... I'm having a blast. 419 00:49:35,650 --> 00:49:38,985 - No pinhead, they're stealing my ship. 420 00:49:43,450 --> 00:49:50,450 - One thing Sid... you couldn't do one thing. Look at you... Sid can you hear me. - Bye bye... 421 00:49:50,480 --> 00:49:53,320 - Say something buddy. - Whoa... 422 00:49:55,100 --> 00:49:56,125 lets go... 423 00:49:58,450 --> 00:50:02,805 - The ship... c'mon, we've got to catch it before it hits open water. 424 00:50:07,885 --> 00:50:11,365 Sorry, I'll hold you higher... Sorry... Sorry... 425 00:50:13,210 --> 00:50:15,770 - Say adieu mammoth.... - Owww... 426 00:50:17,350 --> 00:50:18,320 - Sorry buddy. 427 00:50:27,620 --> 00:50:28,790 I'm coming Sid. 428 00:50:36,140 --> 00:50:38,645 I gotya... I gotcha... gotcha... 429 00:50:45,050 --> 00:50:46,970 - I'm coming for you mammoth. 430 00:51:01,350 --> 00:51:03,350 - Diego, c'mon... 431 00:51:07,350 --> 00:51:08,670 C'mon move it. 432 00:51:20,350 --> 00:51:23,650 - Why are you doing this? - You don't understand I don't have a choice. 433 00:51:23,775 --> 00:51:28,750 - You don't have to live this was Shira... you'll be safe with us. We take care of each other. 434 00:51:28,775 --> 00:51:31,750 - Diego... I can't hold on much longer.... 435 00:51:33,776 --> 00:51:34,550 Diego... 436 00:51:34,650 --> 00:51:36,875 - Come with us... come with me. 437 00:51:50,120 --> 00:51:52,340 - What are you doing? - I've got your back... 438 00:52:16,850 --> 00:52:20,450 - So long banana breath... Thanks for the ship. 439 00:52:45,020 --> 00:52:49,770 - Oh no, he's gone forever... Oh, there he is. 440 00:52:58,450 --> 00:53:03,940 - Shore leave's over. Get your sorry carcasses on board... now. 441 00:53:15,350 --> 00:53:17,150 - Gutt, I can explain. 442 00:53:17,350 --> 00:53:25,650 - When this ends, I'll have a tiger skin hanging on my wall. I don't care who's... 443 00:53:28,875 --> 00:53:35,845 That mammoth has taken my ship, my bounty and now the loyalty of my crew. 444 00:53:35,875 --> 00:53:40,890 I will destroy him and everything he loves. 445 00:54:25,750 --> 00:54:28,280 - Wait for it... wait for it.... 446 00:54:38,350 --> 00:54:39,775 That was awesome. 447 00:54:40,170 --> 00:54:43,150 - Can I ask you guys something. How are you both so happy, 448 00:54:43,160 --> 00:54:45,650 doesn't it weigh on you that the world might be ending... 449 00:54:45,715 --> 00:54:54,125 - Can I tell him our secret?... Come here... come here... we're very, very stupid. 450 00:54:58,260 --> 00:55:06,875 - But still, you're not a tinsy bit concerned about... I don't know, say imminent death! - Beep... 451 00:55:08,200 --> 00:55:09,555 - I'm gonna go find Peaches. 452 00:55:13,450 --> 00:55:18,955 - Hey guys over here, c'mon it's a short-cut. You're gonna love this... 453 00:55:19,320 --> 00:55:21,205 - C'mon guys, lets have some fun... 454 00:55:21,450 --> 00:55:26,970 - Oooh, wow, this is so cool... it's like we're upside down. - That is amazing... 455 00:55:27,886 --> 00:55:28,750 - Echo... 456 00:55:32,350 --> 00:55:32,770 - Huh...? 457 00:55:34,310 --> 00:55:38,750 - Too bad your mohawk friend isn't here, huh. - You're not really friends with him are you? 458 00:55:38,880 --> 00:55:42,940 - Yeah, come clean Peaches. - Are you friends with that awful little rodent or not? 459 00:55:43,310 --> 00:55:50,610 - I mean Louis and I we hang out... or whatever. But no, we're not really friend friends. 460 00:55:51,024 --> 00:55:55,130 - Not friends... - Louis... I... 461 00:55:55,310 --> 00:55:56,660 - Busted... 462 00:55:58,010 --> 00:55:59,310 - I mean... 463 00:56:01,010 --> 00:56:03,980 - Good to know. - Louis... wait. 464 00:56:04,655 --> 00:56:05,260 - Oww... 465 00:56:05,450 --> 00:56:12,540 - Haha... he even runs away like a loser. - Whoa Peaches, don't stress... you're with us now. 466 00:56:12,640 --> 00:56:16,540 - Yeah, stress is so... stressful. - Yeah girl, if you want to stress it out like that... 467 00:56:26,010 --> 00:56:30,340 - Err, guys... we should get outta here. - Are you kidding, this is epic. 468 00:56:32,220 --> 00:56:32,850 - Go, go, go... 469 00:56:40,340 --> 00:56:48,880 - Yeah... - How sick was that... Yo, that was insane. Hey Peach loosen up... have some fun. 470 00:56:49,010 --> 00:56:54,550 - Fun...! You call that fun... I'm outta here, - Come on, I mean... do you really want to go back 471 00:56:54,553 --> 00:56:58,670 to hanging out with a weird mole hog for a week than getting along with us. 472 00:56:58,640 --> 00:57:00,440 - I mean, it's bad enough that your family's half possum... 473 00:57:00,465 --> 00:57:05,440 - Bad enough...? There's nothing bad about being part of my family. 474 00:57:05,450 --> 00:57:10,770 I make like hanging by my tail and if you genious's are normal the species is going to end up extinct. 475 00:57:11,450 --> 00:57:15,850 - Ah, yeah. Well your species is going to be extinct first. - Haha, Burrrnnn.... 476 00:57:16,350 --> 00:57:20,770 - We're the same species genious. - What.... double burrrnnn. 477 00:57:41,210 --> 00:57:46,550 - Hey, I can wriggle my toe again... the important one... the little piggy who went to market. 478 00:57:46,878 --> 00:57:52,550 Wait, I'm talking again. Oh, I had so many things trapped inside of me that I couldn't say 479 00:57:52,555 --> 00:57:58,750 ... like "Hey, I'm not dead..." and why'd it hurt me in the eye but not in an ear. 480 00:57:58,755 --> 00:58:01,450 - I'll push him overboard, you guys say it was an accident. 481 00:58:01,453 --> 00:58:02,445 - And why do males have nipples? 482 00:58:02,450 --> 00:58:04,450 - I'm in... how about you Diego. 483 00:58:04,670 --> 00:58:12,770 Diego... Hey relax buddy Captain Crazy and his floating petting zoo are history. C'mon, we're finally heading home. 484 00:58:12,850 --> 00:58:17,750 - I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't eat, can't sleep... Maybe I'm coming down with something. 485 00:58:17,820 --> 00:58:24,750 - Hohohoo... I know what you've got.... The "L" word. - Yeah, leprosy. 486 00:58:24,820 --> 00:58:32,485 - No Sid, no. It's four letters, starts with L ends with E. - Ahha, lice... 487 00:58:32,490 --> 00:58:38,750 - No... Diego, my friend, is in love. - Oh yeah... Love. 488 00:58:38,820 --> 00:58:44,750 - You mean with the pirate?... No. - Oh, Shira's gotten under your skin, c'mon admit it. 489 00:58:44,800 --> 00:58:48,850 - A rugged sabre like you... - A more rugged sabre like her... 490 00:58:49,005 --> 00:58:57,975 - No, no, no, you guys are dead wrong. - Denial is the clincher... You're in love pussycat. 491 00:58:58,125 --> 00:59:03,175 - Diego and Shira sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G... - K.I.S.S.I.N.G... 492 00:59:03,180 --> 00:59:05,705 - Real mature guys... real mature. 493 00:59:13,080 --> 00:59:14,430 - Diego..... 494 00:59:19,080 --> 00:59:22,880 - Diego..... - Shira....? 495 00:59:24,170 --> 00:59:30,775 - I wanted to come with you... - She's beautiful... 496 00:59:31,040 --> 00:59:38,730 - Sid... I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene. - That's me... baby. 497 00:59:39,560 --> 00:59:47,830 - Granny... come to me Granny... - Well... hello. 498 00:59:47,880 --> 00:59:56,670 - The wrinklier the resin... the sweeter the fruit. - Woo... Granny like it... Granny like it very much. 499 00:59:57,440 --> 01:00:02,430 - Huh...? Guys, guys, aren't you paying... attention... 500 01:00:02,520 --> 01:00:06,730 - Manny, are you there? - Ellie...? - We're over here Manny. 501 01:00:06,770 --> 01:00:12,660 - This way daddy. I really need you. - I know honey, stay there... 502 01:00:15,440 --> 01:00:16,430 ...I'm coming. 503 01:00:16,440 --> 01:00:19,430 - You were right Manny, you're always right. 504 01:00:19,570 --> 01:00:24,230 - No, no, look I... Wait a minute, Ellie would never say that. 505 01:00:24,535 --> 01:00:29,395 - Manny... Manny... - No, no, they're not real... they're monsters. 506 01:00:29,175 --> 01:00:36,125 They're Sirens, don't listen to them.
"Who can take the sunrise.... sprinkle it with dew"
507 01:00:38,125 --> 01:00:43,270 No, they may look real but they're not, they're going to destroy the ship. 508 01:00:43,405 --> 01:00:46,705 - Come my tiger, swim with me. 509 01:00:47,405 --> 01:00:56,995 - Sid.... I have a snack for you, uhuhbleh.... - And she cooks too. 510 01:00:58,255 --> 01:00:59,675 - Sid... no! 511 01:01:14,875 --> 01:01:18,575 - Why are we kissing? - Um... because cruises are romantic. 512 01:01:21,375 --> 01:01:23,875 - Whoo... five for seconds and we would've been goners. 513 01:01:24,875 --> 01:01:27,975 - Call me... - MmmMmm, Uhuhh... 514 01:01:44,675 --> 01:01:46,665 - Yoohoo... 515 01:02:35,465 --> 01:02:43,425 - Here girl... here Precious... - She thinks she finally found her pet. 516 01:02:44,255 --> 01:02:45,525 - Good girl... 517 01:02:46,425 --> 01:02:50,825 - Here you go... - Look Granny, can't you throw imaginary food to your imaginary pet? 518 01:02:52,425 --> 01:02:56,725 - Enough already... We need to keep a lookout for home. 519 01:02:56,735 --> 01:02:59,865 - Ignore them Precious... I do. 520 01:03:09,760 --> 01:03:11,880 - Nah, can't take your eyes off her for one minute. 521 01:03:11,890 --> 01:03:13,470 - Nope, it's like having a child... 522 01:03:15,470 --> 01:03:17,270 ...only without any of the joy. 523 01:03:17,460 --> 01:03:20,550 - Hey brains trust... brace for impact. - Huh...? 524 01:03:25,210 --> 01:03:29,455 Guys... look, we're almost home. - Buddy, I never doubted ya. 525 01:03:29,480 --> 01:03:34,660 - Me either. Well... except for the six or seven times I thought you were gonna die. 526 01:03:50,240 --> 01:03:53,695 - What's wrong sweetheart? - You ever say something you knew you couldn't take back. 527 01:03:53,880 --> 01:03:56,880 - Is this about Louis? - I messed up so bad, mum. 528 01:03:56,895 --> 01:04:03,210 - It's ok, it happens. Cute boys can whiplash a brain... no doubt about that. 529 01:04:03,340 --> 01:04:08,890 - But Ethan was the wrong guy. - And you figured it out. You'll know what to say to Louis. 530 01:04:14,490 --> 01:04:15,490 - What's going on? 531 01:04:22,090 --> 01:04:25,190 - The land-bridge... it's gone. 532 01:04:29,210 --> 01:04:30,090 - We're trapped. 533 01:04:33,040 --> 01:04:36,190 - But we were supposed to meet dad here... What are we gonna do? 534 01:04:49,875 --> 01:04:52,750 - Ellie... Peaches... 535 01:04:56,655 --> 01:05:01,060 - Oh no, the land-bridge. - But, if it's gone then how are we gonna... 536 01:05:01,065 --> 01:05:03,690 - Sid... - No... they have to be on the other side. 537 01:05:03,710 --> 01:05:12,190 - Manny, there is no other side. - They have to be here. Ellie... Peaches... I'm here... 538 01:05:13,490 --> 01:05:16,790 Please, she's gotta be here. 539 01:05:28,015 --> 01:05:29,490 Wait, wait, did you hear that? - Manny... 540 01:05:29,495 --> 01:05:31,860 - No, I... I heard something. I heard it. 541 01:05:34,870 --> 01:05:37,150 - Is that...? - Peaches... There she is. 542 01:05:38,020 --> 01:05:41,690 - Dad... - We're coming sweetie. Don't move. 543 01:05:41,450 --> 01:05:43,450 - Daddy... - Peaches... 544 01:05:45,020 --> 01:05:47,780 - Welcome home daddy... - Let go of me. 545 01:05:48,350 --> 01:05:52,350 - What the odds, we we're just talking about you. 546 01:05:52,710 --> 01:05:57,750 You like the new ship... I call her Sweet Revenge. 547 01:05:59,350 --> 01:06:02,150 - And look here, we've got ze catch-de-jour. 548 01:06:03,350 --> 01:06:07,770 - Ellie. - I'm alright. Let my daughter go. 549 01:06:09,050 --> 01:06:12,750 - It's ok, he wants me... and he's gonna get me. 550 01:06:16,350 --> 01:06:23,150 - Sacrificing yourself for your daughter... how touching... how predictable. 551 01:06:23,350 --> 01:06:25,750 Now come and get her. 552 01:06:32,050 --> 01:06:35,850 - G'day mate... - You remember us... we're the bad guys. 553 01:06:36,160 --> 01:06:43,650 - Alright, let them go. - I don't think so. You destroyed everything I had... 554 01:06:43,665 --> 01:06:45,850 I'm just returning the favour. 555 01:06:46,125 --> 01:06:47,125 - No...! 556 01:06:50,365 --> 01:06:53,465 - I warned you. - Stop...!! 557 01:06:56,365 --> 01:06:59,665 Let... the mammoth... go... - Weiner?... 558 01:06:59,800 --> 01:07:04,805 - Hoho... ohoh... who brought the muscle to the party? - Louis don't. 559 01:07:04,865 --> 01:07:09,665 - What's he doing, he's gonna get himself killed. - It's ok, I can handle him. 560 01:07:09,675 --> 01:07:16,865 - How cute, a hero... lets see what bravery gets you. Gupta, give the lad your weapon. 561 01:07:18,550 --> 01:07:20,110 - Nice knowing you kid. 562 01:07:32,455 --> 01:07:34,675 - Lets dance, hero. 563 01:07:49,255 --> 01:07:51,475 Ooowwww...!! 564 01:07:52,880 --> 01:07:55,885 Don't stand there like barnacles... get him. 565 01:07:58,025 --> 01:07:59,855 - Oi, going somewhere mate? 566 01:08:05,685 --> 01:08:06,585 - Let me at him. 567 01:08:11,575 --> 01:08:12,795 - Any last words? 568 01:08:13,095 --> 01:08:17,880 - Precious.... - Will you stop with the Precious... 569 01:08:20,880 --> 01:08:21,950 - Mummy... 570 01:08:25,185 --> 01:08:28,385 - Well, I guess we showed them... huh. - Precious... 571 01:08:28,395 --> 01:08:30,255 - That's your pet... 572 01:08:33,650 --> 01:08:36,585 Maybe that crazy old bat isn't that crazy after all. 573 01:08:39,125 --> 01:08:40,385 Nope.... she's nuts 574 01:08:40,390 --> 01:08:46,485 - You waiting for a formal invitation fancy pants... get in. - I'm gonna regret this. 575 01:08:49,385 --> 01:08:52,685 - Flags away... - Ow... 576 01:08:57,185 --> 01:08:59,145 - Don't be a scaredy cat. 577 01:09:06,385 --> 01:09:13,385 - Urrkk... thats smells worse than me. - Precious, set your nimbus 35 degrees north. Granny's done runnin'. 578 01:09:13,395 --> 01:09:16,785 - Back off. - It's ok... I'm on your side. 579 01:09:18,015 --> 01:09:19,985 - I knew you were a traitor. 580 01:09:20,185 --> 01:09:24,165 - Oh your little bunny nose wiggles in the cutist way when you're mad. 581 01:09:25,385 --> 01:09:30,385 - Your nine lives are over kitty... - Silly rabbit... piracy doesn't pay. 582 01:09:30,395 --> 01:09:31,885 - Hey, that sounds cool. 583 01:09:39,185 --> 01:09:43,985 - Yuk, anyone have a body way? - Suck it up buttercup... how's it looking? 584 01:09:46,385 --> 01:09:47,835 - Not good Granny, sir. 585 01:09:48,885 --> 01:09:52,485 - Oww... - Full steam ahead. Dive, dive, dive... 586 01:09:59,185 --> 01:10:00,555 - Fire...!! 587 01:10:02,855 --> 01:10:04,955 - Oh yeah baby... 588 01:10:08,255 --> 01:10:12,645 - Ooh... that feels so good. Oh thankyou Mr. Whale. 589 01:10:13,255 --> 01:10:14,875 - Hi Manny... - Sid..?! 590 01:10:14,883 --> 01:10:16,075 - Help... 591 01:10:19,245 --> 01:10:20,125 - Mum... 592 01:10:22,255 --> 01:10:24,875 - No Peaches I'll get your mother, you stay there. - Hurry Manny... 593 01:10:28,475 --> 01:10:32,895 - Payback time... - Manny... 594 01:10:33,275 --> 01:10:34,675 - Ellie... - I've got this dad. 595 01:10:34,695 --> 01:10:39,475 - Peaches... No... It's too dangerous. - Not if your half-possum. 596 01:10:55,445 --> 01:10:59,445 - She did it... my daughter's all grownup. 597 01:11:04,445 --> 01:11:05,955 - That's my girl... 598 01:11:09,245 --> 01:11:12,885 We need to get out of here... - Go, go, I'm right behind ya. 599 01:11:13,255 --> 01:11:17,645 - No... I'm right behind you - Dad... 600 01:11:26,875 --> 01:11:27,645 No... 601 01:11:30,245 --> 01:11:32,445 - There's nowhere to run Manny. 602 01:11:43,875 --> 01:11:47,845 You know this ocean isn't big enough for the both of us. 603 01:11:48,525 --> 01:11:52,775 - Don't worry, you won't take up much space once I flatten you. 604 01:12:06,445 --> 01:12:11,845 - Told ya chubby, you shouldn't have messed with the master of the seas 605 01:12:12,445 --> 01:12:16,445 - You know, sometimes... it pays to weigh eleven tons... 606 01:12:16,450 --> 01:12:20,675 - Nooo.... - Bon voyage.... big boy. 607 01:12:29,045 --> 01:12:31,545 - Did somebody hail a whale? 608 01:12:35,045 --> 01:12:37,665 - So, you must be Precious. 609 01:12:38,685 --> 01:12:44,225 - Mission accomplished Granny. - Ha... who says old ladies can't drive. 610 01:12:55,125 --> 01:13:01,860 - Oh Captain Gutt... - That's me... 611 01:13:01,865 --> 01:13:06,845 - Let's rule the seas together... - Aye, aye... 612 01:13:09,426 --> 01:13:12,845 Nooo.... let me out... 613 01:13:20,155 --> 01:13:21,125 - Dad... 614 01:13:23,055 --> 01:13:24,755 - How's that for an entrance. 615 01:13:30,485 --> 01:13:31,485 - Dad... 616 01:13:32,875 --> 01:13:33,785 - Manny... 617 01:13:37,485 --> 01:13:40,585 I told you your father would never give up on us. - Never... 618 01:13:44,485 --> 01:13:47,585 - Hey, I actually... Ow... 619 01:13:50,025 --> 01:13:54,345 - You know Sid, you're not such a screw-up. - Aahh... really? 620 01:13:54,385 --> 01:13:56,485 - Really!! You're a hero. 621 01:13:58,285 --> 01:14:00,785 - You too Granny. - Thanks lady. 622 01:14:01,385 --> 01:14:06,585 - So, still want me on your scurvy crew? - You bet, welcome to our herd. 623 01:14:08,885 --> 01:14:14,685 - Hey you... I can't believe you did that. Thankyou. 624 01:14:14,885 --> 01:14:19,585 - Well, someone once told me that no matter what... you never leave a friend behind. 625 01:14:21,003 --> 01:14:25,385 - All this sweetness is gonna rot my teeth... if I had any. 626 01:14:30,285 --> 01:14:33,785 - Our home is gone... Where do we go now? 627 01:14:49,125 --> 01:14:51,885 - Aww... Mumma loves you too... 628 01:15:26,005 --> 01:15:29,385 - Whoa... I can't wait to check this place out. - Yeah... 629 01:15:29,391 --> 01:15:30,385 - Excuse me... - Dad... 630 01:15:30,395 --> 01:15:36,895 - When you two get off this ship I expect you both to... have fun. - Huh...? 631 01:15:36,900 --> 01:15:39,345 - You're a brave kid weiner. - Wait...? What...? 632 01:15:39,348 --> 01:15:44,875 - You heard me... You two should go out and... and explore. Go where the day takes you... 633 01:15:45,345 --> 01:15:50,200 but be back before sunset. - An hour after sunset...? 634 01:15:50,205 --> 01:15:55,235 - Yeh, not a minute later... - Deal... I love you dad. 635 01:15:59,585 --> 01:16:02,845 - Hey, ok if we hang with you guys? - Sure. 636 01:16:03,345 --> 01:16:08,645 - I always liked him... Louis the hero. Brave-a-licious... 637 01:16:10,345 --> 01:16:14,545 - She's not my little girl anymore. - And you're both going to be just fine. 638 01:16:14,548 --> 01:16:15,675 - I know. 639 01:16:16,880 --> 01:16:26,385 - You know Sidney, you've got yourself a nice family here... A real family. - Yeh... I'm pretty lucky. 640 01:16:26,400 --> 01:16:31,745 - Here, chew this kiwi for me. - Na ahh, never again... Tadahhh... 641 01:16:31,885 --> 01:16:32,485 - Huh.... 642 01:16:37,145 --> 01:16:37,935 - Ahhh... 643 01:16:40,345 --> 01:16:41,675 - Hey, sailor... - Whoa... 644 01:17:21,215 --> 01:17:23,420 - Welcome... brother. 645 01:17:26,550 --> 01:17:27,690 Behold... 646 01:17:27,700 --> 01:17:30,690 ...Scratlantis... 647 01:18:28,270 --> 01:18:29,220 No... 648 01:18:30,190 --> 01:18:31,090 Stop... 649 01:18:32,490 --> 01:18:35,055 Brother, rise above this base desire 650 01:18:35,060 --> 01:18:38,055 more than a rodent... 650 01:18:39,000 --> 01:18:42,064 Download Movie Subtitles Searcher from
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