Monday, January 21, 2013

5 Cm

5 Cm

In movie theater: 12-12-12

Story line:
5 CM  movie is based on a bestseller novel written by Donny Dhirgantoro which has the same title as the movie '5 cm' telling about 5 best friends. They are Genta (Fedi Nuril), Zafran (Herjunot Ali), Riani (Raline Shah), Ian (Igor Saykoji), and Arial (Denny Sumargo). They have different characters. Genta the leader, the poetic one Zafran, Ian who is no day without Indomie, Arial who loves fitness but be afraid of  girl, and Riani the only girl among the five who is very attentive to all of them.

Every week for 10 years they always had their Saturday night together. No matter how close they are, this situation indeed triggers boredom. Therefore, Genta - the leader should make a decision: "they won't meet and get in touch each other for 3 months!" And for 3 months, they should pursue their delayed dreams. Especially Ian, he must finish his thesis. Among them only Ian is not graduated yet.

3 months without communication is not an easy thing for them. However, Genta had prepared a plan which they would never forget for the rest of their lives. The plan is: go hiking to the highest peak in Java Island (Indonesia)- Mahameru peak.

This movie successes to explore the beauty of Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, Sea of Cloud, and the Supreme peak of Mahameru Mountain. 



5 Cm

5 Cm

5 Cm

5 Cm

5 Cm

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