In Movie Theaters: 30 May 2013
It's a remarkable coincidence how two very different films revolving around real-life politicians shared the spoils at last week's Indonesian Film Festival awards. While the more accessible Habibie & Ainun -- a romantic drama based on former president B. J. Habibie's recollections of his life with his wife, who died in 2010 -- took three prizes, it was the stirring historical epic Sang Kiai – about Hasyim Asy'ari, the founder of the southeast Asian country's largest Islamic organization – which brought home the Best Film, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor and Best Sound Editing awards.
Indonesian Director Edwin Partners With Holland’s Lemming Film for Sex-Driven Period Feature
It's hardly a surprise that Rako Prijanto's film received such a ringing endorsement from the awards -- or maybe even the political establishment -- given that it was already Indonesia's submission for the Best Foreign Language Film category at the Academy Awards. (
Director: Rako Prijanto
Writer: Anggoro
Stars: Ikranagara, Christine Hakim, Agus Kuncoro
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